Neuro Physiology Flashcards
Glial cells: Which is more numerous: glial cells or neurons?
Glial cells (10:1 ratio)
Glial cells: produces CSF
Ependymal cells
Glial cells: macrophage of the brain
Glial cells: regulates ECF ion levels, gives mechanical support; forms BBB
Astrocyte (nurse cells)
Glial cells: creates myelin in the CNS
Glial cells: creates myelin in the PNS
Schwann cells
Glial cells: brain tumors from non-mature neurons
Retinoblastoma, Neuroblastoma
Parts of a neuron: receiving portion for neurotransmitters of the neuron
Parts of a neuron: where action potential in a neuron actually starts
Axon hillock
Parts of a neuron: function of myelin sheath
Parts of a neuron: Unmyelinated portion of the acon
Nodes of Ranvier
Parts of a neuron: branches of the axons
Neural fibril
Parts of a neuron: terminal portion of a neural fibril that contains NT-containing vesicles
Axon terminal/boutons/end-feet
Parts of a neuron: space between 2 neurons
Differentiate anterograde and retrograde axonal transport
Anterograde: soma to axon terminal; Retrograde: axon terminal to soma
What do you call the death of the axon distal to the site of injury after an axon is transected?
Anterograde/Orthograde/Wallerian degeneration
What do you call the changes to the soma after an axon is transected?
Axonal reaction/Chromatolysis
Axonal regeneration occurs better in the CNS or PNS?
Where in the basal ganglia is acetylcholine secreted?
Nucleus Basalis of Meynert
What enzyme is used in the synthesis of acetylcholine?
Choline acetyltransferase
What enzyme is used in the degradation of acetylcholine?
What enzyme triggers sleep and is deficient is Alzheimer’s disease?
Where is Dopamine mainly found?
Substantia nigra pars compacta & ventral tegmental area
What enzyme degrades Dopamine?
MAO in presynaptic nerve terminals, COMT in tissues including liver
What condition is caused by Dopamine deficiency?
Parkinson’s disease
What condition is caused by Dopamine excess?
Norepinephrine is secreted by:
locus ceruleus in the pons, and postganglionic neurons of sympathetic nervous system
Phenylalanine Derivatives
Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, L-Dopa, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Thyroxine, Melanin
Tryptophan Derivatives
Tryptophan, MelaTOnin, Serotonin, Niacin
Serotonin is secreted mainly by:
Median raphe of the brain stem
Low levels of this substance causes clinical depression
Serotonin (also inhibits pain pathways in the spinal cord)
Substance responsible for long term behavior and memory
Nitric oxide (from Arginine)
What is the property of NO that differs from other neurotransmitters?
NO is not preformed and stored in vesicles. It is synthesized almost instantly as needed
Histamine is mainly located within the:
tuberomammilary nuecleus of the hypothalamus
What is the function of histamine?
Involved in control of arousal, sleep and circadian rhythm
Inhibitory neurotransmitter usually found in spinal interneurons; increases chloride influx
Number one inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain; comes from Glutamate; increases chloride influx or potassium efflux
Number one excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain; involved in fast pain
Inhibit neurons in the brain involved in the perception of pain
Opioid peptides (enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins)
Involved in slow pain transmission; in specific areas of the brain, primary sensory neurons, GI plexus neurons
Substance P
Basis for the resting membrance potential and action potential
Ion channels
potential difference that exist across the membrane; exhibited by almost all cells; refers to INTRAcellular charge
Resting Membrane Potential
3 things that contribute to the resting membrane potential
- Nernst potential for Na and K diffusion
- Na-K leak channels/ K leak channels
- Na-K-ATPase pump
What types of cells exhibit action potential?
Only excitable cells (neurons, muscles, cells)
Action Potential: each normal AP for a given cell type looks identical, depolarizes to the same potential and repolarizes to the same RMP
Stereotypical size and shape
Action Potential: AP at one cell causes depolarization of adjacent cells in a nondecremental manner
Action Potential: If threshold is reached, a full-sized AP will be produced, otherwise, none at all
RMP & AP: make the membrane potential less negative
RMP & AP: make the membrane potential more negative
RMP & AP: positive charges flowing into the cell
Inward current
RMP & AP: positive charges flowing out of the cell
Outward current
RMP & AP: MP in which AP is inevitable
RMP & AP: portion of the AP where MP is positive
RMP & AP: portion of the AP where MP is less than RMP
Undershoot (hyperpolarizing afterpotential)
What causes depolarization?
Opening of the Na-activation gates ) causes sodium influx)
What causes repolarization?
Closure of Na-inactivation gates (stops Na influx) and opening of potassium gate (potassium efflux)
What causes the undershoot?
Na activation and inactivation gates are both closed, while potassium gate is still open, making the MP more negative and farther from the RMP.
Examples of sodium channel blockers of neurons
Tetradotoxin (from pufferfish), Saxitoxin
Example of potassium channel blocker of neurons
Tetraethylammonium (from pufferfish)
True or False: Na and K channels are responsibile for all types of action potential.
False. Ca2+ channels in muscles.
What stimulates nerve depolarization in the first place?
Mechanical disturbance, chemicals, electricity
Time periods in an action potential during which a new stimulus cannot be readily elicited
Refractory periods
Time period in an action potential during which an action potential cannot be elicited, no matter how large the stimulus
Absolute refractory period
What is the ionic basis of absolute refractory period?
Inactivation gates of the Na channel are close when the MP is depolarized and remian closed until repolarization occurs; No AP can occur until the Na-inactivation gates open
Begins at the end of the absolute refractory period and continues until the MP returns to the resting level; AP can be elicited only if a larger than usual inward current is provided.
Relative refractory period
What is the ionic basis of relative refractory period?
During RRP, K conductance is elevated (prolonged opening of K channels); MP is closer to the K equilibrium and farther from threshold
This happens when a cell is depolarized so slowly such that the threshold potential is passed without firing an action potential; critical number of open Na channels is not attained due to closure of inactivation gates; opening of K channels oppose depolarization
In an excitable cell such as the heart muscle, what is the effect of hyperkalemia and hypokalemia respectively?
Hyperkalemia: depolarizes the heart (slows leakage of K+ to outside of the heart, making the cell more positive, RMP more positive, closer to threshold); cause VFib
Hypokalemia: hyperpolarizes the heart
Synaptic inputs that depolarize the post synaptic cell
Excitatory post-synaptic potential
Synaptic inputs that hyperpolarize the post synaptic cell
Inhibitory post-synaptic potential
Two or more presynaptic inputs arrive at postsynaptic cell simultaneously
Spatial summation
Two or more presynaptic inputs arrive at postsynaptic cell in rapid succession
Temporal summation
Repeated stimulation causes response of postsynaptic cell to be greater than expected
Nerve facilitation
Increased release of NT and increased sensitivity to the NT
Long term potentiation
Repeated stimulation causes decreased response of postsynaptic cell
Synaptic fatigue
In general type A nerve fiber compared to type c fibers are:
Thicker, more myelinated, faster
Fiber type: for proprioception, somatic motor
Type A alpha
Fiber type: for touch, pressure
Type A beta
Fiber type: for motor to muscle spindle
Type A gamma
Fiber type: for pain, cold, touch
Type A delta
Fiber type: preganglionic autonomic fiber
Type B
Fiber type: for pain, temperature, smell
Type C, dorsal root
Fiber type: postganglionic sympathetic fiber
Type C, sympathetic
Brain: vasomotor center, respiratory center (DRG,VRG), swallowing, coughing & vomiting center
Brain: micturition center, pneumotaxic, apneustic centers
Brain: relay center for almost all sensations
Brain: contributes to balance
Brain: connects the two brain hemispheres
Corpus callosum; anterior commisure
Brain: motor, personality, calculation
Frontal lobe
Brain: somatosensory cortex
Parietal lobe
Brain: vision
Occipital lobe
Brain: hearing, vestibular processing, recognition of faces, optic pathway (Meyer’s loop)
Temporal lobe
Three categories of the cerebral cortex:
Primary area (initiation), Secondary area (interpretation), Association area (integration)
Association area: for elaboration of thoughts, plan complex motor movements
Prefrontal association area
Association area: plans and creates motor pattern for speech
Broca’s area
Association area: behavior, emotions, motivation
Limbic association area
Process of converting short term to long term memory
An important pathway from the reward and punishment centers of the brain; lesions in this area will cause anterograde amnesia (loss of short term memory)
Role in memory search and reading out the memories; lesions in this are will cause retrograde amnesia (loss of pre-existing memories)
Limbic System: produces mainly oxytocin
Paraventricular nuclei
Limbic System: produces mainly vasopressin
Supraoptic nuclei
Limbic System: satiety center
Ventromedial nuclei
Limbic System: hunger center
Lateral nuclei
Limbic System: sweating (heat release)
Anterior hypothalamus
Limbic System: shivering (heat conversation)
Posterior hypothalamus
Limbic System: reward center
Medial forebrain bundle
Limbic System: punishment center
Central gray area around aqueduct of sylvius
Limbic System: social inhibition
Which is more powerful in creating new memories, punishment & fear, or pleasure & reward?
Punishment and fear
Regulate activity of many physiological processes including HR, BP, body core temperature, and blood levels of hormones
Biological clock
Master clock of all biological clocks in the human body; destruction causes loss of circadian functions
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Regulates circadian rhythms; secreted hormone melatonin
Pineal gland
Melatonin is ____ during darkness, ____ by daylight, controlled by ______ nerve activity
Increased, inhibited, sympathetic
EEG waves: awake, eyes closed (8-13 Hz)
Alpha waves
EEG waves: awake, eyes open (13-30 Hz)
Beta waves
EEG waves: brain disorders and degenerative brain states (4-7 Hz)
Theta waves
EEG waves: deep sleep, organic brain disease, infants (0.5-4 Hz)
Delta waves
Sleep is an active inhibitory process possibly caused by:
Secretion of Muramyl peptide
EEG waves seen in Stage 1 slow-wave sleep
Alpha waves interspersed with Theta waves
REM sleep is associated with active dreaming. It occurs every ___ of slow wave sleep. EEG waves seen are:
90 minutes, Beta waves
EEG waves seen in Stage 2 slow-wave sleep
Theta waves interrupted by sleep spindles (12-14 Hz) and K complexes
EEG waves seen in Stage 3 slow-wave sleep
Delta waves interrupted by sleep spindles
EEG waves seen in Stage 4 slow-wave sleep
Delta waves alone
Who among the following dream the most: newborns, young adults, elderly?
Newborns (50% REM sleep)
Cerebral blood flow is highly autoregulated at BP between:
60 - 140 mmHg
Which is more metabolic, gray matter or white matter?
Gray matter
Brain is the most metabolic organ of the body. It is 2% of body mass but ___ of total metabolism
Primary source of energy of the brain
Glucose (but also uses ketone bodies)
Total amount of CSF in the brain
150 mL (in the brain ventricles, subarachnoid space, subarachnoid cistern)
Amount of CSF produces per day:
500 mL (70% choroid plexus, 30% brain)
Main function of the CSF:
The Na-K-ATPase pump is found on which side of the choroid plexus?
Luminal side
Which has more Na, CSF or blood?; Which has more protein, CSF or blood?
CSF (148 vs 136-145); Blood (6800 vs 15-45)
3 components of the blood brain barrier:
Endothelial cells of cerebral capillaries, Astrocyte foot processes, Choroid plexus epithelium
Areas without a blood brain barrier/ circumventricular organs:
some areas of the hypothalamus, pineal gland, area postrema (floor of 4th ventricle)
Mediates release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla
Cholinergic nicotinic receptors
The zombie virus uses what kind of axonal transport
Retrograde axonal transport