Neuro L2 Flashcards
Prominent around
Provides ____
Continuous with
prominent around nerve trunks
Provides tensile strength
Continuous with Dura
Continuous with
___-_____ barrier
Continuous with arachnoid
Blood-nerve barrier
surrounds individual fibers
Myelin Covers up to \_\_mm of axon Produced by (CNS vs PNS)
Oligodendroglia: CNS
Schwann cells: PNS
Saltatory conduction
Depolarization occurs at nodes in either direction
Rank fiber diameter (largest to smallest) Axons to Intrafusal fibers Preganglionic autonomic Lower motor neurons Postganglioinc automic
Lower motor neurons Axons to intrafusal fibers Preganglionic autonomic Postganglionic autonomic (no myelin)
detects pain
Muscle spindles also act as this type of receptor
Two types of encapsulated receptors in muscle
Muscle spindles: detect length
Golgi tendon organs: detect muscle tension
Conus medullaris
caudal end of spinal cord
Cervical enlargement level
Lumbar enlargement level
Segments of spinal cord
Cervical: 8 Thoracic: 12 Lumbar: 5 Sacral: 5 Coccygeal: 1
Dorsal rootlets enter cord in
Ventral rootles exit cord in
Posterolateral sulcus
Anterolateral sulcus
Afferent fibers my terminate in ____ or _____
posterior horn or ascend to medulla
Motor neurons modulated by
descending fibers from rostral structures
Posterior intermediate sulcus
Divides what
divides posterior funiculi
Posterior intermediate sulcus separates
sensory fibers arising from
Fasciculus gracilis
Fasciculus cuneatus
Sensory fibers from the leg
fasciculus gracilis
Sensory fibers from the arm
fasciculus cuneatus
Spinal cord gray matter: posterior horn
Consist mostly of
Substantia gelatinosa
Located in (number)
Responsible for
Located in posterior horn gray matter (II)
Responsible for pain and temperature
Lissauer’rs tract
Associated with
What is it
Associated with substantia gelatinosa
Finely myelinated and unmyelinated fibers
Lamina I
Relays sensory signals
Lamina II
substantia gelatinosa (important for paint)
Lamina V
Relays sensory signals
Spinal cord gray matter posterior horn
What do they contain
contain Alpha/motor neurons that control skeletal muscle
Alpha motor neuron medial clusters go to
axial muscles
Alpha motor neuron lateral clusters go to
limb muscles
Two specialized columns in anterior horn gray matter at cervical levels
Spinal accessory nucleus
Phrenic nucleus
Spinal accessory nucleus
forms what nerve
Caudal medulla to C5
Forms accessory nerve
Phrenic nucleus
Innervates what
Vertebral location
Innervates diaphragm
C3, C4, C5
Preganglionic sympathatic Neurons
Axons leave through
intermediolateral cell column (gray matter)
Axons leave thru ventral roots
Sacral parasympathetic nuclei
Axons leave thru____ to supply_____
No distinct horn
Axons leave thru anterior roots and supply pelvic viscera
Clarke’s nucleus
medial surface of intermediate gray matter from T1-L2
Clarke’s nucleus
transmit proprioceptive info from leg to cerebellum
anterior spinocerebellar?
Conus medullaris extends into
L1/L2 interspace
Filum terminale
Pia and arachnoid that extend from conus medullaris to coccyx
Denticulate ligaments
pia-arachnoid extensions that anchor spinal cord laterally
How is the conus medullaris anchored
By the filum terminale to the end of the dural sheath and then to coccyx
All reflexes include (3-4 b/c of exception)
Associated afferent neuron (cell body in DRG)
Efferent neuron( cell body in CNS)
Interneurons unless stretch reflex
Stretch reflex contains ____ neurons ____ synapses
2 neurons 1 synapse
Artery of Adamkiewicz
Other name
Great radicular artery
Artery of Adamkiewicz
Most often branch of the
branch of left posterior intercostal artery
Supplies entire lumbosacral cord (sometimes)
Posterior spinal arteries supply (2)
posterior horns and dorsal columns
Anterior spinal arteries supply (2)
anterior horns and lateral funiculi
Spinal arteries upper vs lower supply
Supply upper cervical areas but are too small to supply other areas
Supplemented by radicular arteries at lower levels
autonomic nervous system subdivisions
enteric nervous system
Difference between Parasympathetic/Sympathetic efferents and somatic efferents
P/S has two neuron chain/dont:
Preganglionic cell body in CNS
Postganglionic neuron in ganglion
Preganglionic fibers vs postganglionic fibers
Preganglionic: thin myelin
Postganglionic: unmeylinated
Sympathetic ganglia vs parasympathetic ganglia
Sympathetic located near CNS
Parasympathetic located near innervated organ
Neurotransmitters in S/P
Ach used in parasympathetic and 1st sympathetic synapse
NE used in 2nd sympathetic synapse
Sympathetic travel vs parasympathetic travel
Sympathetic: travel in spinal nerve to sympathetic chain
Parasympathetic: travel in cranial and sacral nerves
Cranial parasympathetics
Look at notes, Slides 61-65 III VII IX X
Edinger-Westhphal nucleus
Preganglionic parasympathetic nucleus for CN III to pupillary constrictor muscle
Sacral parasympathetic
Target tissues
Viscera from transverse colon to rectum including bladder
Vagus nerve organs (7)
heart lungs stomach iver pancreas small intestine large intestine
4 options for preganglionic fibers
Synapse in nearest ganglion
Ascend chain, synapse in SCG or MCG?
Descend, synapse in lumbar/sacral
Traverse chain, emerge as splanchnic
What spinal levels contain white communicating rami?
Postganglionic sympathetics reach head via
cervical ganglia and carotid plexus
Horners syndrome
Caused by
Ptosis: eyelid droop Anhydrosis: dry skin Endophthalmos: apparent sunken eye Miosis: small pupil Caused by pancoast tumor
Only area with postganglionic sympathetic Ach
Preganglionic sympathetic neve boides project to (3)
Paravertebral chain
Prevertebral collateral
Adrenal medulla
This type of receptor can be found in the walls of hollow organs
Carotid body is composed of these receptors
Each spinal nerve innervates one dermatome except for
Filum terminale anchors _____ to _____ and then to _______
conus medullaris to end dural seath and then to coccyx
What is the nipple level