ECG Flashcards
What’s the ecg paper speed? large square? small squares? height?
0.2s (5mm)
0.04s (1mm)
0.1cm=0.1mV (height); gain is 10mm/mV
Example scenarios likely to have high amplitude ECG waveform? and low?
ventricular hypertrophy (relatively high myocardial mass)
reduced amplitude if pericardial fluid, pulmonary emphysema, obesity (increased resistance to current flow)
Where are the leads placed for 12-lead ecg?
V1= RSE 4th ICS
V2= LSE 4th ICS
V4=mid clavicular line 5th ICS
V3= btwn V2 & V4
V5= ant ax line 5th ICS
V6= mid ax line 5th ICS
What views of the heart do the leads obtain?
II, III & aVF= inferior surface
I, V5, V6 & aVL= lateral
V1-4= anterior
V1 & aVR= look through the RA directly into the cavity of the LV
What rate= tachycardia & bradycardia?
Tachy is >100bpm
Brady is <60bpm (or <50 during sleep)
How to calculate rate on an ecg?
if regular, divide the number of large squares btwn 2 consecutive R waves into 300 or divide the number of small squares btwn 2 consecutive R waves into 1500
if irregular, count the qrs complexes on a 25cm strip & multiply by 6
Which strip is used for rhythm identification? why? what type of arrhythmia may young healthy ppl often display?
lead II, best view of p wave, sinus arrhythmia (variation in HR with inspiration & expiration- beat-to-beat variation in R-R interval (rate INCREASES with inspiration, a vagally-mediated response to the increased blood volume returning to the heart during inspiration)
What’s the normal range for cardiac axis? What axis lies beyond -30 degrees? and >90 degrees?
-30 to 90 degrees
What’s sinus rhythm?
P wave upright in leads I & II
each P followed by a QRS
HR 60-99bpm
What’s a U wave?
an additional wave following T wave, in same direction, may be due to late repolarisation of ventricles or repolarisation of the mid-myocardial cells (those btwn the endocardium & epicardium) & the His-Purkinje system.
Tends to become apparent @ HRs <65bpm, inversely proportional to rate (higher rate smaller U waves)
Generally upright except in aVR & most prominent in leads V2-V4.
usually about 0.5mm, max 1-2mm, they’re usually <25% of the voltage of the T wave; disproportionally large U waves are abnormal
What are some U wave abnormalities & their causes?
prominent U waves (>25% amplitude of t wave)
in bradycardia, severe hypokalaemia, hyper Ca, hypoMg, hypoThermia, raised ICP, LVH, HCM, digoxin
inverted U waves (in leads with upright T waves) are specific for the presence of heart disease (CAD, HTN, valvular or congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy, hyperthyroidism)
In pts presenting with chest pain, inverted U waves are very specific for myocardial ischemia. They may be the earliest marker of UA & evolving MI, they predict >=75% stenosis of the LAD/LMCA & the presence of LV dysfunction
What are some normal ecg findings in healthy ppl?
tall R waves
prominent U waves
ST elevation (high take-off, benign early depolarisation)
exaggerated sinus arrhythmia
sinus bradycardia
wandering atrial pacemaker
wenckebach phenomenon
junctional rhythm
1st degree heart block
For which conditions is it helpful to know the axis?
conduction defects (eg. L) anterior hemiblock)
ventricular enlargement (eg. RVH)
broad complex tachycardia (eg. bizarre axis suggests ventricular origin)
congenital heart disease (eg. ASD)
pre-excited conduction (eg. WpW)
pulmonary embolus
By the method of inspecting leads I, II & III, what’s normal, L) & R) axis?
normal is +ve in 1 & 2 but may be either +ve or -ve in lead III
right axis is -ve in 1, +ve in 3 & may be +ve or -ve in II
left axis is +ve in 1, -ve in III & -ve in II
At what direction relative to the lead is current travelling in a lead with an equiphasic trace?
90 degrees to that lead
Aside from looking at leads I-III, what’s another way of determining axis?
find the limb lead closest to being equiphasic.
The axis is about 90 deg to the L) or R) of that.
inspect adjacent leads wrt the hex axial diagram; if the lead to the L) is +ve, the axis is 90 degrees to the equiphasic lead towards the L), vice versa if the lead to the R) side is +ve
What’s the usual height & duration of a p wave?
no >0.25mV & no >0.12s (3 small squares)
in which lead is the p wave usually inverted?
In which leads are the P waves most prominent?
II and V1
What are differentials for an inverted P wave in lead I?
incorrect electrode placement (transposition of the R) & L) arm electrodes), dextrocardia or abnormal atrial rhythms.
In which lead are p waves often biphasic?
What does a large negative deflection in V1 suggest?
L) atrial enlargement
What do bifid p waves suggest?
normal p waves often have a slight notch, particularly in precordial leads, which are due to slight asynchrony btwn RA & LA depolarisation.
more pronounced notch with peak-to-peak interval >1mm (0.04s) is pathological & suggests a LA abnormality (eg. mitral stenosis)
What’s the PR interval? normal? what leads to abnormalities of the PR interval?
time from onset of atrial to onset of ventricular depolarisation. normally 0.12-0.2 seconds. abnormalities of the conducting system causing transmission delays may prolong the PR interval.
What’s the QRS? normal duration?
represents the electrical forces generated by ventricular depolarisation. >=0.12s (3 small squares)= delay in ventricular depolarisation (eg. BBB).
What’s the dire action of septal depolarisation?
L) side of the septum depolarises first then the impulse spreads to the R).
in which leads are “septal” q waves (negative deflection) usually seen? how can we tell they are normal?
lateral leads (I, aVL, V5 & V6)
they are usually <2 small squares deep (ie. <0.2mV),
Why is there normally a deep S in V1?
the forces generated by the free wall of the LV predominate so after the small +ve deflection (R wave) as the septum depolarises L) to R), the depolarisation force through the LV moves away from V1, a large -ve deflection is seen.
What & why is the normal R wave progression?
increasing amplitude of R wave as progress from V1 to V6 with corresponding decrease in S wave depth, culminating in a predominantly +ve complex in V6, as they align more with the direction of LV depolarisation
Which lead in the precordium typically is equiphasic?
Lead V3-V4 typically has equiphasic QRS complexes, is located over the “transition zone”, shifts to the L) with increased age
What happens to the height of the R wave as move across the precordial leads?
typically increases progressively, is usually <27mm in leads V5 & V6 but may be higher in V5 than V6 since the former is closer to the LV
Where is the S wave deepest?
in the R) precordial leads, decreases in amplitude across the precordium & may even be absent in V5 & V6. It shouldn’t be >30mm deeper usually
What’s the ST segment?
interval between end of ventricular depolarisation & beginning of repolarisation
Where is “high take-off” seen?
Leads V1-V3, where a rapidly ascending S wave merging directly with the T wave makes the j point indistinct & the ST segment difficult to identify.
In which condition is non-pathological ST elevation seen (aside from “high take off”)?
benign earl repolarisation, which is common in young males, athletes, black.
What is the t wave? in which leads is it usually inverted?
represents ventricular repolarisation. should be in the same orientation as qrs complex so is inverted in aVR & may be inverted in lead III. May also be inverted in lead V1 which is occasionally accompanied by T wave inversion in V2 but isolated T wave inversion in lead V2 is abnormal. T waves are usually asymmetrical; an inverted symmetrical T wave is highly suggestive of myocardial ischemia (asymmetrical inverted t waves are frequently a non-specific finding. T wave inversion in 2 or more of the right precordial leads= “persistent juvenile pattern”.
Where are the tallest T waves usually seen?
Leads V3 & V4
What conditions are associated with tall T waves?
acute myocardial ischemia, hyperkalaemia
T waves should be at least 1/8 but less than 2/3 of the corresponding R wave. Amplitude is rarely >10mm.
What’s the QT interval, what does it represent & what’s normal value?
From start of QRS complex to end of T wave, represents total time taken for ventricular depolarisation & repolarisation. It increases as HR slows so HR needs to be taken into account.
Normal QT interval is 0.35-0.45s & shouldn’t be >1/2 the duration of the R-R interval.
QT interval increases slightly with age & is longer in women than men.
Why & how calculate QTc?
QT lengthens as HR slows so must take rate into account.
Bazett’s correction is used to calculate QT corrected for HR: QTc= QT / [(root)(R-R)] seconds
Where should the QT interval be measured?
Should measure QT interval @ a point where there aren’t prominent U waves as these may lead to overestimation of QT, so aVL is a good choice.
What are some physiological & pathological conditions associated with sinus bradycardia?
common during sleep or in those with high vagal tone (eg. athletes, young healthy adults)
acute myocardial infarction= the commonest pathological cause of sinus bradycardia, particularly an inferior MI since the SA & AV nodes + inferior myocardial wall are all usually supplied by R) CA.
sick sinus syndrome
raised ICP
drugs (B blockers, digoxin, amiodarone)
obstructive jaundice
What’s the commonest ecg feature of sick sinus syndrome?
inappropriate, persistent & often severe sinus bradycardia
other features include sinus arrest, SA block, junctional or ventricular escape rhythms, tachy-brady syndrome, paroxysmal atrial flutter & AF
CHARACTERISED BY EXTREMELY SLOW SINUS RATE, LONG SINUS PAUSES INTERSPERSED WITH RUNS OF TACHYCARDIA (may be atrial or junctional; junctional flurries are compensatory phenomena aiming to preserve CO; HR >100, p waves hidden, inverted, retrograde, short or upright); ie. the sick sinus syndrome can lead to tachy-brady
What’s sick sinus syndrome?
the result of dysfunction of the SA node, impaired ability to generate & conduct impulses, usually due to idiopathic fibrosis of the node but also ass’d with myocardial ischaemia, digoxin & cardiac surgery.
What are some conditions associated with SA node dysfunction?
idiopathic fibrosis
ischaemia (incl MI)
high vagal tone
digoxin toxicity
How does SA block differ to sinus arrest?
SA block is transient failure of impulse conduction to the atrial myocardium–> intermittent pauses btwn P waves which are the length of 2+ P-P intervals
sinus arrest= when there’s transient cessation of impulse formation @ the SA node, manifesting as a prolonged pause without P wave activity & the pause is unrelated to the length of the P-P cycle.
What are escape rhythms?
the result of spontaneous activity from a subsidiary pacemaker, located in atria, AV junction or ventricles. They take over when normal impulse formation or conduction fails & may be ass’d with profound bradycardia.
Junctional rhythms havenormal QRS complex & rate of 40-60bpm.
A ventricular escape rhythm has a broad QRS & is slow (15-40bpm).
What does 1st degree AV block look like & what’s it usually due to?
P precedes each QRS, PR interval is >0.2s, the PR interval remains constant, the delay in conduction of the atrial impulse to the ventricles is usually @ the level of the AV node.
What’s 2nd degree AV block & @ what level is the issue?
Intermittent failure of conduction between atria & ventricles. Some P waves aren’t followed by a QRS complex.
Mobitz 1 (wenckebach) is usually @ the level of the AV node, produces intermittent failure of transmission of atrial impulse to ventricles. Initial PR interval is normal but there’s progressive lengthening of the PR interval with each successive beat until AV transmission is blocked completely & a P wave isn’t followed by a QRS. PR interval then returns to normal & cycle repeats.
Mobitz II is less common, block usually @ the level of the bundle branches so the QRS is wider (a pacemaker in the BoH produces a narrow QRS complex) & more likely to produce symptoms, intermittent failure of conduction of P waves. PR interval is constant (may be normal or prolonged). 2:1. Higher degree may be 3, 4 or more : 1 block & it may progress to 3rd degree AV block.
3rd degree: complete failure of conduction btwn atria & ventricles, complete independence of atrial & ventricular contractions with the P waves bearing no relation to the QRS complexes (the p waves usually proceed @ a faster rate). A subsidiary pacemaker triggers ventricular contractions, occasionally no escape rhythm occurs & systolic arrest occurs. the rate & QRS morphology of the escape rhythm vary depending on the site of the pacemaker.
What’s tachy-brady syndrome?
it’s common in sick sinus syndrome
is characterised by bursts of atrial tacchyardia (or junctional) interspersed with bradycardia
paroxysmal atrial flutter or fibrillation may occur, cardioversion may be followed by severe bradycardia
What are causes of AV conduction block?
myocardial ischemia/infarction
degeneration of His-Purkinje system
infection (eg. Lyme disease, diphtheria)
immunological disorders (eg. SLE)
congenital heart disorders
What are the bundle branches?
BoH divides into R) & L) BBs, then the L) divides to anterior & posterior hemivas cycle
What are the characteristics of R) BBB?
It’s usually a pathological cause.
LV depolarises in the normal way so the early part of the QRS is normal- the RV depolarisation is delayed & proceeds through non-specialised conducting tissue so the R) precordial leads have a prominent & late R wave & the L) precordial & limb leads have a wide slurred S wave. there are secondary repolarisation changes in the RV giving rise to ST-T changes in R) chest leads.
QRS wide
Secondary R wave (R’) in V1 or V2
Wide slurred S wave in leads I, V5 & V6
associated ST depression & TWI in R) precordial leads
What are the primary causes of L) BBB?
primarily due to coronary artery disease, hypertensive heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy. Unusual for L) BBB to exist in absence of organic disease.
What is the supply of the L) BB? implications?
anterior descending artery (branch of L) coronary) & the R) coronary, so pts with L) BBB generally have extensive disease.
See in 2-4% of pts with acute MI & is usually associated with anterior infarction.
What are the characteristics of L) BBB?
QRS >=0.12s
Broad monophonic R wave in I, V5 & V6
no Q waves in V5 or V6 (septum usually depolarises L) to R), producing Q waves in L) chest leads.. in L) BBB the direction of septal depolarisation is reversed, septal Q waves are lost & replaced with R waves.
associated features:
-ST-T changes in opposite direction to the dominant direction of the QRS (appropriate discordance- ie ST depression/TWI seen in leads with dominant R wave, ST elevation & +ve T waves seen in leads with a dominant S wave)
-poor R wave progression in the chest leads
-RS complex (rather than monophonic complex) in leads V5 & V6
-L) axis deviation (common but not invariable)
What’s L) anterior hemiblock?
L) axis deviation > -30 degrees in the absence of another cause (eg. inferior MI)
criteria= tall R waves I, aVL
deep S II, III, aVF
incr QRS voltage in limb leads
what’s the L) posterior hemiblock?
R) axis deviation >90 degrees in absence of other cause of RAD
What’s a bifascicular block?
R) BBB with L) (L) anterior hemiblock) or R) (L) posterior hemiblock) axis deviation
The most common bifascicular block is R) BBB with L) anterior hemiblock (the L) posterior fascicle is fairly stout & more resistant to damage so R) BBB with L) posterior hemiblock is rare.
What’s trifascicular block?
conduction delay in all 3 fascicles below the AV node (RBBB, LAFB, LPFB); on ecg, it manifests as 3rd degree AV block w RBBB & LAFB or 3rd degree AV block + R) BBB + LPFB
It’s NOT bifascicular block + 1st degree AV block (which has no difference in progression to CHB vs those w just bifascicular block)
Pts w true trifascicular block require pacemaker (if refractory to correction of reversible causes eg. medn/electrolyte/ischaemia causes.
symptomatic bifascicular block w syncope or presyncope should be admitted for monitoring likely PM insertion
asymptomatic bifascicular with or without 1st deg AV block isn’t an indication for pacing
causes incl IHD, strutural heart disease, congen HD, AV nodal blocking drugs, hyperkalemia (can correct!), infiltrative myocardial disease (amyloid, sarcoid, haemochromatosis), inflamm (myocarditis, lyme diseae) autoimmune (SLE, systemic sclerosis), AS, ant MI
How may vagal maneouvers help for a sinus tachycardia & for which supra ventricular tachycardias does it help?
slows AV conduction, help identify rhythm by slowing the ventricular rate allowing more accurate visualisation of atrial activity, doesn’t tend to stop the tachycardia unless it’s due to AVN or (rarely) SA node re-entry
Describe sinus tachycardia
usually physiological, may be precipitated by sympathomimetic drugs or endocrine disturbances.
Rate rarely >200bpm in adults.
Rate increases gradually & may show beat to beat variation.
Each p is followed by a qrs, the P wave height may increase & PR interval may shorten as rate increases, with fast tachycardia the p wave may be lost in the preceding t wave.
What are the supra ventricular tachycardias? how to analyse them?
From the atria or SA node: sinus tachycardia, AF, atrial flutter, atrial tachycardia
from the AVN: AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia, AV re-entrant tachycardia
look at the atrial rate & ventricular rate, regular/irregular, look for F or f waves & establish relation of p wave to ventricular complexes
Describe sinus, atrial tachycardias & atrial flutter/fibrillation
Sinus tachycardia: typically atrial & ventricular rate 100-200bpm, regular ventricular rhythm
each P followed by a QRS
p waves normal morphology
Atrial tachycardia:
abnormal p wave morphology
atrial rate 100-250bpm
ventricular rhythm usually regular
variable ventricular rate
Atrial flutter:
undulating saw-tooth baseline flutter waves
atrial rate 250-350bpm
regular ventricular rhythm, ventricular rate typically 150bpm (with 2:1 AV block, 4:1 also common but 1:1 and 3:1 rare)
Atrial fibrillation:
p waves absent, oscillating baseline fibrillation waves, atrial rate 350-600bpm, irregular ventricular rhythm, ventricular rate 100-180bpm
What are some causes of sinus tachycardia?
physiological: anxiety, pain, exertion
pathological: fever, hypoxia, hypovolaemia, anaemia
endocrine: thyrotoxicosis
pharmacological: adrenaline (from phaeochromocytoma), caffeine, ETOH, salbutamol
What are some causes of atrial fibrillation?
ischaemic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, sick sinus syndrome
cardiomyopathy (dilated or hypertrophic)
post cardiac surgery
ETOH misuse (acute or chronic)
What’s the most common sustained arrhythmia & what proportion of ppl does it affect? prognosis?
atrial fibrillation- overall prevalence 1-1.5%, increases w age (10% of ppl aged >70)
Prognosis depends on the ethology- excellent if idiopathic, relatively poor if due to ischaemic cardiomyopathy
In AF, what do rates of <100bpm suggest?
higher degree AV block or rate slowing medications
Where are the sawtooth atrial contractions (@ a rate of about 300/min) best seen? Whats A flutter due to?
inferior leads & V1
due to a re-entry circuit in the RA with secondary activation of the LA
Is atrial flutter ever idiopathic?
What are the 4 types of atrial tachycardia?
benign (common in elderly, paroxysmal, atrial rate 80-140bpm, abrupt onset & cessation & brief duration
incessant ectopic- rare chronic arrhythmia in children & young adults- rate 100-160bpm, difficult to distinguish from sinus tachycardia but is important to Dx as may lead to dilated CM if untreated
multifocal atrial tachycardia- occurs when multiple sites in the atria are discharging & is due to increased automaticity- p waves of varying morphologies, PR intervals of different lengths, irregular ventricular rate, it’s different from AF as there’s an isoelectric baseline btwn the P waves. Often ass’d with COPD or hypoxia or digoxin toxicity.
Atrial tachycardia with high-grade AV block often seen with digoxin toxicity. May end up with “regularised AF”; AF + CHB + accelerated junctional escape rhythm–> a paradoxically regular rhythm. Ventricular rhythm is regular but if the AV block is variable it may be irregular.
Dig tox may also get bidirectional VT (polymorphic w QRS complexes alternating btwn L)- & R)-axis deviation or L)BBB & R)BBB morphology
What are some conditions associated with atrial tachycardia?
rheumatic heart disease
sick sinus syndrome
digoxin toxicity
What’s the most common cause of paroxysmal regular narrow complex tachycardia?
What’s the pathophysiology of AVNRT?
there are 2 pathways in the AVN with different conduction velocities & refractory periods- one fast with long refractory period, one slow with short refractory period.
In sinus rhythm, the impulse travels down both but the impulse going down the slow pathway terminates as the final common pathway is refractory.
In 90% of ppl with AVNRT, it’s initiated as follows: If a premature beat occurs @ the critical point where the fast pathway is refractory, the impulse is conducted through the slow pathway then retrograde up the fast one & a re-entry through the circuit is created- AVNRT is initiated.
In the remainder of ppl with AVNRT, the circuit is initiated by a premature ventricular contraction with the impulse traveling retrogradely up the slow pathway- this is known as fast-slow AVNRT aka “long RP” tachycardia- an inverted P wave may follow the T, preceding the next QRS. (*this is similar to AVRT in orthodromic wPw; retrograde p waves occur later w long RP interval >70ms)
What are the ecg findings of AVNRT?
ECG is normal during sinus rhythm. During the tachycardia, the rhythm is regular, QRS complexes narrow & rate is 130-250bpm. atrial conduction proceeds retrograde producing inverted P waves in II, III & aVF but since atrial & ventricular depolarisation occur simultaneously the P waves are often buried in the QRS.
The P wave may be seen distorting the last part of the QRS complex giving rise to a “pseudo” S wave in the inferior leads & a “pseudo” R wave in V1.
Is AVNRT symptomatic?
generally mild (eg. palpitations), symptoms are commonest if rapid rates & pre-existing heart disease. Severe symptoms= dizziness, dyspnoea, polyuria.
What’s the ethology of AVRT?
an anatomically distinct atrioventricular connection, an accessory conduction pathway which allows the atrial impulse to bypass the AVN & excite the ventricles prematurely (ventricular pre-excitation), allowing a re-entry circuit to form & paroxysmal AVRT to occur.
What’s the accessory pathway in WpW called?
bundle of Kent
Does AVRT result in a narrow or broad complex tachycardia?
depends whether the accessory pathway or AVN is used for antegrade conduction
What are the ecg features of WpW?
in sinus rhythm, the atrial impulse is conducted via accessory pathway without AVN delay so the PR is short. the impulse enters non-specialised myocardium so ventricular depolarisation progresses slowly at first, distorting the early part of the R wave & producing the delta wave. This slow depolarisation is taken over by that propagated by the normal conducting system & the rest of the QRS complex appears relatively normal.
If the accessory pathway is concealed, ie. only capable of conducting retrograde, pre-excitation doesn’t occur & the ecg is normal.
There are 2 types of WPW:
Type A has a dominant R wave in V1 lead, which may be confused with R) BBB, RVH & posterior MI
Type B has a delta wave & QRS complex predominantly -ve in leads V1 & V2 but +ve in the other precordial leads (indicates R)-sided accessory pathway), may be confused with L) BBB or anterior MI.
What happens with orthodromic & antidromic (uncommon, only in about 10% of pts with WPW) AVRT in WpW?
for orthodromic, an impulse which has travelled via the AVN then travels retrograde via the accessory pathway & triggers a reentrant tachycardia, narrow complex, 140-250bpm, since the atrial depolarisation lags behind ventricular, the P waves follow the QRS. The delta waves can’t be seen & the QRS duration is normal.
For antidromic, the accessory pathway allows antegrade conduction- the QRS is broad & bizarre (conducted through non-specialised myocardium), the impulse then travels retrograde via the AVN back to the atria.
What happens with AF + WpW?
atrial impulses can be conducted via the accessory pathway, causes ventricular pre-excitation & producing completely irregular, broad qrs complexes with delta waves. occasionally impulses are conducted via the AVN & produce a normal QRS.
in some cases the accessory pathway allows conduction of very rapid ventricular rates (>300bpm) with risk deterioration into VF.
How does WpW present?
may be an incidental finding on ecg
often presents with tachyarrhythmias (tend to be more common in young people)
if there are rapid arrhythmias & AF, the pt may present w heart failure or hypotension.
What drugs can be dangerous in WpW? why?
drugs blocking AVN conduction (eg. digoxin, verapamil, adenosine) should be avoided as they reduce the refractoriness & increase conductivity through accessory pathway, may precipitate VF,
In which situation may a broad complex tachycardia be supra-ventricular in origin?
if associated with ventricular pre-excitation or a BBB
What’s an important determinant of the treatment of a broad complex tachycardia?
The origin
What’s a ventricular tachycardia?
3 or more ventricular extrasystoles in succession with a rate >120bpm
the tachycardia is “sustained” if it lasts >30 seconds
What’s an accelerated idioventricular rhythm?
ventricular rhythm with rate 100-120bpm
What are the types of broad complex tachycardia?
regular include monomorphic VT, fascicular tachycardia & RVOT tachycardia
irregular include torsades de pointes tachycardia & polymorphic VT
BBB with aberrant conduction
atrial tachycardia with pre-excitation
What are some causes for VT?
re-entry or increased myocardial automaticity
the re-entry may be through a zone of ischaemia or fibrosis surrounding damaged myocardium
direct damage to the myocardium from ischemia, cardiomyopathy (congenital or acquired heart disease) the effects of myocarditis or drugs (eg. class 1 antiarrhythmics such as flecainide or quinidine)
monomorphic VT usually occurs after MI & is a sign of extensive myocardial damage; there’s a high in-hospital mortality
What’s are general rules re: the aetiology of a ventricular tachycardia?
the broader the QRS, the more likely the rhythm is to be ventricular in origin, esp if the complexes are >0.16s.
Broader complexes may be seen with electrolyte abnormalities, severe myocardial disease, antiarrhythmics (eg. flecainide).
If the tachycardia originates in the proximal part of the His-Purkinje system, the duration may be relatively short, eg, in a fascicular tachycardia the QRS is 0.11-0.14s
The complexes of tachycardias originating in the LV often have a R) BBB pattern while those originating in the RV often have a L) BBB pattern; those originating in the septum have L) BBB morphology.
What’s the usual rate & rhythm of a ventricular tachycardia?
usually regular & 120-300bpm
If an irregular monomorphic broad-complex tachycardia, it’s generally AF with with either aberrant conduction or pre-excitation.
What may a change in axis of more than 40 degrees to the L) or R) indicate?
ventricular tachycardia, eg. lead aVR usually has a -ve QRS, a +ve QRS in lead 3 indicates an extremely abnormal axis,
What happens with the atrial activity during a ventricular tachycardia? What are some other features suggestive of ventricular tachycardia vs SVT?
the sinus node continues to initiate activity completely independently of the ventricle. The P waves are generally +ve in lead I & II, however if there’s retrograde conduction of ventricular impulses to the atria, there may be inverted P waves after the QRS, usually with a constant RP interval.
Evidence of atrioventricular dissociation is diagnostic for VT however a lack of direct evidence of independent P wave activity doesn’t exclude VT.
Similarly, capture beats (occur relatively early, result in a narrow QRS) confirm a Dx of VT however these are uncommon & their absence doesn’t exclude the diagnosis.
Also, fusion beats (where an impulse conducted via the usual pathway fuses with one originating in the ventricles) support a Dx of VT but their absence doesn’t exclude the Dx.
Duration of QRS >0.14s generally ventricular origin, as is concordance through the chest leads.
A previous ECG may be useful- evidence of a prev MI increases the likelihood of a VT, if the mean frontal plane axis changes during the tachycardia (esp >40 deg to the L) or R)), this points to a ventricular origin.
If there’s an old ecg showing a BBB pattern during sinus rhythm that’s similar during the tachycardia, it may be a supra ventricular tachycardia with a BBB, however if the qrs morphology changes during the tachycardia it’s likely of ventricular origin.
What does positive concordance (where all the QRS complexes in the chest leads are predominantly +ve) suggest?
that the tachycardia has an origin in the posterior ventricular wall (concordance suggests that the tachycardia has ventricular origin, the direction of the wave of depolarisation will either be +ve or -ve depending on where in the ventricle it begins). Negative concordance correlates with a tachycardia originating in the anterior ventricular wall.
How does a fascicular tachycardia manifest?
it’s uncommon, not usually associated with structural heart disease.
originates from usually the posterior (rarely anterior) fascicle of the L) bundle branch, is partly propagated by the His-Purkinje network, it has a QRS 0.11-0.14s so is often misdiagnosed as SVT.
The QRS complexes have a R) BBB pattern often with a small Q wave vs primary R wave in lead V1 & a deep S wave in V6.
When the tachycardia originates in the posterior fascicle there’ll be L) axis deviation, when it originates from the anterior fascicle there’s R) axis deviation.
What’s RV outflow tract tachycardia?
originates from the RVOT & spreads inferiorly.
the ECG shows R) axis deviation with a L) BBB pattern.
May be provoked by catecholamine release, sudden changes in HR or exercise.
May be a brief & self-terminating tachycardia or a sustained one.
It usually responds to B blockers or CCBs.
What’s torsades de pointes?
a type of polymorphic VT where the cardiac axis rotates over 5-20 beats, changing direction- the QRS amplitude varies. The QT interval is prolonged & prominent U waves may be seen.
It’s not usually sustained but will recur unless the underlying cause corrected, it may deteriorate to VF.
It’s associated with conditions that prolong the QT, eg. drug or electrolyte disturbances.
What are some causes of torsades de pointes?
anti arrhythmic: class Ia eg. quinidine, class III (eg. amiodarone, sotalol)
antibacterials: erythromycin, fluoroquinolones, trimethoprim
other drugs: TCAs, haloperidol, phenothiazines, lithium
electrolyte disturbances: hypoK, hypoMg
IHD, myxoedema, Brady due to sick sinus or complete heart block, SAH
How does polymorphic VT vary cf torsades?
QT isn’t prolonged.
If sustained, polymorphic VT can lead to haemodynamic collapse, may deteriorate into ventricular fibrillation.
it must be differentiated from AF with pre-excitation (both have appearance of irregular broad-complex tachycardia with variable QRS morphology).
How does polymorphic VT vary cf torsades?
QT isn’t prolonged.
If sustained, polymorphic VT can lead to haemodynamic collapse, may deteriorate into ventricular fibrillation.
it must be differentiated from AF with pre-excitation (both have appearance of irregular broad-complex tachycardia with variable QRS morphology).
What ecg features help differentiate btwn a ventricular tachycardia & a SVT with BBB? How about clinical features?
If a R) BBB pattern, likely ventricular if the QRS is >0.14s, axis deviation, QS or predominantly -ve complex in V6, concordance of the QRS through chest leads (all +ve), if there’s a single R or biphasic (QR or RS) R wave in V1
If a L) BBB pattern, ventricular origin suggested if QRS >0.16s, axis deviation, QS or predominantly -ve complex in V6, concordance through chest leads (all deflections -ve), an rS complex in lead V1
A tachycardia in a pt aged >35yo is more likely to be ventricular- a Hx with IHD or CCF is 90% predictive of VT.
Clinical evidence of A-V dissociation includes “cannon” waves in the jugular venous pulse or variable intensity of the first heart sound- this indicates a Dx of VT but the absence doesn’t exclude the Dx.
What’s the danger of misdiagnosing a ventricular tachycardia as supra-ventricular?
may lead to wrong Rx- eg. giving verapamil to a pt with VT may cause hypoT, accelerate tachycardia- safest to Rx as ventricular unless strong evidence otherwise.
What’s the likely Dx of a broad-complex irregular tachycardia?
most likely AF with aberrant conduction or pre-excitation.
What are the early ecg findings in MI?
10% of pts with a proved AMI (on the basis of Hx & enzymes) don’t have ST elevation of depression.
in the early stages the ecg may be normal however ST elevation in 2 or more anatomically contiguous leads (the most frequent ECG criterion for identifying AMI) may evolve over serial ECGs.
The earliest change (5-30 mins following infarction) is hyper acute T waves, most prominent in the anterior chest leads.
ST segment changes are usually evident within hours of symptom onset.
What do pathological Q waves indicate?
myocardial necrosis under the recording electrode. They may develop within 1-2 hours of the onset of acute MI but they often take 12 hours & occasionally up to 24hrs to appear.
What are the ecg indicators for thrombolytic treatment?
ST elevation >1mm in 2 contiguous limb leads or >2mm in 2 contiguous chest leads
posterior MI
How long may the ST segment elevations take to resolve if anterior MI, inferior MI or LV aneurysm?
> 2/52
up to 2/52
persist indefinitely
In what proportion of inferior & anterior infarctions are reciprocal ST depressions seen?
70% of inferior & 30% of anterior infarctions
Reciprocal change has sensitivity & positive predictive value of >90% for acute infarction but it’s absence doesn’t rule out the Dx
In what proportion of inferior & anterior infarctions are reciprocal ST depressions seen?
70% of inferior & 30% of anterior infarctions
Reciprocal change has sensitivity & positive predictive value of >90% for acute infarction but it’s absence doesn’t rule out the Dx
What are anteroseptal infarcts due to?
highly specific for disease of the LAD artery
What are isolated inferior infarcts usually associated with?
disease of the R) coronary or distal circumflex
What’s a lateral infarct usually associated with?
disease of the proximal circumflex
Which proportion of inferior infarcts are associated with RV damage?
may also complicate some anterior infarcts
How is RV infarct indicated on the 12-lead ecg?
inferior infarct ass’d with STE in V1.
What additional ecg monitoring should occur in all pts with an inferior infarct?
asap, lead V4R (on the right sided chest leads, it’s an electrode over the R) 5th ICS MCL) should be recorded, since R)-sided chest leads are more sensitive for RV infarction & the STEs in RV infarction may be short-lived.
What’s the clinical implication of a RV infarction? signs of RV infarct on ecg?
it’s associated with hypotension which may be compounded by nitrates or diuretics. The pt may respond to a fluid challenge. *they’re preload-sensitive.
40% of inf stemi’s complicated by RV infarction
ST elevations in V1-2, STE III>IISTE in V4R (along with the STE in II,III, aVF & reciprocal changes lat leads I, aVL, V6)
Which vessel involvement is usually responsible for RV infarct?
RCA proximal to the RV marginal branches, hence it’s association with inferior infarct.
Less commonly, it may be ass’d with occlusion of the R) circumflex if this vessel is dominant, in which case the inferolateral wall may also be infarcted.
What are ecg findings suggestive of posterior MI & why Dx important?
reciprocal changes in anterior precordial leads (V1-3), important as expeditious thrombolysis may improve outcome.
since ischemia of the anterior wall produces similar changes, diagnose posterior infarct with posterior leads V7-9 (would show STE if posterior infarction).
From where does the L) bundle branch receive blood?
LAD branch of the L) coronary & from the R) coronary
In which pts is L) BBB usually seen?
coronary artery disease, HTN, DCM
What’s the prognosis of a new L) BBB in the context of acute MI?
poor, high mortality however thrombolytic treatment reduces mortality greatly, particularly if treated early.
AMI in the presence of a pre-existing or new L) BBB both carry worse prognosis than in a MI with normal ventricular conduction.
While there are no ecg criteria sufficiently sensitive for identifying acute infarction in the presence of a L) BBB, what are some hints?
ST elevation where there’s a +ve QRS or ST depression in leads V1-V3 (which have predominantly -ve QRS’s).. this is “inappropriate concordance”
Marked (>=5mm) STE in leads V1 & V2 also suggests acute ischaemia
While R) BBB causes little ST displacement & neither causes nor masks Q waves, what might it mask?
may mask posterior MI
What’s brugada syndrome, ecg findings & implications?
mutation on cardiac sodium channel gene, familial clustering & autosomal dominant inheritance has been demonstrated
particularly occurs in young men, characterised by partial R) BBB & ST elevation in R) precordial leads (a RSR’ pattern, “coved” STE >2mm in >1 of V1-3 w inversion terminal portion T wave )
MUST be accompanied by clinical criteria for Dx:
-documented VF or polymorphic VT
-FHx SCD <45yo
-coved-type ECGs in family
-nocturnal agonal respiration
type 2 brugada has saddleback ST elevation
brugada 3 has either saddleback or coved STE but the STE is <2mm
high incidence of sudden death due to ventricular tachyarrhythmias
Structurally normal hearts
high incidence in SE asia
Definitive Rx= ICD, quinidine has been proposed if ICD unavailable or inappropriate (eg. neonates)
The ecg changes can be unmasked or augmented by:
-Na channel blockers (eg. flecainide, procainamide)
-lithium, amitriptyline
-bupivacaine, procaine
-Ca channel blockers
-alpha agonists
0B blockers
-cholinergic stimulation
-cocaine, ETOH
post DCCV
preferred to avoid amiodarone, lignocaine, propranolol, verapamil, phenytoin, metoclopramide
propofol has been used uneventfully- appropriate measures should be taken to minimise pro-arrhythmogenic potential
What are some DDx of ST elevation?
acute MI
high take off (upsloping of the ST segments of R)-sided chest leads esp leads V2 & V3)
benign early repolarisation (often present in young healthy adults- most commonly seen in precordial leads esp V4, there’s elevation of J point, distinct notch @ the J point, high take-off of the ST segment, upward concavity of the ST segment, symmetrical upright T waves often of high amplitude)
antecedent MI (particularly old anterior MI)- comparison with old ECGs useful, care when interpreting an ecg within 2/52 of an MI, persistent STEs should consider a ventricular aneurysm.
LVH (ST elevation in precordial leads is a feature of LVH, due to secondary repolarisation abnormalities)
ventricular aneurysm
coronary vasospasm/printzmetal’s angina- in these cases the changes may be reversible if treated promptly. changes ass’d with cocaine use may be a combo of vasospasm & thrombosis.
brugada syndrome
intracranial, particularly subarachnoid, haemorrhage (may be that altered autonomic tone affects the duration of ventricular repolarisation) may be ass’d w ST changes (elevation or depression)
While both may cause chest pain & ST elevation, how is acute pericarditis differentiated from STEMI?
in acute pericarditis the ST elevations are diffuse (present in all leads except V1 & aVR), often associated with upward concavity of the ST segment (vs the upward convexity seen with AMI) & may be associated with PR segment depression, absence of reciprocal changes or Q waves.
What are some of the T wave changes associat4ed with ischaemia?
What may isolated tall T waves in V1 to V3 indicate?
Posterior LV wall ischaemia (mirror image of T wave inversion)
in which leads are inverted T waves normal?
III, aVR, V1 (in ass’n with a predominantly -ve QRS)- can also occur in V2 but only in association with TWI in V1
What are the rough criteria for size of t wave?
about 1/8th the size of the R wave, <2/3 the size of the R wave, height <10mm
arrowhead T wave suggestive of myocardial ischaemia
What do biphasic p waves, followed by symmetrical T wave inversion, indicate?
partial thickness ischaemia such as with unstable or crescendo angina
While horizontal ST depression often suggests ischaemia, what are some of the Ddx of the less-specific downscoping ST segment?
LVH, digoxin
Why is ST depression usually not as marked in the inferior leads?
The R waves are smaller.
the degree of ST depression is related to the size of the R wave so ST depression is most obvious in V4-6 (where the R waves taller)
What’s the commonest fatal arrhythmia in the first 24hrs after acute MI?
ventricular fibrillation
What’s the key to survival from a VF arrest? what’s the prognostic significance?
early access to electrical defibrillation- cardiac arrest from VF outside a hospital only has 10% long-term survival cf initial survival of 90% if the arrest occurs in coronary care unit.
What’s the supply of the AVN?
in most people it’s a branch of the R) coronary, less commonly it originates from the L) circumflex, so pts with proximal occlusion of the R) coronary, causing an inferior infarction, may have compromised AV node supply resulting in varying degrees of heart block.
What are the characteristics of an AV nodal vs ventricular escape rhythm?
normal QRS morphology & rate 40-60bpm vs wide QRS & 15-40bpm.
What’s the sensitivity & specificity of exercise testing for detecting coronary artery disease?
78% & 70%
What’s the Bruce protocol?
The most widely adopted protocol for exercise stress testing, it has 7 stages each lasting 3 mins, the first stage (10% incline, 2.7kph) is considered to be 4.8 METs. Incline & speed increases with each stage. A modified Bruce protocol is used within 1/52 of MI.
What are the instructions for B blockers & digoxin for exercise stress test?
Discontinue B blocker the day before the test, discontinue Digoxin (may cause false +ve, ST abnormalities) 1/52 before the test.
What’s the most reliable ecg indicator of exericse-induced ischaemia?
horizontal or down-sloping ST depression, however the specificity of ST depression as the main indicator of myocardial ischaemia is limited- ST depression occurs in up to 20% of normal individuals on ambulatory ecg monitoring.
What’s 1 MET?
3.5mLO2/kg/minute (the O2 consumption of an average individual @ rest
What’s the target for exercise stress testing?
To achieve HR max which is 220-age in males (210-age in females).
85% of HR max is usually considered satisfactory (with 9-12 mins of exercise), attainment of HR max is considered a good prognostic sign.
What are alternatives for investigation of pts who may have an indication for exercise testing (eg. chest pain & intermediate probability of coronary artery disease) but who are precluded from exercise testing (eg. due to depolarisation & conduction abnormalities such as LVH, L) BBB, pre-excitation, digoxin effects)?
adenosine or dobutamine scintigraphy or angiography
What are normal ecg changes during exercise?
P wave height increases
R wave height decreases
J point depressed with ST segment sloping sharply upwards
Q-T shortens
T wave height decreases
Where is ST depression measured relative to the isoelectric baseline?
60-80ms after the J point
When is an exercise test stopped?
When the diagnostic criteria are reached or when signs & symptoms dictate; recording continues for up to 15 mins after cessation since ST changes or arrhythmias occurring during recovery have equal significance to those occurring with exercise.
What exercise test result indicates high probability of coronary artery disease?
substantial ST depression (horizontal or downscoping)@ low work rate + angina-like pain & BP drop. Deeper & more widespread ST depression generally indicates more severe or extensive disease.
Why is exercise testing usually performed in pts with a moderate probability of coronary artery disease (vs very low or high probability)?
as per Baye’s theorem of diagnostic probability, the predictive value of an abnormal test varies according to the probability of coronary artery disease in the population under study
Right atrial activity is associated with which part of the ecg? What ecg changes are associated with RA hypertrophy/dilation? What’s P pulmonale?
early part of P wave
Tall p waves in anterior & inferior leads (but duration of P wave not usually prolonged). A tall P wave (>=2.5mm) in leads II, III & aVF= P pulmonale (eg, seen transient with acute PE)
What conditions are associated with RA enlargement?
pulmonary hypertension
Congenital heart disease (eg. pulmonary stenosis & ToF)
In practice most pts with R) atrial enlargement have RV hypertrophy
RA enlargement without R hypertrophy can be seen in tricuspid stenosis
What are the diagnostic criteria for RVH?
provided QRS duration is <0.12s:
R) axis deviation >=110degrees
Dominant R wave in V1
R wave in lead V1 >=7mm
Supporting criteria:
ST depression & TWI in leads V1-V4
Deep S waves in leads V5, V6, I & aVL, dominant S waves leads I-III (far RAD)
p pulmonale (RA enlargement)
What conditions are associated with RVH?
mitral stenosis, pulm HTN, less commonly congenital heart disease (eg. with pulmonary stenosis)
Is the ecg sensitive for detecting RVH?
No, in mild cases the trace will be normal
What are some conditions associated with a tall R wave in V1?
RVH (the associated presence of R) axis deviation distinguishes this from the other causes of tall R wave in V1)
posterior MI
Type A WpW
*tall R wave in V1 is normal in children & young adults
What are some conditions associated with R) axis deviation?
L) posterior hemiblock
lateral MI
acute R) heart strain
- R) axis deviation is normal in infants & children
What are some ecg findings in COPD?
P pulmonale (can occur with or without clinical evidence of cor pulmonale)
RV hypertrophy (indicating presence of cor pulmonale)
there may be poor R wave progression & Deep S wave in the R) precordial leads (since the heart rotates clockwise along it’s horizontal axis which shifts the transitional zone (progression of rS to qR) to the left), appearance simulates an anterior MI.
QRS amplitude may be small as hyper-inflated lungs are poor electrical conductors.
What are the ecg findings of PE?
depend on the size of the PE, pts underlying cardiopulmonary reserve & ecg timing
small may have normal ecg or sinus tachycardia
Massive PE associated with pulmonary artery obstruction & acute RV dilatation may have a deep S wave in lead I, a Q wave in lead III & TWI in lead III (this S1Q3T3 pattern only seen in 12% of pts with PE)
RV dilation may lead to R)-sided conduction delays (incomplete or complete R) BBB), R)-axis deviation
RA dilation may lead to prominent P waves in the inferior leads (II, III, aVF), atrial flutter or fibrillation
TWI in the R) precordial leads may also occur
What are the ecg findings & possible aetiologies of “RV strain”?
features of RV hypertrophy (R) axis deviation +110 deg or more, Tall R wave in V1, dominant S wave V5 or V6, QRS <120ms (ie. the changes aren’t due to R) BBB, factors such as P pulmonale, RV strain w presence of an incomplete/complete RBBB suggest coexisting RVH)) ST depression & TWI particularly in leads V1 & V2 (also V3-4, II, III, aVF)
May be seen in acute massive PE, pneumothorax or pleural effusion with acute RV dilation. May also be seen in RV hypertrophy with no apparent “strain” on the ventricle.
What’s the usual aetiology of tricuspid stenosis & ecg appearance?
rheumatic heart disease
appears as p pulmonale, generally occurs in association with mitral valve disease so the ecg often shows biatrial enlargement (large biphasic P wave in V1- initial +ve then -ve deflection)
Is the ecg useful in tricuspid regurgitation?
no- the features are non-specific & related to the underlying disease. May see incomplete R) BBB & AF.
What are the ecg findings associated with pulmonary stenosis?
spectrum depending on severity- from normal to signs of RV/RA hypertrophy; R) axis, tall R) wave in V1, p pulmonale
To which part of the ecg does LA depolarisation contribute?
middle & late portions of the P wave
What are some ecg chagnes ass’d with LA hypertrophy?
while the P wave in V1 is often biphasic, a large negative deflection (>1 small square) of the 2nd part of the P wave may be seen, along with prolongation (>0.12s) of the P wave if depolarisation is delayed.
When are bifid p waves abnormal?
A minor notch probably is due to slight asynchrony btwn RA & LA depolarisation but if there’s a >0.04s peak-to-peak interval this suggests LA enlargement
What conditions are ass’d with LA enlargement?
systemic HTN
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
aortic stenosis
mitral incompetence
Where is P mitral (an abnormally notched, wide P wave) most obvious? with which disease is it often associated?
lead II
mitral valve disease, esp mitral stenosis
What’s the most common + other causes of LVH?
systemic HTN
aortic stenosis
coarctation of aorta
Why is electrocardiographic diagnosis of LVH difficult in individuals aged <40?
if using voltage criteria, inaccurate since young ppl often have large-amplitude QRS in absence of LV disease.
What are the ECG findings of LV “strain”?
repolarisation changes of ST depression & T wave inversion in L) precordial leads along with reciprocal ST elevation in R) precordial leads
poor R wave progression
LA hypertrophy or prolonged atrial depolarisation & L) axis deviation
In what proportion of pts with HTN are there abnormalities (& sequence of these) on ecg?
20% have subtle changes, 30% have obvious features
linear correlation btwn ecg changes & severity & duration of the HTN
high amplitude QRS complexes seen first, then non-voltage criteria develop
What’s the Sokolov-Lyon criteria for diagnosing LVH? what are the non-voltage & other voltage criteria?
tallest R in V5,6 + S wave depth in V1 is >35mm
the voltage criteria must be accompanied by non-voltage criteria to be diagnostic of LVH:
ST depression & TWI in L) precordial leads
Delayed ventricular activation time (R wave peak time) >=0.05s in leads V5 or V6
(may also see.. not on the list but: LA hypertrophy & prolonged depolarisation, L) axis deviation, poor R wave progression)
Other voltage criteria:
Tallest R wave in V4-V6 is >26mm
deepest S + tallest R in precordial leads sum >45mm
for limb leads: R wave in lead 1 + S wave in lead 3 is >25mm
R wave in aVL is >11mm
R wave in lead aVF is >20mm
S wave in lead aVR is >14mm
What’s the specificity/sensitivity of scoring systems for LVH based on ecg criteria?
highly specific diagnostic tools, however their specificity is impacted by age & sex. Their poor sensitivity limits their use.
What ecg abnormality is seen in 75% of pts with severe AS? other abnormalities?
may also see LA enlargement, L) axis deviation & L) BBB
What are the 3 types of disease of the myocardium (classified based on their functional effects)?
hypertrophic (obstructed), dilated (congestive) & restrictive cardiomyopathy
Which parts of the myocardium are predominantly affected by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? what ecg findings may occur in HCM?
IV septum & apex of the LV
ecg evidence of LVH is found in 50% of pts.
Abnormal Q waves in the anterolateral or inferior chest leads may occur, mimicking presence of MI (NARROW DAGGER Q WAVES)
As the LV becomes increasingly less compliant, there’s increasing resistance to atrial contraction & signs of LA abnormality (LA enlargement) are commonly seen.
AF & SVTs are common, VT may occur (cause of sudden death in these pts).
Bizarre QRS complexes masquerading, eg. as pre-excitation or BBB may be seen.
What ecg findings may occur with aortic regurg?
LVH with LV strain pattern
what ecg findings are associated with mitral stenosis?
L) atrial abnormality, AF & RVH
what ecg findings are associated with mitral regurgitation?
atrial fibrillation, L) atrial enlargement if the pt is in sinus, evidence of LVH may be seen
what are some main general ecg findings associated with cardiomyopathies?
electrical holes (Q waves)
conduction defects (bundle branch block & axis deviation)
What are ecg findings in dilated cardiomyopathy?
While most have anatomical LVH, ecg findings of LVH are only seen in 1/3 of pts- signs of LVH may bee masked by a diffuse myocardial fibrosis reducing the voltage of the QRS complexes, and if there’s also RVH, the rightward depolarisation forces may cancel out some of the leftward forces again masking signs of LVH.
signs of LA enlargement are common & there’s often biatrial enlargement.
There may be abnormal q waves (esp in V1-4) although less common than in HCM.
There may be L) BBB, LVH, arrhythmias (ventricular premature beats, VT, AF)
Which is the least common cardiomyopathy & what diseases is it associated with?
restrictive cardiomyopathy, associated with infiltrative disease eg. amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, haemochromatosis
What ecg findings are associated with restrictive cardiomyopathy?
low voltage QRS is most common, likely to do with the infiltration
conduction disturbance
arrhythmias; supraventricular & ventricular
What ecg findings are associated with incremental stages of hyperkalaemia?
5.5-6.5= tall peaked T waves (suspect hyper K if a T wave is >= the height of an R wave)
6.5-7.5= PR interval widens, p wave flattens & disappears
7-8= QRS widens
8-10= sine wave, ventricular arrhythmias/asystole (hyperK-induced asystole more likely in chronic hyperK)
severe hyperkalemia: blocked, bradycardic & bizarre
what ecg features are associated with hypokalaemia?
ecg features are more reliably appear with severe hypoK (eg. below 2.7mmol/L) or if associated with hypoMg++
Broad, flat T waves
ST segment depression
QT prolongation (most presumed QT prolongation is actually the QU interval- pts with true QT prolongation & hypokalaemia generally also have hypoMg++ & are predisposed to ventricular arrhythmias eg. torsades de pointes).
U wave (a prominent U wave associated with small T wave is considered classic ecg finding of hypokalaemia; prominent U waves & long “QU” interval, may descend to torsades (eg.if ectopic superimposed during the T/U wave repolarisation)
ventricular arrhythmias (particularly if coexisting hypomagnesemia)
supraventricular arrhythmias
what’s hypothermia?
what’s the earliest ecg finding?
subsequent findings?
Core temp < 35 degrees
artefact due to shivering but the ability to shiver diminishes as body temp falls (uncommon below 32deg c core temp)
as body temp falls, metabolic & cardiovascular processes slow- pacemaker (HR) & conduction velocity decline–> bradycardia, heart block, PR/QRS/QT prolongation occur
below 32degC, regular organised atrial activation disappears & varying slow, disorganised, irregular activity occurs
core temp below 28deg C, junctional bradycardia may be seen
J (Osborn) waves (dome or numb elevation in the terminal portion of the QRS, best seen in L) chest leads) are the most specific ecg finding of hypothermia- their size often correlates with the severity of hypothermia <30 degrees, they’re considered pathognomic of hypothermia but may be seen in hypercalcaemia, CNS disorders (eg. massive head injury, SAH)
bradycardia, osborn J waves (notching @ J point, easiest seen in lateral leads), long Qt, shivering artefact
What’s the most common mechanism of death in hypothermia?
ventricular arrhythmias
more common in rewarming as body temp rises through 28-32degC
What are the most common ecg changes in thyrotoxicosis?
sinus tachycardia, incr amplitude of all deflections (esp in younger pts) & AF (*atrial tachyarrhythmias particularly common a the atria sensitive to T2)
In thyroid storm, paroxysmal SVT with rates >200bpm may be seen
elderly pts may get ischaemic ST & T changes due to the tachycardias
PVCs common
How is AF in thyrotoxicosis treated?
can be difficult as it may be refractory to cardioversion but most revert spontaneously to sinus when euthyroid
what ecg changes are associated with hypothyroidism?
related to a general slowing of electrical conduction through the heart (along with slowing of metabolic rate & almost all bodily functions)
most have a low-normal heart rate (50-70bpm), may have sinus bradycardia
increased PR interval
prolonged QT (may develop torsades VT in hypothyroidism, related to prolonged QT, electrolyte abnormalities due to hypothyroidism, hypothermia or hypoventilation)
inverted or flat T waves (ST changes are rarely seen)
low voltage QRS
severe hypothyroidism esp if pre-existing heart disease may develop heart block or BBB (esp. R) BBB)
ventricular extrasystoles
conduction abnormalities ass’d with hypothyroidism resolve with thyroid hormone therapy
uncommonly, pts with hypothyroidism may develop large pericardial effusions, giving rise to electrical alternates (beat- to- beat variation in QRS voltages)
arrhythmias associated with which medication are hypothyroid patients particularly susceptible to?
What condition should be suspected in a pt with altered consciousness & bradycardia with low voltage QRS (<1mV) in all leads?
myxoedema coma (other ecg abnormalities of severe hypothyroidism: bradycardia, low QRS voltage, widespread TWI, may get QT prol, 1st deg AV block, interventricular conduction delay)
what ecg changes are associated with Ca++ abnormalities?
hypercalcaemia associated with QT shortening but if severe, T wave will be prolonged, normalising the QT interval
There’s QT prolongation in hypocalcaemia, mainly due to ST prolongation. Hypocalcaemia may also have osborne waves.
digoxin harmful in hypercalcaemia (may cause tachy or bradyarrhythmias) & it is also dangerous to give IV calcium to a pt on digoxin.
what ecg changes are associated with hypoglycaemia?
T wave flattening & QT prolongation
What ecg changes may occur with subarachnoid haemorrhage?
ST depression or elevation, T wave inversion, QT prolongation
What ecg changes may occur with subarachnoid haemorrhage?
ST depression or elevation, T wave inversion, QT prolongation
Which additional ecg electrodes are added when performing an ecg for paediatrics? other changes?
V3R or V4R to detect RV or atrial hypertrophy
occasionally large QRS complexes may require the gain to be halved
By what age is the LV larger than the R)? and relatively ratios?
1 month
by 6/12 the ratio of RV to LV is similar to an adult
What other ecg features may be normal in paediatrics?
rate >100bpm (resting HR is approx 140bpm at birth & 120bpm at age 1 year, 100 @ 5 years & adult values by 10 years).
QRS axis >90 degrees (R) axis deviation- at birth the QRS is +60=+160deg, by 1 year the axis changes to lie between +10 & +100deg)
Large precordial R waves, T wave inversion in lead V1 occurs by 7 days & typically remains inverted until at least age 7. Upright precordial T waves are normal in the neonate (RV larger) but persistence of upright T waves in the R) precordial leads (V1-3) btwn 7 days & 7 yrs may indicate RVH.
Short PR & QT intervals (the PR interval decreases up until 1 year then gradually increases- the P wave & QRS durations also increase with age)
QT interval depends on HR & age; shortens with incr HR & increases with age.
Q waves are usually seen in inferior & lateral leads.
What other ecg features may be normal in paediatrics?
rate >100bpm (resting HR is approx 140bpm at birth & 120bpm at age 1 year, 100 @ 5 years & adult values by 10 years).
QRS axis >90 degrees (R) axis deviation- at birth the QRS is +60=+160deg, by 1 year the axis changes to lie between +10 & +100deg)
Large precordial R waves, T wave inversion in lead V1 occurs by 7 days & typically remains inverted until at least age 7. Upright precordial T waves are normal in the neonate (RV larger) but persistence of upright T waves in the R) precordial leads (V1-3) btwn 7 days & 7 yrs may indicate RVH.
Short PR & QT intervals (the PR interval decreases up until 1 year then gradually increases- the P wave & QRS durations also increase with age)
QT interval depends on HR & age; shortens with incr HR & increases with age.
Q waves are usually seen in inferior & lateral leads.
From where are P waves best evaluated?
Lead II, V1 or V4R
If the p waves are all in different directions, what do we call the rhythm?
multifocal atrial ectopic (or premature beats) rhythm- if tachycardia, multifocal atrial tachycardia (eg. in any pts with large atria such as COPD- these pts have higher risk of going into AF but the condition improves w Rx of COPD ), may also have evidence RVH (eg. dom R wave in V1, S in V6, RAD
sequence for ecgs
details, calibration
ps (look across (beat by beat/rhythm & up/down (comparing simultaneous leads))- sinus or not? block or not?
qrs width
bundle branch blocks? look at leads VI (most rightward), V6 (most leftward), I also useful (goes R) to L)).. where is the late part of the conduction delayed? if it’s delayed to the L), it’s L) BBB, if it’s to the R), it’s R) BBB.. if the late part of the QRS is positive in lead V6, it’s L) BBB
QRS&T all together in territories (lat, inf, anterior)
any signs of hypertrophy
What’s the name of the rhythm where there’s a sinus beat followed by a ventricular ectopic?
ventricular bigeminy
What are sources of interference on ecg?
electrical interference
parkinsonian tremor
What’s normal QTc?
440ms males, 460ms females
clinical significance of difference btwn mobitz 1 & 2? how can we tell clinically?
wenchebach is AV node disease, often due to high vagal tone, asymptommatic/benign (responds to atropine). doesn’t typically require pacemaker for proph vs CHB provided asymptomatic w normal BP, reversible causes (eg. drug toxicity B-block, digoxin, hyperkalaemia, myocardial ischaemia) have been excluded. very low progression to haem unstable AV block.
mobitz II related to disease of distal conducting (HP) system, more likely a progressive disease- will need a pacemaker.
Can’t tell btwn wenckebach & 2:1 mobitz II block HOWEVER mobitz II typically a broader QRS.
If the pt also has a bundle branch block, more likely mobitz II vs I.
Could give atropine (unblock the AV node) to see if responds.
Most useful to see a longer trace of the pts ecg- may reveal if it’s wenckebach or mobitz II.
Where are flutter waves best seen?
leads II, III, aVF (the impulse goes “up & down” in the RA)
How to distinguish btwn sinus & other forms of SVT (AVNRT, AVRT, atrial tachycardia)
no or hard to see or unusual P waves with the other SVTs (AVNRT is the most common type of SVT- where there are essentially dual AV nodal pathways, conducted to A & V simultaneously & can’t see the P wave as it’s buried in the QRS, they arrive simultaneously, congenital, on the ecg can’t tell the difference between AVNRT & AVRT)
How do we Rx SVTs?
Block the AV node: valsalva, carotid sinus massage, adenosine
How does the ecg of someone with AF & WPW look? How to manage?
very bizarre- since there’s conduction down both the AV node & accessory pathway, there’ll be both wide & narrow QRS’s, in these people you MUST NOT block the AV node otherwise there’ll be unopposed conduction down the accessory pathway & risk VF
Need to revert these pts to sinus (or somehow block the accessory pathway- amoidarone (both pathways), flecainide (accessory pathway)- ideally best to revert to sinus with a shock
Will adenosine revert VT’s?
Some.. a wide QRS tachycardia is almost always VT- if treat it as VT it’ll also Rx SVT (eg. SVT with BBB or accessory pathway)- best to use DC shock early (GA required- often RSI with cricoid!)
What are some causes of R) axis deviation & R) BBB?
Lateral MI, R) heart failure
When should R)-sided or leads be placed?
evidence inferior wall MI (STE II, III, aVF)
ST depression in V1 & V2 (place posterior leads to identify post STEMI)
When should R)-sided or leads be placed?
evidence inferior wall MI (STE II, III, aVF)
ST depression in V1 & V2 (place posterior leads to identify post STEMI)
What’s Wellens pattern?
Deep T-wave inversions in multiple precordial leads (eg. V1-4), may or may not have troponin elevations or ST elevations- due to high-grade LAD stenosis, unfavourable natural Hx; high risk reocclusion, need early angio/PCI/CABG
2 patterns of t-wave abnormality seen in Wellens:
1. type A (biphasic, initially +ve & terminally 0-ve)- in 25%
2. type B more common; deeply & symmetrically inverted (75% of cases)
What’s de Winter sign?
characteristic of LAD occlusion, may be associated w other coronary lesions
upsloping ST depression (which joins the asc limb of the T wave) in 2 or more of leads V2-6, along with relatively tall, symmetric “rocket-shaped” T waves & possible loss of precordial R-wave progression. ST depression & T wave height often maximal in V3.
may have subtle aVR elevation
anterior STEMI (LAD occlusion); urgent PCI & thrombolysis
Where’s early depolarisation usually seen?
mid-chest leads (V3-4), common in healthy pts esp males
ecg pattern consistent with LAD occlusion?
dramatic downscoping ST depression in precordial, ST elevation in aVR which is > STE in lead V2
how does a posterior infarct appear on ecg?
suggested by: in V1-3:
-horizontal ST depression
-tall, broad R waves (>30ms)
-upright T waves
-dominant R wave (R/S ratio >1) in V2
confirmed by STE & Q waves in V7-9 (simply move V4-6 electrodes to the back
*look specifically @ V2 for combo of horizontal ST depression, Tall R wave (equivalent of posterior Q wave), upright T wave
Should look for evidence posterior involvement in any pt w inferior or lateral STEMI
What features point towards presence of an accessory pathway?
for example, in an irregularly irregular broad complex tachy, this may either be AF w aberrency or presence of an accessory pathway.
the latter is suggested by extremely rapid ventricular rates (eg. up to 300 in some places, too fast to be conducted via the AV node)
beat-to-beat variation in QRS morphology also suggests accessory pathway
Procainamide & why good for stable WpW? Pref long-term approach for pts w accessory pathway & recurrent tachyarrhythmias?
Class 1 antiarrhythmic, targets the accessory pathway, PROLONGS action potential duration in atrial & ventricular myocardium. Does NOT block the AV node (therefore safe for ANTIDROMIC WpW, where blocking the AVN could allowexcessive vent rates, VT/fib. Effective in both reversion & slowing vent rate.
For ORTHODROMIC WpW re-entry circuit, can take similar approach to AVNRT (vagal, then adenosine) however for antidromic, interrupting the AV node may interrupt the rapidly conducting re-entry circuit, Rx of choice is procainamide which slows conduction through AP, slowent vent rate & often causing reversion.
how does R on T commence?
atrial or ventricular premature beat (or a shock) superimposed on the preceding T wave—> polymorphic VT, which risks degenerating into VF
combo of bradycardia, blocks (eg. AV, bundle branch), bizarre qrs..
think hyperK
how may sinus tachycardia w 1st degree AV block appear?
camel hump t waves (P hidden).
how may sinus tachycardia w 1st degree AV block appear?
camel hump t waves (P hidden).
what does broad qrs & R’ wave >3mm in avR indicate? and with a QRS duration >100ms? Rx?
Na channel blocker (eg. TCA) overdose
QRS >100ms predicts seizures, QRS >160ms predicts cardiotoxicity (eg. broad-complex dysrhythmias, hypotension)
also ass’d w long PR, long QT, brugada-like pattern in V1 (all signs sodium channel blockade)
Signs of anticholinergic toxidrome (ed. dilated pupils, drowsiness):
sinus tachy (p waves may be buried)
needs bicarb & hyperventilation
aggressive resus w:
alkalinisation of serum sodibic
intubate & hyperventilate aim alkaline arterial pH
seizure management (BZD)
BP Mx (fluid bolus pressors)
anterior TWI (V1-3) can be seen in Wellens syndrome & RV strain- how to differentiate?
concurrent inf TWI (esp in leads facing RV, III), highly specific for differentiating pulm embolism from Wellen’s, esp if ass’d w new RAD, new R) BBB & dominant R wave in Va, non-specific ST changes
what may widespread ST depression indicate, esp if there’s marked ST elevation in aVR >1mm, w STE in aVR > that in V1?
concerning for L) MCA insufficiency, can also occur w severe TVD, after resus from cardiac arrest, sevre anaemia or hypoxaemia
triad of sinus tachy, low-voltage QRS, electrical alternans?
suggest massive pericardial effusion
Giant TWI in multiple leads (esp B2-6), marked QT prolongation?
raised ICP
hypokalemia (t waves typically down the up), Wellens (typically up then down if type A, type B deep symmetrical inversion) can cause widespread TWI but GIGANTIC “cerebral T waves” suggests raised ICP
Findings suggesting VT vs SVT w aberrancy:
Taller L) rabbit ear
far northwest axis (ie. +ve QRS in aVR, -ve QRS in I & aVF)
-ve QRS in V6
Age >35
structural heart disease
FHx sudden cardiac death or arrhythmogenic conditons
If it was VT with L) BBB pattern, VT is suggested by a broad (>30ms) initial R wave, notched/slurred S wave in V1 & the sR wave in V6 (as opposed to typical L) BBB where there’s minimal initial R wave & in V6 the dominant R wave is often slurred
also if it’s VT, see av dissociation evidence (p waves occ distoriting the qrs, fusion & capture beats, it’s more likely monomorphic w wide (>160ms) qrs
4 differentials for narrow-complex tachycardia w rates around 150bpm?
flutter w 2:1 block (elderly, IHD)
*WpW w orthodromic conduction
sinus tachycardia (usually should see P waves, they might be hidden in T waves if concurrent 1st degree AV block, there should be some HR variability
*pseudo R’ waves= retrograde P waves superimposed on terminal QRS, causes J-point peaking. differentiate btwn the 2 Dx w vagal maneouvers +/- adenosine- after a salvo of broad bizarre looking complexes (commen w chemical cardioversion w adenosine), if revert back to sinus w no delta waves, suggests the dx was AVNRT
How do lewis lead placement? what does it help with?
RA on manubrium
LA over 5th ICS R) sternal border
LL on R) lower costal margin
monitor lead 1
helps w detecting atrial activith wrt ventrical activith (eg. flutter waves), detecting P waves in wide coplex tachy (eg. AV dissociation)
Some of the ecg features of chronic pulmonary disease
R) axis; lung hyperinflation causes vertical orientation of the heart
peaked P waves in inf leads (p pulmonate)
rightward P axis (inverted in aVL)
low voltage complexes in L)-sided leads (I, aVL, V5-6)
lack of R waves in R) precordial leads (V1-3)
“clockwise” rotation of heart, delayed R/S transition point (eg. V5)
Quetiapine toxicity (similar pattern seen with other atypical antipsychotic agents eg. clozapine). why concern?
sinus tachy (anticholinergic effect)
prolonged QT interval (> half the RR interval)
QT prog concern due to risk of TdP. QTc >500ms= a marker of incr risk TdP BUT tachycardia (which happens w anticholinergic effect) actually protective against TdP, so it’s rare w quetiapine tox.
after ST segments, remember to check the
How to manage a pt with bradycardia & significant QT prolongation (eg. sotalol OD, which is both B block & class III (K+ channel block)) effects?
correct QT-dependent electrolytes (K, Mg, Ca) to high-normal range, +ve chronotropy (eg. isoprenaline) to move pt below “at-risk of TdP” point of QTc 500
ecg features dextrocardia:
marked R) axis deviation (+180 degrees)
aVR POSITIVE QRS complex (P & T waves upright)
low voltage precordial leads
lead 1: inversion of all complexes
absent R wave progression in chest leads; dominant S throughout
DDx= accidental reversal or LA & RA leads:
-ve I
but normal precordial (eg. normal R wave progression); w LA-RA lead reversal, II & III switch places, aVL & aVR switch places, aVF unchanged; aVR often becomes positive & there may be marked RAD
the difference= with dextrocardia absent R wave progression in precordials, this is present in RA LA reversal
LA/LL reversal:
lead III inverted, leads I & II switch places
leads aVL & aVF switch places, aVR unchanged
why can tombstone/sharkfin ST elev/depression look so massive?
fusion of ST-T waves
may represent significant vessel occlusion, metabolic, toxicology
What’s considered prol qTC?
TC of >=450 (m) & >=460(f) considered prol
Dx brugada?
type 1 RSR’ pattern/partial RBBB
“coved” STE in R) precordial leads (V1-3), >2mm, with inverse terminal portion T wave
must be accompanied by clinical criteria
type 2 saddleback STE, type 3 has morphology of T1 or T2 but STE <2mm
Mx acute malignant arrhythmia in brugada:
defib, resuscitate
stop/remove/treat triggers (eg. fever, arrhythmogenic, electrolytes)
Rx with isoprenaline 1-2microg bolus then infusion 0.15-2microg/kg/min or quinidine
anaes consideration Brugada:
less Na channels avail for conduction, limits their conduction reserve
so, risk pro-arrhythmic risk of any drugs w Na blocking properties
Propofol is listed as “avoid” however has been used uneventfully in Brugada, use caution to limit pro-arrhythmogenic potential
-define the type of brugada; Type-1 has higher arrhythmic risk
-if febrile, hypothermic, electrolyte abnormalities (esp hypokalaemia which may decr Na current), higher arrhythmogenic risk, manage.
-if has an ICD, ensure checked, advice (if off, pads on)
if documented SCN5A mutation, risk of drugs w Na blocking properties higher (these pts have use-dependent conduction phenotype, broad QRS complexes that further broaden (or PR broaden or ST increase) w higher rates, isoprenolol may worsen the conduction as it incr the HR). 2 loss-of function SCN5A mutations incr risk ++
-Communicate w pt, surgeon & team risks ass’d w anaesthesia, emphasise to surgeon that OT may need to be paused if an incr pro-arrhythmic conditions occur
-prepare OT for recognition & Rx of vent arrhythmias (ext defibrillator ready & pads attached w pts anti-tachy therapy off the ICD but restarted @ end of procedure), continuous art line & ecg monitoring (esp of R) precordial ST segments V1,2,3), ALS cart, isoprenaline, consider quinidine if NGT. B-blockers if SCN5A mutation. continuous core temp monitoring & equip to manipulate temp.
-intra-op, vigilant for any STE in R) precordial leads; if it occurs, try to work out why (stop OT, manage fever, administer isoprenaline)
-Propofol may be used w caution. volatile & thiopentone no adverse events documented.
-avoid SYSTEMIC lignocaine (ok if subcut w Adr), still caution & lowest possible dose)
-postop ecg monitoring until all anaes eliminated (>=5 half lives)
ECG checklist for syncope
Too fast? VT, TdP
Too slow? conduction blocks, sinus brady/pauses
Pump failure? myocardial ischaemia, PE
syncope syndromes? WpW, long (>500ms) or short (<320ms) QT, Brugada RSR’ w STE V1-3, HOCM (LVH voltage criteria, precordial TWI, “dagger” Q waves), arrhythmogenic RV dysplasia (RV free wall fatty infiltration, predisposes to paroxysmal vent arrhythmias, SCD, biventricular failure; 2nd most common cause of young cardiac death (after HOCM). ecg findings include signs RVH (RAD, dominant R in V1, dominant S in V5 or 6, QRS <120ms (ie. not R) BBB), may also have RV strain: RA enlargement, ST/T changes V1-4 & inf, S1S2S3 pattern of dominant s waves leads I-III, deep S waves lateral leads), TWI in V1-3, epsilon wave (small +ve deflection buried @ end of QRS, pre-excitation of ventricle), prolonged S wave upstroke V1-3 w localised QRS widening, paroxysmal VT w L) BBB morphology, may have frequent PVCs)
electrical probs: hyper/po kalmia, pacemaker failure
what are normal sinus P waves?
upright in lead II
What’s almost pathognomonic of severe dig toxicity?
high degree V block, frequent VEBs, atrial tachycardia
dig tox causes dysrhythmias due to:
-incr automaticity of A & V tissues (incr intracellular Ca++ via action on Na/K+ & Na/Ca exchangers; blocks NaKATPase which incr intracellular Na, promotes Na/Ca++ exch & Ca++ in)
decr AV conduction (incr AVN vagal tone)
-atrial automaticity: atrial tachy/ectopics/AF/flutter
-ventricular automaticity: VEGs & bigeminy, polymorphic VT (eg. those alternating btwn L) & R) BB morphology)
-AV blocks
*contrast w digoxin effect which = “sagging’ ST depression & TWI in pts on therapeutic digoxin (“reverse tick”). may also have mild PR prol, prominent U waves, J point depression in leads w tall R waves.
Anterior STEMI?
STE w subsequent Q waves in precordial leads (V1-5) +/- high lat leads, often preceded by hyperacute T waves. reciprocal ST depression inf leads (mainly III & aVF)
from occlusion of LAD
high mortality
Wellen’s & De Winter T waves are other high-risk presentations of ant ischaemia
What may new BBB suggest?
septal infarct
differentiating R) BBB from R) BBB + stemi:
w the former, the discordant ST depression & TWI has distinct inversion of whole T wave
When there’s superimposed STEMI, ST elevation causes appearance of inversion of only the terminal portion of the T wave. There’s also Q wave formation.
what’s benign early depolarisation?
ecg pattern w widespread STE, commonly seen in young healthy pts age <50yo, aka “high take-off” or “J-point elevation”, may mimic pericarditis or acute MI, the ST elevation is widely concave & mainly in mid-left precordial leads (V2-5), there may be notching or slurring at the J point, t waves concordant w QRS, ST:T wave ratio in V6 <0.25 suggests BER over pericarditis, no reciprocal ST depression (of occlusion MI)
DDx: pericarditis; also has widespread concave ST elevation, also has PR depression, TP may downslope, there are no reciprocal STEMI changes, the ST/T wave ratio is >0.25 in V6 (distinguishing it from BER)
What points to VT vs SVT w aberrency?
- the DDX for regular broad-complex tachy w no evidence atrial activity are VT, SVT w aberrency, due to BBB OR WpW
absence of typical RBBB or LBBB morphology, capture beats (SA node transiently captures ventricles producing normal duration QRS), fusion beats (sinus & ventricular beat coincide, produce a hybrid complex), L)-sided rabbit ear taller if like R) bbb, extreme axis deviation (northwest), very broad complexes, positive concordance throughout the precordial leads or negative concordance
also more likely to be VT if structural heart disease, age >35
What’s accelerated idioventricular rhythm?
when rate of ectopic ventricular pacemaker exceeds that of sinus node; may occur w incr vagal & decreases SNS tone (eg. athletes). the rhythm of the AIVR is regular, 3 or more ventricular complexes >120ms occur, there may be fusion & capture beats when simultaneous sinus & ventricular rhythms are present. Rates <50bpm consistent w ventricular escape rhythm, rates >110bpm VT.
What’s Sgarbossa criteria?
In pts w L) BBB or ventricular paced rhythm, infarct Dx based on ecg can be difficult.
Abnormal depolarisation should be followed by abnormal depolarisation (“appropriate discordance”), ST-T wave deviations that don’t necessarily indicate acute ischaemia
the 3 criteria to Dx infarction in L) BBB:
concordant STE >1mm in leads w +ve QRS
concordant ST depression >1mm in V1-3
excessive discordant STE in leads w -ve QRS, w modified sgarbossa states it would be >=25% the depth of the preceding S wave
what does a broad complex tachycardia w L) BBB morphology & inf axis (+90 deg) suggest?
RVOT (RV outflow-tract tachycardia; a form of monomorphic VT originating from outflow tract of RV or occ from tricuspid annulus, so may have other general features of VT eg. AV dissociation, fusion/capture beats); either in pts w structurally normal hearts (70% idiopathic VD), or pts w arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy.
RVOT can be difficult to differentiate from SVT w L) BBB
In stable pts, idiopathic RVOT can be terminated w vagal or adenosine, doesn’t terminate w these measures if ARVD
unstable, DCCV if unsure VT or SVT w a
clue as to where pacing lead is?
if L) BBB morphology, indicates pacing electrode is in the RV.
negative concordance (ie all precordial leads showing -ve complexes) can be a feature of VT but also paced rhythms, simply indicates depolarisation is spreading from ant to post ie. initiates in ant wall of RV)
Ddx for rapid paced rhythms & how to manage them:
may be pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (eg. re-entrant rhythm involving pacemaker circuit), sensor-induced tachycardia (eg. w resp impedance monitor or electrocautery), may be appropriate (eg. atrial tachycardia w sepsis, shock, exercise driving pacemaker to max rate
if thought to be PMT (eg. triggered by ventricular impulses passing retrograde through AVN) or sensor-induced, terminate it by placing magnet or reprogramming pacemaker, have pads on & monitoring, urgent pacemaker check (if n/a, AVN blocking drugs eg. B block or verapamil, may terminate PMT)
What are features of normal paediatric ecg?
high rates >100/min (newborn 110-150bpm, >6yo 60-100bpm)
by 3-4yrs of age, paediatric ecg largely resembles adult (LV dominance)
“juvenile T-wave pattern” of TWI V1-3
R) axis deviation
dominant R wave & RSR’ in V1
marked sinus arrhythmia
short PR & QRS (smaller cardiac size)
may have sl prol QTc (<=490ms if <=6/12)
Difference in managing AF vs flutter?
both need rate control & anticoagulation, flutter will cardiovert w lower energy than AF (50J vs 100-200J)
where are fibrillation waves best seen?
V1-2, if more widespread it’s likely tremor artefact
What’s V flutter?
a form of VT, ass’d w rapid & profound haemodynamic compromise, usually short-lived & progresses to VF, rate usually >200/min
How may a LV aneurysm appear?
signs old anterolateral infarct:
STE V1-3 w deep Q waves
pathological Q waves in other relevant leads (I, aVL, V4) may also be seen, may also have inverted T waves in precordial/lateral leads
what may approx 1/3 of pts w HOCM have evidence of on ecg?
some degree of WPW
what are findings suggestive of HOCM on ecg?
high voltage QRS, deep narrow Q waves in lateral leads, syncope
what may STE in aVR suggest?
highly specific for L) MCA occlusion if ischaemia in other leads. if STE in aVR & V1, it’s specific for proximal LAD or LMCA stensosis, if STE in aVR > that in V1, particularly likely to be LMCA
look out for STE in aVR!
features of short QT
extremely short QT interval (<330ms or <360ms w convincing symptoms or FHx), markedly peaked T waves
poor rate adaptation to the QT interval, absent ST segment
it’s ass’d w paroxysmal AF or VF
genetically-inherited (heterogenous)cardiac channelopathy
symptoms= cardiac arrest, syncope, FHx, SCD
pts typically young & healthy, no structural heat disease, median age dx 30yo, presents w palpitations or syncope or cardiac arrest, cn be a cause of SIDS
DDx short QT & peaked T waves of severe hyperK, short QT w severe hypercalcaemia
option is quinidine if not candidates for ICD (eg. very young)
prol QTc & ST changes in setting of sig acid-base changes
severe alkalemia
Differentials for low voltage ecg:
fluid: pericardial effusion (tachycardia, electrical alternans; tamponade characterised by triad of bulging neck veins, low BP, HS distant/muffled), pleural effusion
Fat: obesity
infiltrative: myxoedema, restrictive CM (eg. sarcoid, amyloid, scleroderma)
air: COPD, PTx
loss of viable myocardium eg. prev massive MI, end-stage DCM
suggestions of RV infarction?
STE in III>II, isoelectric ST in V1 but depression V2
Why ay pts w inf stems get AV blocks or bradyarrhythias?
sinus dysfunction (SA node supplied by RCA in 60% of ppl), behold jarisch
infero-post STEMI:
inf STE & hyper acute T waves, ST depression V2-3 (which may have broad R wave; Q-wave equivalent, terminal portion of the T wave upright). Turning lead V2 upside down looks like classic STEMI. always look for post involvement in any pt w inf or lateral STEMI. confirm w leads 7-9.
While LVH VOLTAGE criteria common in athletic heart, in which circumstances should serial ecgs/monitoring occur?
L) axis deviation, LA abnormality, pathological Q waves, ST/T changes
pathological Q waves?
> 1mm wide
2mm deep (except III, aVR)
25% depth QRS
if in V1-3
would indicate current or prev MI
ecg changes for transplanted heart
dual p waves (native atrial cuff & transplanted atrium)
R) BBB due to frequent endomyocardial biopsies
atrial dysrhythmias (lack vagal tone, incr endogensou catecholamines)
Whats the most common bifascicular block pattern?
How manage bifascicular block periop?
RBBB + LAFB (which manifests as LAD)
RBBB & LPFB manifests as RAD
If no Hx advanced HB or symptoms, crack on as chronic bifascicular block in asymptom pts low risk of progression to high-degree AV block BUT new bifascicular block w AMI higher risk CHB.
R) BBB more commonly seen in pts sans structural heart disease. LBBB often a marker of coronary heart disease, long-standing HTN, AV disease or cardiomyopathy.
LAD, qR in I,aVL, rS in II, III, aVF, QRS normal or very sl prolonged (80-110ms)
LPFB: exclude RVH & other causes RAD
see RAD & qR in Leads II, III and aVF are POSITIVE; rS Leads I and aVL are NEGATIVE
prolonged QR, QT
atrial/ventricular ectopics
predisposition to VT or torsades
acidosis ecg changes
prolonged PR, flat P