Neural Communication, Synaptic Transmission, and Neuroplasticity Flashcards
Describe propagation of information through neurons
- Electrically: through the neurons
- Chemically: between the neurons using synapse
- using membrane ion channels
Describe membrane ion channels
- they span the cell membrane
- they let ions pass through selectively, Na+, K+, Cl-, etc.
- there are 4 major types: modality-gated, ligand-gated, voltage-gated, and leak channels
What do modality-gated ion channels respond to
- touch
- pressure
- chemical changes
- temperature changes
What do voltage-gated ion channels respond to
- mostly open in response to voltage or electrical changes
Describe resting membrane potential
- neuron is at rest and is not conveying information
- not unique to neurons
- at resting state, K+ more on the inside, Na+ more on the outside
- K+ ion channels open at resting state, Na+ channels closed
- K+ diffuses outside, down the concentration gradient, until counteracted by equal & opposite electrical gradient, which establishes electrochemical equilibrium (-80mV)
What is resting potential predominantly determined by
- potassium permeability (K+)
Difference in Na+ channel permeability and K+ channel permeability and there effects on resting membrane potential
- Na+ channels are also permeable but Na+ permeability is 5% of K+, so resting membrane potential is less than -80mV and sits around -70mV
What are the two ways that neurons use potential differences to generate & convey information
- local/graded potentials (any value)
- action potentials (finite value)
Describe the types of local/graded potentials
- Synaptic potentials: between nerve endings
- Receptor potentials: at receptor endings
Define action potentials
- they are transient changes in potential difference in local areas of the axon membrane that are propagated rapidly down the axon to convey information
- all or nothing response
Define local/graded potentials
- they are potential differences that are created in specific areas in the membrane of nerve cell bodies or dendrites that are ultimately summated at the initial segment to generate action potentials
- are graded depending on the strength of the incoming stimulus
How does changes in local potential differences create an action potential through the axon
- resting potential is about -70mV to -80mV
- if a small region of the plasma membrane is stimulated either electrically, chemically, or mechanically, the Na+ channels become more permeable and allow the Na+ ions to diffuse inside the cell which results in minute reversal of the voltage potential (graded potential and depolarizes the cell)
- the cell can also be hyper polarized if Cl- ion channels become open & Cl- ions diffuse inside the plasma membrane resulting in an even higher negative potential
- the different regions of neurons cell bodies/dendrites constantly receive depolarizing (less negative state) or hyperpolarizing (more negative state) stimuli from several connections it makes to neighboring neurons resulting in a summation of potentials at the initial segment & if the summation results in a large enough depolarization then the neuron will fire an action potential down the axon
Describe triggering of an action potential
- it starts at the initial segment: the area with dense Na+ ion channels
- the threshold stimulus is between -70mV to -55mV
Describe propagation of action potential
1) Resting potential: voltage-gated Na+ & K+ channels closed
2) Threshold potential: voltage-gated Na+ channels open & Na+ enters the axon, beginning to depolarize the axon
3) Depolarization: more Na+ channels open, Na+ rushes in depolarizing the membrane, Na+ channels close about 1 ms after opening
4) Depolarization: many K+ channels open, K+ exits the cells, taking positive charges out of the axon
5) Hyperpolarization: K+ channels remain open, K+ continues to leave the axon, restoring the polarized membrane potential
6) Restoration of Na+ & K+ ion levels by Na+-K+ pump plus K+ leak channels
What part of action potential propagation requires energy
- Only the very end requires energy in order to restore the Na+ & K+ ion levels after an action potential has passed
What drives the action potential process
- sodium ion channels opening & coming inside
What are the features of an action potential
- Propagated by voltage-gated Na+ channels
- Refractory period: absolute phase (no chance of restimulating) and relative phase (might be stimulated again but difficult
- Refactory period needed to prevent back flow of stimulus
- Active restoration of ions across membrane by Na+-K+ pumps following refractory period, needs energy from ATP
Describe the different summations of local potentials trigger action potentials
- Single weak stimulus: results in only local depolarization
- Spatial summation: multiple weak stimuli in different areas results in significant depolarization
- Temporal summation: multiple weak stimuli in rapid succession in the same area results in significant depolarization
Sequence of potential changes that causes flow of information
1) Deformation of receptor membrane
2) Generation of receptor potential
3) Generation of action potential
4) Propagation of action potential
5) Depolarization of presynaptic membrane
6) Release of neurotransmitter
7) Stimulation of receptors on postsynaptic membrane
8) Opening of ion channels
9) Generation of synaptic potential
What is the effect of myelination
- faster conduction of action potential