Nervous System Pathology Flashcards
What is the morphology of the patterns of injury in the nervous system
The cells of the nervous system respond to various forms of injury with distinct morphologic changes.
Features of Neuronal Injury. In response to injury, a number of changes occur in neurons and their processes (axons and dendrites). Within 12 hours of an irreversible hypoxic-ischemic insult, acute neuronal injury becomes evident on routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining (Fig. 22–1, A). There is shrinkage of the cell body, pyknosis of the nucleus, disappearance of the nucleolus, and loss of Nissl substance, with intense eosinophilia of the cytoplasm (“red neurons”). Often, the nucleus assumes the angulated shape of the shrunken cell body. Injured axons undergo swelling and show disruption of axonal transport. The swellings (spher- oids) can be recognized on H&E stains (Fig. 22–1, B) and can be highlighted by silver staining or immunohistochemistry. Axonal injury also leads to cell body enlargement and round- ing, peripheral displacement of the nucleus, enlargement of the nucleolus, and peripheral dispersion of Nissl substance (central chromatolysis) (Fig. 22–1, C). In addition, acute injuries typically result in breakdown of the blood-brain barrier and variable degrees of cerebral edema (described later).
Many neurodegenerative diseases are associated with spe- cific intracellular inclusions (e.g., Lewy bodies in Parkinson disease and tangles in Alzheimer disease), also described later. Pathogenic viruses can also form inclusions in neurons, just as they do in other cells of the body. In some neurode- generative diseases, neuronal processes also become thick- ened and tortuous; these are termed dystrophic neurites. With age, neurons also accumulate complex lipids (lipofus- cin) in their cytoplasm and lysosomes.
Astrocytes in Injury and Repair. Astrocytes are the principal cells responsible for repair and scar formation in the brain, a process termed gliosis. In response to injury, astro- cytes undergo both hypertrophy and hyperplasia. The nucleus enlarges and becomes vesicular, and the nucleolus becomes prominent. The previously scant cytoplasm expands and takes on a bright pink hue, and the cell extends multiple stout, ramifying processes (gemistocytic astrocyte). Unlike elsewhere in the body, fibroblasts participate in healing after brain injury to a limited extent except in specific settings (penetrating brain trauma or around abscesses). In long- standing gliosis, the cytoplasm of reactive astrocytes shrinks in size and the cellular processes become more tightly interwoven (fibrillary astrocytes). Rosenthal fibers are thick, elongated, brightly eosinophilic protein aggregates found in astrocytic processes in chronic gliosis and in some low-grade gliomas.
Changes in Other Cell Types. Oligodendrocytes,
which produce myelin, exhibit a limited spectrum of specific morphologic changes in response to various injuries. In pro- gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, viral inclusions can be seen in oligodendrocytes, with a smudgy, homogeneous- appearing enlarged nucleus.
Microglial cells are bone-marrow–derived cells that function as the resident phagocytes of the CNS. When acti- vated by tissue injury, infection, or trauma, they proliferate and become more prominent histologically. Microglial cells take on the appearance of activated macrophages in areas of demyelination, organizing infarct, or hemorrhage; in other settings such as neurosyphilis or other infections, they develop elongated nuclei (rod cells). Aggregates of elon- gated microglial cells at sites of tissue injury are termed microglial nodules. Similar collections can be found congregating around and phagocytosing injured neurons (neuronophagia).
Ependymal cells line the ventricular system and the central canal of the spinal cord. Certain pathogens, particu- larly cytomegalovirus (CMV), can produce extensive ependy- mal injury, with typical viral inclusions. Choroid plexus is in continuity with the ependyma, and its specialized epithelial covering is responsible for the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
In summary: Patterns of neuronal injury. A, Acute hypoxic-ischemic injury in cerebral cortex, where the individual cell bodies are shrunken, along with the nuclei. They also are prominently stained by eosin (“red neurons”). B, Axonal spheroids are visible as bulbous swellings at points of disruption, or altered axonal transport. C, With axonal injury there can be swelling of the cell body and peripheral dispersal of the Nissl substance, termed chromatolysis.
Where do the nerves and blood vessels of the brown and spinal cord pass through
What is the disadvantage of housing the delicates CNS(brain and spinal cord) in a protective environment? State what the protective environment is
State three disorders that can cause dangerous increase in brain volume within the fixed space of the skull?
What is cerebral edema
What are the types of cerebral edema
When do they often occur together?
When do these types of edema occur
What type of edema can be either localized or generalized and if localized what will cause it
How does hydrocephalus occur
What happens to the edematous brain after cytotoxic edema?
In generalized edema what happens to the gyri,sulci and ventricular cavities
What are gyri and sulci and what is their importance
What produces cerebrospinal fluid?
After it is produced where does it go?
What absorbs it?
What regulates CSF volume
What is hydrocephalus
How does hydrocephalus occur or what is it a consequence of? When is overproduction of CSF seen? If there is localized obstacle to CSC flow what happens to the ventricles?
What is this pattern called? And what commonly causes it?
What happens in communicating hydrocephalus and what causes it
When does hydrocephalus develop in infants? Once sutures fuse in infants what does the hydro cause? What is hydrocephalus ex vacuo
The brain and spinal cord exist within the protective and rigid skull and spinal canal, with nerves and blood vessels passing through specific foramina. The advantage of housing the delicate CNS within such a protective environ- ment is obvious, but this arrangement provides little room for brain parenchymal expansion in disease states. Disor- ders that may cause dangerous increases in brain volume within the fixed space of the skull include generalized cere- bral edema, hydrocephalus, and mass lesions such as tumors.
Cerebral Edema
Cerebral edema is the accumulation of excess fluid within the brain parenchyma. There are two types, which often occur together particularly after generalized injury.
• Vasogenic edema occurs when the integrity of the normal blood-brain barrier is disrupted, allowing fluid to shift from the vascular compartment into the extracellular spaces of the brain. Vasogenic edema can be either local- ized (e.g., increased vascular permeability due to inflam- mation or in tumors) or generalized.
• Cytotoxic edema is an increase in intracellular fluid sec- ondary to neuronal and glial cell membrane injury, as might follow generalized hypoxic-ischemic insult or after exposure to some toxins.
The edematous brain is softer than normal and often appears to “over fill” the cranial vault. In generalized edema the gyri are flattened, the intervening sulci are narrowed, and the ventricular cavities are compressed (Fig. 22–2).
Gyri and sulci are the folds and indentations in the brain that give it its wrinkled appearance. Gyri (singular: gyrus) are the folds or bumps in the brain and sulci (singular: sulcus) are the indentations or grooves. These gyri and sulci form important landmarks that allow us to separate the brain into functional centers
After being produced by the choroid plexus within the ventricles, CSF circulates through the ventricular system and flows through the foramina of Luschka and Magendie into the subarachnoid space, where it is absorbed by arach- noid granulations. The balance between rates of generation and resorption regulates CSF volume.
Hydrocephalus refers to the accumulation of excessive CSF within the ventricular system. This disorder most often is a consequence of impaired flow or resorption; over- production of CSF, typically seen with tumors of the choroid plexus, only rarely causes hydrocephalus. If there is a localized obstacle to CSF flow within the ventricular system, then a portion of the ventricles enlarges while the remainder does not. This pattern is referred to as noncom- municating hydrocephalus and most commonly is caused by masses obstructing the foramen of Monro or compressing the cerebral aqueduct. In communicating hydrocephalus, the entire ventricular system is enlarged; it is usually caused by reduced CSF resorption.
If hydrocephalus develops in infancy before closure of the cranial sutures, the head enlarges. Once the sutures fuse, hydrocephalus causes ventricular expansion and increased intracranial pressure, but no change in head cir- cumference (Fig. 22–3). In contrast with these states, in which increased CSF volume is the primary process, a compensatory increase in CSF volume can also follow the loss of brain parenchyma (hydrocephalus ex vacuo), as after infarcts or with degenerative diseases.
Look at picture of types of herniation
What causes intracranial pressure to rise?
The cranial vault is subdivided by what? And what displaces it in relation to the partitions? How does herniation occur?
What four things does it often lead to?
State the three main types of herniation? And state when they occur.
Which type of herniation is associated w compression of the anterior cerebral artery?
Which type of herniation causes blown pupil? And what is a blown pupil?
Which type of herniation causes false localising sign?
What is false localising sign?
What is Kernohan’s notch?
Progression of transtentorial herniation is often accompanied by what? What are Duret hemorrhages and where do these lesions occur? They are the result of what?
Which type of herniation is life threatening and why?
What causes Duret hemorrhage
When the volume of tissue and fluid inside the skull increases beyond the limit permitted by compression of veins and displacement of CSF, intracranial pressure rises. The cranial vault is subdivided by rigid dural folds (falx and tentorium), and a focal expansion of the brain dis- places it in relation to these partitions. If the expansion is sufficiently large, herniation occurs. Herniation often leads to “pinching” and vascular compromise of the compressed tissue, producing infarction, additional swelling, and further herniation. There are three main types of herniation :
• Subfalcine (cingulate) herniation occurs when unilateral or asymmetric expansion of a cerebral hemisphere dis- places the cingulate gyrus under the edge of falx. This may be associated with compression of the anterior cere- bral artery.
• Transtentorial (uncinate) herniation occurs when the medial aspect of the temporal lobe is compressed against the free margin of the tentorium. As the temporal lobe is displaced, the third cranial nerve is compromised, resulting in pupillary dilation and impaired ocular movements on the side of the lesion (“blown pupil”). The posterior cerebral artery may also be compressed, resulting in ischemic injury to tissue supplied by that vessel, including the primary visual cortex. If the amount of displaced temporal lobe is large enough, the pressure on the midbrain can compress the contralateral cerebral peduncle against the tentorium, resulting in hemiparesis ipsilateral to the side of the herniation (a so-called false localizing sign). The compression of the peduncle creates a deformation known as Kernohan’s notch. Progression of transtentorial herniation is often accompanied by linear or flame-shaped hemorrhages in the midbrain and pons, termed Duret hemorrhages (Fig. 22–5). These lesions usually occur in the midline and paramedian regions and are believed to be the result of tearing of penetrating veins and arteries supplying the upper brain stem.
• Tonsillar herniation refers to displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum. This type of herniation is life-threatening, because it causes brain stem compression and compromises vital respiratory and cardiac centers in the medulla.
Duret hemorrhage. As mass effect displaces the brain downward, there is disruption of the vessels that enter the pons along the midline, leading to hemorrhage.
In summary what gave you learnt about cerebral edema,hydrocephalus and herniation (what is cerebral edema,hydrocephalus, what four things will cause an increased brain volume? When brain volume increases what does it raise?
Which two ways can Increased pressure damage the brain?)
Edema, Herniation, and Hydrocephalus
• Cerebral edema is the accumulation of excess fluid within the brain parenchyma. Hydrocephalus is defined as an increase in CSF volume within all or part of the ventricular system.
• Increases in brain volume (as a result of increased CSF volume, edema, hemorrhage, or tumor) raise the pressure inside the fixed capacity of the skull.
• Increases in pressure can damage the brain either by decreasing perfusion or by displacing tissue across dural partitions inside the skull or through openings in the skull (herniations).
What are Cerebrovascular diseases
What are the three main pathogenic mechanisms of the disease
What is the clinical designation applied to all these conditions when symptoms begin acutely?
What are the consequences of thrombosis and embolism on the brain?
Similar injury occurs globally when what two things happens?
Hemorrhage accompanies what?
What two things does the brain depend on most?
The brain constitutes how much of body weight,how much resting cardiac output does it receive? How much total body oxygen does the brain consume
Why does cerebral blood flow remain stable over a wide range of blood pressure and intracranial pressure?
By which two mechanisms can the brain be deprived of oxygen and what causes these mechanisms
Cerebrovascular diseases—the broad category of brain disorders caused by pathologic processes involving blood vessels—constitute a major cause of death in the developed world and are the most prevalent cause of neurologic mor- bidity.
The three main pathogenic mechanisms are (1) thrombotic occlusion, (2) embolic occlusion, and (3) vascu- lar rupture.
Stroke is the clinical designation applied to all of these conditions when symptoms begin acutely. Throm- bosis and embolism have similar consequences for the brain: loss of oxygen and metabolic substrates, resulting in infarction or ischemic injury of regions supplied by the affected vessel.
Similar injury occurs globally when there is complete loss of perfusion, severe hypoxemia (e.g., hypo- volemic shock), or profound hypoglycemia.
Hemorrhage accompanies rupture of vessels and leads to direct tissue damage as well as secondary ischemic injury.
Hypoxia, Ischemia, and Infarction
The brain is a highly oxygen-dependent tissue that requires a continual supply of glucose and oxygen from the blood. Although it constitutes no more than 2% of body weight, the brain receives 15% of the resting cardiac output and is responsible for 20% of total body oxygen consumption.
Cerebral blood flow normally remains stable over a wide range of blood pressure and intracranial pressure because of autoregulation of vascular resistance.
The brain may be deprived of oxygen by two general mechanisms:
• Functional hypoxia, caused by a low partial pressure of oxygen (e.g., high altitude), impaired oxygen-carrying capacity (e.g., severe anemia, carbon monoxide poison- ing), or inhibition of oxygen use by tissue (e.g., cyanide poisoning)
• Ischemia, either transient or permanent, due to tissue hypoperfusion, which can be caused by hypotension, vascular obstruction, or both
When can widespread ischemic hypoxic injury occur?(state the systolic pressure value)
Clinical outcome of this injury varies with what?
When the injury is mild what can happen?
Which cells are more susceptible to hypoxic injury?
What neurons are the most susceptible to hypoxic injury? Where are they found?
In severe global cerebral ischemia, widespread neuronal death occurs irrespective of regional vulnerability.
True or false
What happens to patients who survive global cerebral ischemia
What is the clinical criteria for brain death
What happens to the brain when brain dead patients are maintained on mechanical ventilation ?
What is respirator brain?
Global Cerebral Ischemia
Widespread ischemic-hypoxic injury can occur in the setting of severe systemic hypotension, usually when sys- tolic pressures fall below 50 mm Hg, as in cardiac arrest, shock, and severe hypotension.
The clinical outcome varies with the severity and duration of the insult. When the insult is mild, there may be only a transient postischemic confusional state, with eventual complete recovery. Neurons are more susceptible to hypoxic injury than are glial cells, and the most susceptible neurons are the pyra- midal cells of the hippocampus and neocortex and Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. In some individuals, even mild or transient global ischemic insults may cause damage to these vulnerable areas. Patients who survive often remain severely impaired neurologically and in a persistent vegetative state. Other patients meet the clinical criteria for so-called brain death, including evidence of diffuse cortical injury (isoelectric, or “flat,” electroencephalogram) and brain stem damage, including absence of reflexes and respiratory drive. When patients with this form of irreversible injury are maintained on mechanical ventilation, the brain gradu- ally undergoes autolysis, resulting in the so-called “respi- rator brain.”
What is the morphology of the brain in global ischemia?
What are the three histopathological changes that accompany irreversible ischemic injury?
Explain them (when they occur,what cells or tissues they include)
When are watershed infarcts usually seen?
Which zone is at risk in this infarct?
Damage to this region produces what?
In the setting of global ischemia, the brain is swollen, with wide gyri and narrowed sulci. The cut surface shows poor demarcation between gray and white matter. The histopath- ologic changes that accompany irreversible ischemic injury (infarction) are grouped into three categories.
Early changes:occurring 12 to 24 hours after the insult, include acute neuronal cell change (red neurons) (Fig. 22–1, A) characterized initially by microvacuolization, followed by cytoplasmic eosinophilia, and later nuclear pyknosis and kary- orrhexis. Similar changes occur somewhat later in astrocytes and oligodendroglia. After this, the reaction to tissue damage begins with infiltration by neutrophils (Fig. 22–6, A).
Sub- acute changes:, occurring at 24 hours to 2 weeks, include necrosis of tissue, influx of macrophages, vascular prolifera- tion, and reactive gliosis (Fig. 22–6, B). Repair, seen after 2 weeks, is characterized by removal of all necrotic tissue, loss of organized CNS structure, and gliosis
Border zone (“watershed”) infarcts :are wedge- shaped areas of infarction that occur in regions of the brain and spinal cord that lie at the most distal portions of arterial territories. They are usually seen after hypotensive episodes. In the cerebral hemispheres, the border zone between the anterior and the middle cerebral artery distributions is at greatest risk. Damage to this region produces a band of necrosis over the cerebral convexity a few centimeters lateral to the interhemispheric fissure.
Some infectious agents have a relative or absolute predilection for the nervous system (e.g., rabies), while others can affect many other organs as well as the brain (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus) true or false
Damage to nervous tissue may b the consequence of what? What are the routes through which infectious agents may reach the nervous system?
Why will the epidural and subdural spaces be involved by bac- terial or fungal infections? What causes epidural abscesses? What happens when abscesses occur in the spinal epidural space? What produces subdural empyema? The underlying arachnoid and subarachnoid spaces usually are unaffected, but a large subdural empyema may produce a mass effect. True or false
Where may thrombophlebitis develop? When it develops what does it result in? Most patients w that get the results of thrombophlebitis have what signs and if untreated what signs may be seen? What treatment can be used? Resolution of empyema occurs from where? What happen when resolution is complete
. Damage to nervous tissue may be the consequence of direct injury of neurons or glial cells by the infectious agent or microbial toxins, or may be a consequence of the host innate or adaptive immune response.
Infectious agents may reach the nervous system through several routes of entry:
• Hematogenous spread by way of the arterial blood supply is the most common means of entry. There can also be retrograde venous spread, through the anastomoses between veins of the face and the venous sinuses of the skull.
• Direct implantation of microorganisms is almost invari- ably due to traumatic introduction of foreign material. In rare cases it can be iatrogenic, as when microbes are introduced with a lumbar puncture needle.
• Local extension can occur with infections of the skull or spine. Sources include air sinuses, most often the mastoid or frontal; infected teeth; cranial or spinal osteomyelitis; and congenital malformations, such as meningomyelocele.
• Peripheral nerves also may serve as paths of entry for a few pathogens—in particular, viruses such as the rabies and herpes zoster viruses.
Epidural and Subdural Infections
The epidural and subdural spaces can be involved by bac- terial or fungal infections, usually as a consequence of direct local spread. Epidural abscesses arise from an adjacent focus of infection, such as sinusitis or osteomyelitis. When abscesses occur in the spinal epidural space, they may cause spinal cord compression and constitute a neurosurgi- cal emergency. Infections of the skull or air sinuses may also spread to the subdural space, producing subdural empyema. In addition, throm- bophlebitis may develop in the bridging veins that cross the subdural space, resulting in venous occlusion and infarction of the brain. Most patients are febrile, with head- ache and neck stiffness, and if untreated may develop focal neurologic signs referable to the site of the infection, leth- argy, and coma. With treatment, including surgical drain- age, resolution of the empyema occurs from the dural side; if resolution is complete, a thickened dura may be the only residual finding. With prompt treatment, complete recov- ery is usual.
What is meningitis? And meningoencephalitis? What causes meningitis? Infectious meningitis can be broadly divided into what four subtypes? What exam is often useful in distinguishing between the various causes of meningitis? In neonates what are the common organisms that can cause acute pyogenic meningitis? What about in adolescents and young adults? What about in older individuals? In all age groups patients typically show what signs ? Lumbar puncture reveals what? Exam of the CSF shows what three things? What may be seen on a smear or can be cultured sometimes a few hours before the neu- trophils appear. ?
Untreated pyogenic meningitis is often fatal, but with prompt diagnosis and administration of appropriate antibiotics, many patients can be saved. True or false
In acute meningitis what is evident within the lepto- meninges over the surface of the brain? What’s the appearance of the meningeal vessels? From areas of greatest accumulation ehat is seen? What happens when meningitis is fulminant? On microscopic exam neutrophils fill where or my be found where? In untreated meningitis what does gram stain reveal? Bacterial meningitis may be associ- ated with abscesses in the brain true or false . Phlebitis may lead to what?
Meningitis is an inflammatory process involving the lepto- meninges within the subarachnoid space; if the infection spreads into the underlying brain it is termed meningoen- cephalitis. Meningitis usually is caused by an infection, but chemical meningitis also may occur in response to a nonbac- terial irritant introduced into the subarachnoid space. Infectious meningitis can be broadly divided into acute pyo- genic (usually bacterial), aseptic (usually viral), and chronic (usually tuberculous, spirochetal, or cryptococcal) sub- types. Examination of the CSF is often useful in distin- guishing between various causes of meningitis.
Acute Pyogenic Meningitis (Bacterial Meningitis)
Many bacteria can cause acute pyogenic meningitis, but the most likely organisms vary with patient age. In neonates, common organisms are Escherichia coli and the group B streptococci; in adolescents and in young adults, Neisseria meningitidis is the most common pathogen; and in older individuals, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocyto- genes are more common. In all age groups, patients typi- cally show systemic signs of infection along with meningeal irritation and neurologic impairment, including headache, photophobia, irritability, clouding of consciousness, and neck stiffness. Lumbar puncture reveals an increased pressure; examination of the CSF shows abundant neutrophils, elevated protein, and reduced glucose. Bacteria may be seen on a smear or can be cultured, sometimes a few hours before the neu- trophils appear.
In acute meningitis, an exudate is evident within the lepto- meninges over the surface of the brain
The meningeal vessels are engorged and prominent. From the areas of greatest accumulation, tracts of pus can be followed along blood vessels on the brain surface. When the meningitis is fulminant, the inflammatory cells infiltrate the walls of the leptomeningeal veins and may spread into the substance of the brain (focal cerebritis), or the inflammation may extend to the ventricles, producing ventriculitis. On microscopic examination, neutrophils fill the entire subarachnoid space in severely affected areas or may be found predominantly around the leptomeningeal blood vessels in less severe cases. In untreated meningitis, Gram stain reveals varying numbers of the causative organism. Phlebitis also may lead to venous occlusion and hemor- rhagic infarction of the underlying brain. If it is treated early, there may be little or no morphologic residuum.
Aseptic meningitis is a clinical term for what? If this less fulminant or more fulminant than in pyogenic meningitis. ?
Exam of CSF often shows what three things? This disease typically is self limiting true or false? What are the distinctive macroscopic characteristics? On microscopic exam what’s seen?
What pathogens are associated w chronic meningitis? Infections w these organisms also may involve which part of the brain? TB meningitis usually manifested with what signs? What is seen in the CSF fluid? Infection w M tuberculosis may result in what? Chronic TB meningitis is a cause of what and may produce what?
Aseptic Meningitis (Viral Meningitis) Aseptic meningitis is a clinical term for an illness comprising meningeal irritation, fever, and alterations in conscious- ness of relatively acute onset. The clinical course is less fulminant than in pyogenic meningitis. In contrast to pyo- genic meningitis, examination of the CSF often shows lym- phocytosis, moderate protein elevation, and a normal glucose level. The disease typically is self-limiting. It is believed to be of viral origin in most cases, but it is often difficult to identify the responsible virus. There are no distinctive macroscopic characteristics except for brain swelling, seen in only some instances. On microscopic examination, there is either no recognizable abnormality or a mild to moderate leptomeningeal lymphocytic infiltrate.
Chronic Meningitis
Several pathogens, including mycobacteria and some spirochetes, are associated with chronic meningitis; infec- tions with these organisms also may involve the brain parenchyma.
Tuberculous Meningitis
Tuberculous meningitis usually manifests with general- ized signs and symptoms of headache, malaise, mental confusion, and vomiting. There is only a moderate increase in CSF cellularity, with mononuclear cells or a mixture of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells; the protein level is elevated, often strikingly so, and the glucose content typically is moderately reduced or normal. Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis also may result in a well- circumscribed intraparenchymal mass (tuberculoma), which may be associated with meningitis. Chronic tuberculous meningitis is a cause of arachnoid fibrosis, which may produce hydrocephalus.
The subarachnoid space in chronic meningitis contains what? Most often in which part of the brain? There may be what scattered over the leptomeninges? Arteries running through the subarachnoid space may show what? On microscopic exam what’s seen ? Florid cases show what?
Neurosyphilis occurs in which people?
Which patients are at increased risk for this? The Neurosyphilis infections can produce what? Which part of the brain does it usually involve? There can also be paren- chymal involvement by spirochetes (paretic neurosyphilis), leading to what? Clinically this form of disease causes what? What is Tabes dorsalis? Neuroborreliosis represents involvement of the nervous system by what? Neurologic signs and symptoms are highly variable and include ?
The subarachnoid space contains a gelatinous or fibrinous exudate, most often at the base of the brain, obliterating the cisterns and encasing cranial nerves. There may be discrete white granules scattered over the leptomeninges. Arteries running through the subarachnoid space may show oblitera- tive endarteritis with inflammatory infiltrates and marked intimal thickening. On microscopic examination there are mixtures of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages. Florid cases show well-formed granulomas, often with caseous necrosis and giant cells, similar to the lesions of tuberculosis elsewhere.
Spirochetal Infections
Neurosyphilis, a tertiary stage of syphilis, occurs in about 10% of persons with untreated Treponema pallidum infec- tion. Patients with HIV infection are at increased risk for neurosyphilis, which often is more aggressive and severe in this setting. The infection can produce chronic meningi- tis (meningovascular neurosyphilis), usually involving the base of the brain, often with an obliterative endarteritis rich in plasma cells and lymphocytes. There can also be paren- chymal involvement by spirochetes (paretic neurosyphilis), leading to neuronal loss and marked proliferation of rod- shaped microglial cells. Clinically, this form of the disease causes an insidious progressive loss of mental and physical functions, mood alterations (including delusions of gran- deur), and eventually severe dementia. Tabes dorsalis is another form of neurosyphilis, resulting from damage to the sensory nerves in the dorsal roots that produces impaired joint position sense and ataxia (locomotor ataxia); loss of pain sensation, leading to skin and joint damage (Charcot joints); other sensory disturbances, particularly characteristic “lightning pains”; and the absence of deep tendon reflexes.
Neuroborreliosis represents involvement of the nervous system by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, the pathogen of Lyme disease. Neurologic signs and symptoms are highly variable and include aseptic meningitis, facial nerve palsies, mild encephalopathy, and polyneuropathies.
The entire gamut of infectious pathogens (viruses to para- sites) can potentially infect the brain, often in characteristic patterns true or false
In general viral infections have what characteristics? Brain abscesses are nearly always caused by what? These can arise due to what? Name some predisposing conditions. What do patients w abscesses present with? What markers are high and normal in the CSF? What two things can be fatal and an abscess rupture can lead to what three things?
What is the morphology of abscesses? On microscopic exam what is seen?
Outside the fibrosis capsule what is there? Viral encephalitis is a parenchymal infection of the brain that is almost invariably associated with what? What are the most characteristic histologic features ? The nervous system is particularly susceptible to which viruses? Which places can the viruses affect in the brain? Intrauterine viral infection may cause what? In addition to direct infection of the nervous system, the CNS also can be injured by
Parenchymal Infections
. In general, viral infections are diffuse, bacterial infections (when not associated with meningitis) are local- ized, while other organisms produce mixed patterns. In immunosuppressed hosts, more widespread involvement with any agent is typical.
Brain Abscesses
Brain abscesses are nearly always caused by bacterial infec- tions. These can arise by direct implantation of organisms, local extension from adjacent foci (mastoiditis, paranasal sinusitis), or hematogenous spread (usually from a primary site in the heart, lungs, or distal bones, or after tooth extrac- tion).
Predisposing conditions include acute bacterial endocarditis, from which septic emboli are released that may produce multiple abscesses; cyanotic congenital heart disease, associated with a right-to-left shunt and loss of pulmonary filtration of organisms; and chronic pulmonary infections, as in bronchiectasis, which provide a source of microbes that spread hematogenously.
Abscesses are destructive lesions, and patients almost invariably present with progressive focal deficits as well as general signs related to increased intracranial pressure. The CSF white cell count and protein levels are usually high, while the glucose content tends to be normal. A systemic or local source of infection may be apparent or may have ceased to be symptomatic. The increased intracranial pres- sure and progressive herniation can be fatal, and abscess rupture can lead to ventriculitis, meningitis, and venous sinus thrombosis.
Abscesses are discrete lesions with central liquefactive necrosis and a surrounding fibrous capsule .On microscopic examination, the necrotic center is sur- rounded by edema and granulation tissue, often with exuber- ant vascularization. Outside the fibrous capsule is a zone of reactive gliosis
Viral Encephalitis
Viral encephalitis is a parenchymal infection of the brain that is almost invariably associated with meningeal inflam- mation (and therefore is better termed meningoencephalitis). While different viruses may show varying patterns of injury, the most characteristic histologic features are peri- vascular and parenchymal mononuclear cell infiltrates, microglial nodules, and neuronophagia. Certain viruses also form characteristic inclusion bodies.
The nervous system is particularly susceptible to certain viruses such as rabies virus and poliovirus. Some viruses infect specific CNS cell types, while others preferentially involve particular brain regions (such as the medial tem- poral lobes, or the limbic system) that lie along the viral route of entry. Intrauterine viral infection may cause con- genital malformations, as occurs with rubella. In addition to direct infection of the nervous system, the CNS also can be injured by immune mechanisms after systemic viral infections.
Arbovituses are an important cause of epidemic encephalitis , especially where? What signs do patients develop? What’s the appearance of the CSF? What’s the protein level and glucose level? Characteristically what is seen in the morphology?. In severe cases what may be seen? HSV-1 encephalitis may occur in any age group but is most common in which age groups? It typically manifests with what? Recurrent HSV-1 encephalitis is sometimes associated with what? Herpes encephalitis starts in, and most severely involves which parts of the brain? What’s the characteristic of the infections? What infiltrates are usually present? And what inclusions can be found and where? HSV-2 also affects the nervous system in the form of? Disseminated severe encepha- litis occurs in which neonates? Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox during primary infection, usually without any evidence of neuro- logic involvement. True or false
The virus establishes latent infection where? Reactivating in adults manifests as what? In immunosuppressives patients what may occur
Arboviruses Arboviruses (arthropod-borne viruses) are an important cause of epidemic encephalitis, especially in tropical regions of the world.Patients develop gen- eralized neurologic symptoms, such as seizures, confusion, delirium, and stupor or coma, as well as focal signs, such as reflex asymmetry and ocular palsies. The CSF usually is colorless but with a slightly elevated pressure and an early neutrophilic pleocytosis that rapidly converts to a lympho- cytosis; the protein level is elevated, but the glucose is normal.
Arbovirus encephalitides produce a similar histopathologic picture. Characteristically, there is a perivascular lymphocytic meningoencephalitis (sometimes with neutrophils) (Fig. 22– 17, A). Multifocal gray and white matter necrosis is seen, often associated with neuronophagia, the phagocytosis of neuronal debris, as well as localized collections of microglia termed microglial nodules (Fig. 22–17, B). In severe cases there may be a necrotizing vasculitis with associated focal hemorrhages
HSV-1 encephalitis may occur in any age group but is most common in children and young adults. It typically mani- fests with alterations in mood, memory, and behavior, reflecting involvement of the frontal and temporal lobes. Recurrent HSV-1 encephalitis is sometimes associated with inherited mutations that interfere with Toll-like receptor signaling (specifically that of TLR-3), which has an impor- tant role in antiviral defense.
Herpes encephalitis starts in, and most severely involves, the inferior and medial regions of the temporal lobes and the orbital gyri of the frontal lobes (Fig. 22–17, C). The infection is necrotizing and often hemorrhagic in the most severely affected regions. Perivascular inflammatory infiltrates usually are present, and large eosinophilic intranuclear viral inclusions (Cowdry type A bodies) can be found in both neurons and glial cells.
HSV-2 also affects the nervous system, usually in the form of meningitis in adults. Disseminated severe encepha- litis occurs in many neonates born by vaginal delivery to women with active primary HSV genital infections.
The virus establishes latent infection in neurons of dorsal root ganglia. Reactivation in adults mani- fests as a painful, vesicular skin eruption in the distribution of one or a few dermatomes (shingles). This usually is a self-limited process, but there may be a persistent pain syndrome in the affected region (postherpetic neuralgia). VZV also may cause a granulomatous arteritis that can lead to tissue infarcts. In immunosuppressed patients, acute herpes zoster encephalitis can occur. Inclusion bodies can be found in glial cells and neurons.
Cytomegalovirus infects the nervous system in which people? What cells in the CNs are susceptible to infection? Intrauterine infection causes what which is followed by what? What happens when adults are infected? Lesions can be what type and contain what? What is poliovirus? It secondarily invades the nervous system and damages what? With loss of motor neurons it produces what
In acute disease what will cause death?
Long after the infection has resolved, typically 25 to 35 years after the initial illness, a postpolio syndrome of progres- sive weakness associated with decreased muscle bulk and pain can appear. True or false
What is rabies? How does the virus enter the CNs? Incubation period depends on what? How does the disease manifests?(initially and when it advances)
CMV infects the nervous system in fetuses and immuno- suppressed persons. All cells within the CNS (neurons, glial cells, ependyma, and endothelium) are susceptible to infection. Intrauterine infection causes periventricular necrosis, followed later by microcephaly with periventricu- lar calcification. When adults are infected, CMV produces a subacute encephalitis, again often most severe in the peri- ventricular region. Lesions can be hemorrhagic and contain typical viral inclusion–bearing cells.
Poliovirus is an enterovirus that most often causes a sub- clinical or mild gastroenteritis; in a small fraction of cases, it secondarily invades the nervous system and damages motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain stem (paralytic poliomyelitis). With loss of motor neurons, it produces a flaccid paralysis with muscle wasting and hyporeflexia in the corresponding region of the body. In the acute disease, death can occur from paralysis of respiratory muscles.
Rabies Virus
Rabies is a severe encephalitic infection transmitted to humans from rabid animals, usually by a bite. Various mammals are natural reservoirs. Exposure to some bat species, even without evidence of a bite, is also a risk factor. Virus enters the CNS by ascending along the peripheral nerves from the wound site, so the incubation period depends on the distance between the wound and the brain,
usually taking a few months. The disease manifests ini- tially with nonspecific symptoms of malaise, headache, and fever. As the infection advances, the patient shows extraor- dinary CNS excitability; the slightest touch is painful, with violent motor responses progressing to convulsions. Con- tracture of the pharyngeal musculature may create an aver- sion to swallowing even water (hydrophobia). Periods of mania and stupor progress to coma and eventually death, typically from respiratory failure.
Neuropathologic changes in HIV are due to what? What is lumped under the umbrella term HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) ? Cognitive symptoms stem from HIV nfections of which part of the brain? This leads to what? The ensuing neuronal injury stems from a combination of what? When does aseptic meningitis occur when there’s onset of primary infection by HIV? What are the early and acute phases of
symptomatic or asymptom- atic HIV invasion of the nervous system
After the acute phase what can commonly be found ?
HIV encephalitis is best characterized
Microscopically as what? Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is caused by? Which part of the brain does this infect and what does it result in? The disease is restricted to immunosuppressives patients true or false? What signs do patients develop ,often showing what kind of lesions? The lesions are of what nature? What is seen in the center of each lesion and the edges of the lesions? The virus also infects astrocytes leading to what?
to direct effects of virus on the nervous system, opportunistic infections, and primary CNS lymphoma. However, cognitive dysfunction ranging from mild to full- blown dementia that is lumped under the umbrella term HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) continues to be a source of morbidity. The cognitive symptoms are believed to stem from HIV infection of microglial cells in the brain. This leads to activation of innate immune responses, both in infected microglial cells and unaffected bystanders. The ensuing neuronal injury likely stems from a combination of cytokine-induced inflammation and toxic effects of HIV-derived proteins.
Aseptic meningitis occurs within 1 to 2 weeks of onset of primary infection by HIV in about 10% of patients; anti- bodies to HIV can be demonstrated, and the virus can be isolated from the CSF. The few neuropathologic studies of the early and acute phases of symptomatic or asymptom- atic HIV invasion of the nervous system have shown mild lymphocytic meningitis, perivascular inflammation, and some myelin loss in the hemispheres. After the acute phase, an HIV encephalitis (HIVE) commonly can be found if affected persons come to autopsy.
HIV encephalitis is best characterized microscopically as a chronic inflammatory reaction with widely distributed infil- trates of microglial nodules, sometimes with associated foci of tissue necrosis and reactive gliosis .The microglial nodules also are found in the vicinity of small blood vessels, which show abnormally prominent endothelial cells and perivascular foamy or pigment-laden macrophages. These changes occur especially in the subcortical white matter, diencephalon, and brain stem. An important compo- nent of the microglial nodule is the macrophage-derived multinucleate giant cell. In some cases, there is also a disorder of white matter characterized by multifocal or diffuse areas of myelin pallor with associated axonal swellings and gliosis. HIV is present in CD4+ mononuclear and multi- nucleate macrophages and microglia.
Polyomavirus and Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is caused by JC virus, a polyomavirus, which preferentially infects oligodendrocytes, resulting in demyelination as these cells are injured and then die. Most people show serologic evidence of exposure to JC virus during child- hood, and it is believed that PML results from virus reactivation, as the disease is restricted to immunosup- pressed persons. Patients develop focal and relentlessly progressive neurologic symptoms and signs, and imaging studies show extensive, often multifocal, ring-enhancing lesions in the hemispheric or cerebellar white matter.
The lesions are patchy, irregular, ill-defined areas of white matter destruction that enlarge as the disease progresses (Fig. 22–18). Each lesion is an area of demyelination, in the center of which are scattered lipid-laden macrophages and a reduced number of axons. At the edges of the lesion are greatly enlarged oligodendrocyte nuclei whose chromatin is replaced by glassy-appearing amphophilic viral inclusions. The virus also infects astrocytes, leading to bizarre giant forms with irregular, hyperchromatic, sometimes multiple nuclei that can be mistaken for tumor.