CHAPTER 16 Flashcards
1. Which of the following thalamic nuclei has a motor function? (A) Lateral dorsal nucleus (B) Mediodorsal nucleus (C) Ventral lateral nucleus (D) Ventral posterior nucleus (E) Lateral posterior nucleus
l-C. The ventral lateral nucleus receives motor input from the extrapyramidal (striatal) motor
system (globus pallidus and substantia nigra) and from the cerebellum (dentate nucleus).
2. Spinothalamic fibers project to which of the following thalamic nuclei? (A) Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus (B) Pulvinar (C) Ventral anterior nucleus (D) Ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus (E) Anterior nucleus
2-D. Spinothalamic fibers project to the ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus, which receives the
medial lemniscus.
3. Cerebellar fibers project to which of the fol- lowing thalamic nuclei? (A) Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus (B) Lateral dorsal nucleus (C) Lateral posterior nucleus (D) Ventral lateral nucleus (E) Anterior nucleus
3-D. Cerebellar fibers (dentatocerebellar) project to the ventral lateral and ventral posterolat-
eral (VPL) nuclei, which project to the motor cortex (area 4).
- The globus pallidus projects to which set of
thalamic nuclei?
(A) Centromedian, ventral anterior, and ven-
tral lateral nuclei
(B) Ventral anterior, ventral lateral, and an-
terior nuclei
(C) Ventral lateral, lateral dorsal, and lateral
posterior nuclei
(D) Mediodorsal, ventral posterolateral (VPL),
and ventral posteromedial (VPM) nuclei
(E) Centromedian, lateral dorsal, and lateral
ventral nuclei
4-A. The globus pallidus, a nucleus of the extrapyramidal (striatal) motor system, projects to
three thalamic nuclei: the centromedian, the ventral anterior, and the ventral lateral nuclei of
the thalamus.
5. The thalamus receives precortical sensory input from all of the following modalities EX- CEPT (A) general somatic sense (B) gustation (C) vision (D) audition (E) olfaction
5-E. The thalamus receives precortical input from all sensory systems except the olfactory sys-
tem. The olfactory pathway reaches the primary olfactory cortex (prepiriform and periamyg-
daloid cortex) without a relay in the thalamus.
- All of the following statements concerning
the mediodorsal nucleus are correct EXCEPT
(A) it receives input from the amygdaloid nu-
(B) it receives input from the intralaminar
(C) it is part of the limbic system
(D) it is part of the extrapyramidal motor sys-
(E) it has reciprocal connections with the pre-
frontal cortex
6-D. The mediodorsal nucleus plays an important role in the expression of affect, emotion, and
behavior. It is a limbic structure and is not a part of the extrapyramidal motor system.
- All of the following statements concerning
the lateral geniculate body (LGB) are correct
(A) it projects to the lingual gyrus
(B) it projects to the cuneus
(C) it receives input from the retina
(D) it receives input from the lateral lemnis-
(E) it receives its blood supply from the ante-
rior choroidal artery
7-D. The lateral geniculate body (LGB) receives input from the retina and projects to the visual
cortex (lingual gyrus and cuneus). It is irrigated by the anterior choroidal artery and the poste-
rior cerebral artery (thalamogeniculate arteries). The lateral lemniscus is an auditory pathway.
- All of the following statements concerning
the pulvinar are correct EXCEPT
(A) it is the largest nucleus of the thalamus
(B) it receives input from the visual associa-
tion cortex
(C) it receives input from the superior collicu-
(D) it has reciprocal connections with the
parietal association cortex
(E) a lesion results in a contralateral hemi-
E. The pulvinar, the largest nucleus of the thalamus, is a dorsal tier nucleus and has recipro-
cal connections with the visual association cortex (areas 18 and 19). The pulvinar is reciprocally
connected with the parietal association cortex (areas 39 and 40). It also receives input from the
superior colliculus and the pretectal area. Destruction of the pulvinar does not result in a visual
field deficit (hemianopia).
9. Infarction of the right internal capsule could result in all of the following defects EX- CEPT (A) left hypesthesia (B) right homonymous hemianopia (C) left facial weakness (D) tongue deviates to left side (E) plantar reflex extensor on left side
9-B. Infarction of the right internal capsule could result in a left homonymous hemianopia.
10. A capsular stroke is most commonly caused by occlusion of which of the following arteries? (A) Anterior cerebral artery (B) Recurrent artery of Heubner (C) Lateral striate arteries (D) Posterior communicating artery (E) Direct branches of the internal carotid artery
10-C. A capsular stroke is most commonly caused by occlusion of the lateral striate branches of
the middle cerebral artery.
The response options for items 11-16 are the same. You will be required to select one answer for each item in the set. (A) Anterior nucleus (B) Centromedian nucleus (C) Lateral geniculate nucleus (D) Mediodorsal nucleus (E) Pulvinar (F) Ventral anterior nucleus (G) Ventral lateral nucleus (H) Ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus (I) Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus Match each of the following descriptions with the appropriate thalamic nucleus. 11. Receives input from the ipsilateral central tegmental tract
11-1. The ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus receives taste input via the ipsilateral central
tegmental tract. The VPM nucleus receives sensory input from the head and oral cavity.
The response options for items 11-16 are the same. You will be required to select one answer for each item in the set. (A) Anterior nucleus (B) Centromedian nucleus (C) Lateral geniculate nucleus (D) Mediodorsal nucleus (E) Pulvinar (F) Ventral anterior nucleus (G) Ventral lateral nucleus (H) Ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus (I) Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus Match each of the following descriptions with the appropriate thalamic nucleus.
- Has reciprocal connections with the infe-
rior parietal lobule
12-E. The pulvinar, the largest thalamic nucleus, has reciprocal connections with the inferior
parietal lobule.
The response options for items 11-16 are the same. You will be required to select one answer for each item in the set. (A) Anterior nucleus (B) Centromedian nucleus (C) Lateral geniculate nucleus (D) Mediodorsal nucleus (E) Pulvinar (F) Ventral anterior nucleus (G) Ventral lateral nucleus (H) Ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus (I) Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus Match each of the following descriptions with the appropriate thalamic nucleus. 13. Receives input from the contralateral lat- eral spinothalamic tract t
13-H. The ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus receives input from the contralateral lateral
spinothalamic tract.
The response options for items 11-16 are the same. You will be required to select one answer for each item in the set. (A) Anterior nucleus (B) Centromedian nucleus (C) Lateral geniculate nucleus (D) Mediodorsal nucleus (E) Pulvinar (F) Ventral anterior nucleus (G) Ventral lateral nucleus (H) Ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus (I) Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus Match each of the following descriptions with the appropriate thalamic nucleus. 14. Projects to the putamen
14-B. The centromedian nucleus projects to the putamen; this thalamic nucleus also has recip-
rocal connections with the motor cortex.
The response options for items 11-16 are the same. You will be required to select one answer for each item in the set. (A) Anterior nucleus (B) Centromedian nucleus (C) Lateral geniculate nucleus (D) Mediodorsal nucleus (E) Pulvinar (F) Ventral anterior nucleus (G) Ventral lateral nucleus (H) Ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus (I) Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus Match each of the following descriptions with the appropriate thalamic nucleus. 15. Receives the dentatothalamic tract
15-G. The ventral lateral nucleus receives contralateral cerebellar input via the dentatothala-
mic tract.