Cerebellum/Basal Ganglia Flashcards
- plans for coordinated movements, adjusts movements, and non-motor functions
- it does not have direct connection to motor neurons
- after cerebellar damage there is NO muscle paralysis or sensory deficits
- Feedback mechanism: receives info from ongoing movements and makes adjustments (adjustor of movements)
- Feedforward mechanism: predicts consequences of motor commands from past experience (comparer of movements) and depending on match/mismatch re-calibrates for future purposes (calibrator of movements)
Flow of information into cerebellum
- receives info from motor planning & execution areas from cerebral cortex
- receives sensory feedback info from somatosensory, vestibular, visual, & auditory receptors
Parts of the cerebellum
- Flocculonodular lobe (bottom portion near pons) = vestibulocerebellum
- Vermis and Paravermis (top portion near pons) = Spinocerebellum
- Lateral hemisphere (large portion forming point away from pons) = Cerebrocerebellum
Flow of information through the circuitry inside the cerebellum
- all inputs to cerebellum via climbing & mossy fibers
- climbing fibers go to 3 deep cerebellar nuclei & purkinji fibers
- mossy fibers go to granule cells & purkinji cells via parallel fibers
- all output via purkinji cells back to cerebellar nuclei
- out of cerebellum to cerebral cortex/brainstem nuclei
- receives inputs from vestibular system
- outputs back to vestibular nuclei
- efferents from vestibular nuclei regulate VOR centrally to control eye movements & to control neck/trunk axial muscles to influence postural control
- maintaining VOR and balance are the main functions
- helps execute coordinated movements using both feedforward and feedback mechanisms
- inputs from spinal cord via 4 spinocerebellar pathways
- receives sensory inputs from visual, auditory, & vestibular systems
- outputs adjust motor activity by influencing medial tracts (posture/tone) and lateral tracts (fine movements) by sending projections from fastigial and IP nuclei to brainstem nuclei & by influencing cerebral cortex via thalamus indirectly
- involved in planning for coordinated movements
- uses feedforward mechanism
- connections form a loop between the lateral cerebellar hemisphere & cerebral cortex: cerebro-cerebello-cerebral loop
- receives direct inputs from pontine nuclei & gives off direct outputs to thalamus
- involved with motor & cognitive learning
Signs of cerebellar dysfunction
- problems with eye movements: nystagmus
- Disequilibrium: loss of balance
- Uncoordinated movements: dysmetria (over/under shooting a movement), ataxia, dyssynergia (inability/desynchronization of movements)
- unilateral cerebellar lesions cause impairments on the same side of body: spinocerebellar afferents are ipsilateral & cerebellar efferents project to contralateral cerebral cortex
Lesions in vestibulocerebellum
- nystagmus
- difficulty maintaining sitting/standing balance (truncal ataxia)
Lesions in spiinocerebellum
- limb incoordination (DDK, dysmetria)
- ataxic gait (wide based unsteady gait)
- action/intension tremor
- dysarthria
Lesions in cerebrocerebellum
- difficulty in planning complex movements (mostly fine motor)
- difficulty with motor areas for playing instruments, fasten buttons, typing on keyboard
- disruption of timing of joint movements (decomposition of movements - dyssnergia)
Parts of the basal ganglia
- 5 nuclei: Caudate, Putamen, Globus Pallidus, Subthalamic nucleus, Substantia nugra
- Striatum = Caudate and Putamen
- C-shaped Caudate wraps around the Thalamus
- Lentiform Nucleus = Putamen and Globus Pallidus
- Substantia nigra = compacta & reticularis
- Globus Pallidus = externus and internus
Basal ganglia functions
- plans & executes coordinated motor activity but does NOT have direct connections to motor neurons
- involved in movement control for goal-directed behavior & helps in judging/decision making by taking into account socially appropriate/inappropriate situations & emotions
-for influencing motor control the basal ganglia regulates the level of inhibition in various motor pathways
Basal agnails circuitry
- inputs enter caudate/putamen from cerebral cortex
- outputs exit through Globus Pallidus internus/Substantia nigra to the thalamus
- Loops: goal-directed behavior loop, social behavior loop, emotion loop, oculomotor loop, and motor loop
Goal-directed behavior loop
- example: deciding whether to run a yellow light when running late to work
- lesion in bilateral caudate = inattention, distractibility, poor concentration, NO movement disorders
Social behavior loop
- example: deciding whether to run a yellow light with grandma sitting beside you
- lesion in bilateral caudate head = prone to frustration, hyper sexual, shoplifting, violent, NO movement disorders
Emotional behavior/Limbic circuit loop
- example: involved with emotional & reward/pleasure seeking behavior, links emotions & motor systems
- lesion in ventral striatum = depression, emotional blunting “mask-like” facial expression
Oculomotor circuit loop
- example: to decide whether to use fast eye movements (saccades) to direct attention to visual objects of interest
- lesions in basal ganglia can cause impaired saccades
Motor circuit loop
- regulates movements by indirectly controlling activity in voluntary muscles, postural muscles, & CPG
- this loop up or down regulates activity in various motor tracts to promote desired movements & inhibit undesired ones
Influence of basal ganglia on motor pathways
- output of motor circuits is always inhibitory on the motor pathways
- regulates activity of motor thalamus & some other brainstem motor nuclei by having inhibitory influence
- (1) Motor thalamus –> lateral corticospinal & rubrospinal tracts –> MNs to muscles for voluntary movements
- (2) Pedunculopontine nucleus –> reticulospinal tracts –> MNs to postural & girdle muscles
- (3) Midbrain locomotor region –> reticulospinal tracts –> stepping pattern generators (walking)
- output influences voluntary movements, postural & girdle movements, and gait
Go/Direct pathway
- facilitates desired movements by disinhibiting thalamus due to increased inhibitory activity of striatum on Globus Pallidus internus
- substantia nigra has fine tuning effect on striatum
- Globus Pallidus internus has the leash to thalamus activity
No-go/Indirect pathway
- suppresses unwanted movements by inhibiting thalamus due to increased inhibitory activity of striatum on Globus Pallidus externus
Hyperdirect pathway
- purpose is to inhibit all ongoing movements before initiating voluntary movement
- motor cortex sends strong excitatory inputs to sub thalamic nucleus which excites globs pallid us internus which in turn inhibits thalamus
What does normal movement need in the 3 pathways
- needs optimal levels of activity in all 3 pathways to promote desired movements & suppress unwanted movements
- optimization between different pathways brought about by the fine tuning by substantia nigra using dopamine
What if tuning starts to malfunction
- If the direct pathway becomes less active - may cause lack/slowness of desired movements, ex: bradykinesia
- If the indirect pathway becomes less active - may cause increase in unwanted movements, ex: dyskinesia, chorea, & ballismus
Parkinson’s disease
- bradykinesia
- freezing of gait
- tremor
- rigidity - cogwheel type
- non-motor signs: mask like facial expression, depression, psychosis, or dementia