Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Definition: Nervous System
- Coordinates voluntary and Involuntary actions and transmits signals to form part of body.
What is the Nervous System split into?
- Central nervous System (CNS)
- Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
What are the three main layers that protect the CNS ?
- Skull and spine
- Meninges
- Blood brain barrier
What are the three layers of Meninges ?
- Dura matter
- Arachnoid
- Pia Matter (pious mother)
Dura matter
- Closest to the skull
- Tougher case
- Web like appearance
- Contains Cerebrospinal fluid
Pia Matter (pious mother)
- Tightly wrapped around brain
- Conforms to shape and all contours of brain
Cerebrospinal fluid
- Provides nutrients to brain
> eg. electrolytes and glucose - Sub-arachnoid space below Arachnoid
Blood Brain Barrier
- Prevents toxic substances from getting into the brain
- eg. Antigens (viruses,bacteria)
- Dosen’t get absorbed by fat
What components is the Peripheral Nervous System divided into ?
- Automatic Nervous System (ANS)
- Somatic Nervous System (SNS)
Automatic Nervous System (ANS)
- Automatic Internal processes
- eg. Heartbeat, temperature, breathing
- Split into Sympathetic/Parasympathetic
Somatic Nervous System (SNS)
- Voluntary Actions
- Interacts with external environment
- Split into Cranial/Spinal
Afferent Nerve
- Carry signals to the CNS
Efferent Nerve
- Signals away from the CNS
Parasympathetic Nervous System
- Conserves energy
- Relaxes body
Sympathetic Nervous System
- Mobilises energy for stressful situations
- Psychological arousal
What is the collection of axons and cell bodies called in the CNS ?
- Axons > Tracts
- Cell bodies > Nuclei
What is the collection of axons and cell bodies called in the PNS ?
- Axons > Nerves
- Cell bodies > Ganglia
Cerebral Cortex
- Tissue layer that covers the 2 Hemispheres of the brain
Why are the convolutions important on the brain ?
- Increase the amount of cortex without increasing volume
Sulcus (sulci)
- Groove or Furrow on surface of brain
Central Sulcus
- Ear to ear sulcus
- Separates the Parietal lobe and Frontal lobe
- Long narrow crack
- (Deep sulcus)
- Main crack that seperates the 2 hemispheres
Gyrus (Gyri)
- Ridge or fold on the surface of the brain
- Roundish, flattish projecting or hanging part of something
- Often one or more parts divided by a fissure
What are the 3 sections of the brain ?
- Forebrain
- Midbrain
- Hindbrain
What are the 5 main divisions of the brain ?
- Telencephalon
- Diecephalon
- Mesencephalon
- Metencepalon
- Mylencephalon
Which of the 5 main divisions are located in the Forebrain ?
- Telencephalon
- Diencephalon
Which of the 5 main divisions are located in the Midbrain ?
- Mesencephalon
Which of the 5 main divisions are located in the Hindbrain ?
- Metencephalon
- Mylencephalon
What components are within the Telencephalon ?
- Basal Ganglia
> Behaviour/emotions, primary motor control etc. - Limbic system
> Fight/flight, sexual behavoiur etc. - Cerebral cortex
> ‘Human parts’
What components are within the Diencephalon ?
- Thalamus
> Controls input to cerebral cortex - Hypothalamus
> ANS, Sleep/arousal, control endocrine system etc.
What components are within the Mesencephalon ?
- Tactum
> Eye movement, Audiotory - Tagmentum
> Reduced pain perception, movement etc.
What components are within the Metencephalon ?
- Cerebellum
> Visual, audiotory, balance, movement
> Modulates motor skills etc.
What components are within the Mylencephalon ?
- Pons
> Facial muscles, sleep/arousal - Medulla
> Cardiovascular system, swallowing, coughing etc.