Cardiovascular System Flashcards


How many times does the heart beat a year and how much blood does it pump a day
Which system is the first organ system to become fully functional in the uterus and at approximately how many weeks of gestation
What type of systemic. Disease is a leading contributor to mortality worldwide
What kind of heart disease is the most prevalent?
What is us heart rate and how many times does the heart beat per minute


beating more than 40 million times a year and pumping over 7500 liters of blood a day;
The cardiovascular system is the first organ system to become fully functional in utero (at approximately 8 weeks of gestation); without a beating heart and vascular supply, further development cannot occur, and fetal demise is inevitable. Indeed, cardiovascular disease remains the leading con- tributor to mortality worldwide
ischemic heart disease is the most prevalent form of heart disease,

Heart rate, also known as pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute.

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What are the six pathophysiologic pathways or principal mechanisms that result in a broken heart? And explain how they cause the broken heart and give an example each of diseases that work that way


Although a host of diseases can affect the cardiovascular system, the pathophysiologic pathways that result in a “broken” heart distill down to six principal mechanisms:
• Failure of the pump. In the most common situation, the cardiac muscle contracts weakly and the chambers cannot empty properly—so-called systolic dysfunction. In
some cases, the muscle cannot relax sufficiently to permit
ventricular filling, resulting in diastolic dysfunction.

• Obstruction to flow. Lesions that prevent valve opening (e.g., calcific aortic valve stenosis(Stenosis, which means narrowing,) ) or cause increased ventricular chamber pressures (e.g., systemic hyperten- sion or aortic coarctation) can overwork the myocar-
dium, which has to pump against the obstruction.

• Regurgitant flow. Valve lesions that allow backward flow of blood create conditions that add increased volume workload to the affected chambers with each contraction
• Shuntedflow.Defects(congenital or acquired)that divert
blood inappropriately from one chamber to another, or from one vessel to another, lead to pressure and volume overloads.

  • Disorders of cardiac conduction: Uncoordinated cardiac impulses or blocked conduction pathways can cause arrhythmias that reduce contraction frequency or dimin- ish effective cardiac output.
  • Rupture of the heart or major vessel. Loss of circulatory continuity (e.g., gunshot wound through the thoracic aorta) leads to exsanguination, hypotensive shock, and death.
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What is heart failure
Most cases of heart failure are due to which three diseases and heart failure can also be caused by which disease and that disease occurs due to what?
Inadequate myocardial contraction function is characteristically a consequence of which two diseases?
Name four other diseases in which there is diastolic dysfunction
Heart failure in which three groups of people are more commonly attributed to diastolic dysfunction

Various studies suggest that 40–60% of cases of CHF may be due to dia- stolic dysfunction
True or false


Heart failure generally is referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF is the common end point for many forms of cardiac disease and typically is a progressive condition that carries an extremely poor prognosis.

Most cases of heart failure are due to systolic dysfunction—inadequate myocardial contractile function, characteristically a consequence of ischemic heart disease or hypertension. Alternatively, CHF also can result from diastolic dysfunction—inability of the heart to adequately relax and fill, such as in massive left ventricular hypertro- phy, myocardial fibrosis, amyloid deposition, or constric- tive pericarditis.

Indeed, heart failure in elderly persons, diabetic patients, and women may be more commonly attributable to diastolic dysfunction.

. Finally, heart failure also can be caused by valve dysfunction (e.g., due to endocarditis) or can occur in normal hearts suddenly burdened with an abnor- mal load (e.g., with fluid or pressure overload).


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How does heart failure occur
What is another name for inadequate cardiac output?
Inadequate cardiac output is almost always accompanied by what?
What is the consequence of backward failure
How does heart failure occur in a minority of cases,heart failure may be a consequence of what two things ? And state which disease those two can occur in

CHF onset can be abrupt, as in the setting of a large myocardial infarct or acute valve dysfunction.
True or false
In many cases CHF develops gradually and insidiously ,why?


CHF occurs when the heart cannot generate sufficient output to meet the metabolic demands of the tissues—or can only do so at higher-than-normal filling pressures; In CHF, the failing heart can no longer efficiently pump the blood delivered to it by the venous circulation. The result is an increased end-diastolic ventricular volume, leading to increased end-diastolic pressures and, finally, elevated venous pressures.
Thus, inadequate cardiac output—called forward failure—is almost always accompa- nied by increased congestion of the venous circulation— that is, backward failure. As a consequence, although the root problem in CHF typically is deficient cardiac function,
virtually every other organ is eventually affected by some combination of forward and backward failure.

in a minority of cases, heart failure can be a consequence of greatly increased tissue demands, as in hyperthyroidism, or poor oxygen carrying capacity as in anemia (high-output failure).

In many cases, however, CHF develops gradually and insidiously owing to the cumulative effects of chronic work overload or progressive loss of myocardium.

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How does the CVs attempt to compensate for reduced myocardial contractility or increased hemodynamic burden(state and explain the four homeostatic mechanisms)

What is concentric hypertrophy and what is it characterized by?
What is a sarcomere

What is the best measure of hypertrophy in volume overloaded hearts


The cardiovascular system attempts to compensate for reduced myocardial contractility or increased hemody- namic burden through several homeostatic mechanisms:

• The Frank-Starling mechanism:. Increased end-diastolic filling volumes dilate the heart and cause increased cardiac myofiber stretching; these lengthened fibers con- tract more forcibly, thereby increasing cardiac output. If the dilated ventricle is able to maintain cardiac output by this means, the patient is said to be in compensated heart failure. However, ventricular dilation comes at the expense of increased wall tension and amplifies the oxygen requirements of an already-compromised myo- cardium. With time, the failing muscle is no longer able to propel sufficient blood to meet the needs of the body, and the patient develops decompensated heart failure.

• Activation of neurohumoral systems:
 Release of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine by
the autonomic nervous system increases heart rate and augments myocardial contractility and vascular resistance.
 Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system spurs water and salt retention (augmenting circulatory volume) and increases vascular tone.
 Release of atrial natriuretic peptide acts to balance the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system through diure- sis and vascular smooth muscle relaxation.

• Myocardial structural changes:, including augmented muscle mass. Cardiac myocytes cannot proliferate, yet can adapt to increased workloads by assembling increased numbers of sarcomeres, a change that is accompanied by myocyte enlargement (hypertrophy) (Fig. 10–1).
 In pressure overload states (e.g., hypertension or valvu- lar stenosis), new sarcomeres tend to be added paral- lel to the long axis of the myocytes, adjacent to existing sarcomeres. The growing muscle fiber diameter thus results in concentric hypertrophy—the ventricular wall thickness increases without an increase in the size of the chamber.
(The heart responds to a pressure overload in strength training by adding new sarcomeres in-parallel to existing sarcomeres. As a consequence, the wall thickness increases. This pathological condition is called concentric hypertrophy. Concentric hypertrophy is characterized by an addition of sarcomeres (the contractile units of cardiac cells) in parallel. The result is an increase in thickness of the myocardium without a corresponding increase in ventricular size.)

 In volume overload states (e.g., valvular regurgitation or shunts), the new sarcomeres (A sarcomere is the basic contractile unit of muscle fiber. the smallest functional unit of striated muscle tissue. It is the repeating unit between two Z-lines. Skeletal muscles are composed of tubular muscle cells (called muscle fibers or myofibers )) are added in series with existing sarcomeres, so that the muscle fiber length increases. Consequently, the ventricle tends to dilate, and the resulting wall thickness can be increased, normal, or decreased; thus, heart weight— rather than wall thickness—is the best measure of hypertrophy in volume-overloaded hearts.

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What makes the myocardium vulnerable to Ischemic Injury
Hypertrophy is also typically associated with altered patterns of gene what?

In the face of ischemia and chronic increases in workload, other untoward changes also eventually supervene, including myocyte apoptosis, cytoskeletal alterations, and increased extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition.
True or false

Pathological compensatory cardiac hypertrophy is correlated with what?
Cardiac hypertrophy is an independent risk factor for what?
Volume loaded hypertrophy I ducked by regular aerobic exercise is accompanied by increase in what and decrease in what?
Static exercise is associated with what?
What is pressure hypertrophy and volume hypertrophy


Compensatory hypertrophy comes at a cost to the myocyte. The oxygen requirements of hypertrophic myocardium are amplified owing to increased myocardial cell mass. Because the myocardial capillary bed does not expand in step with the increased myocardial oxygen demands, the myocar- dium becomes vulnerable to ischemic injury.

Hypertrophy also typically is associated with altered patterns of gene expression reminiscent of the fetal myocytes, such as changes in the dominant form of myosin heavy chain pro- duced. Altered gene expression may contribute to changes in myocyte function that lead to increases in heart rate and force of contraction, both of which improve cardiac output, but which also lead to higher cardiac oxygen consumption.


Pathologic compensatory cardiac hypertrophy is corre- lated with increased mortality; indeed, cardiac hypertro- phy is an independent risk factor for sudden cardiac death. By contrast, the volume-loaded hypertrophy induced by regular aerobic exercise (physiologic hypertrophy) typically is accompanied by an increase in capillary density, with decreased resting heart rate and blood pressure.
These physiologic adaptations reduce overall cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

In comparison, static exercise (e.g., weight lifting) is associated with pressure hypertro- phy and may not have the same beneficial effects.

Pressure overload mediates hypertrophy through thickening of the left ventricular wall with little or no increase in chamber size, whereas volume overload (valvular regurgitation) results in regular wall thickness but increased chamber size

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What’s the difference between concentric and eccentric Hypertrophy
What are the four most common causes of left sided heart failure
The morphologic and clinical effects of left sided heart failure stem from what?


Concentric hypertrophy is associated with increased left ventricular wall thickness whereas eccentric hypertrophy is characterized by dilatation of the left ventricular chamber; however, there occurs a general increase in the overall size of cardiomyocytes under both conditions

Heart failure can affect predominantly the left or the right side of the heart or may involve both sides. The most common causes of left-sided cardiac failure are ischemic heart disease (IHD), systemic hypertension, mitral or aortic valve disease, and primary diseases of the myocardium (e.g., amyloidosis).

The morphologic and clinical effects of left-sided CHF stem from diminished systemic perfusion and the elevated back-pressures within the pulmonary circulation.

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With the morphology of the heart in left sided heart failure ,gross cardiac findings depend on what? Usually left ventricle is hypertrophied and can be dilated sometimes massively except in which diseases?
Left ventricular dilation can result in what two things?
Left atrial enlargement is associated with increased what?
The microscopic changes in the heart are what,consisting primarily of what?
Superimposed on this may be what?

What causes the congestion and edema in the lungs and pleural effusion with left heart failure?

What is the morphology of the lungs and what are the four to five things seen microscopically
Subsequent breakdown of RBCs and hemoglobin leads to appearance of what? And what does it reflect?


Heart. Thegrosscardiacfindingsdependontheunderlying disease process, for example, myocardial infarction or valvu- lar deformities may be present. With the exception of failure due to mitral valve stenosis or restrictive cardiomyopathies (described later), the left ventricle usually is hypertrophied and can be dilated, sometimes massively. Left ventricular dilation can result in mitral insufficiency and left atrial enlarge- ment, which is associated with an increased incidence of atrial fibrillation. The microscopic changes in heart failure are nonspecific, consisting primarily of myocyte hypertrophy with interstitial fibrosis of variable severity. Superimposed on this background may be other lesions that contribute to the development of heart failure (e.g., recent or old myocardial infarction).

Lungs:. Rising pressure in the pulmonary veins is ultimately transmitted back to the capillaries and arteries of the lungs, resulting in congestion and edema as well as pleural effusion due to an increase in hydrostatic pressure in the venules of the visceral pleura. The lungs are heavy and boggy, and micro- scopically show perivascular and interstitial transudates, alveolar septal edema, and accumulation of edema fluid in the alveolar spaces. In addition, variable numbers of red cells extravasate from the leaky capillaries into alveolar spaces, where they are phagocytosed by macrophages .
The subse- quent breakdown of red cells and hemoglobin leads to the appearance of hemosiderin-laden alveolar macrophages— so-called heart failure cells—that reflect previous epi- sodes of pulmonary edema.

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State 14 clinical features of left sided heart failure
Which is usually the earliest and most significant symptom?
Why will there be cough in left sided heart failure?
What causes orthopnea in left sided heart failure
The orthopnea is relieved by what?
What causes fine rales in the lung bases ,what causes mitral regurgitation and systolic murmur
What causes atrial fibrillation and how does it manifest
What does atrial fibrillation cause?
Systemically what causes increased intravascular volume and pressure
With further reduction in renal perfusion,what occurs?
In severe heart failure ,diminished cerebral perfusion can manifest as what? With what? That can progress to what?


Clinical Features
Dyspnea (shortness of breath) on exertion is usually the earliest and most significant symptom of left-sided heart failure;
cough also is common as a consequence of fluid transudation into air spaces.As failure progresses, patients experience dyspnea when recumbent (orthopnea); this occurs because the supine position increases venous return from the lower extremities and also elevates the diaphragm. Orthopnea typically is relieved by sitting or standing, so patients usually sleep in a semiseated position. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is a particularly dramatic form of breath- lessness, awakening patients from sleep with extreme dyspnea bordering on feelings of suffocation.
Other manifestations of left ventricular failure include an enlarged heart (cardiomegaly), tachycardia, a third heart sound (S3), and fine rales at the lung bases, caused by the opening of edematous pulmonary alveoli. With pro- gressive ventricular dilation, the papillary muscles are displaced outwards, causing mitral regurgitation and a systolic murmur.

Subsequent chronic dilation of the left atrium can cause atrial fibrillation, manifested by an “irregu- larly irregular” heartbeat. Such uncoordinated, chaotic atrial contractions reduce the ventricular stroke volume and also can cause stasis. The stagnant blood is prone to form thrombi (particularly in the atrial appendage) that can shed emboli and cause strokes and manifestations of infarction in other organs.
Systemically, diminished cardiac output leads to decreased renal perfusion that in turn triggers the renin- angiotension-aldosterone axis, increasing intravascular volume and pressures

Unfortunately, these compensatory effects exacerbate the pulmonary edema. With further reduction in renal perfusion, prerenal azotemia may supervene, with impaired excretion of nitrogenous wastes and increasing metabolic derangement. In severe CHF, diminished cerebral perfusion can manifest as hypoxic encephalopathy with irritability, diminished cognition, and restlessness that can progress to stupor and coma.

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Right heart failure usually is the consequence of left-sided heart failure, why?

Isolated right-sided heart failure also can occur in a few diseases. The most common of these is ?
What does it result in?
What happens in cor pulmonale

Isolated right heart failure can also occur in patients with what?

What is the major morphological and clinical effects of pure right sided failure from left sided failure

What is cor pulmonale?


since any pressure increase in the pulmonary circulation inevitably produces an increased burden on the right side of the heart.

severe pulmonary hypertension, resulting in right-sided heart pathology termed cor pulmonale.

In cor pulmonale, myocardial hypertrophy and dilation generally are con- fined to the right ventricle and atrium, although bulging of the ventricular septum to the left can cause left ventricular dysfunction.

Isolated right-sided failure also can occur in patients with primary pulmonic or tricuspid valve disease, or congenital heart disease, such as with left-to-right shunts causing chronic volume and pressure overloads.

The major morphologic and clinical effects of pure right- sided heart failure differ from those of left-sided heart failure in that engorgement of the systemic and portal venous systems typically is pronounced and pulmonary congestion is minimal.

Right-sided heart failure means that the right side of the heart is not pumping blood to the lungs as well as normal. It is also called cor pulmonale or pulmonary heart disease.

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With the morphology of right heart failure what happens to the liver
What is nutmeg liver
What happens to the centrilobular areas in right sided heart failure
When left sided heart failure is present,what happens to the centrilobular areas

With long standing severe right sided heart failure,what happens to the central areas? What does it create?

Right sided heart failure also leads to elevated what in the portal system and what causes congestive splenomegaly

What can be severe enough to interfere w absorption of nutrients and medication

What can happen to the pleural and pericardial spaces in right heart failure ?

When are pleural effusions most pronounced?

When pleural effusions are large ,what can it cause?
State the value that constitutes large pleural effusion

Substantial pericardial effusions can cause what?
State the value

A combination of what and what leads to peritoneal transudates (Ascites)

Effusions into which part of the body are serious with what and what?

What is a hallmark of right heart failure in the subcutaneous tissues?
In chronically bedridden patients,edema may be primarily what,
In which cases will anasarca be seen?


Liver and Portal System. The liver usually is increased in size and weight (congestive hepatomegaly). A cut section displays prominent passive congestion, a pattern referred to as nutmeg liver

congested centrilobular areas are surrounded by peripheral paler, noncongested parenchyma.

When left-sided heart failure is also present, severe central hypoxia produces centrilobular necrosis in addition to the sinusoidal congestion.

With long-standing severe right-sided heart failure, the central areas can become fibrotic, creating so-called cardiac cirrhosis.

Right-sided heart failure also leads to elevated pressure in the portal vein and its tributaries (portal hypertension), with vascular congestion producing a tense, enlarged spleen (congestive splenomegaly).

Chronic passive congestion of the bowel wall with edema can be severe enough to interfere with absorption of nutrients and medications.

Pleural, Pericardial, and Peritoneal Spaces. Systemic venous congestion due to right heart failure can lead to transudates (effusions) in the pleural and pericardial spaces, but usually does not cause pulmonary parenchymal edema.

Pleural effusions are most pronounced when there is increase in pulmonary venous as well as systemic venous pressures, as occurs in combined right and left heart failure.

When large (e.g., 1 L or more), pleural effusions can cause atelectasis, and, very uncommonly, substantial pericardial effusions (greater than 500 mL) can limit cardiac filling and cause cardiac failure (due to tamponade).

A combination of hepatic congestion (with or without diminished albumin synthesis) and portal hypertension leads to peritoneal tran- sudates (ascites)

The effusions into the various body cavities typically are serous, with a low protein content, and lack inflammatory cells.

Subcutaneous Tissues. :Peripheral edema of dependent portions of the body, especially ankle (pedal) and pretibial edema, is a hallmark of right heart failure.

In chronically bedridden patients, the edema may be primarily presacral. In particularly severe cases, generalized massive edema (ana- sarca) may be seen.

The presacral space is the area between the rectum and lowest part of your the spine, which is called the sacrum. The presacral space is inside the pelvis, behind the rectum and in front of the coccyx and sacrum.

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State eight clinical features of right sided heart failure
What do most cases of chronic cardiac décompensation present with?
As congestive heart failure progresses,patients may become what due to what resulting from what?
When does CHF occur?
Left sided heart failure is most commonly secondary to which diseaseS,State four

Symptoms of left sided heart failure are mainly a consequence of which two things although systemic hypo perfusion can cause what?

Right sided heart failure is due most often to what, less commonly due to what?
Signs and symptoms of right heart failure are related chiefly to which two things?


Clinical Features
Unlike left-sided heart failure, pure right-sided heart failure typically is associated with very few respiratory symptoms. Instead, the clinical manifestations are related to systemic and portal venous congestion, including hepatic and splenic enlargement, peripheral edema, pleural effu- sion, and ascites. Venous congestion and hypoxia of the kidneys and brain due to right heart failure can produce deficits comparable to those caused by the hypoperfusion caused by left heart failure.

Of note, in most cases of chronic cardiac decompensa- tion, patients present with biventricular CHF, encompassing the clinical syndromes of both right-sided and left-sided heart failure.
As congestive heart failure progresses, patients may become frankly cyanotic and acidotic, as a consequence of decreased tissue perfusion resulting from both diminished forward flow and increasing retrograde congestion.

Heart Failure
• CHF occurs when the heart is unable to provide adequate perfusion to meet the metabolic requirements of peripheral tissues; inadequate cardiac output usually is accompanied by increased congestion of the venous circulation.
• Left-sided heart failure is most commonly secondary to ischemic heart disease, systemic hypertension, mitral or aortic valve disease, or primary diseases of the myocar- dium; symptoms are mainly a consequence of pulmonary congestion and edema, although systemic hypoperfusion can cause renal and cerebral dysfunction.

• Right-sided heart failure is due most often to left heart failure and, less commonly, to primary pulmonary disor- ders; signs and symptoms are related chiefly to peripheral edema and visceral congestion.

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What is congenital heart disease
They account for what percentage of all birth defects and include a broad spectrum of what ranging from what to what?

Congenital heart disease affects 6 to 8 of every 1000 liveborn infants, and the inci- dence is higher in premature infants and in stillborns; roughly 40,000 children are born each year in the United States with clinically significant cardiac malformations, and another 40,000 have subclinical disease. True or false
Defects that permit maturation and live birth usually involve how many chambers or regions of the heart?

Twelve entities account for 85% of cases of congenital heart disease; their frequencies are shown in Table 10–1.
Thanks to surgical advances, the number of patients surviving with congenital heart disease is increasing rapidly, including over 1 million persons in the United States alone.
True or false

Although surgery may correct the hemody- namic abnormalities, the repaired heart may not be
completely normal,
Degrees of myocardial scarring may lead secondarily to what three diseases


Congenital heart diseases are abnormalities of the heart or great vessels that are present at birth. They account for 20% to 30% of all birth defects and include a broad spectrum of malformations, ranging from severe anomalies incompat- ible with intrauterine or perinatal survival, to mild lesions that produce only minimal symptoms at birth, or are entirely unrecognized during life.

Defects that permit maturation and live birth usually involve only single chambers or regions of the heart.

since the myocardial hypertrophy and cardiac remodeling brought about by the congenital defect may be irreversible; in addition, virtually all cardiac surgery results in some degree of myocardial scarring. Such changes lead secondarily to arrhythmias, ischemia, and myocardial dysfunction, which occasionally appear many years after surgical correction

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What is the pathophysiology of congenital heart disease(what causes it, state the gestational weeks it occurs and around that time what’s structures develop,state the known étiologic factors
The contribution of specific genetic loci has been demonstrated in familial forms of what? And by well define associations with what?
Cardiac morphogenesis involves what?
What are the five key steps in cardiac morphogenesis
Proper orchestration is the key steps depends on networks of what?
What else is essential for cardiac morphogenesis

Since crafting a normal heart involves many steps, even subtle perturbations can adversely influence the outcome true or false
Most of the known egebruc defects are what? Causing loss or gain of what?
Severe mutations involve what?
Give and example

State some other disorders associated with mutations in intracellular signaling cascades that cause constitutive activation

It is likely that even transient environmental stresses at critical junctures early in pregnancy can cause subtle changes in transcription factor activity, intracellular signaling, or morphogenic gradients that may recapitulate the defects produced by heritable mutations.true or false


In most instances, congenital heart disease arises from faulty embryogenesis during gestational weeks 3 through 8, when major cardiovascular structures develop; the cause is unknown in almost 90% of cases. Of the known etiologic factors, environmental causes, including congenital rubella infection, teratogens, and maternal diabetes, and genetic factors are the best characterized.

The contribution of spe- cific genetic loci has been demonstrated in familial forms of congenital heart disease and by well-defined associations with certain chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., trisomies 13, 15, 18, and 21, and Turner syndrome).

Cardiac morphogenesis involves multiple genes that work together to choreograph a complex series of tightly regulated events.

Key steps include commitment of progeni- tor cells to the myocardial lineage, formation and looping of the heart tube, segmentation and growth of the cardiac chambers, cardiac valve formation, and connection of the great vessels to the heart.

Proper orchestration of these remarkable transformations depends on networks of tran- scription factors and several signaling pathways and mole- cules, including the Wnt, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), fibroblast growth factor, and Notch pathways.

Also essential for cardiac morphogenesis is the mechanical force imparted by flowing pulsatile blood, which is somehow sensed by the cells of the developing heart and vessels.

. Most of the known genetic defects are autosomal dominant mutations causing loss (or sometimes gain) of function of a particular factor (Table 10–2).

Several mutations involve tran- scription factors. For example, atrial and ventricular septal defects (ASDs and VSDs, respectively) and/or conduction defects may be caused by transcription factor mutations, such as TBX5 mutations in the Holt-Oram syndrome and NKX2.5 or GATA4 mutations in sporadic, nonsyndromic cases.

Other disorders (e.g., Noonan syndrome) are associated with muta- tions in intracellular signaling cascades that cause constitutive activation.

microRNAs, as well as epigenetic changes (e.g., DNA methylation), also are increasingly recognized as impor- tant contributors.

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Give six example of gene defects associated with congenital heart disease,the gene involve and the gene product function
The gene defects are grouped into syndromic and non syndromic

Note that different mutations can cause the same phenotype, and that mutations in some genes can cause multiple phenotypes (e.g., NKX2.5). Many of these congenital lesions also can occur sporadically, without specific genetic mutation.
†Only the cardiac manifestations of the syndrome are listed; the other skeletal, facial, neurologic, and visceral changes are not.
True or false
State the full meaning of ASD,CHARGE,PDA,VSD

  ASD or conduction defects
Gene: NKX2.5 
Gene product function:Transcription factor
  Disorder:ASD or VSD 
Transcription factor

Disorder: Tetralogy of Fallot
Gene/ZFPM2 or NKX2.5
Gene product function:Transcription factors

Alagille syndrome—pulmonary artery stenosis or tetralogy of Fallot
Gene: JAG1 or NOTCH2
Gene product function: Signaling proteins or receptors

Char syndrome—PDA
Gene product function:Transcription factor

CHARGE syndrome—ASD,VSD, PDA, or hypoplastic right side of the heart
Gene product function: Helicase-binding protein

DiGeorge syndrome—ASD,VSD, or outflow tract obstruction
Transcription factor

Holt-Oram syndrome—ASD,VSD, or conduction defect
Transcription factor

Noonan syndrome—pulmonary valve stenosis,VSD, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Gene product function:Signaling proteins

 * ASD:atrial septal defect; CHARGE:posterior coloboma,heart defect,choanal atresia,retardation,genital and ear abnormalities  PDA:patent ductus arteriosus VSD:Ventricular  septal defect
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What are the clinical features of congenital heart disease
The various structural anomalies in this kind of disease can be grouped into three major groups based on what two things and name the three groups
What is a shunt
Depending on pressure relationships,shunts permit what?
What clinical manifestations are seen in the three groups and why
What is atresia?
In some disorders (give an example) an obstruction can be associated with a shunt (right to left through a VSD )
True or false

The altered hemodynamics of congenital heart disease usually lead to what?
However some defects result in what?
Explain hypoplasia and atrophy with regards to what the defects result in


Clinical Features
The various structural anomalies in congenital heart disease
can be assigned to three major groups based on their hemodynamic and clinical consequences:
(1) malformations
causing a left-to-right shunt;
(2) malformations causing a
right-to-left shunt (cyanotic congenital heart diseases); and
(3) malformations causing obstruction.

A shunt is an abnormal communication between cham- bers or blood vessels. Depending on pressure relationships, shunts permit the flow of blood from the left to the right side of the heart (or vice versa).

• With right-to-left shunt:a dusky blueness of the skin
(cyanosis) results because the pulmonary circulation is bypassed and poorly oxygenated blood enters the systemic circulation.

• Bycontrast,left-to-right shunts increase pulmonary blood
flow and are not associated (at least initially) with
cyanosis. However, they expose the low-pressure, low-
resistance pulmonary circulation to increased pressures
and volumes; these conditions lead to adaptive changes
that increase lung vascular resistance to protect the pulmonary bed, resulting in right ventricular hypertrophy and—eventually—failure. With time, increased pulmonary resistance also can cause shunt reversal (right to
Left) and late onset cyanosis

Some congenital anomalies obstruct vascular flow by narrowing the chambers, valves, or major blood vessels;

a malformation characterized by complete obstruction is called an atresia.

In some disorders (e.g., tetralogy of Fallot), an obstruction (pulmonary stenosis) can be asso- ciated with a shunt (right-to-left, through a VSD).

The altered hemodynamics of congenital heart disease usually lead to chamber dilation or wall hypertrophy. However, some defects result in a reduced muscle mass or chamber size; this is called hypoplasia if it occurs before birth and atrophy if it develops postnatally.

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What are the most common type of congenital cardiac malformation
Left to right shunts include which three diseases?
Which type of left to right shunt disease causes increase only right ventricular and pulmonary outflow volumes?
Which type of left to right shunt disease causes both increased pulmonary blood flows and pressures ?

Manifestations of these shunts range in severity from no symptoms at all to fulminant heart failure.
True or false

Which sign is not an early feature of these left to right shunt defects

Prolonged left to right shunting with volume and pressure overloads eventually causes what what two things?
At that point what three things occur?
What is Eisenmenger syndrome?
Once significant pulmonary hypertension develops ,the structural defects of congenital heart disease are considered what?
This is the rationale for what?


Left-to-Right Shunts
Left-to-right shunts are the most common type of congeni- tal cardiac malformation. They include atrial septal defects (ASDs), ventricular septal defects (VSDs), and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (Fig. 10–2).

ASDs typically increase only right ventricular and pulmonary outflow volumes, while VSDs and PDAs cause both increased pulmonary blood flows and pressures.

Cyanosis is not an early feature of these defects. However, prolonged left-to-right shunting with volume and pressure overloads eventually causes pulmonary hypertension and secondarily right-sided pressures that exceed those on the left; at that point, reversal of blood flow occurs, with resultant right-to-left shunting, and the development of cyano- sis.

Such reversal of flow and shunting of unoxygenated blood into the systemic circulation is called Eisenmenger syndrome.

Once significant pulmonary hypertension develops, the structural defects of congenital heart disease are considered irreversible. This is the rationale for early surgical (or even nonsurgical) intervention.

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How does patent foramen ovale occur
Foramen ovale allows oxygenated blood from where to flow from where to where thereby sustaining what?
At later stages of intrauterine development,what occurs ?
In 80 percent of cases ,the higher left sided pressures in the heart that occur at birth do what?
In the remaining 20percebt of cases,what results?
Although the flap is of adequate size to cover the foramen,what can occur?
What can also occur if right sides atrial pressures increase during what?

What is an atrial septal defect ?
A majority of ASDs are so called what in which what is insufficient to occlude what?


Atrial Septal Defects and Patent Foramen Ovale
During normal cardiac development patency is maintained between right and left atria by a series of ostia (primum and secundum) that eventually become the foramen ovale; this arrangement allows oxygenated blood from the mater- nal circulation to flow from the right to the left atrium, thereby sustaining fetal development.

At later stages of intrauterine development, tissue flaps (septum primum and septum secundum) grow to occlude the foramen ovale, and in 80% of cases, the higher left-sided pressures in the heart that occur at birth permanently fuse the septa against the foramen ovale.

In the remaining 20% of cases, a patent foramen ovale results; although the flap is of adequate size to cover the foramen, the unsealed septa can potentially allow transient right-to-left blood flow.

Paradoxical embo- lism, defined as venous emboli (e.g., from deep leg veins) that enter the systemic arterial circulation, may also occur if right-sided atrial pressures increase, such as with pulmo- nary hypertension or a Valsalva maneuver during sneezing or bowel movements.

In contrast to a patent foramen ovale, an ASD is an abnormal fixed opening in the atrial septum that allows unrestricted blood flow between the atrial chambers.

A majority (90%) of ASDs are so-called ostium secundum defects in which growth of the septum secundum is insuf- ficient to occlude the second ostium.(a mouthlike opening in a bodily part (such as a fallopian tube or a blood vessel), an opening into a vessel or cavity of the body.)

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What is the morphology of ostium secundum ASDs
Hemodynamically significant lesions are accompanied by what four things reflecting the effects of what?

Ostium primum ASDs occur where and can be associated with what abnormalities reflecting the close relationship between what and what?

In more severe cases,additional defects what include what and what?
Where are sinus venosus ASDs located and they’re often accompanied by what?
What are the clinical features of ASDs ,

Although VSDs are the most common congenital malfor- mations at birth (Table 10–1), many close spontaneously
True or false
What are the most common defects to be diagnosed in adults ?
ASDs initially cause what kind of shunts as a consequence of what?

In general, these defects are well tolerated, especially if they are less than 1 cm in diameter; even larger lesions do not usually produce any symptoms in childhood.
True or false
Over time, however what and what can cause pulmo- nary hypertension. What kind of closures are thus performed to reverse the hemodynamic abnor- malities and preempt the development of heart failure, paradoxical embolization, and irreversible pulmonary vas- cular disease.

Mortality is low, and postoperative survival is comparable to that for a normal population. True or false


Ostium secundum ASDs (90% of ASDs) typically are smooth-walled defects near the foramen ovale, usually without other associated cardiac abnormalities.

Hemody- namically significant lesions are accompanied by right atrial and ventricular dilation, right ventricular hypertrophy, and dilation of the pulmonary artery, reflecting the effects of a chronically increased volume load

. Ostium primum ASDs (accounting for 5% of these defects) occur at the lowest part of the atrial septum and can be associated with mitral and tricuspid valve abnormalities, reflecting the close relationship between development of the septum primum and the endo- cardial cushions.

In more severe cases, additional defects may include a VSD and a common atrioventricular canal.

Sinus venosus ASDs (accounting for another 5% of the cases) are located high in the atrial septum and often are accompanied by anomalous drainage of the pulmonary veins into the right atrium or superior vena cava.

Clinical Features
A majority of ASDs are asymptomatic until adulthood.. Consequently, ASDs—which are less likely to spontane- ously close—are the most common defects to be first diag- nosed in adults.

ASDs initially cause left-to-right shunts, as a consequence of the lower pressures in the pulmonary circulation and the right side of the heart.

chronic volume and pressure overloads

Surgical or intravascular ASD

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Defects in the ventricular septum allow what? And constitute the most common what?
How is the ventricular septum normally formed?
Which part of the septum is the last part to develop ?
What is the site of approximately 90percent of VSDs?

Although more common at birth, most VSDs close spontaneously in childhood, so that the overall incidence in adults is lower than that for ASDs. Only 20% to 30% of VSDs occur in isolation; most are associated with other cardiac malformations.
True or false

What are the clinical features of VSDS(talk about the signs and symptoms of the small VSDs and the large VSDs)

What disease occurs earlier and more frequently with VSDs than with ASDs?
What is therefore indicated for large lesions?
Small or medium sized defects that produce jet lesions in the right ventricle which can cause endothelial damage also increase the risk for what?


Ventricular Septal Defects
Defects in the ventricular septum allow left-to-right shunt- ing and constitute the most common congenital cardiac anomaly at birth

The ventricular septum normally is formed by the fusion of a muscular ridge that grows upward from the apex of the heart to a thinner membranous partition that grows downward from the endocardial cushions.

The basal (membranous) region is the last part of the septum to develop and is the site of approximately 90% of VSDs.

Clinical Features:
Small VSDs may be asymptomatic, and roughly half of those in the muscular portion of the septum close sponta- neously during infancy or childhood.

Larger defects, however, result in chronic severe left-to-right shunting, often complicated by pulmonary hypertension and conges- tive heart failure.

Progressive pulmonary hypertension, with resultant reversal of the shunt and cyanosis, occurs earlier and more frequently with VSDs than with ASDs.

Early surgical correction is therefore indicated for such lesions.

Small or medium-sized defects that produce jet lesions in the right ventricle—which can cause endothelial damage—also increase the risk for development of infec- tive endocarditis.

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In the morphology of VSDs ,the size and location of VSDS are what? Ranging from what to what?
In defects associated with a significant left to right shunt,what happens to the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery? And why?


The size and location of VSDs are variable (Fig. 10–3), ranging from minute defects in the membranous septum to large defects involving virtually the entire interventricular wall.

In defects associated with a significant left-to-right shunt, the right ventricle is hypertrophied and often dilated. The diam- eter of the pulmonary artery is increased, owing to the greater volume ejected by the right ventricle.

Vascular changes typical of pulmonary hypertension are common

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Ductus arteriosus arises from where and joins the aorta to where?
What is the function of the ductus arteriosus during intrauterine life?
What happens tho the ductus shortly after birth in healthy term infants?

Complete obliteration of ductus occurs when ,leaving what?

When is ductal closure delayed?
These changes occur in response to which three things?

PDAs account for about 7% of congenital heart lesions (Table 10–1 and Fig. 10–2), and the great majority of these (90%) are isolated defects.
True or false

What are the clinical features of PDAs
Large PDA defects may lead to what syndrome with associated symptom of what and what disease?

While there is general agreement that isolated PDAs should be closed as early in life as is feasible, pres- ervation of ductal patency (by administering prostaglandin E) can be lifesaving when a PDA is the only means to sustain systemic or pulmonary blood flow ( example in infants with aortic or pulmonary atresia)
True or false


Patent Ductus Arteriosus
The ductus arteriosus arises from the left pulmonary artery and joins the aorta just distal to the origin of the left sub- clavian artery.

During intrauterine life, it permits blood flow from the pulmonary artery to the aorta, thereby bypassing the unoxygenated lungs.

Shortly after birth in healthy term infants, the ductus constricts and is function- ally closed after 1 to 2 days; these changes occur in response to increased arterial oxygenation, decreased pulmonary vascular resistance, and declining local levels of
prostaglandin E2.

Complete obliteration occurs within the first few months of extrauterine life, leaving only a strand of residual fibrous tissue known as the ligamentum arterio- sum.

Ductal closure often is delayed (or even absent) in infants with hypoxia (related to respiratory distress or heart disease).

Clinical Features
PDAs are high-pressure left-to-right shunts that produce harsh, “machinery-like” murmurs. The high-pressure shunt also predisposes affected patients to development of infective endocarditis.

A small PDA generally causes no symptoms, although larger defects eventually can lead to Eisenmenger syndrome with cyanosis and
congestive heart failure.


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Cardiac malformations associated with right-to-left shunts are distinguished by? And why does it occur?
What are the two most important conditions associated with cyanotic congenital heart disease (look at the diagram on page 386 of 924 for the right to left shunt and 384 of 924 for the left to right shunt)

What are the three major clinical consequences of severe systemic cyanosis

Tetralogy of Fallot is the most common cause of cyanotic congenital heart disease and accounts for about 5% of all congenital cardiac malformations true or false
What are the four cardinal features of tetralogy of Fallot
All of the features of tetralogy of Fallot result from where? Leading to what?


Early cyanosis
This occurs because poorly oxygenated blood from the right side of the heart flows directly into the arterial circulation.

Two of the most important conditions associated with cyanotic congenital heart disease are tetralogy of Fallot and transposition of the great vessels (Fig. 10–4).

Clinical consequences of severe, systemic cyanosis include clubbing of the tips of the fingers and toes (hypertrophic osteoarthropathy), polycythemia, and paradoxical embolization.

Tetralogy of Fallot
The four cardinal features are (1) VSD; (2) right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (subpulmonic stenosis); (3) overriding of the VSD by the aorta; and (4) right ventricular hypertrophy

All of the features of tetralogy of Fallot result from anterosuperior displacement of the infundibular septum leading to abnormal septation between the pulmo- nary trunk and the aortic root.

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State four things seen in the the morphology of the heart in Tetralogy of Fallot
What happens to the VSD un tetralogy Of Fallot
What is the major site if egress
Why is there obstruction of the right ventricular outflow
In such cases what are the only routes for blood to reach the lungs


The heart is large and “boot-shaped” as a consequence of right ventricular hypertrophy;
the proximal aorta is dilated, while the pulmonary trunk is hypoplastic. (Hypoplastic (left heart syndrome or HLHS is a birth defect that affects normal blood flow through the heart.)
The left-sided cardiac chambers are of normal size, while the right ventricu- lar wall is markedly hypertrophied, sometimes even exceed- ing the thickness of the left ventricle.
The VSD usually is large and lies in the vicinity of the membranous portion of the interventricular septum;
the aortic valve lies immediately over the VSD (overriding aorta) and is the major site of egress or exit for blood flow from both ventricles.

The obstruction of the right ventricular outflow most often is due to narrowing of the infundibulum (subpulmonic stenosis) but also can be caused by pulmonary valve stenosis or complete atresia of the valve and the proximal pulmonary arteries. In such cases, a persistent PDA or dilated bronchial arteries may be the only route for blood to reach the lungs.

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What are the clinical features of tetralogy of Fallot(state the three hemodynamic consequences of Tetralogy of Fallot )
Clinical severity largely depends on what?
If pulmonic obstruction is mild,ToF resembles what and why?

More commonly, more severe degrees of pulmonic stenosis cause what?
By chance,what stops pulmonary hypertension from developing
What is the sequelae of cyanotic heart disease
Right to left shunting increases risk for which two diseases?

Complete surgical repair is possible with classic tetralogy of Fallot but is more complicated in the setting of pulmonary atresia.

True or false

What is pulmonary atresia
What causes progressive worsening of functional stenosis in a child as he or she grows and the heart increases in size


Clinical Features
The hemodynamic consequences of tetralogy of Fallot are right-to-left shunting, decreased pulmonary blood flow, and increased aortic volumes.

The clinical severity largely depends on the degree of the pulmonary outflow obstruction; even untreated, some patients can survive into adult life. Thus, if the pulmonic obstruction is mild, the condition resembles an isolated VSD because the high left-sided pres- sures cause only a left-to-right shunt with no cyanosis.

More commonly, more severe degrees of pulmonic stenosis cause early cyanosis.
Moreover, as the child grows and the heart increases in size, the pulmonic orifice does not expand proportionately, leading to progressive worsening of functional stenosis.

By chance,the pulmonic outflow stenosis protects the pulmonary vasculature from pressure and volume overloads, so that pulmonary hypertension does not develop, and right ventricular failure is rare.
Nev- ertheless, patients develop the typical sequelae of cyanotic heart disease, such as polycythemia (due to hypoxia) with attendant hyperviscosity and hypertrophic osteoarthropa- thy;

right-to-left shunting also increases the risk for infec- tive endocarditis and systemic embolization.

Pulmonary atresia is a birth defect (pronounced PULL-mun-airy ah-TREE-sha) of the heart where the valve that controls blood flow from the heart to the lungs doesn’t form at all. In babies with this defect, blood has trouble flowing to the lungs to pick up oxygen for the body

Atresia is a condition in which an orifice or passage in the body is closed or absent.

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What is transposition of the great arteries
What are the great arteries?
What’s the function of the pulmonary artery and the aorta

State the atrium to ventricle connections
What is the functional outcome of transposition of great arteries
What happens to the right ventricle in transposition of great arteries and why
What is the function of PDA in patients with transposition
What is the result of the closing of the PDA in infants


Transposition of the Great Arteries
Transposition of the great arteries is a discordant or abnormal connec- tion of the ventricles to their vascular outflow. The embryo- logic defect is an abnormal formation of the truncal and aortopulmonary septa so that the aorta arises from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery emanates from the left ventricle (Fig. 10–4, B).
(The normal is that the pulmonary artery emanates or connect to from the right ventricle and the aorta emanates from the left ventricle)

The “great arteries” in this anomaly refer to the aorta and the pulmonary artery, the two major arteries carrying blood away from the heart. In cases of transposition of the great arteries, these vessels arise from the wrong ventricle.

Pulmonary artery: the vessel that carries oxygen-depleted blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.
Aorta: the blood vessel through which oxygenated blood from the left ventricle enters the systemic circulation.

The atrium-to-ventricle con- nections, however, are normal (concordant), with the right atrium joining the right ventricle and the left atrium emp- tying into the left ventricle.

The functional outcome is separation of the systemic and pulmonary circulations, a condition incompatible with postnatal life unless a shunt such as a VSD exists for ade- quate mixing of blood and delivery of oxygenated blood to the aorta.

Indeed, VSDs occur in a third of cases and provide stable shunts (Fig. 10–4, B). There is marked right ventricular hypertrophy, since that chamber functions as the systemic ventricle; the left ventricle is atrophic, since it pumps only to the low-resistance pulmonary circulation.

Some patients with transposition of the great arteries have a patent foramen ovale or PDA that allows oxygenated blood to reach the aorta, but these tend to close; as a result, such infants typically require emergent surgical interven- tion within the first few days of life.

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What are the clinical features of transposition of great arteries
What is the dominant manifestation or feature ?
What three things does the prognosis depend on?

Without surgery (even with stable shunting), most patients with uncorrected transposi- tion of the great arteries die within the first months of life. However, improved surgical techniques now permit definitive repair and such patients often survive into adulthood.
True or false 
Congenital obstruction to blood flow can occur where?
What are the three common examples of congenital obstruction of blood flow

Clinical Features
The dominant manifestation is cyanosis, with the progno- sis depending on the magnitude of shunting, the degree of tissue hypoxia, and the ability of the right ventricle to maintain systemic pressures.

Obstructive Lesions
Congenital obstruction to blood flow can occur at the level of the heart valves or more distally within a great vessel. Obstruction can also occur proximal to the valve, as with subpulmonic stenosis in tetralogy of Fallot.

Relatively common examples of congenital obstruction are pulmonic valve stenosis, aortic valve stenosis or atresia, and coarcta- tion of the aorta.

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What is coarctation of the aorta
What’s the difference between aortic stenosis and aortic coarctation
Which gender is more affected?
What are the two classic forms of AC(look at the diagram on page 387 of 924)

Coarctation can occur as a solitary defect, but in more than half of the cases it is accompanied by what?
Which other four diseases can also be present?
What is the morphology of infantile coarctation?
What happens to the pulmonary trunk and why ?
Why is the right ventricle hypertrophied ?
What happens to the aorta in the adult coarctation?
What is the constricted segment made up of?
Proximal to the coarctation,what happens to the aortic arch and it’s branch vessels and the left ventricle

Coarctation of the aorta, postductal type. The coarctation is a segmental narrowing of the aorta (arrow). Such lesions typically mani- fest later in life than preductal coarctations. The dilated ascending aorta and major branch vessels are to the left of the coarctation. The lower extremities are perfused predominantly by way of dilated, tortuous col- lateral channels.
True or false


Aortic Coarctation
Coarctation (narrowing, or constriction) of the aorta is a common form of obstructive congenital heart disease

This spectrum is dichotomized by the idea that aortic coarctation occurs in the aortic arch, at or near the ductus arteriosis, whereas aortic stenosis occurs in the aortic root, at or near the aortic valve
AS is the narrowing of the aortic valve but AC is the narrowing of the aorta
AC is a birth defect but AS is due to age related progressive calcification or calcification of congenital bicuspid aortic valve

Males are affected twice as often as females, although females with Turner syndrome frequently have coarctation.

There are two classic forms (Fig. 10–5): (1) an “infantile” form featuring hypoplasia of the aortic arch proximal to a PDA and (2) an “adult” form consisting of a discrete ridgelike infolding of the aorta, adjacent to the ligamentum arterio- sum.

Coarctation can occur as a solitary defect, but in more than half of the cases it is accompanied by a bicuspid aortic valve.

Aortic valve stenosis, ASD, VSD, or mitral regurgita- tion also can be present.

“Infantile” (preductal) coarctation is characterized by circumferential narrowing of the aortic segment between the left subclavian artery and the ductus arteriosus; the ductus typically is patent and is the main source of (unoxygenated) blood delivered to the distal aorta.

The pulmonary trunk is dilated to accommodate the increased blood flow; because the right side of the heart now perfuses the body distal to the narrowed segment (“coarct”), the right ventricle typically is hypertrophied.
In the more common “adult” (postductal) coarcta- tion, the aorta is sharply constricted by a tissue ridge adja- cent to the nonpatent ligamentum arteriosum (Fig. 10–6).

The constricted segment is made up of smooth muscle and elastic fibers that are continuous with the aortic media.

Proxi- mal to the coarctation, the aortic arch and its branch vessels are dilated and the left ventricle is hypertrophied

True .

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What is aortic valve stenosis
clinical manifestations of aortic coarctation depend almost entirely on what?
Infantile coarctation usually presents early in life as what?
In adult coarctation,what are the five classical features?

Exuberant col- lateral circulation “around” the coarctation often devel- ops through markedly enlarged intercostal and internal mammary arteries; expansion of the flow through these vessels can lead to radiographically visible “notching” of the ribs.
True or false?
In most cases significant coarctations are associated with what ? And occasionally what

What procedures yield great results in coarctation

Try it summarize congenital heart disease
(What do CHD represent? What causes them? CHD lesions range from what to what? What causes contribute to the lesions? What diseases are mostly associated with left to right shunts?
What do lesions (the diseases) in the left to right shunts result in?
Causes of right to left shunts?
These lesions or causes cause what? And are associated with what three things?
Clinical severity of obstructive lesions depends on what?)


Aortic valve stenosis causes a thickening and narrowing of the valve between the heart’s main pumping chamber (left ventricle) and the body’s main artery (aorta). The narrowing creates a smaller opening for blood to pass through, reducing or blocking blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body.

Clinical Features
Clinical manifestations depend almost entirely on the severity of the narrowing and the patency of the ductus arteriosus.

  • PreductalcoarctationwithaPDAusuallypresentsearlyin life, classically as cyanosis localized to the lower half of the body; without intervention, most affected infants do not survive the neonatal period.
  • Postductal coarctation without a PDA usually is asymp- tomatic, and the disease may remain unrecognized well into adult life. Classically, there is upper extremity hypertension paired with weak pulses and relative hypotension in the lower extremities, associated with symptoms of claudication and coldness.

In most cases, significant coarctations are associated with systolic murmurs and occasionally palpable thrills.

Balloon dilation or surgical resection with end-to-end anastomosis (or replacement of the affected aortic segment by a pros- thetic graft) yields excellent results.

Congenital Heart Disease
• Congenital heart disease represents defects of cardiac chambers or the great vessels; these either result in shunt- ing of blood between the right and left circulation or cause outflow obstructions. Lesions range from relatively asymptomatic to rapidly fatal. Environmental (toxic or infectious) and genetic causes both contribute.
• Left-to-right shunts are the most common and typically are associated with ASDs, VSDs, or a PDA. These lesions result in chronic right-sided pressure and volume over- loads that eventually cause pulmonary hypertension with reversal of flow and right-to-left shunts with cyanosis (Eisenmenger syndrome).
• Right-to-left shunts most commonly are caused by tetral- ogy of Fallot or transposition of the great arteries.These lesions cause early-onset cyanosis and are associated with
polycythemia, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, and para-
doxical embolization.
• Obstructive lesions include forms of aortic coarctation;
the clinical severity of these lesions depends on the degree of stenosis and the patency of the ductus arteriosus.)

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Why is cardiac function is strictly dependent upon the continuous flow of oxygenated blood through the coronary arteries?
Ischemic heart disease is a broad term encompassing what three things?
IHD us a leading cause of mortality in US
In more than 90 percent of cases,IHD is a consequence of what? Therefore I less otherwise specified ,IHd is synonymous with what disease?
In most cases syndromes if IHD are late manifestations of what?
Less frequently,IHd can result from what four things ?
Manifestations of IHd are a direct consequence of what?
Clinical presentation of IHd may include which four cardiac syndromes(state and explain)
The term acute coronary syndrome is applied to what three catastrophic manifestations of IHD?


Since cardiac myocytes generate energy almost exclusively through mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, cardiac function is strictly dependent upon the continuous flow of oxygenated blood through the coronary arteries.

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a broad term encompassing several closely related syndromes caused by myocardial ischemia— an imbalance between cardiac blood supply (perfusion) and myocardial oxygen and nutritional requirements.

In more than 90% of cases, IHD is a consequence of reduced coronary blood flow secondary to obstructive atherosclerotic vas- cular disease.
Thus, unless otherwise specified, IHD usually is synonymous with coronary artery disease (CAD).
In most cases, the syndromes of IHD are the late manifestations of coronary atherosclerosis that has been gradually building for decades (beginning even in child- hood or adolescence).
Less frequently, IHD can result from increased demand (e.g., with increased heart rate or hypertension); diminished blood volume (e.g., with hypotension or shock); diminished oxygenation (e.g., due to pneumonia or CHF); or diminished oxygen-carrying capacity (e.g., due to anemia or carbon mon- oxide poisoning).
The manifestations of IHD are a direct consequence of the insufficient blood supply to the heart.

The clinical pre- sentation may include one or more of the following cardiac syndromes:
• Angina pectoris(literally,“chest pain”):Ischemia induces pain but is insufficient to cause myocyte death. Angina can be stable (occurring predictably at certain levels of exertion), can be caused by vessel spasm (Prinzmetal angina), or can be unstable (occurring with progressively less exertion or even at rest).
• Acutemyocardialinfarction(MI):Theseverityorduration of ischemia is sufficient to cause cardiomyocyte death.
• ChronicIHDwithCHF:Progressivecardiacdecompensa- tion after acute MI, or secondary to accumulated small ischemic insults, eventually precipitates mechanical pump failure.
• Sudden cardiac death (SCD): This can occur as a conse- quence of tissue damage from MI, but most commonly results from a lethal arrhythmia without myocyte necro- sis (see later under “Arrhythmias”).

The term acute coronary syndrome is applied to any of the three catastrophic manifestations of IHD—unstable angina, acute MI, and SCD.

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Nearly a half-million Americans die annually of IHD. As troubling as this toll is, it represents a spectacular advance over previous eras; since peaking in 1963, the mortality related to IHD in the United States has declined by 50%. The improvement can be largely attributed to interventions that have diminished cardiac risk factors (behaviors or conditions that promote atherosclerosis) (Chapter 9), in particular smoking cessation programs, hypertension and diabetes treatment, and use of cholesterol- lowering agents. To a lesser extent, diagnostic and therapeu- tic advances have also contributed; these include aspirin prophylaxis, better arrhythmia control, coronary care units, thrombolysis for MI, angioplasty and endovascular stent- ing, and coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Maintaining this downward trend in mortality will be particularly chal- lenging given the predicted longevity of “baby boomers,” as well as the epidemic of obesity that is sweeping the United States and other parts of the world.
True or false
What is the pathogenesis of IHD (IHD is primarily a consequence of what? And what causes that?

Atherosclerotic narrowing can affect which of the coronary arteries singly or in any combination?
Clinically significant plaques tend to occur where?
What are the secondary branches involved ?
What obstructions are asymptomatic and which result in stenosis and cause symptoms
A fixed stenosis that occludes how much of the vascular lumen can lead to inadequate what ?

if an atherosclerotic lesion progressively occludes a coronary artery at a sufficiently slow rate over years, what can be done to provide compensatory blood flow for the area at risk ?
Such collateral perfusion can subsequently protect against MI even if what happens?
What happens with acute coronary blockage



IHD is primarily a consequence of inadequate coro- nary perfusion relative to myocardial demand.This imbalance occurs as a consequence of the combina- tion of preexisting (“fixed”) atherosclerotic occlu- sion of coronary arteries and new, superimposed thrombosis and/or vasospasm.(sudden constriction of a blood vessel, reducing its diameter and flow rate.)

Thrombosis occurs when blood clots block veins or arteries.

Atherosclerotic narrowing can affect any of the coronary arteries—left anterior descending (LAD), left circumflex (LCX), and right coronary artery (RCA)—singly or in any combination.

Clinically significant plaques can be located any- where but tend to occur within the first several centimeters of the LAD and LCX, and along the entire length of the RCA.

Sometimes, secondary branches also are involved (i.e., diago- nal branches of the LAD, obtuse marginal branches of the LCX, or posterior descending branch of the RCA).

Fixed obstructions that occlude less than 70% of a coro- nary vessel lumen typically are asymptomatic, even with exer- tion. In comparison, lesions that occlude more than 70% of a vessel lumen—resulting in so-called critical stenosis— generally cause symptoms in the setting of increased demand; with critical stenosis, certain levels of exertion predictably cause chest pain, and the patient is said to have stable angina.

A fixed stenosis that occludes 90% or more of a vascular lumen can lead to inadequate coronary blood flow with symptoms even at rest—one of the forms of unstable angina (see later discussion).

Of importance, if an atherosclerotic lesion progressively occludes a coronary artery at a sufficiently slow rate over years, remodelling of other coronary vessels may provide compensatory blood flow for the area at risk; such collat- eral perfusion can subsequently protect against MI even if the vessel eventually becomes completely occluded.

Unfor- tunately, with acute coronary blockage, there is no time for collateral flow to develop and infarction results.

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Continuation of pathogenesis of IHD
State the three elements that contribute to the development and consequences of coronary atherosclerosis and explain how they contribute
What are the four causes of ischemic heart disease and give an example for each


The following elements contribute to the development and consequences of coronary atherosclerosis:
• Inflammation plays an essential role at all stages of
atherosclerosis, (when there is an injury to the vessel wall,lipids try to get closer to the injury . When white blood cells see this they also try to get closer and they worsen the situation by hardening the lipids and forming plaques and this causes atherosclerosis,)from inception to plaque rupture .Atherosclerosis begins with the interaction of endothelial cells and circulating leukocytes, resulting in T cell and macrophage recruitment and activation. These cells drive subsequent smooth muscle cell accumulation and proliferation, with variable amounts of matrix produc- tion, all overlying an atheromatous core of lipid, choles- terol, calcification, and necrotic debris. At later stages, destabilization of atherosclerotic plaque occurs through macrophage metalloproteinase secretion.
• Thrombosis associated with a disrupted plaque often triggers the acute coronary syndromes. Partial vascular occlusion by a newly formed thrombus on a disrupted atherosclerotic plaque can wax and wane with time and lead to unstable angina or sudden death; alter- natively, even partial luminal occlusion by thrombus can compromise blood flow sufficiently to cause a small infarc- tion of the innermost zone of the myocardium (suben- docardial infarct). Organizing thrombi produce potent activators of smooth muscle proliferation, which can con- tribute to the growth of atherosclerotic lesions. Mural thrombus in a coronary artery can also embolize; indeed, small emboli can be found in the distal intramyocardial circulation (along with associated microinfarcts) at autopsy of patients who have had unstable angina. In the most serious extreme, completely obstructive thrombus over a disrupted plaque can cause a massive MI.
• Vasoconstriction directly compromises lumen diame- ter; moreover, by increasing local mechanical shear forces, vessel spasm can potentiate plaque disruption. Vasocon- striction in atherosclerotic plaques can be stimulated by (1) circulating adrenergic agonists, (2) locally released platelet contents, (3) imbalance between endothelial cell– relaxing factors (e.g., nitric oxide) and –contracting factors (e.g., endothelin) due to endothelial dysfunction, and (4) mediators released from perivascular inflammatory cells.

Increased demand (e.g., with increased heart rate or hypertension)
•Diminished blood volume (e.g., with hypotension or shock)
•Diminished oxygenation (e.g., due to pneumonia or CHF)
•Diminished oxygen-carrying capacity (e.g., due to anemia or carbon monoxide poisoning).

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Explain acute plaque change as another factor that causes onset of IHD

Acute Plaque Change. Onset of myocardial ischemia depends not only on the extent and severity of fixed athero- sclerotic disease but also on dynamic changes in coronary plaque morphology true or false

In most patients, unstable angina, infarction, and often sudden cardiac death occur because of what?
What is the initiation event of acute plaque change
State the mechanism of injury involved in the initiation event
In addition,what else can cause plaque change?
Factors that trigger acute plaque change are believed to act how?
What are the two ways intrinsic aspects of plaque composition and structure and extrinsic factors such as blood pressure and platelet reactivity contribute to acute plaque change
Where do fissures frequently occur?
Fibrous caps continuously remodel true or false?
What determines their mechanical strength and plaque stability?
What produces collagen and what degrades it?
What kind of lawsuits are more vulnerable to rupture?
What’s the benefit of statins (state how they work) in IHD and CAD ?

How does adrenergic stimulation put physical stress on plaque?
What may underlie the observation that the incidence of acute MI is highest between what times ?
What else may lead to adrenergic stimulation and what does it explain ?

In majority of cases ,what’s the characteristic of the vulnerable culprit lesion?
Angina symptoms typically o cut with what?

Pathologic and clinical studies show that two thirds of ruptured plaques are 50% stenotic or less before plaque rupture, and 85% exhibit initial stenotic occlusion of 70% or less. Thus, the worrisome conclusion is that a large number of asymptomatic adults are at significant risk for a catastrophic coronary event. At present, it is impossible to predict plaque rupture in any given patient. True or false
What are common,repetitive and often clinically silent complications of atheromas?
What is an important mechanism by which atherosclerotic lesions progressively enlarge?



. In most patients, unstable angina, infarction, and often sudden cardiac death occur because of abrupt plaque change followed by thrombosis—hence the term acute coronary syn- drome (Fig. 10–7).

The initiating event typically is sudden disruption of par- tially occlusive plaque.
More than one mechanism of injury may be involved: Rupture, fissuring, or ulceration of plaques can expose highly thrombogenic constituents or underlying subendothelial basement membrane, leading to rapid thrombosis.

In addition, hemorrhage into the core of plaques can expand plaque volume, thereby acutely exac- erbating the degree of luminal occlusion.

In unstable angina some part of the plaque breaks off causing it to flop backwards blocking blood flow but when it moves back , n blood flow is better thats why it can even occur at rest or during exertion cuz it depends on the plaque flapping backwards or going back to bormal

Factors that trigger acute plaque change are believed to act by increasing the lesion’s susceptibility to disruption by mechanical stress

Both intrinsic aspects of plaque composi- tion and structure and extrinsic factors, such as blood pressure and platelet reactivity, may contribute as follows:
• Plaques that contain large atheromatous cores, or have
thin overlying fibrous caps are more likely to rupture, and are therefore termed “vulnerable.”
Fissures frequently occur at the junction of the fibrous cap and the adjacent normal plaque-free arterial segment, where the mechanical stresses are highest and the fibrous cap is thin- nest.
Fibrous caps also are continuously remodeling; their overall balance of collagen synthesis versus degradation determines mechanical strength and plaque stability. Col- lagen is produced by smooth muscle cells and degraded by the action of metalloproteases elaborated by macro- phages.

Consequently, atherosclerotic lesions with a paucity of smooth muscle cells or large numbers of inflam- matory cells are more vulnerable to rupture.

Of interest, statins (inhibitors of hydroxymethylglutaryl Co-A reduc- tase, a key enzyme in cholesterol synthesis) may be of additional benefit in CAD and IHD by reducing plaque inflammation and increasing plaque stability,beyond their cholesterol-lowering effects.

• Influences extrinsic to plaque also are important. Adrenergic stimulation can put physical stress on the plaque by causing hypertension or local vasospasm.

Indeed, the surge in adrenergic stimulation associated with awakening and rising may underlie the observation that the incidence of acute MI is highest between 6 AM and 12 noon. Intense emotional stress also leads to adrenergic stimulation, explaining the association of natural catastrophes such as earthquakes and floods with secondary waves of MIs in susceptible individuals.

In a majority of cases, the vulnerable “culprit lesion” in patients who suffer an MI was not critically stenotic or even symptomatic before its rupture.

As noted previously, anginal symptoms typically occur with fixed lesions exhibiting greater than 70% chronic occlusion.


Plaque disruption and ensuing nonocclusive thrombosis also are common, repetitive, and often clinically silent com- plications of atheromas.

The healing of such subclinical plaque disruption and overlying thrombosis is an important mecha- nism by which atherosclerotic lesions progressively enlarge (Fig. 10–7).

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What is an atheroma

What’s the difference between it and a plaque


Atheroma is the medical term for the buildup of materials that adhere to arteries. Among others, these include: fat. cholesterol. calcium

Atheromatous plaque (atheromas) can develop on the intima of large- and medium-caliber arteries. Plaque is an accumulation of cholesterol and other lipid compositions that forms on the inner walls of vessels. This deposit is covered by a cap of fibrosity.

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What is angina pectoris

What causes the pain
What three variants of angina pectoris are recognized?
How is stable angina pain classically described?(SOCRATES)
What causes variant angina?
Where do the spasms occur?
Variant angina typically responds promptly to what drugs?
What is unstable angina characterized by?
What four things is this kind of angina associated with?
Which kind of angina is often the harbinger of MI caused by complete vascular occlusion


Angina Pectoris
Angina pectoris is an intermittent chest pain caused by tran- sient, reversible myocardial ischemia.

The pain probably is a consequence of the ischemia-induced release of adenosine, bradykinin, and other molecules that stimulate the auto- nomic afferents.

Three variants are recognized:
•Typical or stable angina is predictable episodic chest pain associated with particular levels of exertion or some other increased demand (e.g., tachycardia).
The pain is classically described as a crushing or squeezing subster- nal sensation, that can radiate down the left arm or to the left jaw (referred pain). The pain usually is relieved by rest (reducing demand) or by drugs such as nitroglycerin, a vasodilator that increases coronary perfusion.

• Prinzmetal or variant angina occurs at rest and is caused by coronary artery spasm. Although such spasms typi- cally occur on or near existing atherosclerotic plaques, completely normal vessel can be affected. Prinzmetal angina typically responds promptly to vasodilators such as nitroglycerin and calcium channel blockers.

•Unstable angina(also called crescendo angina)is character- ized by increasingly frequent pain, precipitated by progressively less exertion or even occurring at rest.
Unstable angina is associated with plaque disruption and superimposed thrombosis, distal embolization of the thrombus, and/or vasospasm; it is often the harbinger (a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another ) of MI, caused by complete vascular occlusion.

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What is Myocardial infarction

Roughly 1.5 million people per year in the United States suffer an MI; of these, one third die half before they can get to the hospital. Nevertheless, approximately 10% of MIs occur before age 40, and 45% occur before age 65. Blacks and whites are equally affected True or false
What is the major underlying cause of IHD ? At what age can MIs occur ?
Frequency of MIs rises progressively with what factors?
Which gender is at a greater risk? And why?


Myocardial infarction (MI), also commonly referred to as “heart attack,” is necrosis of heart muscle resulting from isch- emia.

The major underlying cause of IHD is atherosclerosis; while MIs can occur at virtually any age, the frequency rises progressively with increasing age and with increasing atherosclerotic risk factors .

. Men are at significantly greater risk than women, although the gap progressively narrows with age. In general, women tend to be remarkably protected against MI during their reproductive years. However, menopause— with declining estrogen production—is associated with exacerbation of coronary artery disease and IHD is the most common cause of death in elderly women.

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What’s the pathogenesis of MI
Majority of MIs are caused by?
In most instances, disruption of preexisting atherosclerotic plaque serves as the nidus for what three things?

In 10percent of MIs transmural infarction occurs in the absence of ?
Such infarcts are mostly attributable to what?
Occasionally, especially with infarcts limited to the innermost (subendocar- dial) myocardium what may be absent
In such cases what leads to marginal perfusion if the heart?
In this setting, what can lead to ischemic necrosis of the myocardium most distal to the epicardial vessels.?

Finally, ischemia without detectable atherosclerosis or thromboembolic disease can be caused by what disorders?

What is a transmural infarction ,how does it occur and what’s the difference between this infarction and subendocardial infarction


The vast majority of MIs are caused by acute coro- nary artery thrombosis (Fig. 10–7).
In most instances, disruption of preexisting atherosclerotic plaque serves as the nidus for thrombus generation, vascular occlusion, and sub- sequent transmural infarction of the downstream myocar- dium. In 10% of MIs, however, transmural infarction occurs in the absence of occlusive atherosclerotic vascular disease;

such infarcts are mostly attributable to coronary artery vaso- spasm or to embolization from mural thrombi (e.g., in the setting of atrial fibrillation) or valve vegetations.
Occasionally, especially with infarcts limited to the innermost (subendocar- dial) myocardium, thrombi or emboli may be absent. In such cases, severe diffuse coronary atherosclerosis leads to mar- ginal perfusion of the heart.

In this setting, a prolonged period of increased demand (e.g., due to tachycardia or hyperten- sion) can lead to ischemic necrosis of the myocardium most distal to the epicardial vessels.

Finally, ischemia without detectable atherosclerosis or thromboembolic disease can be caused by disorders of small intramyocardial arterioles, including vasculitis, amyloid deposition, or stasis, as in sickle cell disease.

transmural myocardial infarction refers to a myocardial infarction that involves the full thickness of the myocardium.

When a sudden, complete occlusion of a coronary artery prevents blood flow from reaching an area of myocardium, the resulting transmural myocardial ischemia 4–6 is manifested by deviation of the ST segment toward the involved region. An acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction occurs due to occlusion of one or more coronary arteries, causing transmural myocardial ischemia which in turn results in myocardial injury or necrosis.

The transmural type usually consisted of yellowish-brown coagulation necrosis in the center of an infarcted focus and coagulative myocytolysis at the marginal zone. The subendocardial type was characterized by coagulative myocytolysis throughout the entire focus.

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In a typical MI state the four sequence of events that occur
Where is the evidence for these events derived from?

Angiography performed within 4 hours of the onset of MI demonstrates what ?
What is seen when it’s performed 12-24 hours after onset of symptoms
How do some occlusions clear spontaneously?
What are the therapeutic implications of the sequence of event that occur


Coronary Artery Occlusion. In a typical MI, the fol- lowing sequence of events takes place:
• An atheromatous plaque is suddenly disrupted by intra-
plaque hemorrhage or mechanical forces, exposing sub- endothelial collagen and necrotic plaque contents to the blood.
• Platelets adhere, aggregate, and are activated, releasing thromboxane A2, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and serotonin—causing further platelet aggregation and vaso- spasm (Chapter 3).
• Activation of coagulation by exposure of tissue factor and other mechanisms adds to the growing thrombus.
• Within minutes, the thrombus can evolve to completely occlude the coronary artery lumen.

The evidence for this scenario derives from autopsy studies of patients dying of acute MI, as well as imaging studies dem- onstrating a high frequency of thrombotic occlusion early after MI.

Angiography performed within 4 hours of the onset of MI demonstrates coronary thrombosis in almost 90% of cases.
When angiography is performed 12 to 24 hours after onset of symptoms, however, evidence of thrombosis is seen in only 60% of patients, even without intervention. Thus, at least some occlusions clear spontaneously through lysis of the thrombus or relaxation of spasm.

This sequence of events in a typical MI also has therapeutic implications: Early thrombolysis and/or angioplasty can be highly successful in limiting the extent of myocardial necrosis.

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What is the myocardial response to ischemia but first state what loss of
Myocardial blood supply leads to?
Within seconds of vascular obstruction what occurs?
What is the functional consequence of this and when does this consequence occur?
What are some ultra structural changes that will be seen?
Are the changes mentioned so far reversible?(functionak and ultra structural)
Severe ischemia lasting for how long causes irreversible damage and myocyte death?
What kind of necrosis occurs after irreversible death and myocyte death?
With longer periods of ischemia what occurs?
How can cell viability be preserved?
This is the rationale for what ?
What can happen even after the thing supposed to preserve the cell viability occurs? And why does this happen?
Such stunning can be severe enough to produce what?
How do MIs contribute to Arrhythmias?

Although massive myocardial damage can cause a fatal mechanical failure, sudden cardiac death in the setting of myocardial ischemia most often (in 80% to 90% of cases) is due to?
Where does irreversible injury of ischemic myocyte first occur?
Why is this region especially susceptible to ischemia
More prolonged is he
Is what can occur and how long will it take for the infarc to achieve its full extent ?
In the absence of intervention the infarct can involve how much of the heart?


Myocardial Response to Ischemia.
Loss of the myocar- dial blood supply leads to profound functional, biochemical, and morphologic consequences.

Within seconds of vascular obstruction, aerobic glycolysis ceases, leading to a drop in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and accumulation of poten- tially noxious metabolites (e.g., lactic acid) in the cardiac myocytes. 
The functional consequence is a rapid loss of contractility, which occurs within a minute or so of the onset of ischemia. 
Ultrastructural changes (including myofibrillar relaxation, glycogen depletion, cell and mitochondrial swell- ing) also become rapidly apparent. 

These early changes are potentially reversible.

Only severe ischemia lasting at least 20 to 40 minutes causes irreversible damage and myocyte death leading to coagulation necrosis .
With longer periods of ischemia, vessel injury ensues, leading to microvascular thrombosis.
Thus, if myocardial blood flow is restored before irrevers- ible injury occurs, cell viability can be preserved;

this is the rationale for early diagnosis of MI, and for prompt interven- tion by thrombolysis or angioplasty to salvage myocardium at risk.

As discussed later, however, reperfusion also can have untoward effects. In addition, despite timely reperfusion, in the postischemic state, myocardium remains profoundly dys- functional for at least several days.

This defect is caused by persistent abnormalities in cellular biochemistry that result in a non-contractile state (stunned myocardium). Such stunning can be severe enough to produce transient but revers- ible cardiac failure.

Myocardial ischemia also contributes to arrhythmias, prob- ably by causing electrical instability (irritability) of ischemic regions of the heart.

Although massive myocardial damage can cause a fatal mechanical failure, sudden cardiac death in the setting of myocardial ischemia most often (in 80% to 90% of cases) is due to ventricular fibrillation caused by myocardial irritability.

Irreversible injury of ischemic myocytes first occurs in the subendocardial zone (Fig. 10–8).
This region is especially sus- ceptible to ischemia because it is the last area to receive blood delivered by the epicardial vessels, and also because it is exposed to relatively high intramural pressures, which act to impede the inflow of blood.

With more prolonged isch- emia, a wavefront of cell death moves through other regions of the myocardium, with the infarct usually achieving its full extent within 3 to 6 hours;

in the absence of intervention, the infarct can involve the entire wall thickness (transmural infarct).

Clinical intercession within this critical window of time can lessen the size of the infarct within the “territory at risk.”


State the factors that the location,size and morphological features of acute myocardial infarct depends on
(Don’t forget to look at the figure in the Robbins for better understanding and to capture it visually)
Acute occlusion of which artery is the cause of 40 to 50 percent of all MIs? What does the occlusion result in?
Acute occlusion of which artery will cause necrosis of which ventricle?
Occlusion of which artery affects more of the right ventricle ?

Which parts of the heart are perfused by the posterior descending artery?
Where does the posterior descending artery arise from?

By convention, the coronary artery—either RCA or LCX—that gives rise to the posterior descending artery and thereby perfuses the posterior third of the septum is considered the dominant vessel. Thus, in a right dominant heart, occlusion of the RCA can lead to what and in a left dominant heart,occlusion if the left main coronary artery will affect which part of the heart?
Occasionally coronary occlusions are encountered where? Which lesion is dined the widow maker and why?
Which secondary branches can the coronary occlusions affect?
What are the end arteries?
What are they interconnected by?

Although these channels normally are closed, gradual narrowing of one artery allows blood to flow from high to low pressure areas through the collateral channels. In this manner, gradual collateral dilation can provide what?


Patterns of Infarction. The location, size, and morpho- logic features of an acute myocardial infarct depend on mul- tiple factors:

.The size and distribution of the involved vessel (Fig. 10–9)
• The rate of development and the duration of the occlusion
• Metabolic demands of the myocardium (affected, for example, by blood pressure and heart rate)
• Extent of collateral supply

Acute occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending (LAD) artery is the cause of 40% to 50% of all MIs and typi- cally results in infarction of the anterior wall of the left ven- tricle, the anterior two thirds of the ventricular septum, and most of the heart apex; more distal occlusion of the same vessel may affect only the apex.

Similarly, acute occlusion of the proximal left circumflex (LCX) artery (seen in 15% to 20% of MIs) will cause necrosis of the lateral left ventricle,
and proximal right coronary artery (RCA) occlusion (30% to 40% of MIs) affects much of the right ventricle.

The posterior third of the septum and the posterior left ventricle are perfused by the posterior descending artery.
The posterior descending artery can arise from either the RCA (in 90% of people) or the LCX.
By convention, the coronary artery—either RCA or LCX—that gives rise to the posterior descending artery and thereby perfuses the posterior third of the septum is considered the dominant vessel. Thus, in a right dominant heart, occlusion of the RCA can lead to left ventricular ischemic injury, while in a left dominant heart, occlusion of the left main coronary artery will generally affect the entire left ventricle and septum.
Occasionally coronary occlusions are encountered in the left main coronary artery—a lesion dubbed a “widow maker” because so much myocardial ter- ritory is supplied that acute obstructions of the left main coronary artery typically are fatal.
Occlusions may also affect secondary branches, such as the diagonal branches of the LAD artery or marginal branches of the LCX artery.
By contrast, significant atherosclerosis or thrombosis of pene- trating intramyocardial branches of coronary arteries is rare.
Even though the three major coronary arteries are end arteries, these epicardial vessels are interconnected by numerous intercoronary anastomoses (collateral circula- tion).

Although these channels normally are closed, gradual narrowing of one artery allows blood to flow from high to low pressure areas through the collateral channels. In this manner, gradual collateral dilation can provide adequate per- fusion to areas of the myocardium despite occlusion of an epicardial vessel.


Based on the size of the involved vessel and degree of collateral circulation ,MI can take one of three patterns . Name them and explain(where they occur,what causes them,how they look on ECG)


Based on the size of the involved vessel and the degree of collateral circulation, myocardial infarcts may take one of the following patterns:
• Transmural infarctions involve the full thickness of the ventricle and are caused by epicardial vessel occlusion through a combination of chronic atherosclerosis and acute thrombosis; such transmural MIs typically yield ST segment elevations on the electrocardiogram (ECG) and can have a negative Q waves with loss of R wave ampli- tude. These infarcts are also called ST elevated MIs (STEMIs).
• Subendocardial infarctions are MIs limited to the inner third of the myocardium; these infarcts typically do not exhibit ST segment elevations or Q waves on the ECG tracing. As already mentioned, the subendocardial region is most vulnerable to hypoperfusion and hypoxia. Thus, in the setting of severe coronary artery disease, transient decreases in oxygen delivery (as from hypotension, anemia, or pneumonia) or increases in oxygen demand (as with tachycardia or hypertension) can cause subendocar- dial ischemic injury. This pattern also can occur when an occlusive thrombus lyses before a full-thickness infarction can develop.

.Microscopic infarcts occur in the setting of small vessel occlusions and may not show any diagnostic ECG changes. These can occur in the setting of vasculitis, embolization of valve vegetations or mural thrombi, or vessel spasm due to elevated catecholamines—either endogenous (e.g., pheochromocytoma or extreme stress), or exogenous (e.g., cocaine).


What is the morphology of MIs - (where do transmural infarcts involve in the heart, Roughly 15% to 30% of MIs that involve the posterior or posteroseptal wall also extend into where? Isolated right ventricle infarcts occur in only 1% to 3% of cases. True or false
How is the viable subendocardial myocardium preserved?
Gross and microscopic appearance of MI depends in that?
What are the characteristic sequence of morphologic changes that areas of damage progress through?
Myocardial necrosis proceeds to what? When can recognition of very recent myocardial infarcts be very challenging?
Myocardial infarcts of how many hours old are usually not grossly apparent
Infarcts more than 3 hours old can be vidualized by exposing the myocardium to stains such as? And why is the infarcted area unstained or pale while old scars appear white and glistening
By 12-24hours after MI,an infarct usually can be grossly identified by what? Caused by what
Thereafter?infarcts become progressively delineated as what colour?
By 10-14days,what happens to infarcts?
Over the succeeding weeks the infarcted tissue evolves into what?


Nearly all transmural infarcts (involving 50% or more of the ventricle thickness) affect at least a portion of the left ven- tricle and/or interventricular septum. Roughly 15% to 30% of MIs that involve the posterior or posteroseptal wall also extend into the right ventricle. Isolated right ventricle infarcts occur in only 1% to 3% of cases.
Even in transmural infarcts, a narrow rim (approximately 0.1 mm) of viable subendocar- dial myocardium is preserved by diffusion of oxygen and nutrients from the ventricular lumen.
The gross and microscopic appearance of an MI depends on the age of the injury.
Areas of damage progress through a highly characteristic sequence of morphologic changes from coagulative necrosis, to acute and then chronic inflammation, to fibrosis (Table 10–3). Myocardial necrosis proceeds invari- ably to scar formation without any significant regeneration;
Recognition of very recent myocardial infarcts can be chal- lenging, particularly when death occurs within a few hours.
Myocardial infarcts less than 12 hours old usually are not grossly apparent. However, infarcts more than 3 hours old can be visualized by exposing myocardium to vital stains, such as triphenyltetrazolium chloride, a substrate for lactate dehydrogenase. Because this enzyme is depleted in the area of ischemic necrosis (it leaks out of the damaged cells), the infarcted area is unstained (pale), while old scars appear white and glistening (Fig. 10–10).
By 12 to 24 hours after MI, an infarct usually can be grossly identified by a red-blue discoloration caused by stagnated, trapped blood. Thereafter, infarcts become progressively better delineated as soft, yellow-tan areas; by 10 to 14 days, infarcts are rimmed by hyperemic (highly vascularized) granu- lation tissue. Over the succeeding weeks, the infarcted tissue evolves to a fibrous scar.


What are the characteristic sequence of changes that the microscooic appearance also undergoes?
What kind of fibers can be present at the edges of an infarct? What do they reflect?
Sublethal ischemia can induce what?
When does the necrotic myocardium elicit acute inflammation ?
This acute inflammation is followed by what? And when are neutrophil fragments most pronounced?
The infarcts zone is progressively replaced by what kind of tissue and when is this prominent after MI and what does it form?
In most instances when is scarring well advanced ?
What does the efficiency of repair depend on?
What does healing require
MI heals from where towards where? Therefore will a large infarct heal faster than a small one ?
Once an MI is completely healed,is it possible to distinguish its age?


The microscopic appearance also undergoes a character- istic sequence of changes (Table 10–3 and Figure 10–11).
1.Typical features of coagulative necrosis (Chapter 1) become detectable within 4 to 12 hours of infarction. “Wavy fibers” also can be present at the edges of an infarct; these reflect the stretching and buckling of noncontractile dead fibers. Sublethal ischemia can also induce intracellular myocyte vacuolization; such myocytes are viable but frequently are poorly contractile.

2.Necrotic myocardium elicits acute inflammation (typically most prominent 1 to 3 days after MI), followed 3. by a wave of macrophages that remove necrotic myocytes and neutrophil fragments (most pronounced by 5 to 10 days after MI). 4.The infarcted zone is progressively replaced by granulation tissue (most prominent 1 to 2 weeks after MI), which in turn forms the provisional scaffolding upon which dense collagenous scar forms.
In most instances, scarring is well advanced by the end of the sixth week, but the efficiency of repair depends on the size of the original lesion.
5.Healing requires the migration of inflammatory cells and ingrowth of new vessels from the infarct margins. Thus, an MI heals from its borders toward the center, and a large infarct may not heal as fast or as completely as a small one.
Once an MI is completely healed, it is impossible to distinguish its age: Whether present for 8 weeks or 10 years, fibrous scars look the same.

In conclusion: Microscopic features of myocardial infarction and its repair. A, One-day-old infarct showing coagulative necrosis and wavy fibers, compared with adjacent normal fibers (at right). Necrotic cells are separated by edema fluid. B, Dense neutrophilic infiltrate in the area of a 2- to 3-day-old infarct. C, Nearly complete removal of necrotic myocytes by phagocytic macrophages (7 to 10 days). D, Granulation tissue characterized by loose connective tissue and abundant capillaries. E, Healed myocardial infarct consisting of a dense collagenous scar. A few residual cardiac muscle cells are present. D and E are Masson’s trichrome stain, which stains collagen blue.


In the evolution of morphological changes in MI,state the time frame,gross features,light microscopic findings and electron microscopic findings


Evolution of Morphologic Changes in Myocardial Infarction

Time Frame
Gross Features
Light Microscopic Findings
Electron Microscopic Findings

 Reversible Injury
   0−112 hours 
Electron:Relaxation of myofibrils; glycogen loss; mitochondrial swelling

Irreversible Injury
12 −4 hours
Light:Usually none;
Electron:variable waviness of fibers at border
Electron:Sarcolemmal disruption; mitochondrial amorphous densities

4–12 hours
Gross:Occasionally dark mottling
Light:Beginning coagulation necrosis; edema; hemorrhage

12–24 hours
Gross:Dark mottling
Light:Ongoing coagulation necrosis; pyknosis of nuclei; hypereosinophilic appearance of myocytes; marginal
contraction band necrosis; beginning neutrophilic infiltrate

1–3 days
Gross:Mottling with yellow-tan infarct center
Coagulation necrosis with loss of nuclei and center striations; interstitial infiltrate of neutrophils

3–7 days
Gross: Hyperemic border; central yellow-tan softening
Light:Beginning disintegration of dead myofibers, with dying neutrophils; early phagocytosis of dead cells
by macrophages at infarct border

7–10 days
Gross:Maximally yellow-tan and soft with depressed red-tan margins
Light:Well-developed phagocytosis of dead cells; early formation of fibrovascular granulation tissue at

10–14 days
Gross:Red-gray depressed infarct borders
Light:Well-established granulation tissue with new blood vessels and collagen deposition

2–8 weeks
Gross:Gray-white scar, progressive from border toward core of infarct
Light:Increased collagen deposition, with decreased cellularity

> 2 months
Gross:Scarring complete
Light:Dense collagenous scar


What is the therapeutic goal of Acute MI and how is accomplished
How is reperfusion achieved?
What is the disadvantage of reperfusion
State and explain the factors that contribute to reperfusion injury
What does a reperfused myocardium look like ?
Why are such infarcts typically hemorrhagic?
Microscopically irreversibly damaged myocyte subject to reperfusion show what ?
And what occurs in this pathologic process


Infarct Modification by Reperfusion
The therapeutic goal in acute MI is to salvage the maximal amount of ischemic myocardium; this is accomplished by restoration of tissue perfusion as quickly as possible (hence the adage “time is myocardium”).
Such reperfusion is achieved by thrombolysis (dissolution of thrombus by tissue plasminogen activator), angioplasty, or coronary arterial bypass graft. Unfortunately, while preservation of viable (but at-risk) heart can improve both short- and long- term outcomes, reperfusion is not an unalloyed blessing. Indeed, restoration of blood flow into ischemic tissues can incite greater local damage than might otherwise have occurred—so-called reperfusion injury.

The factors that
contribute to reperfusion injury include: 1) Mitochondrial dysfunction: ischemia alters the mitochondrial membrane permeability, which allows proteins to move into the mito- chondria. This leads to swelling and rupture of the outer membrane, releasing mitochondrial contents that promote apoptosis; 2) Myocyte hypercontracture: during periods of ischemia the intracellular levels of calcium are increased as a result of impaired calcium cycling and sarcolemmal damage. After reperfusion the contraction of myofibrils is augmented and uncontrolled, causing cytoskeletal damage and cell death; 3) Free radicals including superoxide anion (•O2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hypochlorous acid (HOCl), nitric oxide–derived peroxynitrite, and hydroxyl radicals (•OH) are produced within minutes of reperfusion and cause damage to the myocytes by altering membrane proteins and phospholipids; 4) Leukocyte aggregation, which may occlude the microvasculature and contribute to the “no-reflow” phenomenon. Further, leukocytes elaborate proteases and elastases that cause cell death; 5) Platelet and complement activation also contribute to microvascular injury. Complement activation is thought to play a role in the no-reflow phenomenon by injuring the endothelium.
The typical appearance of reperfused myocardium in the setting of an acute MI is shown in Figure 10–12(Reperfused myocardial infarction. A, The transverse heart slice (stained with triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) exhibits a large anterior wall myocardial infarction that is hemorrhagic because of bleeding from damaged vessels. Posterior wall is at top. B, Hemorrhage and contraction bands, visible as prominent hypereosinophilic cross-striations spanning myofibers (arrow), are seen microscopically. ) .Such infarcts typically are hemorrhagic as a consequence of vascular injury and leakiness. Microscopically, irreversibly damaged myocytes subject to reperfusion show contraction band necrosis;
in this pathologic process, intense eosino- philic bands of hypercontracted sarcomeres are created by an influx of calcium across plasma membranes that enhances actin-myosin interactions. In the absence of ATP, the sarcomeres cannot relax and get stuck in an agonal tetanic state. Thus, while reperfusion can salvage reversibly injured cells, it also alters the morphology of irreversibly injured cells.


What are the clinical features of MI (the kind of pain,where is radiates to,how long the pain lasts,how the pulse is,GI symptoms,respiratory symptoms(state why dyspnea occurs),
Which groups of people are silent
infarcts particularly common in?

With Massive MIs what kind of shock develops
State the ECG abnormalities important for MI diagnosis
Arrhythmias in MIs are caused by what?
What disease accounts for the vast majority of MI-related deaths occurring before hospitalization.
Lab evaluation of MI is based on what?
What are the molecules measured
Which molecules have high specificity and sensitivity for myocardial damage?
When do these molecules begin to rise and when do they get back to normal?
Why is total CK activity not a reliable marker for cardiac Injury?
At what time is TnI and TNT found in circulation ?


Clinical Features
The classic MI is heralded by severe, crushing substernal chest pain (or pressure) that can radiate to the neck, jaw, epigastrium, or left arm. In contrast to angina pectoris, the associated pain typically lasts several minutes to hours, and is not relieved by nitroglycerin or rest.
However, in a substantial minority of patients (10% to 15%), MIs have atypical signs and symptoms and may even be entirely asymptomatic. Such “silent” infarcts are particularly common in patients with underlying diabetes mellitus (in which autonomic neuropathies may prevent perception of pain) and in elderly persons.
The pulse generally is rapid and weak, and patients are often diaphoretic and nauseous (particularly with posterior wall MIs). Dyspnea is common, attributable to impaired myocardial contractility and dysfunction of the mitral valve apparatus, with resultant acute pulmonary congestion and edema. With massive MIs (involving more than 40% of the left ventricle), cardiogenic shock develops.
Electrocardiographic abnormalities are important for the diagnosis of MI; these include Q waves, ST segment changes, and T wave inversions (the latter two represent- ing abnormalities in myocardial repolarization). Arrhyth- mias caused by electrical abnormalities in ischemic myocardium and conduction system are common; indeed, sudden cardiac death from a lethal arrhythmia accounts for the vast majority of MI-related deaths occurring before hospitalization.
The laboratory evaluation of MI is based on measuring blood levels of macromolecules that leak out of injured myocardial cells through damaged cell membranes (Fig. 10–13); these molecules include myoglobin, cardiac tropo- nins T and I (TnT, TnI), creatine kinase (CK) (specifically the myocardial isoform, CK-MB), and lactate dehydroge- nase. Troponins and CK-MB have high specificity and sen- sitivity for myocardial damage.
• CK-MB remains a valuable marker of myocardial injury, second only to the cardiac-specific troponins (see next entry). Total CK activity is not a reliable marker of cardiac injury since various isoforms of CK are also found in brain, myocardium, and skeletal muscle. However, the CK-MB isoform—principally derived from myocardium, but also present at low levels in skel- etal muscle—is the more specific indicator of heart damage. CK-MB activity begins to rise within 2 to 4 hours of MI, peaks at 24 to 48 hours, and returns to normal within approximately 72 hours.
• TnI and TnT normally are not found in the circulation; however, after acute MI, both are detectable within 2 to 4 hours, with levels peaking at 48 hours and remaining elevated for 7 to 10 days.
Although cardiac troponin and CK-MB are equally sensitive markers of the early stages of an MI, persistence of elevated troponin levels for approximately 10 days allows the diagnosis of an acute MI long after CK-MB levels have returned to normal. With reperfusion, both troponin and CK-MB levels may peak earlier owing to more rapid washout of the enzyme from the necrotic tissue.


Extraordinary progress has been made in improving patient outcomes after acute MI; the overall in-hospital death rate for MI is approximately 7%. Unfortunately,
out-of-hospital mortality is substantially worse: A third of persons with ST elevation MIs (STEMIs) will die, usually of an arrhythmia within an hour of symptom onset, before they receive appropriate medical attention. Such statistics make the rising rate of coronary artery disease in develop- ing countries with scarce hospital facilities all the more worrisome

State and explain five consequences and complications of MI


Consequences and Complications
of Myocardial Infarction
Nearly three fourths of patients experience one or more of the following complications after an acute MI (Fig. 10–14):
• Contractile dysfunction. In general, MIs affect left ven- tricular pump function in proportion to the volume of damage. In most cases, there is some degree of left ventricular failure manifested as hypotension, pulmo- nary congestion, and pulmonary edema. Severe “pump failure” (cardiogenic shock) occurs in roughly 10% of patients with transmural MIs and typically is associated with infarcts that damage 40% or more of the left ventricle.
• Papillary muscle dysfunction. Although papillary muscles rupture infrequently after MI, they often are dysfunc- tional and can be poorly contractile as a result of ischemia, leading to postinfarct mitral regurgitation. Much later, papillary muscle fibrosis and shortening or global ventricular dilation also can cause mitral valve insufficiency.
• Right ventricular infarction. Although isolated right ven- tricular infarction occurs in only 1% to 3% of MIs, the right ventricle frequently is injured in association with septal or left ventricular infarction. In either case, right- sided heart failure is a common outcome, leading to venous circulation pooling and systemic hypotension.
• Myocardial rupture. Rupture complicates only 1% to 5% of MIs but is frequently fatal when it occurs. Left ven- tricular free wall rupture is most common, usually resulting in rapidly fatal hemopericardium and cardiac tamponade (Fig. 10–14, A). Ventricular septal rupture creates a VSD with left-to-right shunting (Fig. 10–14, B), and papillary muscle rupture leads to severe mitral regurgitation (Fig. 10–14, C). Rupture occurs most com- monly within 3 to 7 days after infarction—the time in the healing process when lysis of myocardial connective tissue is maximal and when much of the infarct has been converted to soft, friable granulation tissue. Risk factors for free wall rupture include age older than 60 years, anterior or lateral wall infarctions, female gender, lack of left ventricular hypertrophy, and first MI (as scarring associated with prior MIs tends to limit the risk of myo- cardial tearing).
• Arrhythmias. MIs lead to myocardial irritability and con- duction disturbances that can cause sudden death. Approxi- mately 90% of patients develop some form of rhythm disturbance, with the incidence being higher in STEMIs versus non-STEMIs. MI-associated arrhythmias include heart block of variable degree (including asystole), bra- dycardia, supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, ventricu- lar premature contractions or ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation. The risk of serious arrhyth- mias (e.g., ventricular fibrillation) is greatest in the first hour and declines thereafter.
• Pericarditis. Transmural MIs can elicit a fibrinohemor- rhagic pericarditis; this is an epicardial manifestation of the underlying myocardial inflammation (Fig. 10–14, D). Heralded by anterior chest pain and a pericardial fric- tion rub, pericarditis typically appears 2 to 3 days after infarction and then gradually resolves over the next few days. Extensive infarcts or severe pericardial inflamma- tion occasionally can lead to large effusions or can orga- nize to form dense adhesions that eventually manifest as a constrictive lesion.
• Chamber dilation. Because of the weakening of necrotic muscle, there may be disproportionate stretching, thin- ning, and dilation of the infarcted region (especially with anteroseptal infarcts).
• Mural thrombus. With any infarct, the combination of attenuated myocardial contractility (causing stasis) and endocardial damage (causing a thrombogenic surface) can foster mural thrombosis (Fig. 10–14, E), eventually leading to left-sided thromboembolism.
• Ventricular aneurysm. A late complication, aneurysms of the ventricle most commonly result from a large trans- mural anteroseptal infarct that heals with the formation of a thinned wall of scar tissue (Fig. 10–14, F). Although ventricular aneurysms frequently give rise to formation of mural thrombi, arrhythmias, and heart failure, they do not rupture.
• Progressivelateheartfailure.Discussedlateronas“chronic IHD


The risk of developing complications and the prognosis after MI depend on which three things?
What kind of infarcts is associated with a higher probability of cardiogenic shock,arrhythmia and late CHF and state three complications that patients with anterior transmural MIs and posterior transmural infarcts are at a greater risk for ?
Which patients have a worse clinical course,patients with anterior infarcts or posterior infarcts?
Non infarcted regions undergo what changes?
What is ventricular remodelling?

The initial compensatory hypertrophy of noninfarcted myocardium is hemodynami- cally beneficial. The adaptive effect of remodeling can be overwhelmed, however, and ventricular function may decline in the setting of expansion and ventricular aneu- rysm formation. True or false?
Long term prognosis after MI depends on which factors?

The overall mortality rate within the first year is about 30%, including deaths occurring before the patient reaches the hospital. Thereafter, the annual mortality rate is 3% to 4%.
True or false


The risk of developing complications and the prognosis after MI depend on infarct size, site, and type (subendocar- dial versus transmural infarct). Thus, large transmural infarcts are associated with a higher probability of cardio- genic shock, arrhythmias, and late CHF, and patients with anterior transmural MIs are at greatest risk for free wall rupture, expansion, formation of mural thrombi, and aneu- rysm formation.
By contrast, posterior transmural infarcts are more likely to be complicated by serious conduction blocks, right ventricular involvement, or both; when acute- onset VSDs occur in this area, they are more difficult to manage.
Overall, patients with anterior infarcts have a much worse clinical course than those with posterior infarcts.

With subendocardial infarcts, thrombi may form on the endocardial surface, but pericarditis, rupture, and aneurysms rarely occur.

In addition to the aforementioned scarring, the remain- ing viable myocardium attempts to compensate for the loss of contractile mass.

Noninfarcted regions undergo hyper- trophy and dilation; in combination with the scarring and thinning of the infarcted zones, the changes are collectively termed ventricular remodeling.

Long-term prognosis after MI depends on many factors, the most important of which are left ventricular function and the severity of atherosclerotic narrowing of vessels perfusing the remaining viable myocardium.


What is chronic IHD and what’s another name for it

In most instances, there is a history of previous MI true or false? And if there’s a history of previous Mi what will cause the chronic IHD to appear
What is the morphology of chronic IHD (what happens to the heart,coronary arteries,what does the endocardium show,what’s re the microscopic findings?)
What are the clinical symptoms of CIHD


Chronic IHD, also called ischemic cardiomyopathy, is essen- tially progressive heart failure secondary to ischemic myo- cardial damage..

In this setting, chronic IHD appears when the compensatory mechanisms (e.g., hypertrophy) of residual viable myocardium begin to fail. In other cases, severe obstructive CAD can cause diffuse myocardial dysfunction without frank infarction.

MORPHOLOGY Patients with chronic IHD typically exhibit left ventricular dilation and hypertrophy, often with discrete areas of gray-white scarring from previous healed infarcts. Invariably, there is moderate to severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, sometimes with total occlusion. The endocardium generally shows patchy, fibrous thickening, and mural thrombi may be present. Microscopic findings include myocardial hypertrophy, diffuse subendocardial myocyte vacuolization, and fibrosis from previous infarction.

Clinical Features
Severe, progressive heart failure characterizes chronic IHD, occasionally punctuated by new episodes of angina or infarction. Arrhythmias, CHF, and intercurrent MI account for most of the associated morbidity and mortality.


Cardiac Stem Cells
Because of the serious morbidity associated with IHD, there is much interest in exploring the possibility of using cardiac stem cells to replace the damaged myocardium. Although cardiac regeneration in metazoans (such as newts and zebrafish) is well described, the myocardium of higher- order animals is classically considered a postmitotic cell population without replicative potential. Increasing evi- dence, however, points to the presence of bone marrow– derived precursors—as well as a small resident stem cell population within the myocardium—capable of repopulat- ing the mammalian heart. These cells are characterized by the expression of a cluster of cell surface markers that allow their isolation and purification. Besides self-renewal, these cardiac stem cells generate all cell lineages seen within the myocardium. Like all other tissue stem cells, they occur in very low frequency. They have a slow intrin- sic rate of proliferation, which is greatest in neonates and decreases with age. Of interest, stem cell numbers and progeny increase after myocardial injury or hypertrophy, albeit to a limited extent, since hearts that suffer an MI clearly do not recover any significant function in the necrotic zone. Nevertheless, the potential for stimulating the proliferation of these cells in vivo is tantalizing because it could facilitate recovery of myocardial function after acute MI or chronic IHD. Conversely, ex vivo expansion and subsequent administration of such cells after an MI is another area of vigorous investigation. Unfortunately, results thus far have been less than exciting. Implanted stem cells may show some cardiomyocyte differentiation, but the durability of this benefit has been limited, and they do not contribute significantly to the restoration of contrac- tile force; moreover, aberrant integration into the conduct- ing system of the host heart carries the risk of formation of autonomous arrhythmic foci.
True or false

Summarize all you’ve learnt on IHD
Stating the :
Causes,characteristic of angina pectoris pain and what causes that pain,what causes unstable angina,what causes acute MI,sudden cardiac death,why is ischemic cardiomyopathy progressive heart failure?
MYocardial ischemia leads to loss of myocyte function within how much time and causes necrosis after how Much time?,MI diagnosis is based on what three things? How long to gross and histological changes of MI take To develop ,how can infarction be modified?,state four complications of MI


Ischemic Heart Disease
• In the vast majority of cases, cardiac ischemia is due to coronary artery atherosclerosis; vasospasm, vasculitis, and embolism are less common causes.
• Cardiac ischemia results from a mismatch between coro- nary supply and myocardial demand and manifests as dif- ferent, albeit overlapping syndromes:
 Angina pectoris is exertional chest pain due to inade-
quate perfusion, and is typically due to atherosclerotic disease causing greater than 70% fixed stenosis (so-called critical stenosis).
 Unstable angina results from a small fissure or rupture of atherosclerotic plaque triggering platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, and formation of a mural thrombus that need not necessarily be occlusive.

Acute myocardial infarction typically results from acute thrombosis after plaque disruption; a majority occur in plaques that did not previously exhibit critical stenosis.
 Sudden cardiac death usually results from a fatal arrhyth- mia, typically without significant acute myocardial damage.
 Ischemic cardiomyopathy is progressive heart failure due to ischemic injury, either from previous infarction(s) or chronic ischemia.
• Myocardial ischemia leads to loss of myocyte function within 1 to 2 minutes but causes necrosis only after 20 to 40 minutes. Myocardial infarction is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms, electrocardiographic changes, and measurement of serum CK-MB and troponins. Gross and histologic changes of infarction require hours to days to develop.
• Infarction can be modified by therapeutic intervention (e.g., thrombolysis or stenting), which salvages myocar- dium at risk but may also induce reperfusion-related injury.
• Complications of infarction include ventricular rupture, papillary muscle rupture, aneurysm formation, mural thrombus, arrhythmia, pericarditis, and CHF.


What is an arrhythmia
What four things influence the conduction system
What are the four components of the conduction system
Where can aberrant rhythms be initiated in the conduction system
Which four ways can arrhythmia manifest as
Loss of adequate cardiac output due to sustained arrhythmia can produce what symptoms?
What disease did the most common cause of rhythm disorders and why
What are the Ross common causes of arrhythmia and how are they caused


As is well known, the heart contains specialized conduc- tion system consisting of excitatory myocytes that regulate the rate and rhythm of cardiac contraction and are essential for normal cardiac function.
This system is influenced by direct neural inputs (e.g., vagal stimulation), adrenergic agents (e.g., epinephrine [adrenaline]), hypoxia, and potas- sium concentrations (i.e., hyperkalemia can block signal transmission altogether). The components of the conduc- tion system include (1) the sinoatrial (SA) node pacemaker (located at the junction of the right atrial appendage and superior vena cava), (2) the atrioventricular (AV) node (located in the right atrium along the atrial septum), (3) the bundle of His, connecting the right atrium to the ventricular septum, and the subsequent divisions into (4) the right and left bundle branches that stimulate their respective ventricles.

Abnormalities in myocardial conduction can be sus- tained or sporadic (paroxysmal). Aberrant rhythms can be initiated anywhere in the conduction system, from the SA node down to the level of an individual myocyte; they are typically designated as originating from the atrium (supra- ventricular) or within the ventricular myocardium.
Arrhyth- mias can manifest as tachycardia (fast heart rate), bradycardia (slow heart rate), an irregular rhythm with normal ven- tricular contraction, chaotic depolarization without func- tional ventricular contraction (ventricular fibrillation), or no electrical activity at all (asystole).
Patients may be unaware of a rhythm disorder or may note a “racing heart” or pal- pitations; loss of adequate cardiac output due to sustained arrhythmia can produce lightheadedness (near syncope), loss of consciousness (syncope), or sudden cardiac death (see further on).

Ischemic injury is the most common cause of rhythm disor- ders, because of direct damage or due to the dilation of heart chambers with consequent alteration in conduction system firing.
Far less common are inherited causes of arrhythmias.
These are caused by mutations in genes that regulate various ion channels that regulate depolarization and repo- larization of myocardial cells. Such channelopathies are important (but fortunately uncommon) substrates for fatal arrhythmias. They underlie some cases of sudden cardiac death, which is discussed next.


Why is sudden cardiac death called sudden death

Some 300,000 to 400,000 persons are victims of SCD each year in the United States alone.
True or false
What is the leading cause of SCD
What is the first am infestation of IHD
What disease does autopsy typically show? Which disease is found in 10 to 20 percent cases and 40 percent cases
Which causes are more common in younger victims of SCD,state six

Which risk factor is an independent for SCD?
Therefore in some young persons who die suddenly,what disease is the only pathological finding
What is the ultimate mechanism of SCD
Which patients do not show any enzymatic or ECG evidence of myocardial necrosis—even if the original cause was IHD?
Look at the diagram on page 400 of 924
Prognosis for patients vulnerable to SCD has improved by which medical intervention


Sudden Cardiac Death
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) most commonly is defined as sudden death, typically due to sustained ventricular arrhythmias in individuals who have underlying structural heart disease which may or may not have been symptom- atic in the past.
Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death, being respon- sible for 80% to 90% of cases;
unfortunately, SCD often is the first manifestation of IHD.
Of interest, autopsy typi- cally shows only chronic severe atherosclerotic disease; acute plaque disruption is found in only 10% to 20% of cases. Healed remote MIs are present in about 40% of the cases.
In younger victims of SCD, other, nonatherosclerotic causes are more common, including:
• Hereditary (channelopathies) or acquired abnormalities of the cardiac conduction system
• Congenital coronary arterial abnormalities
• Mitral valve prolapse
• Myocarditis or sarcoidosis
• Dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
• Pulmonary hypertension
• Myocardial hypertrophy. Increased cardiac mass is an independent risk factor for SCD; thus, in some young persons who die suddenly, including athletes, hyperten- sive hypertrophy or unexplained increased cardiac mass is the only pathologic finding.

The ultimate mechanism of SCD most often is a lethal arrhyth- mia (e.g., asystole or ventricular fibrillation). Of note, frank infarction need not occur; 80% to 90% of patients who suffer SCD but are successfully resuscitated do not show any enzymatic or ECG evidence of myocardial necrosis—even if the original cause was IHD!
Although ischemic injury (and other pathologic conditions) can directly affect the major components of the conduction system, most cases of fatal arrhythmia are triggered by electrical irritability of myocardium distant from the con- duction system.
The relationship of coronary artery disease to the various clinical end points discussed earlier is depicted in Figure 10–15.

The prognosis for patients vulnerable to SCD is markedly improved by medical intervention, particularly by implantation of automatic cardioverter-defibrillators that sense and electrically counteract episodes of ventricu- lar fibrillation.


Summarize what you know on arrhythmia

Causes ,causes of SCD,


• Arrhythmias can be caused by ischemic or structural changes in the conduction system or by myocyte electrical instability. In structurally normal hearts, arrhythmias more often are due to mutations in ion channels that cause aberrant repolarization or depolarization.
• SCD most frequently is due to coronary artery disease leading to ischemia. Myocardial irritability typically results from nonlethal ischemia or from preexisting fibrosis from previous myocardial injury. SCD less often is due to acute plaque rupture with thrombosis that induces a rapidly fatal arrhythmia.


Name three organs hypertension affects
Name two causes of cardiac complications of hypertension
Myocyte hypertrophy Is and adaptive response to what?
Persistent hypertension can eventually culminate in what four things?
Hypertensive heart diseases most commonly affects which side of the heart secondary to what?
What is the criteria for diagnosis of systemic hypertensive heart disease?

The Framingham Heart Study established unequiv- ocally that even mild hypertension (above 140/90 mm Hg), if sufficiently prolonged, induces left ventricular hypertro- phy. Roughly 25% of the U.S. population suffers from at least this degree of hypertension.
True or false
Take note of the values for mild hypertension


hypertension is a common disorder associated with considerable morbidity and affect- ing many organs, including the heart, brain, and kidneys
major cardiac complications of hypertension, which result from pressure overload and ventricular hypertrophy. Myocyte hypertrophy is an adaptive response to pressure overload; there are limits to myocardial adaptive capacity, however, and persistent hypertension eventually can culminate in dysfunction, cardiac dilation, CHF, and even sudden death. Although hypertensive heart disease most com- monly affects the left side of the heart secondary to sys- temic hypertension, pulmonary hypertension also can cause right-sided hypertensive changes—so-called cor pulmonale.

Systemic (Left-Sided) Hypertensive Heart Disease
The criteria for the diagnosis of systemic hypertensive heart disease are (1) left ventricular hypertrophy in the absence of other cardiovascular pathology (e.g., valvular stenosis), and (2) a history or pathologic evidence of hyper- tension.


As discussed earlier, systemic hypertension imposes pressure overload on the heart and is associated with gross and micro- scopic changes somewhat distinct from those caused by volume overload.
True or false
What is the essential feature of systemic hypertensive heart disease?
What is the normal heart weight? What’s the normal left ventricular wall thickness
With time,what does increased left ventricular wall thickness cause?
In which disease is the ventricle typically dilated?
Microscopically what is seen in the pattern of the myocytes ,what does the nucleus look like?
What is box car nuclei

Hypertensive heart disease. A, Systemic (left-sided) hypertensive heart disease. There is marked concentric thickening of the left ventricular wall causing reduction in lumen size. The left ventricle and left atrium are on the right in this four-chamber view of the heart. A pacemaker is present incidentally in the right ventricle (arrow). Note also the left atrial dilation (asterisk) due to stiffening of the left ventricle and impaired diastolic relaxation, leading to atrial volume overload. B, Chronic cor pulmonale. The right ventricle (shown on the left side of this picture) is markedly dilated and hypertrophied with a thickened free wall and hypertrophied trabeculae. The shape and volume of the left ventricle have been distorted by the enlarged right ventricle.
True or false


The essential feature of systemic hyperten- sive heart disease is left ventricular hypertrophy, typi- cally without ventricular dilation until very late in the process (Fig. 10–16, A).
The heart weight can exceed 500 g (normal, 320 to 360 g), and the left ventricular wall thickness can exceed 2.0 cm (normal, 1.2 to 1.4 cm). With time, the increased left ventricular wall thickness imparts a stiffness that impairs diastolic filling and can result in left atrial dilation.
In long-standing systemic hypertensive heart disease leading to congestive failure, the ventricle typically is dilated.
Microscopically, the transverse diameter of myocytes is increased and there is prominent nuclear enlargement and hyperchromasia (“boxcar nuclei”)( hyperchromasia to describe a nucleus that looks darker than normal when examined under the microscope. Another word for hyperchromasia is hyperchromatic. Myocyte hypertrophy is best evaluated in correlation with heart size. The classic histologic description is rectangular, hyperchromatic nuclei, often called “box-car” nuclei ,)as well as intercellular fibrosis


What are the clinical features of left sided or systemic hypertensive heart diseases(how is compensated hypertensive heart disease discovered
In some patients how is the disease discovered
What are the mechanisms by which hypertension leads to heart failure ?

Depending on the severity and duration of the condition, the underlying cause of hyper- tension, and the adequacy of therapeutic control, what can happen to patients with the condition?

Effective hypertension control can prevent or lead to the regression of cardiac hypertrophy and its attendant risks.
True or false


Clinical Features
Compensated hypertensive heart disease typically is asymptomatic and is suspected only from discovery of elevated blood pressure on routine physical exams, or from ECG or echocardiographic findings of left ventricular hypertrophy.
In some patients, the disease comes to atten- tion with the onset of atrial fibrillation (secondary to left atrial enlargement) and/or CHF.

The mechanisms by which hypertension leads to heart failure are incompletely understood; presumably the hypertrophic myocytes fail to contract efficiently, possibly due to structural abnormali- ties in newly assembled sarcomeres and because the vas- cular supply is inadequate to meet the demands of the increased muscle mass.
Depending on the severity and duration of the condition, the underlying cause of hyper- tension, and the adequacy of therapeutic control, patients can
(1) enjoy normal longevity and die of unrelated causes,
(2) develop progressive IHD owing to the effects of hyper- tension in potentiating coronary atherosclerosis, (3) suffer progressive renal damage or cerebrovascular stroke, or
(4) experience progressive heart failure. The risk of sudden cardiac death also is increased.


What is another name for cor pulmonale
Cor pulmonale consist of what frequently accompanied by what,caused by what and attributable to what?

Right ventricular dilation and hypertrophy caused by left ventricular failure (or by congenital heart disease) is substantially more common but is excluded by this definition.
What is the character of cor pulmonale?
In acute cor pulmonale , what is seen in the right ventricle with the morphology?

if an embolism causes sudden death, the heart may even be of normal size. True or false
Chronic cor pulmonale is characterized by what?
What happens in extreme cases of chronic cor pulmonale
When ventricular failure develops what happens ?

Because chronic cor pulmonale occurs in the setting of pul- monary hypertension,what do the pulmonary arteries often contain and what do they reflect


Pulmonary Hypertensive Heart Disease—Cor Pulmonale
Cor pulmonale consists of right ventricular hypertrophy and dilation—frequently accompanied by right heart failure— caused by pulmonary hypertension attributable to primary dis- orders of the lung parenchyma or pulmonary vasculature (Table 10–4).

Cor pulmonale can be acute in onset, as with pulmonary embolism, or can have a slow and insidious onset when due to prolonged pressure overloads in the setting of chronic lung and pulmonary vascular disease

In acute cor pulmonale, the right ventricle usually shows only dilation; Chronic cor pulmonale is characterized by right ventricular (and often right atrial) hypertrophy.
In extreme cases, the thickness of the right ventricular wall may be comparable with or even exceed that of the left ventricle (Fig. 10–16, B). When ventricular failure develops, the right ventricle and atrium often are dilated. Because chronic cor pulmonale occurs in the setting of pul- monary hypertension, the pulmonary arteries often contain atheromatous plaques and other lesions, reflecting long- standing pressure elevations.


State the four major groups of disorders that predispose one to cor pulmonale and give four examples of diseases under each
Give a summary of hypertensive heart disease(state what hypertensive disease is,what elevated pressures induce,what chronic pressure overload of systemic hypertension causes,what cor pulmonale results from ,characteristic of it


Disorders Predisposing to Cor Pulmonale:

1.  Diseases of the Pulmonary Parenchyma:
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
 Diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis
 Cystic fibrosis

Diseases of the Pulmonary Vessels:
Recurrent pulmonary thromboembolism
Primary pulmonary hypertension
Extensive pulmonary arteritis (e.g.,Wegener granulomatosis)
Drug-, toxin-, or radiation-induced vascular obstruction
Extensive pulmonary tumor microembolism

Disorders Affecting Chest Movement:
Marked obesity (pickwickian syndrome)
Neuromuscular diseases

 Disorders Inducing Pulmonary Arterial Constriction:
 Metabolic acidosis
 Obstruction to major airways
 Idiopathic alveolar hypoventilation

Hypertensive Heart Disease
• Hypertensive heart disease can affect either the left ven- tricle or the right ventricle; in the latter case, the disorder is called cor pulmonale. Elevated pressures induce myocyte hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis that increases wall thickness and stiffness.
• The chronic pressure overload of systemic hypertension causes left ventricular concentric hypertrophy, often asso- ciated with left atrial dilation due to impaired diastolic filling of the ventricle. Persistently elevated pressure over- load can cause ventricular failure with dilation.
• Cor pulmonale results from pulmonary hypertension due to primary lung parenchymal or vascular disorders. Hyper- trophy of both the right ventricle and the right atrium is characteristic; dilation also may be seen when failure supervenes.


Valvular disease results in what?
What is stenosis? What causes valvular stenosis
What causes Insufficiency?
Valvular insufficiency can result from what?
What is the characteristic of how valvular Insufficiency can occur
What is the most common target of valvular disease
What produces murmurs?
What causes thrills
What determines the quality and timing of the murmur
Outcome of valvular disease depends on what four things?
Give an example
What is the character of rheumatic mitral stenosis
State the most common congenital valvular disease and how it occurs


Valvular disease results in stenosis or insufficiency (regur- gitation or incompetence), or both.
• Stenosis is the failure of a valve to open completely, obstruct- ing forward flow. Valvular stenosis is almost always due to a primary cuspal abnormality and is virtually always a chronic process (e.g., calcification or valve scarring).
• Insufficiencyresultsfromfailureofavalvetoclosecompletely, thereby allowing regurgitation (backflow) of blood. Valvular insufficiency can result from either intrinsic disease of the valve cusps (e.g., endocarditis) or disruption of the supporting structures (e.g., the aorta, mitral annulus, tendinous cords, papillary muscles, or ventricular free wall) without primary cuspal injury. It can appear abruptly, as with chordal rupture, or insidiously as a consequence of leaflet scarring and retraction.
Stenosis or regurgitation can occur alone or together in the same valve. Valvular disease can involve only one valve (the mitral valve being the most common target), or more than one valve. Abnormal flow through diseased valves typically produces abnormal heart sounds called murmurs; severe lesions can even be palpated as thrills. Depending on the valve involved, murmurs are best heard at different locations on the chest wall; moreover, the nature (regurgi- tation versus stenosis) and severity of the valvular disease determines the quality and timing of the murmur (e.g., harsh systolic or soft diastolic murmurs).
The outcome of valvular disease depends on the valve involved, the degree of impairment, the tempo of its devel- opment, and the effectiveness of compensatory mecha- nisms. For example, sudden destruction of an aortic valve cusp by infection can cause massive regurgitation and the abrupt onset of cardiac failure.
By contrast, rheumatic mitral stenosis usually progresses over years, and its clini- cal effects can be well tolerated until late in the course.
Valvular abnormalities can be congenital or acquired. By far the most common congenital valvular lesion is a bicus- pid aortic valve, containing only two functional cusps instead of the normal three; this malformation occurs with a frequency of 1% to 2% of all live births, and has been associated with a number of mutations including those affecting proteins of the Notch signaling pathway. The two cusps are of unequal size, with the larger cusp exhibiting a midline raphe resulting from incomplete cuspal separa- tion (Fig. 10–17, B). Bicuspid aortic valves are generally neither stenotic nor incompetent through early life; however, they are more prone to early and progressive degenerative calcification (see further on).
The most important causes of acquired valvular diseases are summarized in Table 10–5; acquired stenoses of the aortic and mitral valves account for approximately two thirds of all valve disease.


State the two major groups of causes of acquired valvular disease and the subgroups and give one example under stenosis and four examples under regurgitation


Mitral Valve Disease
Aortic Valve Disease

Mitral Stenosis-MS
Aortic Stenosis-AS

MS- Postinflammatory scarring (rheumatic heart disease)
AS-Postinflammatory scarring (rheumatic heart disease)
Senile calcific aortic stenosis
Calcification of congenitally deformed valve

Mitral Regurgitation:
Abnormalities of leaflets and commissures
Postinflammatory scarring
Infective endocarditis
Mitral valve prolapse
“Fen-phen”–induced valvular fibrosis
Abnormalities of tensor apparatus Rupture of papillary muscle
Papillary muscle dysfunction (fibrosis) Rupture of chordae tendineae
Abnormalities of left ventricular cavity and/or annulus
Left ventricular enlargement
(myocarditis, dilated
cardiomyopathy) Calcification of mitral ring

Aortic regurgitation :
Intrinsic valvular disease Postinflammatory scarring
(rheumatic heart
Infective endocarditis
Aortic disease 
Degenerative aortic
Syphilitic aortitis
 Ankylosing spondylitis 
Rheumatoid arthritis 
Marfan syndrome

What is degenerative valve disease
State four degenerative changes
Calcifications can be what or what
Which calcification is usually asymptomatic ? What will make it symptomatic
State two changes that can occur in the extracellular matrix
What are metalloproteinases?
What is the most common cause of aortic stenosis
What is the pathologic mechanism of calcification aortic degeneration
How is calcification degeneration discovered
In anatomically normal valves when does calcification degeneration begin to manifest and when does onset with bicuspid aortic valves manifest ?


Degenerative Valve Disease
Degenerative valve disease is a term used to describe changes that affect the integrity of valvular extracellular matrix (ECM).
Degenerative changes include
• Calcifications,which can be cuspal Cusp: In reference to heart valves, one of the triangular segments of the valve which opens and closes with the flow of blood. (typically in the aortic valve) or annular(means ring like shape) (in the mitral valve) .The mitral annular calcifica- tion usually is asymptomatic unless it encroaches on the adjacent conduction system.
• Decreased numbers of valve fibroblasts and myofibroblasts

• Alterations in the ECM. In some cases, changes consist of increased proteoglycan and diminished fibrillar colla- gen and elastin (myxomatous degeneration); in other cases, the valve becomes fibrotic and scarred.
• Changes in the production of matrix metalloproteinases or their inhibitors
Degenerative changes in the cardiac valves probably are an inevitable part of the aging process, because of the repeti- tive mechanical stresses to which valves are subjected—40 million beats per year, with each normal opening and closing requiring substantial valve deformation.

A member of a group of enzymes that can break down proteins, such as collagen, that are normally found in the spaces between cells in tissues (i.e., extracellular matrix proteins). Because these enzymes need zinc or calcium atoms to work properly, they are called metalloproteinases

Calcific Aortic Stenosis
Calcific aortic degeneration is the most common cause of aortic stenosis. Although progressive age-associated “wear and tear” has been the pathologic mechanism most often proposed, cuspal fibrosis and calcification are increasingly viewed as the valvular counterparts to age-related arterio- sclerosis. Thus, chronic injury due to hyperlipidemia, hypertension, inflammation, and other factors implicated in atherosclerosis probably play a significant role in the pathogenesis.
In most cases, calcific degeneration is asymp- tomatic and is discovered only incidentally by viewing calcifications on a routine chest radiograph or at autopsy.
In other patients, valvular sclerosis and/or calcification can be severe enough to cause stenosis, necessitating surgical intervention.

. In anatomi- cally normal valves, it typically begins to manifest when patients reach their 70s and 80s; onset with bicuspid aortic valves is at a much earlier age (often 40 to 50 years).


What is the hallmark of calcification aortic stenosis
When commissural fusion is seen what does it show
Is it a typical feature of degenerative aortic stenosis
What happens to the cusps
What is aortic valve sclerosis
What is the normal area of valve orifices
How is cardiac output maintained
What causes increased left ventricular pressures in calcification aortic stenosis
What makes the myocardium prone to ischemia and angina in this disease
What can cause CHF in this disease
What Herald’s the exhaustion of compensatory cardiac hyper function and carries poor prognosis


The hallmark of calcific aortic stenosis is heaped-up calcified masses on the outflow side of the cusps; these protrude into the sinuses of Valsalva and mechanically impede valve opening . commissural fusion (usually a sign of previous inflammation) is not a typical feature of degenera- tive aortic stenosis, although the cusps may become second- arily fibrosed and thickened. An earlier, hemodynamically inconsequential stage of the calcification process is called aortic valve sclerosis.

Clinical Features
In severe disease, valve orifices can be compromised by as much as 70% to 80% (from a normal area of approximately 4 cm2 to as little as 0.5 to 1 cm2).
Cardiac output is main- tained only by virtue of concentric left ventricular hyper- trophy, and the chronic outflow obstruction can drive left ventricular pressures to 200 mm Hg or more.
The hyper- trophied myocardium is prone to ischemia, and angina can develop. Systolic and diastolic dysfunction collude to cause CHF, and cardiac decompensation eventually ensues.
The development of angina, CHF, or syncope in aortic stenosis heralds the exhaustion of compensatory cardiac hyper- function and carries a poor prognosis; without surgical intervention, 50% to 80% of patients die within 2 to 3 years of the onset of symptoms like CHF, angina, and syncope.


What happens in myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve
What is mitral valve prolapse
Which gender is more affects
When will secondary myxomatous mitral degeneration occur?
What is the pathogenesis of myxomatous mitral degeneration
What is a common feature of Marfan syndrome


Myxomatous Mitral Valve
In myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve, one or both mitral leaflets are “floppy” and prolapse—they balloon back into the left atrium during systole.
Mitral valve prolapse is a primary form of myxomatous mitral degeneration affect- ing some 0.5% to 2.4% of adults; thus, it is one of the most common forms of valvular heart disease in the Western world. Men and women are equally affected. Secondary myxomatous mitral degeneration can occur in any one of a number of settings where mitral regurgitation is caused by some other entity (e.g., IHD).

The basis for primary myxomatous degeneration is unknown. Nevertheless, an underlying (possibly systemic) intrinsic defect of connective tissue synthesis or remodeling is likely. Thus, myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve is a common feature of Marfan syndrome (due to fibrillin-1 mutations) (Chapter 6), and occasionally occurs in other connective tissue disorders. In some patients with primary disease, additional hints of structural abnormalities in the systemic connective tissue, including scoliosis and high-arched palate, may be found. Subtle defects in structural proteins (or the cells that make them) may cause hemodynamically stressed connective tissues rich in microfibrils and elastin (e.g., cardiac valves) to elaborate defective ECM. Second- ary myxomatous change presumably results from injury to the valve myofibroblasts, imposed by chronically aberrant hemodynamic forces.


Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve is characterized by what
What so affected leaflets and tendinous cords look like
In people e primary mitral disease what is involved
Less commonly what can be affected
On histological exam what essential change is seen
What does the structural integrity of the leaflet depend on ?

The same changes occur whether the myxomatous degeneration is due to an intrinsic ECM defect (primary), or is caused by regurgitation secondary to another etiologic process (e.g., ischemic dysfunction).
True or false

How is valvular abnormality discovered
In minority of cases patients complain of what three symptoms
What does auscultation show? And what causes what auscultation shows
Name three complications patients can develop and why they will develop complications
Patients w primary myxomatous degeneration are at increased risk for development of what


Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve is character- ized by ballooning (hooding) of the mitral leaflets (Fig. 10– 18).
The affected leaflets are enlarged, redundant, thick, and rubbery; the tendinous cords also tend to be elongated, thinned, and occasionally rupture.
In those with primary mitral desease, concomitant tricuspid valve involvement is frequent (20% to 40% of cases); less commonly aortic and pulmonic valves can also be affected. On histologic examina- tion, the essential change is thinning of the valve layer known as the fibrosa layer of the valve, on which the structural integrity of the leaflet depends, accompanied by expansion of the middle spongiosa layer owing to increased deposition of myxomatous (mucoid) material.

Clinical Features
Most patients are asymptomatic, and the valvular abnor- mality is discovered only incidentally on physical examina- tion. In a minority of cases, patients may complain of palpitations, dyspnea, or atypical chest pain.
Auscultation discloses a midsystolic click, caused by abrupt tension on the redundant valve leaflets and chordae tendineae as the valve attempts to close; there may or may not be an associated regurgitant murmur.

Although in most instances the natural history and clinical course are benign, approximately 3% of patients develop complications such as as hemodynamically significant mitral regurgitation and congestive heart failure, particularly if the chordae or valve leaflets rupture.

Patients with primary myxomatous degen- eration also are at increased risk for the development of infective endocarditis (see later), as well as sudden cardiac death due to ventricular arrhythmias. Stroke or other sys- temic infarction may rarely occur from embolism of thrombi formed in the left atrium.


What is the characteristic A normal mitral valve is what and is anchored by what
When the valve thickens what has occurred and what does it result in
What Is the cardiac manifestation of rheumatic fever
What is it associated with and what are the mos t’empotant clinical features
Valvular disease principally takes the form of what?
What is the only cause of acquired mitral stenosis

The incidence of rheumatic fever (and thus rheumatic heart disease) has declined remarkably in many parts of the Western world over the past several decades; this is due to a combination of improved socioeconomic conditions, rapid diagnosis and treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis, and a fortuitous (and unexplained) decline in the virulence of many strains of group A streptococci
True ir false

What is rheumatic fever


is thin and supple and is anchored in place by strands of tissue called chordae tendinae

Myxomatous degeneration occurs when the valve becomes thickened. This prevents complete closure of the valve allowing blood to flow backward into the left atrium. This backflow is called mitral regurgitation.

Rheumatic Valvular Disease
Rheumatic fever is an acute, immunologically mediated, multisystem inflammatory disease that occurs after group A β-hemolytic streptococcal infections (usually pharyngi- tis, but also rarely with infections at other sites such as skin). Rheumatic heart disease is the cardiac manifestation of rheumatic fever. It is associated with inflammation of all parts of the heart, but valvular inflammation and scarring pro- duces the most important clinical features
The valvular disease principally takes the form of deforming fibrotic mitral stenosis; indeed rheumatic heart disease is essentially the only cause of acquired mitral stenosis.


What is the pathogenesis of rheumatic valvular disease
What is the characteristic time delay in symptoms onset after the infection and how is it t explained
Streptococci are completely absent or present from the lesions?
What is likely to influence the development of the cross reactive immune responses

The chronic fibrotic lesions are the predictable consequence of what?


Acute rheumatic fever is a hypersensitivity reaction classically attributed to antibodies directed against group A streptococ- cal molecules that also are cross-reactive with host antigens (see also Chapter 4).

In particular, antibodies against M pro- teins of certain streptococcal strains bind to proteins in the myocardium and cardiac valves and cause injury through the activation of complement and Fc receptor–bearing cells (including macrophages). CD4+ T cells that recognize strep- tococcal peptides also can cross-react with host antigens and elicit cytokine-mediated inflammatory responses.

The char- acteristic 2- to 3-week delay in symptom onset after infection is explained by the time needed to generate an immune response; streptococci are completely absent from the lesions.
Since only a small minority of infected patients develop rheumatic fever (estimated at 3%), a genetic suscep- tibility is likely to influence the development of the cross- reactive immune responses.
The chronic fibrotic lesions are the predictable consequence of healing and scarring associ- ated with the resolution of the acute inflammation.


With the morphology of acute rheumatic fever,what is it characterized by?
What are Ashchoff bodies and Anitschkow cells
What is the characteristic of Anitschkow cells
During acute rheumatic fever where can Aschoff bodies be found ?
Rheumatic fever is said to cause pancarditis with which three salient features
Chronic rheumatic heart disease is chdacterized by what?
In this chronic thing,Aschoff bodies are replaced by what?
What happens to valve cusps and leaflets and the mitral valves
What causes fish mouth or buttonhole stenoses
What does microscopic exam show
What is the most important functional consequence of rheumatic heart disease
Which valve Is most involved in cases of this disease,which valve is less frequently involved and which valve almost always escapes injury
With tight mitral stenosis,what happens to the left atrium and what is the result of what happens yo it
What is a fertile substrate for thrombosis and formation of large mural thrombi

Long-standing passive venous congestion gives rise to what?
In time what does this lead to?

With pure mitral stenosis, the left ventricle generally is normal.
True or false


Acute rheumatic fever is characterized by discrete inflammatory foci within a variety of tissues.
The myo- cardial inflammatory lesions—called Aschoff bodies—are pathognomonic for rheumatic fever (Fig. 10–19, B); these are collections of lymphocytes (primarily T cells), scattered plasma cells, and plump activated macrophages called Anitschkow cells occasionally punctuating zones of fibri- noid necrosis. The Anitschkow cells have abundant cyto- plasm and central nuclei with chromatin condensed to form a slender, wavy ribbon (so-called caterpillar cells).
During acute rheumatic fever, Aschoff bodies can be found in any of the three layers of the heart—pericardium, myocardium, or endocardium (including valves).
Hence, rheumatic fever is said to cause pancarditis, with the following salient features:
• The pericardium exhibits a fibrinous exudate, which gen- erally resolves without sequelae.
• The myocardial involvement—myocarditis—takes the form of scattered Aschoff bodies within the interstitial connective tissue.
• Valve involvement results in fibrinoid necrosis and fibrin deposition along the lines of closure (Fig. 10–19, A) forming 1- to 2-mm vegetations—verrucae—that cause little disturbance in cardiac function.

Chronic rheumatic heart disease is characterized by organization of the acute inflammation and subsequent scar- ring. Aschoff bodies are replaced by fibrous scar so that these lesions are rarely seen in chronic rheumatic heart disease. Most characteristically, valve cusps and leaflets become per- manently thickened and retracted. Classically, the mitral valves exhibit leaflet thickening, commissural fusion and shortening, and thickening and fusion of the chordae tendineae (Fig. 10–19, C-E).
Fibrous bridging across the valvular commissures and calcification create “fish- mouth” or “buttonhole” stenoses (Fig. 10–19, C).
Micro- scopic examination shows neovascularization (grossly evident in Fig. 10–19, D) and diffuse fibrosis that obliterates the normal leaflet architecture.
The most important functional consequence of rheumatic heart disease is valvular stenosis and regurgitation; ste- nosis tends to predominate.

The mitral valve alone is involved in 70% of cases, with combined mitral and aortic disease in another 25%; the tricuspid valve usually is less frequently (and less severely) involved; and the pulmonic valve almost always escapes injury.
With tight mitral stenosis, the left atrium pro- gressively dilates owing to pressure overload, precipitating atrial fibrillation. The combination of dilation and fibrillation is a fertile substrate for thrombosis, and formation of large mural thrombi is common.
Long-standing passive venous congestion gives rise to pulmonary vascular and parenchymal changes typical of left-sided heart failure. In time, this leads to right ventricular hypertrophy and failure.


Acute rheumatic fever occurs mostly in which group of people and what’s the principal clinical manifestation and in the other group of people what’s the
Predominant feature
Symptoms in all age groups typically begin when? And are heralded by which two symptoms followed by what?
Will culture for streptococci be negative or positive?
And which antigens are usually elevated
What are the clinical signs of carditis
What can aggressive myocarditis cause ?
Diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever is based on what ?
What is Jones criteria
What things can help support the diagnosis

After an initial attack and the generation of immuno- logic memory patients are increasingly vulnerable to what? What will make carditis worsen
When will chronic rheumatic cardinals manifest itself
When it’ does,what do the signs and symptoms of the valvular disease depend on
Mention five disease patients with chronic rheumatic disease can have
Which disease is more common to them
What kind of valves are more susceptible to infective endocarditis
The long-term prognosis is highly vari- able. In some cases, a relentless cycle of valvular deformity ensues, yielding hemodynamic abnormality, which begets further deforming fibrosis.
True or false
What intervention had improved outlook for patients w e rheumatic heart disease


Clinical Features
Acute rheumatic fever occurs most often in children; the principal clinical manifestation is carditis.
Nevertheless, about 20% of first attacks occur in adults, with arthritis being the predominant feature.

Symptoms in all age groups typically begin 2 to 3 weeks after streptococcal infection, and are heralded by fever and migratory polyarthritis— one large joint after another becomes painful and swollen for a period of days, followed by spontaneous resolution with no residual disability. Although cultures are negative for streptococci at the time of symptom onset, serum titers to one or more streptococcal antigens (e.g., streptolysin O or DNAase) usually are elevated.

The clinical signs of car- ditis include pericardial friction rubs and arrhythmias; myocarditis can be sufficiently aggressive that cardiac dila- tion ensues, causing functional mitral insufficiency and CHF. Nevertheless, less than 1% of patients die of acute rheumatic fever.
The diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever is made based on serologic evidence of previous streptococcal infection in conjunction with two or more of the so-called Jones criteria: (1) carditis; (2) migratory polyarthritis of large joints; (3) subcutaneous nodules; (4) erythema marginatum skin rashes; and (5) Sydenham chorea, a neurologic disorder characterized by involuntary purposeless, rapid move- ments (also called St. Vitus dance).

Minor criteria such as fever, arthralgias, ECG changes, or elevated acute phase reactants also can help support the diagnosis.

After an initial attack and the generation of immuno- logic memory, patients are increasingly vulnerable to disease reactivation with subsequent streptococcal infec- tions. Carditis is likely to worsen with each recurrence, and the damage is cumulative. However, chronic rheumatic
carditis usually does not manifest itself clinically until years or even decades after the initial episode of rheumatic fever. At that time, the signs and symptoms of valvular disease depend on which cardiac valve(s) are involved. In addition to various cardiac murmurs, cardiac hypertrophy and dila- tion, and CHF, patients with chronic rheumatic heart disease often have arrhythmias (particularly atrial fibrilla- tion in the setting of mitral stenosis), and thromboembolic complications due to atrial mural thrombi.
In addition, scarred and deformed valves are more susceptible to infec- tive endocarditis.
Surgical repair or replacement of diseased valves has greatly improved the outlook for patients with rheumatic heart disease.


What is infective endocarditis
What does it characteristically result in
Which parts of the CVS can become infected
State four causes of infective endocarditis
What is the main cause
State and explain the classifications of infective endocarditis and what are the classifications based on
What are the distinctions attributed to ?


Infective Endocarditis
Infective endocarditis is a serious infection mandating prompt diagnosis and intervention. Microbial invasion of heart valves or mural endocardium—often with destruction of the underlying cardiac tissues—charac- teristically results in bulky, friable vegetations composed of necrotic debris, thrombus, and organisms.
The aorta, aneu- rysmal sacs, other blood vessels and prosthetic devices also can become infected. Although fungi, rickettsiae (agents of Q fever), and chlamydial species can cause endocarditis, the vast majority of cases are caused by extracellular bacteria.

Infective endocarditis can be classified into acute and subacute forms, based on the tempo and severity of the clinical course; the distinctions are attributable to the viru- lence of the responsible microbe and whether underlying cardiac disease is present. Of note, a clear delineation between acute and subacute endocarditis does not always exist, and many cases fall somewhere along the spectrum between the two forms:
• Acute endocarditis refers to tumultuous,destructive infections, frequently involving a highly virulent organism attacking a previously normal valve, and capable of causing substantial morbidity and mortality even with appropriate antibiotic therapy and/or surgery.
• Subacute endocarditis refers to infections by organisms of low virulence involving a previously abnormal heart, especially scarred or deformed valves. The disease typi- cally appears insidiously and—even untreated—follows a protracted course of weeks to months; most patients recover after appropriate antibiotic therapy.


What is the pathogenesis of infective endocarditis

Infective endocarditis can develop on previously normal valves, but cardiac abnormalities predispose to such infections, Prosthetic heart valves (discussed later) now account for 10% to 20% of all cases of infective endocarditis.
True or false
State four substrates of infective endocarditis
State three foci for bacterial seeding with subsequent development of endocarditis
State five factors that increase risk of infective endocarditis
Causative organisms of this disease differ depending on what
50to60 percent of cases of this disease occurring on damaged or deformed valves are caused by which organism
What kind of valves does Staph aureus attack ?
What is the major offender in infections occurring in IV DRUG users
State four other bacterial agents that are involved
Why won’t organisms be isolated from the blood ?
Which factor is foremost among predisposing factors of endocarditis
What is the mechanism of the agent into the bloodstream

Recognition of predisposing anatomic substrates and clinical conditions causing bacteremia allows appropriate anti- biotic prophylaxis
True or false


; rheumatic heart disease, mitral valve prolapse, bicuspid aortic valves, and calcific valvular stenosis are all common substrates.
Sterile platelet-fibrin deposits at sites of pacemaker lines, indwelling vascular catheters, or damaged endocardium due to jet streams caused by preexisting cardiac disease all can be foci for bacterial seeding with subsequent development of endocarditis.
Host factors such as neutropenia, immunodefi- ciency, malignancy, diabetes mellitus, and alcohol or intrave- nous drug abuse also increase the risk of infective endocarditis, as well as adversely affecting outcomes.
The causative organisms differ depending on the underlying risk factors. Fifty percent to 60% of cases of endocarditis occurring on damaged or deformed valves are caused by Streptococcus viridans, a relatively banal group of normal oral flora.
By contrast, the more virulent S. aureus (common to skin) can attack deformed as well as healthy valves and is responsible for 10% to 20% of cases overall; it also is the major offender in infections occurring in intravenous drug abusers.

Additional bacterial agents include enterococci and the so-called HACEK group (Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Car- diobacterium, Eikenella, and Kingella), all commensals in the oral cavity. More rarely, gram-negative bacilli and fungi are involved.
In about 10% of all cases of endocarditis, no organ- ism is isolated from the blood (“culture-negative” endocardi- tis) because of previous antibiotic therapy, difficulties in isolating the offending agent, or because deeply embedded organisms within the enlarging vegetation are not released into the blood.

Foremost among the factors predisposing to endocarditis is seeding of the blood with microbes. The mechanism or portal of entry of the agent into the bloodstream may be an obvious infection elsewhere, a dental or surgical procedure that causes a transient bacteremia, injection of contaminated material directly into the bloodstream by intravenous drug users, or an occult source from the gut, oral cavity, or trivial injuries.


What is the morphology of infective endocarditis
With the different forms of the disease what kind of things are present in the heart valves
Which valves are the most common sites of the infection
Which valve is the frequent target in the setting of IV drug abuse
What are the characteristics of vegetations seen in the valves
How are ring abscess formed
Why do abscesses develop at sites where the emboli lodge and what does this result in
What form of endocarditis typically elicits less valvular destruction that that associated e the other form
On microscopic exam what can be seen and what does this promote

10–20 The major forms of vegetative endocarditis. The acute rheumatic fever phase of rheumatic heart disease is marked by the appearance of small, warty, inflammatory vegetations along the lines of valve closure; as the inflammation resolves, substantial scarring can result. Infective endo- carditis (IE) is characterized by large, irregular, often destructive masses that can extend from valve leaflets onto adjacent structures (e.g., chordae or myocardium). Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE) typically manifests with small to medium-sized, bland, nondestructive vegetations at the line of valve closure. Libman-Sacks endocarditis (LSE) is characterized by small to medium-sized inflammatory vegetations that can be attached on either side of valve leaflets; these heal with scarring.
True or false

What is the most consistent sign of infective endocarditis
In which form of the disease may fever be absent and when fever is absent which manifestations may be present
How does acute endocarditis often manifests (5symptoms)
Murmurs are present in which patients?
What five signs do microemboli give rise to ? What confirms diagnosis? Prognosis depends on what ?
When do complications begin?
State five complications that can occur and why they occur
What reduced mortality?

For infections involving low-virulence organisms (e.g., Streptococcus viridans or Streptococcus bovis), the cure rate is 98%, and for enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus infections, cure rates range from 60% to 90%; however, with infections due to aerobic gram-negative bacilli or fungi, half of the patients ultimately succumb. The cure rate for endocarditis arising on prosthetic valves is 10% to 15% lower across the board
True or false


In both acute and subacute forms of the disease, friable, bulky, and potentially destructive vegetations contain- ing fibrin, inflammatory cells, and microorganisms are present on the heart valves (Figs. 10–20 and 10–21).
The aortic and mitral valves are the most common sites of infection, although the tricuspid valve is a frequent target in the setting of intra- venous drug abuse.
Vegetations may be 1.single or multiple and may involve more than one valve; 2.they can sometimes erode into the underlying myocardium to produce an abscess cavity (ring abscess) (Fig. 10-21, B). 3.Shedding of emboli is common because of the friable nature of the vegetations. Since the fragmented vegetations contain large numbers of organisms, abscesses often develop at the sites where emboli lodge, leading to development of septic infarcts and mycotic aneurysms.

Subacute endocarditis typically elicits less valvular destruc- tion than that associated with acute endocarditis.
On micro- scopic examination, the subacute vegetations of infective endocarditis often have granulation tissue at their bases (sug- gesting chronicity), promoting development of chronic inflammatory infiltrates, fibrosis, and calcification over time.

Clinical Features
Fever is the most consistent sign of infective endocarditis. However, in subacute disease (particularly in the elderly), fever may be absent, and the only manifestations may be nonspecific fatigue, weight loss, and a flulike syndrome; splenomegaly also is common in subacute cases.
By con- trast, acute endocarditis often manifests with a stormy onset including rapidly developing fever, chills, weakness, and lassitude. Murmurs are present in 90% of patients with left-sided lesions; microemboli can give rise to petechia, nail bed (splinter) hemorrhages, retinal hemorrhages (Roth spots), painless palm or sole erythematous lesions (Janeway lesions), or painful fingertip nodules (Osler nodes);
diagnosis is confirmed by positive blood cultures and echocardio- graphic findings.
Prognosis depends on the infecting organism and on whether or not complications develop. Complications gen- erally begin within the first weeks after onset of the infec- tious process and can include glomerulonephritis due to glomerular trapping of antigen-antibody complexes, with hematuria, albuminuria, or renal failure (Chapter 13). A septic pathophysiologic picture, arrhythmias (suggesting invasion into underlying myocardium), and systemic embolization bode particularly ill for the patient. Left untreated, infective endocarditis generally is fatal. However, with appropriate long-term (6 weeks or more) antibiotic therapy and/or valve replacement, mortality is reduced..


What is NBTE(Non bacterial Thrombotic endocarditis) characterized by? Can it occur in healthy people?
It occurs in diseases associated with what? What is it’s alternate term
What is the difference between valvular lesions of infective endocarditis and NBTE
What is and is not a prerequisite for NBTE and why is the thing not a prerequisite for NBTE
State three conditions that cause the thing that’s a prerequisite for NBTE
What else can cause NBTE
Which two ways can NBTE lesions become clinically significant
What is Libman-Sacks Endocarditis characterized by
Why do the lesions develop in this disease therefore what do they exhibit ? What can these lesions resemble when there’s sub- sequent fibrosis and serious deformity
Where can these lesions occur in the heart? And which disease can similar lesions occur in


Noninfected Vegetations
Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE) is character- ized by the deposition of small (1 to 5 mm in diameter) thrombotic masses composed mainly of fibrin and platelets on cardiac valves.
Although NBTE can occur in otherwise healthy persons, a wide variety of diseases associated with general debility or wasting are associated with an increased risk of NBTE—hence the alternate term marantic endocar- ditis. In contrast with infective endocarditis, the valvular lesions of NBTE are sterile and are nondestructive (Fig. 10–22).

Valvular damage is not a prerequisite for NBTE; indeed, the condition usually is found on previously normal valves. Rather, hypercoagulable states are the usual precursor to NBTE; such conditions include chronic disseminated intra- vascular coagulation, hyperestrogenic states, and those associated with underlying malignancy, particularly muci- nous adenocarcinomas.
This last association probably relates to the procoagulant effect of circulating mucin and/ or tissue factor elaborated by these tumors. Endocardial trauma, such as from an indwelling catheter, also is a well- recognized predisposing condition.
Although the local effect on the valve usually is trivial, NBTE lesions can become clinically significant by giving rise to emboli that can cause infarcts in the brain, heart, and other organs. An NBTE lesion also can serve as a potential nidus for bacterial colonization and the consequent devel- opment of infective endocarditis.

Libman-Sacks endocarditis is characterized by the presence of sterile vegetations on the valves of patients with sys- temic lupus erythematosus. The lesions probably develop as a consequence of immune complex deposition and thus exhibit associated inflammation, often with fibrinoid necro- sis of the valve substance adjacent to the vegetation; sub- sequent fibrosis and serious deformity can result in lesions that resemble chronic rheumatic heart disease. These can occur anywhere on the valve surface, on the cords, or even on the atrial or ventricular endocardium (Fig. 10–20). Similar lesions can occur in the setting of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome


What does carcinoid syndrome result from
State four systemic manifestations of this syndrome
What is carcinoid heart disease
Why would cardiac lesions occur
Which parts of the heart are primary affected and why
Which part of the heart is afforded some measure of protection and why
When will left sided carcinoid lesions occur


Carcinoid Heart Disease
The carcinoid syndrome results from bioactive compounds such as serotonin released by carcinoid tumors (Chapter 14); systemic manifestations include flushing, diarrhea, derma- titis, and bronchoconstriction. Carcinoid heart disease refers to the cardiac manifestation caused by the bioactive compounds and occurs in half of the patients in whom the systemic syndrome develops. Cardiac lesions typically do not occur until there is a massive hepatic metastatic burden, since the liver normally catabolizes circulating mediators before they can affect the heart. Classically, endocardium and valves of the right heart are primarily affected since they are the first cardiac tissues bathed by the mediators released by gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors. The left side of the heart is afforded some measure of protection because the pulmonary vascular bed degrades the mediators. However, left-sided heart carcinoid lesions can occur in the setting of atrial or ventricular septal defects and right-to- left flow, or they can arise in association with primary pulmonary carcinoid tumors.


State the six mediators elaborated by carcinoid tumors
Which of these correlate with the severity of right sided heart lesions
The valvular plaques in carcinoid syndrome are similar to which lesions
What do the agents do ?
What is the morphology of cardiovascular lesions associated with carcinoid syndrome ?
What are the lesions composed of?
What happens to the underlying structures?
When the right side is involved,what are the typical findings


The mediators elaborated by carcinoid tumors include serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), kallikrein, bradykinin, histamine, prostaglandins, and tachykinins. Although it is not clear which of these is causative, plasma levels of serotonin and urinary excretion of the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid correlate with the severity of right-sided heart lesions. The valvular plaques in carcinoid syndrome also are similar to lesions that occur with the administration of fenfluramine (an appetite suppressant) or ergot alkaloids (for migraine headaches); of interest, these agents either affect systemic serotonin metabolism or bind to hydroxytryptamine receptors on heart valves.

MORPHOLOGY The cardiovascular lesions associated with the carcinoid syn- drome are distinctive, glistening white intimal plaquelike thick- enings on the endocardial surfaces of the cardiac chambers and valve leaflets (Fig. 10–23). The lesions are composed of smooth muscle cells and sparse collagen fibers embedded in an acid mucopolysaccharide–rich matrix. Underlying struc- tures are intact. With right-sided involvement, typical findings are tricuspid insufficiency and pulmonic stenosis.

Prosthetic Cardiac Valves
Although prosthetic heart valves are less-than-perfect sub- stitutes for the native tissues, their introduction has radi- cally altered the prognosis for patients with valve disease
True or false
What are the types of prosthetic valves currently used?
What are they made of and
State the advantages and disadvantages of each of them
All forms of prosthetic valves are susceptible to infec- tion. True or false
State which disease infects the valves and which parts of the valves are typically involved in the infection
Give a summary of valvular heart diseases(valve pathology can lead to what two things? Which diseases account for two thirds of all valve diseases? What causes stenosis? What leads to myxomatous degeneration and insufficiency? Inflammatory valve disease can cause what ? Rheumatic heart disease results from what and most commonly affects which valve ? It is responsible for 99 percent of cases of which disease? State the forms of infective endocarditis? Systemic embolization can produce what? NBTE occurs in what kind of valves as a result of what? What is an important complication)


. Two types of prosthetic valves are currently used, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:
• Mechanical valves -are now most commonly double tilting disk devices made of pyrolytic carbon. They have excel- lent durability but require chronic anticoagulation, with the attendant risks of hemorrhage or valve thrombosis, if anticoagulation is inadequate. Mechanical aortic valves can also cause significant red cell hemolysis as a consequence of mechanical shear forces (the so-called Waring blender effect)

  • Bioprosthetic valves are manufactured from glut- araldehyde-fixed porcine or bovine tissues, or cry- opreserved human valves. These do not require anticoagulation but are less durable and eventually fail owing to matrix deterioration. Virtually all biologic valve leaflets undergo some degree of stiffening after implantation; the loss of mobility may be sufficient to cause significant stenosis. Calcification of bioprosthetic leaflets is common and can contribute to the stenosis. Bioprosthetic valves also can perforate or tear, resulting in valvular insufficiency.
  • In mechanical valves, infective endocarditis typi- cally involves the suture line and adjacent perivalvular tissue; the associated tissue changes can cause the valve to detach (paravalvular leak). In bioprosthetic valves, the valve leaflets as well as the perivalvular tissues can become infected.

Valvular Heart Disease
• Valve pathology can lead to occlusion (stenosis) and/or to regurgitation (insufficiency); acquired aortic stenosis and mitral valve stenosis account for approximately two thirds of all valve disease.
• Valve calcification typically results in stenosis; abnormal matrix synthesis and turnover leads to myxomatous degeneration and insufficiency.
• Inflammatory valve diseases cause postinflammatory neovascularization and scarring. Rheumatic heart disease results from antistreptococcal antibodies that cross-react with cardiac tissues; it most commonly affects the mitral valve and is responsible for 99% of cases of acquired mitral stenosis.
• Infective endocarditis can be aggressive and rapidly destroy normal valves (in the acute form), or can be indolent and minimally destructive of previously abnormal valves (in subacute infective endocarditis). Systemic embolization can produce septic infarcts.
• Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis occurs on previ- ously normal valves as a result of hypercoagulable states; embolization is an important complication.


Most cardiac muscle diseases are due to what? What are cardiomyopathies
State the forms of cardiomyopathies
Cardiomyopathies are a diverse group that includes which five groups of diseases?
In many causes cardiomyopathy is of unknown etiology and is termed as what ?

however, a number of previously “idiopathic” cardiomy- opathies have been shown to be the consequence of specific genetic abnormalities in cardiac energy metabolism or in structural and contractile proteins. True or false
How are cardiomyopathies classified ? And state the classifications
What is left ventricular non compaction
Which classification of cardiomyopathy is the most common and which is the least frequent

Within each pattern, there is a spectrum of clinical severity, and in some cases clinical features overlap among the groups. In addition, each of these patterns can be caused by a specific identifiable cause, or can be idiopathic
True or false


Most cardiac muscle diseases are secondary to some other condition, e.g., coronary atherosclerosis, hypertension, or valvular heart disease.

However, there are also cardiac dis- eases attributable to intrinsic myocardial dysfunction. Such diseases are termed cardiomyopathies (literally, “heart muscle diseases”); these can be primary—that is, principally confined to the myocardium—or secondary presenting as the cardiac manifestation of a systemic disorder. Cardio- myopathies are thus a diverse group that includes inflam- matory disorders (e.g., myocarditis), immunologic diseases (e.g., sarcoidosis), systemic metabolic disorders (e.g., hemochromatosis), muscular dystrophies, and genetic dis- orders of myocardial fibers. In many cases, the cardiomy- opathy is of unknown etiology and thus is termed idiopathic;

Cardiomyopathies can be classified according to a variety of criteria, including the underlying genetic basis of dysfunction; indeed, a number of the arrhythmia- inducing channelopathies that are included in some clas- sifications of cardiomyopathy were alluded to earlier. For purposes of general diagnosis and therapy, however, three time-honored clinical, functional, and pathologic patterns are recognized (Fig. 10–24 and Table 10–6):
• Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) (including arrhythmo- genic right ventricular cardiomyopathy)
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
• Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Another rare form of cardiomyopathy is left ventricular non- compaction; it is a congenital disorder characterized by a distinctive “spongy” appearance of the ventricles, associ- ated with CHF and arrhythmias.
Of the three major patterns, DCM is most common (90% of cases), and restrictive cardiomyopathy is the least fre- quent.


Dilated cardiomyopathy leads primarily to what? While
Restrictive and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies lead to what?
There’s a figure to look at on page 411 I’ve bookmarked it so it’ll be easier

Dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM is characterized by what two things?
Regardless of the cause of the DCM what are similar ?

State the functional pattern,left ventricular ejection fraction,mechanism of heart failure , three Causes,
Three Secondary Myocardial Dysfunctions (Mimicking Cardiomyopathy) of the classifications of cardiomyopathies


The three major forms of cardiomyopathy. Dilated car- diomyopathy leads primarily to systolic dysfunction, whereas restrictive and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies result in diastolic dysfunction. Note the changes in atrial and/or ventricular dilation and in ventricular wall thickness. Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by progres- sive cardiac dilation and contractile (systolic) dysfunction, usually with concurrent hypertrophy; regardless of cause, the clinicopathologic patterns are similar.
Functional Pattern
 Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction*
 Mechanisms of Heart Failure
 Secondary Myocardial Dysfunction (Mimicking Cardiomyopathy)

Dilated, <40% ,Impairment of contractility; (systolic dysfunction)
Causes-Genetic; alcohol; peripartum myocarditis; hemochromatosis;
chronic anemia; doxorubicin (Adriamycin); sarcoidosis; idiopathic

Ischemic heart disease,valvular heart diseases; hypertensive heart disease; congenital heart disease

Hypertrophic ,50–80%
Impairment of compliance
Causes :Genetic,Friedreich ataxia; storage , infants of diabetic mothers

Hypertensive heart disease; (diastolic dysfunction) diseases; aortic stenosis

Restrictive ,45–90%
Impairment of compliance (diastolic dysfunction )
causes:Amyloidosis(radiation-induced) fibrosis; idiopathic
Secondary myocardial dysfunction:Pericardial constriction)


What is the pathogenesis of DCM
By the time it is diagnosed what would have happened in a patient w DCM,what will be seen at autopsy or cardiac transplant
State the five general pathways that can lead to end stage DCM and explain em
X linked DCM is most frequently associated with what?
Different types of dystrophin mutations also underlie what?
Uncommon forms of DCn are caused by what? State three Cytoskeletal proteins affected in genetic forms of DCM
Why can congenital conduction abnormalities be a feature of inherited forms of DCM
Nuclei Acid footprints of which viruses can occasionally be detected where from late stage DCM patients

Moreover, sequential endomyocardial biopsies have documented instances in which infectious myocarditis progressed to DCM. Consequently, many cases of DCM are attributed to viral infections (discussed later), even though inflamma- tion is absent from the end-stage heart. Simply finding viral transcripts or demonstrating elevated antiviral antibody titers may be sufficient to invoke a myocarditis that was “missed” in its early stages.
True or false
How does alcohol have a direct affect
State two toxic agents that can cause DCM
When does peripartum cardiomyopathy occur?
State the causes of this cause of DCM
What will cause iron overload in the heart? Why is DCM the most common manifestation in this?


By the time it is diagnosed, DCM has frequently already progressed to end-stage disease; the heart is dilated and poorly contractile, and at autopsy or cardiac transplant, fails to reveal any specific pathologic features. Nevertheless, genetic and epidemiologic studies suggest that at least five general pathways can lead to end-stage DCM (Fig. 10–25):
• Genetic causes. DCM has a hereditary basis in 20% to
50% of cases and over 40 genes are known to be mutated in this form of cardiomyopathy; autosomal dominant inheritance is the predominant pattern, most commonly involving mutations in encoding cytoskeletal proteins, or proteins that link the sarcomere to the cytoskeleton (e.g., α-cardiac actin).
X-linked DCM is most frequently associ- ated with dystrophin gene mutations affecting the cell membrane protein that physically couples the intracellular cytoskeleton to the ECM;
(different types of dystrophin mutations also underlie Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies, Chapter 21). Uncommon forms of DCM are caused by mutations of genes in the mitochondrial genome that encode proteins involved in oxidative phosphoryla- tion or fatty acid β-oxidation, presumably leading to defec- tive ATP generation. Other cytoskeletal proteins that are affected in genetic forms of DCM include desmin (the principal intermediate filament protein in cardiac myo- cytes), and the nuclear lamins A and C. Since contractile myocytes and conduction fibers share a common devel- opmental pathway, congenital conduction abnormalities also can be a feature of inherited forms of DCM.

Non genetic causes;
• Infection: The nucleic acid “footprints” of coxsackievirus B and other enteroviruses can occasionally be detected in the myocardium from late-stage DCM patients.

  • Alcohol or other toxic exposure. Alcohol abuse is strongly associated with the development of DCM. Alcohol and its metabolites (especially acetaldehyde) have a direct toxic effect on myocardium. Moreover, chronic alcoholism can be associated with thiamine deficiency, introducing an element of beriberi heart disease 7). DCM also can develop after exposure to other toxic agents, particularly doxorubicin (Adriamycin), a chemo- therapeutic drug, and cobalt.
  • Peripartum cardiomyopathy occurs late in gestation or several weeks to months postpartum. The etiology is likely to be multifactorial, with contributing factors including pregnancy-associated hypertension, volume overload, nutritional deficiency, metabolic derangements (e.g., gestational diabetes), and/or immunologic responses; recent experiments also suggest that a cleavage product of prolactin (which rises late in pregnancy) can induce myocardial dysfunction. Fortunately, approximately half of these patients spontaneously recover normal function.
  • Iron overload in the heart can result either from heredi- tary hemochromatosis (Chapter 15) or from multiple transfusions. DCM is the most common manifestation, and may be attributable to interference with metal- dependent enzyme systems or to injury caused by iron- mediated production of reactive oxygen species.

A significant fraction of dilated cardiomyopathies—and virtually all hypertrophic cardiomyopathies—have a genetic origin.
True or false
DCM can be caused by mutations in which three places
What do these mutations result in
State five or four DCM phenotype
HCM are typically caused by which mutations?
What does this mutation result in?
State five HCM phenotype

State the four clinical features of DCM and HCM phenotype

Although the two forms of cardiomyopathy differ in cause and morphology, they have common clinical end points. LV, left ventricle.
True or false


Dilated cardiomyopathies can be caused by mutations in cytoskeletal, sarcomeric, nuclear envelope, or mitochondrial proteins;
It results in Defect in force generation, force transmission, and/or myocyte signaling leading to (note that both the genetic and non genetic causes of DCM lead to this DCM phenotype)
Dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype
• Hypertrophy
• Dilation
• Fibrosis, interstitial
• Intracardiac thrombi

hypertrophic cardiomyopathies typically are caused by sarcomeric protein mutations.

Results in Defect in energy transfer from mitochondria to sarcomere and/or direct sarcomeric dysfunction

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype
• Hypertrophy, marked
• Asymmetrical septal hypertrophy 
• Myofiber disarray
• Fibrosis, interstitial and
• LV outflow tract plaque
• Thickened septal vessels
• Heart failure
• Sudden death
• Atrial fibrillation
 • Stroke



What is the morphology of DCM
What happens to the heart in DCM (three things)
What is the result of wall thinning that accompanied dilation?
What kind of thrombi are often present and may be source of what
What lesions are absent ?
Characteristic histological abnormalities in DCM are what?
What is the exception?
What stain is used ?

In general, the severity of morphologic changes in DCM does not necessarily reflect either the degree of dysfunction or the prognosis. True or false
Most myocytes exhibit what?
What marks previous myocyte ischemic necrosis caused by hypoperfusion

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). A, Four-chamber dilation and hypertrophy are evident. A small mural thrombus can be seen at the apex of the left ventricle (arrow). B, The nonspecific histologic picture in typical DCM, with myocyte hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis (collagen is blue in this Masson trichrome–stained preparation) true or false

DCM is mostly diagnosed between which ages. How does it manifest?(4ways). What is the fundamental defect in DCM ? In end stage DCM cardiac ejection fraction is what value? What is the normal value ?
Which two things are common ?
What will cause a DCM patient to die
What is the only definite treatment


The heart in DCM characteristically is enlarged (up to two to three times the normal weight) and flabby, with dilation of all chambers
Because of the wall thinning that accompanies dilation, the ventricular thickness may be less than, equal to, or greater than normal. Mural thrombi
are often present and may be a source of thromboemboli. By definition, valvular and vascular lesions that can cause cardiac dilation secondarily (e.g., atherosclerotic coronary artery disease) are absent.

The characteristic histologic abnormalities in DCM are nonspecific, and do not typically point to a specific etiologic entity.
An exception is DCM second- ary to iron overload, in which marked accumulation of intra- myocardial hemosiderin is demonstrable by staining with Prussian blue.
Most myocytes exhibit hypertrophy with enlarged nuclei, but many are attenuated, stretched, and irregular. There is also variable interstitial and endocardial fibrosis, with scattered areas of replacement fibrosis; the latter mark previous myocyte ischemic necrosis caused by hypoperfusion

Clinical Features
DCM can occur at any age but most commonly is diag- nosed between the ages of 20 and 50 years. It typically manifests with signs of slowly progressive CHF, including dyspnea, easy fatigability, and poor exertional capacity, although patients can slip precipitously from a compen- sated to a decompensated state. The fundamental defect in DCM is ineffective contraction. Thus, in end-stage DCM, the cardiac ejection fraction typically is less than 25% (normal being 50% to 65%). Secondary mitral regurgitation and abnormal cardiac rhythms are common, and embolism from intracardiac (mural) thrombi can occur. Half of the patients die within 2 years, and only 25% survive longer than 5 years; death usually is due to progressive cardiac failure or arrhythmia. Cardiac transplantation is the only definitive treatment. Implantation of long-term ventricular assist devices is being increasingly utilized, however, and in some patients a course of mechanical assistance can produce durable regression of cardiac dysfunction.


What is Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy or ARCV
How does it classically manifest ?
Morphologically what happens to the right ventricular wall? And why ?
Many of the mutations involve what kind of evened and what kind of proteins

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. A, The right ventricle is markedly dilated with focal, almost transmural replacement of the free wall by adipose tissue and fibrosis. The left ventricle has a grossly normal appearance in this heart; it can be involved (albeit to a lesser extent) in some instances. B, The right ventricular myocardium (red) is focally replaced by fibrous connective tissue (blue, arrow) and fat (Masson tri- chrome stain). True or false


Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an autosomal dominant disorder of cardiac muscle with variable penetrance;
it classically manifests with right- sided heart failure and rhythm disturbances that can cause sudden cardiac death

. Morphologically, the right ventricu- lar wall is severely thinned owing to myocyte replacement by massive fatty infiltration and lesser amounts of fibrosis (Fig. 10–27).

Many of the mutations involve genes encoding desmosomal junctional proteins at the intercalated disk e.g., plakoglobin), as well as proteins that interact with the desmosome (e.g., the intermediate filament desmin).


What is HCM characterized by (3things)
What happens to the heart in HCM as compared to the heart in DCM
What function is preserved in HCM and why does it exhibit primary systolic dysfunction
HCM needs to be distinguished clinically what kind of disorders

Most cases of HCM are caused by what?
In most cases the pattern of transmission is what?
HCM is fundamentally a disorder of what proteins?
Of these kind of proteins which one is most frequently affected followed by what?
The diverse mutations underlying HCM have one unifying feature,state it
What does this feature result in

Some of the genes mutated in HCM are also mutated in DCM (e.g., beta-myosin) but in DCM the (allelic) mutations depress motor function as opposed to gain of function in HCM. True or false


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characterized by myocardial hypertrophy, defective diastolic filling, and—in a third of cases—ventricular outflow obstruction.
The heart is thick-walled, heavy, and hypercontractile, in striking con- trast with the flabby, poorly contractile heart in DCM.
Systolic function usually is preserved in HCM, but the myocardium does not relax and therefore exhibits primary diastolic dysfunction.
HCM needs to be distinguished clinically from disorders causing ventricular stiffness (e.g., amyloid deposition) and ventricular hypertrophy (e.g., aortic stenosis and hypertension).

Most cases of HCM are caused by missense mutations in one of several genes encoding proteins that form the contractile apparatus. In most cases, the pattern of transmission is auto- somal dominant, with variable expression. Although more than 400 causative mutations in nine different genes have been identified, HCM is fundamentally a disorder of sarcomeric proteins. Of these, β-myosin heavy chain is most frequently affected, followed by myosin-binding protein C and troponin T.
Mutations in these three genes account for 70% to 80% of all cases of HCM.
The diverse mutations underlying HCM have one unifying feature: they all affect sarcomeric proteins and increase myo- filament activation.
This results in myocyte hypercontractility with concomitant increase in energy use and net negative energy balance.


HCM is marked by what?
Classically what happens to the ventricular septum
What us asymmetric septal hypertrophy
I’m about ten percent of HCM cases what type of hypertrophy is seen

On longitudinal sectioning what is seen?
State the changes that correlate with functional left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
What are the three characteristic histologies features in HCM
When does HCM manifest ?

The clinical symptoms can be best understood in the context of the functional abnormalities. True or false
HCM symptoms are characterized by what ? And why

In addition, roughly 25% of patients have dynamic obstruction to the left ventricular outflow by the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. True or false
What is the cause of exertion so dyspnea w a harsh systolic ejection murmur?
What causes myocardial ischemia even in the absence of concomitant CAD
State six major clinical problems w HCM
Most patients are improved by what therapy

As mentioned earlier, HCM is an important cause of sudden cardiac death. In almost one third of the cases of sudden cardiac death in athletes under the age of 35, the underlying cause is HCM.
True or false


HCM is marked by massive myocardial hypertrophy without ventricular dilation (Fig. 10–28, A).
Classically, there is dispro- portionate thickening of the ventricular septum relative to the left ventricle free wall (so-called asymmetric septal hypertrophy); nevertheless, in about 10% of cases of HCM, concentric hypertrophy is seen.
On longitudinal sectioning, the ventricular cavity loses its usual round-to-ovoid shape and is compressed into a “banana-like” configuration.
An endo- cardial plaque in the left ventricular outflow tract and thicken- ing of the anterior mitral leaflet reflect contact of the anterior mitral leaflet with the septum during ventricular systole; these changes correlate with functional left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
The characteristic histologic features in HCM are marked myocyte hypertrophy, haphazard myocyte (and myofiber) disarray, and interstitial fibrosis .

Clinical Features
Although HCM can present at any age it typically mani- fests during the postpubertal growth spurt.

It is characterized by a massively hypertrophied left ventricle that paradoxically provides a mark- edly reduced stroke volume.
This condition occurs as a conse- quence of impaired diastolic filling and overall smaller chamber size.
Reduced cardiac output and a secondary increase in pulmonary venous pressure cause exertional dyspnea, with a harsh systolic ejection murmur.
A combination of massive hypertrophy, high left ventricular pressures, and compromised intramural arter- ies frequently leads to myocardial ischemia (with angina), even in the absence of concomitant CAD.
Major clinical problems include atrial and ventricular fibrillations with mural thrombus formation, infective endocarditis of the mitral valve, CHF, and sudden death.
Most patients are improved by therapy that promotes ventricular relaxation; partial surgical excision or controlled alcohol-induced infarction of septal muscle also can relieve the outflow tract obstruction.


What is restrictive cardiomyopathy characterized by and what does it result in
What can make you confuse RCM w constructive pericarditis or HCM
RCM can be idiopathic or what?
What are the sizes of the ventricles in RCM
WHAT IS bilateral dilation in RCM due to
What does microscopic exam in RCM reveal

Although gross morphologic findings are similar for restrictive cardiomyopa- thy of disparate causes, endomyocardial biopsy often can reveal a specific etiologic disorder.
True or false


Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy is characterized by a primary decrease in ventricular compliance, resulting in impaired ven- tricular filling during diastole (simply put, the wall is stiffer). Because the contractile (systolic) function of the left ven- tricle usually is unaffected, the functional state can be con- fused with constrictive pericarditis or HCM. Restrictive cardiomyopathy can be idiopathic or associated with sys- temic diseases that also happen to affect the myocardium, for example radiation fibrosis, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, or products of inborn errors of metabolism.

The ventricles are of approximately normal size or only slightly enlarged, the cavities are not dilated, and the myocar- dium is firm. Biatrial dilation commonly is due to poor ven- tricular filling and pressure overloads. Microscopic examination reveals variable degrees of interstitial fibrosis.


What are the three forms of RCM
What is amyloidosis caused by
Cardiac amyloidosis can occur with what or can be what particularly in what case
In the case of the disease mentioned in the answer of the previous question, what result in RCM

Four percent of African Americans carry a specific mutation of transthyretin that is responsible for a four-fold increased risk of isolated cardiac amyloi- dosis in that population. True or false
Which form of RCM is a disease of children and young adults in Africa and other tropical areas?
What is it characterized by ? What does it often involve? What happens in that form of RCM that causes restrictive physiology
Which form of RCM is the most common world wide

Endo- myocardial fibrosis has been linked to nutritional deficiencies and/or inflammation related to helminthic infections (e.g., hypereosinophilia) true or false
Which form of RCM is typically associated w formation of large mural thrombi and exhibits endocardia fibrosis ? Histological exam typically shows what?
Release of of eosinophil granule contents especially what? Probably engenders what four things?
What disease does platelet derived growth factor receptor drive?
What treatment is given to such patients of the disease

  • Amyloidosis is caused by the deposition of extracellular proteins with the predilection for forming insoluble β-pleated sheets (Chapter 4). Cardiac amyloidosis can occur with systemic amyloidosis or can be restricted to the heart, particularly in the case of senile cardiac amyloi- dosis. In the latter instance, deposition of normal (or mutant) forms of transthyretin (a liver-synthesized cir- culating protein that transports thyroxine and retinol) in the hearts of elderly patients results in a restrictive car- diomyopathy.
  • Endomyocardial fibrosis is principally a disease of children and young adults in Africa and other tropical areas; it is characterized by dense diffuse fibrosis of the ventricular endocardium and subendocardium, often involving the tricuspid and mitral valves. The fibrous tissue markedly diminishes the volume and compliance of affected chambers, resulting in a restrictive physiology.; worldwide, it is the most common form of restrictive cardiomyopathy.

• Loeffler endomyocarditis also exhibits endocardial fibrosis, typically associated with formation of large mural thrombi, but without geographic predilection. Histo- logic examination typically shows peripheral hypereo- sinophilia and eosinophilic tissue infiltrates; release of eosinophil granule contents, especially major basic protein, probably engenders endo- and myocardial necrosis, followed by scarring, layering of the endocar- dium by thrombus, and finally thrombus organization.
Of interest, some patients have an underlying hyper- eosinophilic myeloproliferative disorder driven by con- stitutively active platelet derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) tyrosine kinases (Chapter 11). Treatment of such patients with tyrosine kinase inhibitors can result in hematologic remission and reversal of the endomyo- cardial lesions.


What is myocarditis
It is important to distinguish it from which form of disease?
What is the pathogenesis of myocarditis(what’s the most common cause of myocarditis? State the organisms that cause the majority of cases and those that are less common )
How can offending agents be identified ?

While some viruses cause direct cytolytic injury, in most cases the injury results from an immune response directed against virally infected cells; this is analogous to the damage inflicted by virus-specific T cells on hepatitis virus–infected liver cells
True or false

Although uncommon in the northern hemisphere, Chagas disease affects up to half of the population in endemic areas of South America, with myocardial involvement in the vast majority. About 10% of the patients die during an acute attack; others can enter a chronic immune-mediated phase with develop- ment of progressive signs of CHF and arrhythmia 10 to 20 years later.
True or false

In some cases viruses trigger what kind of reaction
State some other causes of myocarditis
What is the agent of Chagas’ disease ?

What are the most common vectors of toxoplasma gondii?
Toxoplasma causes myocarditis particularly in which persons?
What is the most common helminthic disease with associated cardiac involvement
What is Lyme disease
How does Lyme myocarditis manifest? What does it frequently require?
Non infectious causes of myocarditis include lesions associated with what?

Drug hyper- sensitivity reactions (hypersensitivity myocarditis) also can occur with exposure to any of a wide range of agents; such reactions typically are benign and only in rare circum- stances lead to CHF or sudden death. True or false


Myocarditis encompasses a diverse group of clinical enti- ties in which infectious agents and/or inflammatory processes primarily target the myocardium. It is important to distin- guish these conditions from those, such as IHD, in which the inflammatory process is a consequence of some other cause of myocardial injury.

In the United States, viral infections are the most common cause of myocarditis, with coxsackieviruses A and B and other enteroviruses accounting for a majority of the cases. Cytomegalovirus (CMV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), influenza virus, and others are less common patho- gens.
Offending agents occasionally can be identified by nucleic acid footprints in infected tissues, or by serologic studies showing rising antibody titers.
(Chapter 15). In some cases viruses trigger a reaction against cross-reacting proteins such as myosin heavy chain.
The nonviral infectious causes of myocarditis run the entire gamut of the microbial world. The protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi is the agent of Chagas disease. Toxoplasma gondii (household cats are the most common vector) also can cause myocarditis, particularly in immunocompromised persons. Trichinosis is the most common helminthic disease with associated cardiac involvement.
Myocarditis occurs in approximately 5% of patients with Lyme disease, a systemic illness caused by the bacterial spi- rochete Borrelia burgdorferi (Chapter 8). Lyme myocarditis manifests primarily as self-limited conduction system disease, frequently requiring temporary pacemaker insertion.
Noninfectious causes of myocarditis include lesions associated with systemic diseases of immune origin, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and polymyositis.


In Acute myocarditis,what does the hear appear like?
In advanced stages what happens to the myocardium
What kind of thrombi can be present
Microscopically active myocarditis is characterised what three things
What kind of infiltrate is most common?
Inflammatory involvement Is often what and can be missed in what biopsy?

If the patient survives the acute phase of myocarditis, lesions can resolve without significant sequelae or heal by progressive fibrosis. True or false
In hypersensitivity myocarditis, what kind of infiltrates are seen? What three things are they composed of ?
What is Giant cell myocarditis morphologically characterised by?
Giant cell myocarditis represents what? And what is seen in it? This variant carries a poor prognosis true or false
Chagas myocarditis is characterised by what?


In acute myocarditis, the heart may appear normal or dilated; in advanced stages, the myocardium typically is flabby and often mottled with pale and hemorrhagic areas. Mural thrombi can be present. Microscopically, active myocarditis is characterized by edema, interstitial inflammatory infiltrates, and myocyte injury (Fig. 10–29). A diffuse lymphocytic infiltrate is most common (Fig. 10–29, A), although the inflammatory involve- ment is often patchy and can be “missed” on endomyocardial biopsy.
In hypersensitivity myocarditis, interstitial and perivas- cular infiltrates are composed of lymphocytes, macrophages, and a high proportion of eosinophils (Fig. 10-29, B).
Giant cell myocarditis is a morphologically distinctive entity char- acterized by widespread inflammatory cellular infiltrates con- taining multinucleate giant cells (formed by macrophage fusion).
Giant cell myocarditis probably represents the aggressive end of the spectrum of lymphocytic myocarditis, and there is at least focal—and frequently extensive— necrosis
Chagas myocarditis is characterized by the parasi- tization of scattered myofibers by trypanosomes accom- panied by an inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, and occasional eosinophils


What is the clinical spectrum of myocarditis?
What is the other extreme of the clinical spectrum of myocarditis characterized by?
Between the extremes in the clinical spectrum are what?
Clinical features of myocarditis can mimic those of what disease?
Clinical progression from myocarditis to what disease is occasionally seen?

Summarize everything you’ve learnt w regards to cardiomyopathy (
What is cardiomyopathy,state the general pathophysiologic categories of cardiomyopathy,which of em is more common? DCM results in what,state the causes of DCM ,HCM results in what? All cases of HCM are due to what? RCM results in what and can be due to what three things? What is myocarditis, what causes myocarditis,clinically myocarditis can be asymptomatic and give rise to what two diseases?)
What do pericardial disorders include?

Iso- lated pericardial disease is unusual true or false
Pericardial lesions are associated w what?


Clinical Features
The clinical spectrum of myocarditis is broad; at one end, the disease is asymptomatic, and patients recover without sequelae. At the other extreme is the precipitous onset of heart failure or arrhythmias, occasionally with sudden death.
Between these extremes are many levels of involve- ment associated with a variety of signs and symptoms, including fatigue, dyspnea, palpitations, pain, and fever.
The clinical features of myocarditis can mimic those of acute MI. Clinical progression from myocarditis to DCM occasionally is seen.

• Cardiomyopathy is intrinsic cardiac muscle disease; there may be specific causes, or it may be idiopathic.
• The three general pathophysiologic categories of cardio- myopathy are dilated (accounting for 90% of the cases), hypertrophic, and restrictive (least common).
• DCM results in systolic (contractile) dysfunction. Causes include myocarditis, toxic exposures (e.g., alcohol), and pregnancy. In 20% to 50% of cases, mutations affecting cytoskeletal proteins are responsible.
• HCM results in diastolic (relaxation) dysfunction.Virtually all cases are due to autosomal dominant mutations in the proteins that make up the contractile apparatus, in par- ticular β-myosin heavy chain.
• Restrictive cardiomyopathy results in a stiff, noncompliant myocardium and can be due to depositions (e.g., amyloid), increased interstitial fibrosis (e.g., due to radiation), or to endomyocardial scarring.
• Myocarditis is myocardial damage caused by inflammatory infiltrates secondary to infections or immune reactions. Coxsackieviruses A and B are the most common patho- gens in the United States. Clinically, myocarditis can be asymptomatic, give rise to acute heart failure, or evolve to DCM.

Pericardial disorders include effusions and inflammatory conditions, sometimes resulting in fibrous constriction.
and pericardial lesions typically are associated with a pathologic process else- where in the heart or surrounding structures or are second- ary to a systemic disorder.


What type of pericarditis is uncommon? What is this type often due to?
In most cases pericarditis is secondary to what four things?
What is the most common systemic disorder associated w pericarditis
State three less common secondary causes of pericarditis
Pericarditis can cause what three things ?
In patients w acute viral pericarditis or uremia what is the exudate like?
What is bread and butter pericarditis?
In acute bacterial pericarditis what’s the exudate like ?
TB pericarditis can exhibit what?
Pericarditis due to malignancy is often associated w what?
Metastases can be grossly evident as what?

In most cases, acute fibrinous or fibri- nopurulent pericarditis resolves without any sequelae. True or false
When will healing result in fibrosis
Chronic pericarditis may be associated w what?
In extreme cases what happens to the heart in chronic pericarditis and when it happens what condition does it result in?
Pericarditis classically manifests w what two signs?
When associated w significant Fluid accumulation,acute pericarditis can cause what?
Chronic constructive pericarditis produced what? And is similar to the clinical picture in which disease


Primary pericarditis is uncommon. It most often is due to viral infection (typically with concurrent myocarditis), although bacteria, fungi, or parasites may also be involved.
In most cases, pericarditis is secondary to acute MI, cardiac surgery, radiation to the mediastinum, or processes involv- ing other thoracic structures (e.g., pneumonia or pleuritis).
Uraemia is the most common systemic disorder associated with pericarditis. Less common secondary causes include
rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus, and meta- static malignancies.
Pericarditis can (1) cause immediate hemodynamic complications if it elicits a large effusion (resulting in cardiac tamponade) (see further on), (2) resolve without significant sequelae, or (3) progress to a chronic fibrosing process.

In patients with acute viral pericarditis or uremia, the exudate typically is fibrinous, imparting an irregular, shaggy appearance to the pericardial surface (so-called “bread and butter” pericarditis). In acute bacterial pericarditis, the exudate is fibrinopurulent (suppurative), often with areas of frank pus (Fig. 10–30); tuberculous pericarditis can exhibit areas of caseation.
Pericarditis due to malignancy often is associated with an exuberant, shaggy fibrinous exudate and a bloody effusion; metastases can be grossly evident as irreg- ular excrescences or may be grossly inapparent, especially in the case of leukemia. With extensive suppuration or caseation, however, healing can result in fibrosis (chronic pericarditis).
Chronic pericarditis may be associated with delicate adhesions or dense, fibrotic scars that obliterate the pericar- dial space.
In extreme cases, the heart is so completely encased by dense fibrosis that it cannot expand normally during diastole—resulting in the condition known as con- strictive pericarditis.

Clinical Features
Pericarditis classically manifests with atypical chest pain (not related to exertion and worse in recumbency), and a prominent friction rub.
When associated with significant
fluid accumulation, acute pericarditis can cause cardiac tamponade, with declining cardiac output and consequent shock.
Chronic constrictive pericarditis produces a combi- nation of right-sided venous distention and low cardiac output, similar to the clinical picture in restrictive cardiomyopathy.


Normally the pericardial sac contains how much clear serous fluid?
When will there be an excess of this amount?
State three other types of pericardial effusions and their causes
Consequences of pericardial accumulations depend on what two things ?
What does the ability of the parietal pericardium to stretch depend on ?
Why will slowly accumulat- ing effusions—even as large as 1000 mL—be well- tolerated?
Rapidly collections of ad little as how much fluid can restrict diastolic cardiac filling to produce what?


Pericardial Effusions
Normally, the pericardial sac contains at most 30 to 50 mL of clear, serous fluid. Serous and/or fibrinous effusions in excess of this amount occur most commonly in the setting of pericardial inflammation. Other types of pericardial effusions and their causes include
• Serous: congestive heart failure, hypoalbuminemia of any cause
• Serosanguineous: blunt chest trauma, malignancy, rup- tured MI or aortic dissection
• Chylous: mediastinal lymphatic obstruction

The consequences of pericardial accumulations depend on the volume of fluid and the ability of the parietal pericardium to stretch; the latter depends largely on how fast the effusion accumulates.
Thus, slowly accumulat- ing effusions—even as large as 1000 mL—can be well- tolerated.
By contrast, rapidly developing collections of as little as 250 mL (e.g., ruptured MI or ruptured aortic dis- section) can so restrict diastolic cardiac filling as to produce potentially fatal cardiac tamponade.


What constitute the most common malignancy of the heart
What kind of lesions occur in about 5% of patients dying of cancer?

Although any malignancy can secondarily involve the heart, certain tumors have a higher predilection for cardiac metastases, state the seven of them in descending order

Primary cardiac tumors are common true or false?
Most primary cardiac tumors are what?

The five most common have no malignant potential and account for 80% to 90% of all primary heart tumors, state them in descending order of frequency ?
What disease constitutes the most common primary malignant tumor of the heart. ?
What tumors are the most common primary tumors of the adult heart?
What percent are atrial and what percent account for the left atrium?
What tumors are the most frequent primary tumors of the heart in infants and children?
How are they frequently discovered?
Cardiac rhabdomyomas occur with high frequency in what kind of patients?
Loss of which tumor suppressor genes leads to myocyte overgrowth ?
Why are rhabdomyomas best considered to be hamartomas rather than true neoplasms?

Like certain other tumors that appear in very young children (e.g., neuroblas- toma), rhabdomyomas often regress spontaneously for unknown reasons.
True or false
State three other types of cardiac tumors?
What are lipomas ? Lipomas can be asymptomatic,create what or produce what?
Where are Papillary fibroelastomas generally located? How are they identified? What do they form?
On histologic examination what do they show?

Cardiac angiosarcomas and other sarcomas are not clini- cally or morphologically distinctive from their counter- parts in other locations and therefore merit no additional comment here. True or false


CARDIAC TUMORS MetastaticNeoplasms
Tumor metastases constitute the most common malignancy of the heart; metastatic cardiac lesions occur in about 5% of patients dying of cancer. Although any malignancy can secondarily involve the heart, certain tumors have a higher predilection for cardiac metastases.
In descending order these are lung cancer, lymphoma, breast cancer, leukemia, melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and colon cancer.

Primary Neoplasms
Primary cardiac tumors are uncommon; moreover, most also are (fortunately) benign.
The five most common have no malignant potential and account for 80% to 90% of all primary heart tumors.
In descending order of frequency, these are myxomas, fibromas, lipomas, papillary fibroelas- tomas, and rhabdomyomas.
Angiosarcomas constitute the most common primary malignant tumor of the heart.
Only the myxomas and rhabdomyomas merit further mention here.
Myxomas are the most common primary tumors of the adult heart. Roughly 90% are atrial, with the left atrium accounting for 80% of those.
Rhabdomyomas are the most frequent primary tumors of the heart in infants and children; they frequently are dis- covered owing to valvular or outflow obstruction.
Cardiac rhabdomyomas occur with high frequency in patients with tuberous sclerosis caused by mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 tumor suppressor genes; loss of TSC-1 and -2 activity leads to myocyte overgrowth. Because they often regress spontaneously, rhabdomyomas are best considered to be hamartomas rather than true neoplasms.

Other Cardiac Tumors
• Lipomas are localized, poorly encapsulated masses of adipose tissue; these can be asymptomatic, create ball-valve obstructions (as with myxomas), or produce arrhythmias.
• Papillary fibroelastomas usually are only incidentally identified lesions, although they can embolize. Gener- ally located on valves, they form distinctive clusters (up to 1 cm in diameter) of hairlike projections that grossly resemble sea anemones. Histologic examination shows myxoid connective tissue containing abundant muco- polysaccharide matrix and laminated elastic fibers, all surrounded by endothelium.


Where do myxomas arise from?
State the possible sizes if myxomas
How do they manifest?
Pedunculated forms are often what? And what do they cause?
Histologically myxomas are composed of what five types of cells?
Where do the types of cells arise from?
Where are these cells embedded?
What three other things are usually present
What is the morphology of Rhabdomyomas?
What does histological exam show?
Which of the cells are more characteristic? What do those cells contain? What are spider cells?

major clinical manifestations are due to what three things?
The syndrome of constitutional signs and symptoms is attributable to what?
What is the major diagnostic modality of choice?


Myxomas are almost always single, classically arising in the region of the fossa ovalis (atrial septum).
They can be small (less than 1 cm in diameter) to massive (up to 10 cm across), sessile or pedunculated masses (Fig. 10–31, A), most often manifesting as soft, translucent, villous lesions with a gelati- nous appearance. Pedunculated forms often are sufficiently mobile to swing into the mitral or tricuspid valve during systole, causing intermittent obstruction or exerting a “wreck- ing ball” effect that damages the valve leaflets.
Histologically, myxomas are composed of stellate, fre- quently multinucleated myxoma cells (typically with hyper- chromatic nuclei), admixed with cells showing endothelial, smooth muscle, and/or fibroblastic differentiation (undiffer- entiated cells also are present); all of the cell types arise from differentiation of multipotential mesenchymal tumor cells. The cells are embedded in an abundant acid mucopolysac- charide ground substance (Fig. 10–31, B). Hemorrhage, poorly organizing thrombus, and mononuclear inflammation also are usually present.
Rhabdomyomas are gray-white masses up to several cen- timeters in diameter that protrude into the ventricular cham- bers. Histologic examination shows a mixed population of cells; most characteristic, however, are large, rounded, or polygonal cells containing numerous glycogen-laden vacuoles separated by strands of cytoplasm running from the plasma membrane to the centrally located nucleus, so-called spider cells

Clinical Features
The major clinical manifestations are due to valvular “ball-valve” obstruction, embolization, or a syndrome of constitutional signs and symptoms including fever and malaise. This syndrome is attributable to tumor elaboration of the cytokine interleukin-6, a major mediator of the acute- phase response. Echocardiography is the diagnostic modal- ity of choice, and surgical resection is almost uniformly curative


Although permanent ventricular assist device implantation is increasingly an option for management of end-stage heart disease, what remains the treatment of choice for patients w intractable heart failure?

Without transplantation, medically managed end-stage heart failure carries a 50% 1-year mortality rate, and less than 10% of the patients survive 5 years. True or false
Heart transplantation procedures are mostly performed for which two diseases ?

Even so, the need far outstrips the number of available organs, and many more patients die while on a waiting list (estimated at 50,000 per year) than undergo successful transplantation. True or false
State the major complications of cardiac transplantation

The immu- nosuppression required for allograft survival increased risk of what?
When is rejection suspected clinically?
How is it diagnosed?
Rejection is characterized by what three things?
In both instances What compromised cardiac function ?
What is an important mechanism in allograft rejection?

When myocardial injury is not extensive, the “rejection episode” can be reversed by augmented immunosuppressive therapy. True or false


Although permanent ventricular assist device implantation is increasingly an option for management of end-stage heart disease, cardiac transplantation remains the treat- ment of choice for patients with intractable heart failure. Roughly 3000 heart transplantation procedures are performed annually worldwide, mostly for DCM and IHD.

Beyond the issues of supply and demand, the major complications of cardiac transplantation are acute cardiac rejection and allograft arteriopathy (Fig. 10–32).
The immu- nosuppression required for allograft survival also increases the risk of opportunistic infections and certain malignan- cies (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus–associated lymphoma).
• Rejection is suspected clinically in the setting of fever, reduced cardiac ejection fraction, unexplained arrhyth- mia, or an edematous, thickened ventricular wall on cardiac ultrasound examination.
It is diagnosed by endomyocardial biopsy of the transplanted heart. Rejection is characterized by an interstitial lymphocytic inflammation, associated myocyte damage (Fig. 10–32, A), and a histologic pattern similar to that seen in viral myocarditis
In both instances, T cell– mediated killing and local cytokine production compro- mise cardiac function.

Increasingly, antibody-mediated injury also is recognized as an important mechanism in allograft rejection.
Advanced rejection can be irreversible and fatal.
• Allograft arteriopathy is the single most important long- term limitation for cardiac transplantation. It is a condi- tion of late, progressive, diffusely stenosing intimal proliferation in the coronary arteries (Fig. 10–32, B), leading to ischemic injury. Within 5 years of transplanta- tion, significant arteriopathy has developed in 50% of patients, and virtually all patients have lesions within 10 years. The pathogenesis of this disorder involves immu- nologic responses that induce local production of growth factors, which in turn promote intimal smooth muscle cell recruitment and proliferation with ECM synthesis. Allograft arteriopathy is a particularly vexing problem because it can lead to silent MI (transplant recipients have denervated hearts and do not experience angina), progressive CHF, or sudden death.
Despite these problems, the outlook for transplant recipi- ents generally is good, with a 1-year survival rate of 80% and a 5-year survival rate more than 60%.


Explain coronary circulation
When is heart failure said to be devompemsated and compensated
What’s the formula for cardiac output
State the classifications of the causes of CHF and give examples under each
Frank starling mechanism can cause cardiac hypertrophy due to ventricular dilation true or false
What are the clinical features of left heart failure and right heart failure grouped into and give symptoms under each and explain them

Pleural, Pericardial, and Peritoneal Spaces. Systemic venous congestion due to right heart failure can lead to transudates (effusions) in the pleural and pericardial spaces, but usually does not cause pulmonary parenchymal edema.
True or false


The aorta branches into the right coronary and left coronary artery
The left coronary artery branches into the circumflex artery (this supplies blood to the walls of the left atrium and left ventricle )and the anterior interventricular artery (this supplied blood to the ventricular walls)
The right coronary artery branches into the posterior interventricular artery (this supplied blood to the ventricular walls) and the marginal artery (this supplies blood. To the walls of the right atrium and right ventricle)
The blood from these branches all move into the cardiac veins and into the coronary sinus and into the right atrium

If the dilated ventricle in Frank starling’s mechanism is able to maintain cardiac output the patient is said to be in compensated heart failure

the ventricular dilation amplifies the oxygen requirements of the already compromised heart and increases wall tension
The failing heart isn’t able to meet the needs of the body and this patient is said to be in decompensated heart failure
Cardiac output is stroke volume x heart


  1. ischemic heart diseases
  2. hypertension
1. massive left ventricular hypertrophy
2. myocardial fibrosis
3. amyloid deposition
4. constrictive pericarditis.
Indeed heart failure in elderly persons,
diabetic patients, and women may be more commonly
attributable to diastolic dysfunction. 

(e.g., due to endocarditis) or can occur in normal hearts suddenly burdened with an abnormal load (e.g., with fluid or pressure overload).



Left side;
Forward failure(blood is pumped to other parts of the body but in left sided heart failure this doesn’t occur cuz the heart isn’t able to pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body)
-Tiredness (cuz the body isn’t getting enough oxygen)
-palpitations (cuz the heart is working harder to need the needs of the body
-decreased urine production

Backwards failure (blood stays in lungs or fluid stays in lungs)
-difficulty breathing
Weight gain

Right sided:
Forward failure

Backwards failure

Raised JVP
Pedal edema
Weight gain
Increased urine output
Hepatic and splenic enlargement
Venous congestion and hypoxia of the kidneys and brain



Fetal circulation -fortis lungs are filled w fluid not air or oxygen true ir false
What is the function of the ductus venosus and the ductus arteriosus in the fœtus
Ostia primum occurs rarely due to chromosomal abnormalities true kr false
What are the clinical features of ASD,VSD,PDA

Why does the right to left shunt cause cyanosis
In the right order,state the defects in Tetralogy of Fallot
Where is the DA located in foetus



Split second heart sound because the pulmonary valve delays in closing
Paradoxical emboli due to increased intra abdominal pressure causing the something in the right side

Poor eating
Failure to thrive

Management:early surgical correction for large lesions . Smaller lesions can make patient asymptomatic

PDA:harsh machine like murmurs
Eisenmenger syndrome w cyanosis
• infective endocarditis.

•Surgical treatment
1.PDA ligation
2.Coil occlusion 

Deoxygenated blood from the right moves to the left side which is supposed to be carrying oxygenated blood to the systemic circulation
So now it Carrie’s deoxygenated blood mbom thereby causing cyanosis

1.a ventricular septal defect (VSD); 1.obstructed outflow of blood from the right ventricle to the lungs (pulmonary stenosis); 4.a displaced aorta, which causes blood to flow into the aorta from both the right and left ventricles (dextroposition or overriding aorta); 2.and abnormal enlargement of the right ventricle (right ventricular hypertrophy). Not sure
Ask George for the right order

Between the pulmonary artery and the aorta