Neural and hormonal explanations Flashcards
What is the role of the Amygdala in the Limbic system ?
When amygdala is stimulated it increases aggressive behaviour through chemical responses in the endocrine system
What is the role of the Hypothalamus in the limbic system ?
Acts like a thermostat to regualte our aggressive drive
What is the role of the Hippocampus in the Limbic system ?
Information travles through the Hippocampus to reach the amygdala
What did dabbs (1987) find in relation to aggression in prisoners ?
Found a positive correlation between levels of testosterone in prisoners urine and the violence of the offence for which they were imprisoned.
What was the aim of Gospics Ultimatum Game (2011) ?
To investigate the neural mechanisms underlying decision making in the ultimatum game.
What was the procedure of Gospics Ultimatum game (2011) ?
Two particpants presnted with sum or money. One is “proposer” and offers a portion of moeny (make a deal) To the “responder”who decides if they accept the offer. They both present split or steal, participants were the responders, while having their brains scanned by FMRI.
What were the findings of Gospics Ultimatum Game (2011) ?
Found that when repsonders rejected unfair offers, scans revealed a fast and heightened response by the amygdala. Also found BZ’s drug taken before the game had two effects, it either halved the number of rejections (reduced aggression) and it decreased the activity of the amygdala.