Neuraxial Drug Card - Epidural Dosing Flashcards
Lance Carter, CAA
Bolus Dose
1mEq/10mL local anesthetic
Chloroprocaine (Nesacaine)
Bolus Dose
5mL 3% (150mg)
T4 Dose
10-20mL 3% (300-600mg)
Epidural Onset
Ropivicaine (Naropin)
Bolus Dose
5-10mL 0.2% (10-20mg)
Infusion Rate
6-14mL/hr (0.2%)
Epidural Onset
10-15 minutes
Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
Bolus Dose
5mL 2% (100mg)
T4 Dose
10-20mL 2% (200-400mg)
Epidural Onset
Few minutes
Bupivicaine (Marcaine)
Bolus Dose
5-10mL (0.125%)
Infusion Rate
8-15mL/hr (0.125%)
Epidural Onset
10-15 minutes
Bolus Dose
Infusion Rate
1mcg/mL in infusion bag
Bolus Dose
Infusion Rate
1-2mcg/mL in infusion bag
Which LA produces the fastest epidural onset for bolusing during an emergency C-section?
Chloroprocaine (usually 3%) because of pseudocholinesterase metabolism, and it has minimal drug transfer across the placenta
Which LA is “motor sparing” and longest acting?
Marcaine (usually diluted to 0.1-0.25%)
Which LA is most effective at blocking the larger sacral nerves?
Lidocaine (2% or 1.5% with Epi) and has fast onset
Of all the commonly used epidural LA, which one produces the highest degree of motor block?
Chloroprocaine (usually 3%), shortest duration, and contraindicated intrathecally
What is commonly used as the initial epidural test dose?
5mL dose of 1.5% lidocaine with 1:200,000 epi
“Beware of tingling in ears, numbness around mouth, racing heart rate, or legs suddenly go numb”
What rules out accidental IV injection? (3)
Absence of:
- Tachycardia
- Mouth/tongue numbness, or metallic taste in mouth
- Ringing in the ears