Neuraxial Flashcards
What are the steps in management of a suspected total spinal?
- call for help, communicate, delegate
- reassure the awake pt while working through steps
- 100% O2, gentle ventilatory support if needed
- if conscious state deteriorates, secure airway (RSI/tube)- can achieve without induction agent or w relaxant only if pt has lost consciousness
- rapidly infuse fluids, (elevate LLs- although the issue is high spinal), in pregnant ensure have L) uterine displacement (*this is recommended vs just L) lateral tilt)
- use vasopressors to maintain BP, give atropine +/- adrenaline for ass’d bradycardia
- if lose CO, start CPR, give 1mg Adr IV & go to PEA protocol
- in pregnant, aim for delivery within 4 mins if no ROSC
- transfer to ICU for ongoing ventilation & Mx until block reverses & function returns
What are some differentials for possible high spinal?
vasovagal LAST IVC compression air embolism haemorrhage
What medications give to improve output in adult high spinal?
atropine 0.6-1.2mg
phenylephrine 50-100microg
Ephedrine 12-15mg
Adrenaline 25-50microg
What’s one of the reasons why spinal anaesthesia provides a more profound block than epidural?
spinal is more effective at inhibiting spatial summation (where stimuli from multiple areas interact at the spinal cord level, evoking pain)
Which modality & fibres are usually blocked the first/ highest to lowest?
cold (C), pinprick (A delta), touch (A beta)
What’s bromide 0-4?
0= no motor block 1= unable to raise extended leg but can move knees/feet 2= unable to raise extended leg & move knee but can move feet 3= complete motor block of limb
Do vasomotor changes occur at a higher or lower level than sensory changes after neuraxial?
What’s density? does it vary with temperature?
Ratio of mass to volume, yes.
what’s specific gravity?
the density of a substance to a standard, usually relating LA solutions at 20deg C to water at 4deg C.
What’s baricity?
Baricity is the ratio of the density of local anaesthetic and CSF, bot at 37deg C.
does density have a unit? how about baricity? specific gravity?
Yes, weight per unit volume. Baricity & specific gravity have no unit as they’re ratios.
What’s the mean density of CSF?
What’s the baricity of plain bupivacaine?
0.999, so it’s only 9on the edge of being hyperbaric, thus is “plain”
How to make glucose-free solutions used intrathecally hypobaric?
cool to 5deg C before injection
Is CSF denser in women or men, pregnant or non-pregnant, pre or postmenopausal?
LOWER CSF density in women, pregnant, pre-menopausal
What concentration of glucose is added to “heavy” bupivacaine?
Above which concentration of glucose will a LA behave in a hyperbaric manner in CSF?
How does increasing the dose of LA injected for a spinal influence the spread & duration?
Not a dramatically different impact on spread- increasing dose by 50% within the normal ranges used only increases by a dermatome or so, however duration of block significantly increased
Does volume of solution of injectate for a spinal influence mean spread?
not clinically significantly
Is density increased or decreased with increasing temperature?
What solutions are more viscous? plain or heavy? does a more viscous solution spread further?
heavy. Spreads further & produces more even distribution.
What’s the blood supply to the spinal cord?
1x anterior & 2x posterior spinal arteries- NAP 3 thing