neuroanatomy 3rd Comprehensive Examination 145 - 189 Flashcards
- Thalamus

145-D. The thalamus.
- Internal capsule

146-E. The anterior limb of the internal capsule
- Putamen

147-B. The putamen.
- Caudate nucleus

148-A. The head of the caudate nucleus.
- Splenium

149-C. The splenium of the corpus callosum.
Questions 150-154
Match the descriptions in items 150-154 with the appropriate lettered structure shown in the
magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the axial section of the brain.
- Medial geniculate body

150-C. The medial geniculate body.
Questions 150-154
Match the descriptions in items 150-154 with the appropriate lettered structure shown in the
magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the axial section of the brain.
- Mesencephalon

151-B. The mesencephalon.
Questions 150-154
Match the descriptions in items 150-154 with the appropriate lettered structure shown in the
magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the axial section of the brain.
- Mamillary body

152-D. The mamillary body.
Questions 150-154
Match the descriptions in items 150-154 with the appropriate lettered structure shown in the
magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the axial section of the brain.
- Optic tract

153-E. The optic tract.
Questions 150-154
Match the descriptions in items 150-154 with the appropriate lettered structure shown in the
magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the axial section of the brain.
- Amygdala

154-A. The amygdala (amygdaloid nuclear complex).
Questions 155-159
Match the descriptions in items 155-159 with the appropriate letter shown in the magnetic res-
onance image (MRI) of the midsagittal section of the brain.
- Pineal gland

155-C. The pineal gland (epiphysis).
Questions 155-159
Match the descriptions in items 155-159 with the appropriate letter shown in the magnetic res-
onance image (MRI) of the midsagittal section of the brain.
- Hypophysis

156-E. The hypophysis (pituitary gland).
Questions 155-159
Match the descriptions in items 155-159 with the appropriate letter shown in the magnetic res-
onance image (MRI) of the midsagittal section of the brain.
- Mesencephalon

157-D. The mesencephalon (midbrain).
Questions 155-159
Match the descriptions in items 155-159 with the appropriate letter shown in the magnetic res-
onance image (MRI) of the midsagittal section of the brain.
- Thalamus

158-B. The thalamus.
Questions 155-159
Match the descriptions in items 155-159 with the appropriate letter shown in the magnetic res-
onance image (MRI) of the midsagittal section of the brain.
- Fornix

159-A. The fornix.
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure
- right third-nerve palsy

160-J. A right third-nerve palsy with complete ptosis. The ptosis results from paralysis of the
levator palpebrae muscle.
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Destructive lesion of the right frontal

161-1. A destructive lesion of the frontal eye fields results in a deviation of the eyes toward the
lesion. An irritative lesion results in deviation of the eyes away from the lesion
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Argyll Robertson pupil
162-H. The Argyll Robertson pupil is characterized by irregular miotic pupils that do not re-
spond to light, but do converge in response to accommodation. It is a sign of tertiary syphilis.
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Right fourth-nerve palsy

163-G. Aright fourth-nerve palsy is characterized by the inability of the patient to depress the
glove from the adducted position.
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Parinaud syndrome

164-F. Parinaud syndrome is characterized by the inability to perform upward or downward
conjugate gaze and may be associated with ptosis and pupillary abnormalities.
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Right sixth-nerve palsy

165-E. Aright sixth-nerve palsy is characterized by the inability to abduct the eye.
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Left third-nerve palsy

166-D. A third-nerve palsy is characterized by a down-and-out eye, a complete ptosis, and a di-
lated (blown) pupil. The lid was retracted to view the pupil.
- Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO)

167-C. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) results from a lesion of one or both medial longitu- dinal fasciculi (MLFs). Transection of the right MLF results in a medial rectus palsy on attempted lateral gaze to the left. Convergence is normal, and nystagmus is seen in the abducting eye.
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Horner syndrome

168-B. Horner syndrome consists of miosis, mild ptosis, hemianhidrosis, and enophthalmos. It
results from a loss of sympathetic input to the head
Questions 160-169
Match the descriptions in items 160-169 with the appropriate diagnoses shown in the figure.
- Retrobulbar neuritis

169-A. Retrobulbar neuritis is an inflammation of the optic nerve that reduces the light-carrying
ability of the nerve. This condition can be diagnosed by the swinging flashlight test. Light shown
into the normal eye results in constriction of both pupils. Swinging the flashlight to the affected
eye results in a dilated pupil in both eyes. This pupil is called an afferent, or Marcus Gunn, pupil.
Questions 170-174
The response options for items 170—174 are the
same. You will be required to select one answer
for each item in the set.
(A) Diabetes insipidus
(B) Hyperthermia
(C) Hyperphagia and savage behavior
(D) Inability to thermoregulate
(E) Anorexia
Match each defect below with the condition it
best describes.
- Bilateral lesions of the ventromedial hy-
pothalamic nucleus
170-C. A bilateral lesion of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus results in hyperphagia and
savage behavior.
Questions 170-174
The response options for items 170—174 are the
same. You will be required to select one answer
for each item in the set.
(A) Diabetes insipidus
(B) Hyperthermia
(C) Hyperphagia and savage behavior
(D) Inability to thermoregulate
(E) Anorexia
Match each defect below with the condition it
best describes
- Bilateral lesions of the posterior hypothal-
amic nuclei
171-D. A bilateral lesion of the posterior hypothalamic nucleus results in the inability to ther-
moregulate (poikilothermia). Bilateral destruction of only the posterior aspect of the lateral hy-
pothalamic nucleus results in anorexia and emaciation.
Questions 170-174
The response options for items 170—174 are the
same. You will be required to select one answer
for each item in the set.
(A) Diabetes insipidus
(B) Hyperthermia
(C) Hyperphagia and savage behavior
(D) Inability to thermoregulate
(E) Anorexia
Match each defect below with the condition it
best describes.
- Lesions involving the supraoptic and para-
ventricular nuclei
172-A. Lesions involving the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei or the supraopticohy-
pophyseal tract result in diabetes insipidus with polydipsia and polyuria.
Questions 170-174
The response options for items 170—174 are the
same. You will be required to select one answer
for each item in the set.
(A) Diabetes insipidus
(B) Hyperthermia
(C) Hyperphagia and savage behavior
(D) Inability to thermoregulate
(E) Anorexia
Match each defect below with the condition it
best describes.
- Destruction of the anterior hypothalamic
173-B. Destruction of the anterior hypothalamic nuclei results in hyperthermia.
Questions 170-174
The response options for items 170—174 are the
same. You will be required to select one answer
for each item in the set.
(A) Diabetes insipidus
(B) Hyperthermia
(C) Hyperphagia and savage behavior
(D) Inability to thermoregulate
(E) Anorexia
Match each defect below with the condition it
best describes.
- Stimulation of the ventromedial nuclei
174-E. Stimulation of the ventromedial nuclei (VMNs) inhibits the urge to eat, resulting in ema-
ciation (cachexia). Destruction of the VMNs results in hyperphagia and savage behavior.
Questions 175-182
Match the descriptions in items 175-182 with the appropriate lettered structure in the figure
- Stimulation of this area results in turn-
ing the eyes and head to the contralateral side

175-H. Stimulation of the frontal eye field (Brodmann area 8) results in turning of the eyes and
head to the contralateral side.
Questions 175-182
Match the descriptions in items 175-182 with the appropriate lettered structure in the figure
- A lesion here results in nonfluent, effort-
ful, telegraphic speech

176-G. A lesion of the Broca speech area (Brodmann areas 44, 45) results in nonfluent, effort-
ful, and telegraphic speech, as well as Broca aphasia.
- Ablation in this area results in a con-
tralateral upper homonymous quadrantanopia

177-F. Ablation of the anterior one-third of the temporal lobe interrupts the loop of Meyer, which
projects to the lingual gyrus (the lower bank of the calcarine fissure). The lower bank of the cal-
carine fissure represents the upper visual field. This lesion results in a contralateral upper
homonymous quadrantanopia—”pie in the sky.”
- A lesion here results in fluent speech with
paraphrasic errors (e.g., non sequiturs, neolo-
gisms, driveling speech)

178-E. A lesion destroying the Wernicke area (Brodmann 22) is called Wernicke aphasia, which
is characterized by poor comprehension, fluent speech, poor repetition, and paraphasic errors
[non sequiturs, neologisms, and driveling speech (meaningless double talk)].
- A lesion of this area is characterized by
finger agnosia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and

179-D. This constellation of dominant hemispheric deficits results from destruction of the an-
gular gyrus (Brodmann area 39). Called Gerstmann syndrome, it is characterized by left-right
confusion, finger agnosia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and a homonymous contralateral
lower quadrantanopia.
- Destruction of this area results in an
aphasia characterized by fluent speech, good
comprehension, and poor repetition

180-C. A lesion of the supramarginal gyrus (Brodmann area 40) or of the arcuate fasciculus re-
sults in a conduction aphasia characterized by fluent speech, good comprehension, poor repeti-
tion, and paraphrasic speech (fluently spoken jargon-like Wernicke aphasia) and writing.
- Lesions in this gyrus result in contralat-
eral astereognosis

181-B. Lesions of the postcentral gyrus, sensory strip, Brodmann area 3, 1, 2) result in con-
tralateral astereognosia, hemihypesthesia, and agraphesthesia.
- Lesions in this gyrus result in contralat-
eral spasticity

182-A. Lesions of the precentral gyrus, motor strip, (Brodmann area 4) result in contralateral
spastic hemiparesis with pyramidal signs.
- In thiamine (vitamin B^) deficiency, hem
orrhagic lesions are found in this structure
183-G. In thiamine (vitamin Bt) deficiency, hemorrhagic lesions are found in the mamillary bodies.
- Bilateral lesions in this structure result
in hyperphagia, hypersexuality, and psychic
blindness (visual agnosia)
184-F. Bilateral lesions of the amygdala result in Kliiver-Bucy syndrome, with hyperphagia, hy-
persexuality, and psychic blindness (visual agnosia).
- Infarction (due to cardiac arrest) of this
area results in short-term memory loss
185-E. Bilateral damage to the parahippocampal gyri and the underlying hippocampal forma-
tion results in severe loss of short term memory (e.g., hypoxia, hypoxemia, and herpes simplex
virus encephalitis).
- Lesions of this area result in a lower
homonymous quadrantanopia
186-D. Lesions of the cuneus interrupt the visual radiations en route to the upper bank of the
calcarine fissure, which represents the inferior visual field quadrants.
- Bilateral transection of this structure
may result in the acute amnestic syndrome
187-C. The fornix (a limbic structure) interconnects the septal area and the hippocampal for-
mation. Bilateral transection of this structure may result in an acute amnestic syndrome.
- Lesion of this area results in a contralat-
eral extensor plantar reflex and ankle clonus
188-B. The motor strip for the foot is in the anterior paracentral lobule on the medial aspect of
the hemisphere. A lesion here results in a contralateral hemiparesis of the foot and leg with pyra-
midal signs.
- Ablation of this area may result in akine-
sia, mutism, apathy, and indifference to pain
189-A. Ablation of the cingulate gyrus (cingulectomies) has been used to treat psychotic and
neurotic patients.