Neuro-Cerebrovascular Diseases Flashcards
Neurologic signs/symptoms resolve within 24 hours(most last <1hr) regardless of whether there is an imaging evidence of new permanent brain injury
Transient Ischemic Attack(TIA)
Neurologic signs last for more than 24hrs
Tissue surrounding the core region of infarction is ischemic but reversibly dysfunctional
Ischemic penumbra
Refers to infarction following atherothrombotic or lipohyalinotic occlusion of a small artery(30-300um)
Lacunar infarction
Decrease in cerebral blood flow to zero causes death of brain tissue within
Most common cause of cerebral embolism overall
Non rheumatic atrial fibrillation
Most common source of artery to artery embolism
Carotid bifurcation atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis within the carotid artery occurs most frequently within
Common carotid artery bifurcation and proximal internal carotid art ery
Most significant risk factor of stroke or TIA
Only antiplatelet agent that is proven effective for the acute treatment of ischemic stroke
Endarterectomy for carotid atherosclerosis is most beneficial when performed
Within 2 weeks of symptom onset(benefit is more pronounced in men >75 yo)
Hallmark of top of the basilar artery occlusion
Sudden onset of bilateral signs, including ptosis, pupillary asymmetry or lack of reaction to light and somnolence
Imaging modality of choice in patients with acute stroke to rule out bleed
Plain cranial CT
Gold standard for identifying and quantifying atherosclrotic stenoses of arteries
Conventional x-ray cerebral angiography
Bleeding into subdural and epidural spaces is principally produced by