Diseases Of The Immune System Flashcards
Define immunity
. Deficiencies in immune defenses result in an increased susceptibility to infections, which can be life-threatening if the deficits are not corrected.on the other hand the immune system is itself capable of causing great harm and is the root cause of some of the most vexing and intractable diseases of the modern world.
True or false
Immunity refers to protection against infections, and the immune system is the collection of cells and molecules that are responsible for defending the body against the count- less pathogenic microbes in the environment.
Defense against microbes consists of two types of reactions
Name them and explain
What are the major components of the innate response
The innate immune response is able to prevent and control many infections. However, many pathogenic microbes have evolved to overcome the early defenses, and protection against these infections requires the more spe- cialized and powerful mechanisms of adaptive immunity (also called acquired, or specific, immunity true or false
What are the components of the adaptive immunity
By convention, the terms “immune system” and “immune response” refer to adaptive immunity. True or false
State the types of adaptive immunity and what they are mediated by
How do T cells work
When the immune system is inappropriately triggered or not properly controlled, the same mechanisms that are involved in host defense cause tissue injury and disease. The reaction of the cells of innate and adaptive immunity may be manifested as inflammation. True or false
Antibodies provide protection against extracellular microbes in the blood, mucosal secretions, and tissues. True or false
Innate immunity (also called natural, or native, immunity) is mediated by cells and proteins that are always present and poised to fight against microbes, being called into action immediately in response to infection.
The major components of innate immunity are epithelial barriers of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract, which prevent microbe entry; phagocytic leukocytes (neutrophils and macrophages); a specialized cell type called the natural killer (NK) cell; and several circulating plasma proteins, the most important of which are the proteins of the comple- ment system.
Adaptive immunity is normally silent and responds (or “adapts”) to the presence of infectious microbes by becoming active, expanding, and generating potent mechanisms for neutral- izing and eliminating the microbes.
The components of the adaptive immune system are lymphocytes and their products.
There are two types of adaptive immune responses: humoral immunity, mediated by soluble proteins called antibodies that are produced by B lymphocytes (also called B cells), and cell-mediated (or cellular) immunity, mediated by T lymphocytes (also called T cells).
T lymphocytes are important in defense against intracellular microbes. They work by either directly killing infected cells (accomplished by cytotoxic T lymphocytes) or by activat- ing phagocytes to kill ingested microbes, via the produc- tion of soluble protein mediators called cytokines (made by helper T cells).
The cells of the immune system consist of?
What are the two remarkable features of the immune system
Lymphocytes are present in the circulation and in various lymphoid organs. Although all lymphocytes appear mor- phologically identical, there are actually several function- ally and phenotypically distinct lymphocyte populations.
True or false
Where do lymphocytes develop from
Where do T and B lymphocytes mature in the body
The cells of the immune system consist of lymphocytes, which recognize antigens and mount adaptive immune responses; specialized antigen-presenting cells (APCs),
Two remarkable features of the immune system are the specialization of the cells to perform diverse functions, and the precise control mechanisms that permit useful responses when needed and prevent potentially harmful ones.
Lymphocytes develop from precursors in the generative lymphoid organs; T lymphocytes are so called because they mature in the thymus, whereas B lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow.
Each T or B lymphocyte expresses recep- tors for a single antigen, and the total population of lym- phocytes (numbering about 1012 in humans) is capable of recognizing tens or hundreds of millions of antigens.
How are they able to do so?
Why is the demonstration of antigen receptor gene rearrangements by molecular methods (e.g., poly- merase chain reaction [PCR] assay) a definitive marker of T or B lymphocytes?
This enormous diversity of antigen recognition is generated by the somatic rearrangement of antigen receptor genes during lymphocyte maturation, and variations that are introduced during the joining of different gene segments to form antigen receptors.
These antigen receptors are rearranged and expressed in lymphocytes but not in any other cell. Because each lymphocyte has a unique DNA rearrangement (and hence a unique antigen receptor), molecular analysis of the rearrangements in cell populations can distinguish polyclonal (non-neoplastic) lymphocyte proliferations from monoclonal (neoplastic) expansions.
Thymus-derived, or T, lymphocytes are the effector cells of cel- lular immunity and the “helper cells” for antibody responses to protein antigens. T cells constitute 60% to 70% of the lym- phocytes in peripheral blood and are the major lymphocyte population in splenic periarteriolar sheaths and lymph node interfollicular zones.
True or false
T cells do not detect free or cir- culating antigens.instead what do they do?
It is now known that the normal function of MHC molecules is to display peptides for recognition by T lym- phocytes. By forcing T cells to see MHC-bound peptides on cell surfaces the system ensures that T cells can recognize antigens displayed by other cells. True or false
How do T cells function by interacting with others cells
Instead, the vast majority (greater than 95%) of T cells recognize only peptide fragments of protein antigens bound to proteins of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC).
either to kill infected cells or to activate phagocytes or B lymphocytes that have ingested protein antigens.
What is the MHC restriction
TCRs are noncovalently linked to a cluster of five invari- ant polypeptide chains, the γ, δ, and ε proteins of the CD3 molecular complex and two ζ chains (Fig. 4–2, A). The CD3 proteins and ζ chains do not themselves bind antigens; instead what do they do?
CD4 and CD8 serve as what on the T cell receptor
During antigen recognition, what do CD4 cells do?
In each person, T cells recognize only peptides displayed by that person’s MHC molecules, which, of course, are the only MHC molecules that the T cells normally encounter. Peptide antigens presented by self MHC mol- ecules are recognized by the T cell receptor (TCR),
they are attached to the TCR and deliver intracel- lular biochemical signals after TCR recognition of antigen.
CD4 and CD8 are expressed on distinct T cell subsets and serve as coreceptors for T cell activation.
CD4 molecules on T cells bind to invariant portions of class II MHC molecules (see later) on selected APCs; in an analogous fashion, CD8 binds to class I MHC molecules.
CD4 is expressed on 50%–60% of mature T cells, whereas CD8 is expressed on about 40% of T cells. The CD4- and CD8-expressing T cells—are called ?
Why are CD4+ T cells called helper T cells?
Why are CD8+ T cells called cytotoxic T lymphocytes?
Other important invari- ant proteins on T cells include CD28, which functions as the receptor for molecules that are induced on APCs by microbes (and are called costimulators), and various adhe- sion molecules that strengthen the bond between the T cells and APCs and control the migration of the T cells to differ- ent tissues. True or false
CD4+ and CD8+ cells, respectively
CD4+ T cells are “helper” T cells because they secrete soluble molecules (cytokines) that help B cells to produce antibodies (the origin of the name “helper” cells) and also help macrophages to destroy phagocytosed microbes.
CD8+ T cells can also secrete cyto- kines, but they play a more important role in directly killing virus-infected or tumor cells, and hence are called “cytotoxic” T lymphocytes (CTLs)
What is the human MHC (in the The Peptide
Display System of Adaptive Immunity )called
The HLA system is highly polymorphic; that is, there are several alternative forms (alleles) of a gene at each locus (estimated to number about 3500 for all HLA genes and about 1100 for HLA-B alleles alone) true or false
Several other proteins are encoded in the MHC locus, some of which have been called “class III molecules.” These include complement components (C2, C3, and Bf) and the cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lymphotoxin. These molecules do not form a part of the peptide display system and are not discussed further. True or false
On the basis of their chemical structure, tissue distribu- tion, and function, MHC gene products fall into two main categories: name them and explain them based on their chemical structure,tissue distribution and function
Lymphocytes are the mediators of adaptive immunity and the only cells that produce specific and diverse receptors for antigens.
• T (thymus-derived) lymphocytes express TCRs that rec- ognize peptide antigens displayed by MHC molecules on the surface of APCs. True or false
Human Leukocyte Antigen complex(HLA). It consists of a cluster of genes on chromosome 6
Class I MHC molecules :are encoded by three closely linked loci, designated HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C .Each of these molecules is a heterodimer, con- sisting of a polymorphic 44-kDa α chain noncovalently associated with an invariant 12-kDa β2-microglobulin polypeptide (encoded by a separate gene on chromo- some 15). The extracellular portion of the α chain contains a cleft where the polymorphic residues are located and where foreign peptides bind to MHC mol- ecules for presentation to T cells, and a conserved region that binds CD8, ensuring that only CD8+ T cells can respond to peptides displayed by class I molecules.
In general, class I MHC molecules bind and display pep- tides derived from proteins synthesized in the cyto- plasm of the cell (e.g., viral antigens). Because class I MHC molecules are present on all nucleated cells, all virus-infected cells can be detected and eliminated by CD8+ CTLs.
• Class II MHC molecules are encoded by genes in the HLA-D region, which contains at least three subregions: DP, DQ, and DR. Class II MHC molecules are heterodi- mers of noncovalently linked polymorphic α and β sub- units (Fig. 4–3). The extracellular portion of the class II MHC heterodimer contains a cleft for the binding of antigenic peptides and a region that binds CD4. Class II MHC expression is restricted to a few types of cells, mainly APCs (notably, dendritic cells [DCs]), macro- phages, and B cells. In general, class II MHC molecules bind to peptides derived from proteins synthesized outside the cell (e.g., those derived from extracellular bacteria) and ingested into the cell. This property allows CD4+ T cells to recognize the presence of extracellular pathogens and to orchestrate a protective response.
Each person inherits one HLA allele from each parent; typi- cally, then, two different molecules are expressed for every HLA locus. Cells of a heterozygous person can therefore express six different class I HLA molecules: three of mater- nal origin and three of paternal origin. Similarly, a given individual expresses maternal and paternal alleles of the class II MHC loci; because some HLA-D α and β chains can mix and match with each other, each class II–expressing cell can have as many as 20 different class II MHC mole- cules. Different MHC alleles bind to different peptide frag- ments; the expression of many different MHC molecules allows each cell to present a wide array of peptide antigens.
True or false
What is HLA haplotype
What is the implications of HLA polymorphism
What are antigens so called?
The ability of any given MHC allele to bind the peptide antigens generated from a particular pathogen will determine whether a specific person’s T cells can actually “see” and respond to that pathogen. True or false
The inheritance of particular alleles influences both protective and harmful immune responses. Give an example that explains this
The com- bination of HLA alleles for each person is called the HLA haplotype.
The implications of HLA polymorphism are obvious in the context of transplantation—because each person has HLA alleles that differ to some extent from every other person’s, grafts from virtually any donor will evoke immune responses in the recipient and be rejected (except, of course, for identical twins).
This ability of MHC molecules to trigger immune responses is the reason these molecules are often called antigens
For example, if the antigen is ragweed pollen and the response is an allergic reaction, inheritance of some HLA genes may make individuals susceptible to “hay fever,” the colloquial name for ragweed allergy. On the other hand, responsiveness to a viral antigen, deter- mined by inheritance of certain HLA alleles, may be benefi- cial for the host.
Why are B lymphocytes the effector cells of humoral immunity
B cells make up 10% to 20% of the circulating peripheral lymphocyte population. They also are present in bone marrow and in the follicles of peripheral lymphoid tissues (lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and other mucosal tissues) true or false
How do B cells and T cells recognize an antigen
How is the diversity of antibodies generated
B cells express several invariant molecules that are responsible for signal trans- duction and for activation of the cells . State some of the invariant molecules
After stimulation of B cells what happens to them
State the five classes of immunoglobulins
IgG, IgM, and IgA constitute more than 95% of circulating antibodies. True or false
Which is the major isotype in mucosal secretions ,which is expressed on the surface of B cells but not secreted,which is present at low concentrations in circulation
Cuz Bone marrow–derived B lymphocytes are the cells that produce antibodies
B cells recognize antigen by means of membrane-bound antibody of the immunoglobulin M (IgM) class, expressed on the surface together with signaling molecules to form the B cell receptor (BCR) complex (Fig. 4–2, B). Whereas T cells can recognize only MHC-associated peptides, B cells can recognize and respond to many more chemical structures, including soluble or cell-associated proteins, lipids, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, and small chemicals; furthermore, B cells (and antibodies) recognize native (properly folded) forms of these antigens.
The diver- sity of antibodies is generated during somatic rearrange- ments of immunoglobulin genes.
Some are the signaling molecules attached to the BCR; another example is CD21 (also known as the type 2 complement receptor, or CR2), which recognizes a complement break- down product that frequently is deposited on microbes and promotes B cell responses to microbial antigens.
After stimulation, B cells differentiate into plasma cells, which secrete large amounts of antibodies, the mediators of humoral immunity.
There are five classes, or isotypes, of immunoglobulins: IgG, IgM, and IgA constitute more than 95% of circulating antibodies. IgA is the major isotype in mucosal secretions; IgE is present in the circulation at very low concentrations and also is found attached to the surfaces of tissue mast cells; and IgD is expressed on the surfaces of B cells but is not secreted.
What are natural killer cells
Why don’t NK cells have specificities as diverse as Do T or B cells ?
What types of receptors do NK have
How do they function
Normally, the effects of the inhibitory receptors dominate over those of the activating receptors, thereby preventing activation of the NK cells. Infections (especially viral infections) and stress are associated with reduced expression of class I MHC molecules, thus releasing the NK cells from inhibition. At the same time, there is increased engagement of the activating receptors. The net result is that the NK cells are activated and the infected or stressed cells are killed and eliminated true or false
Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes that arise from the common lymphoid progenitor that gives rise to T and B lymphocytes.
However, NK cells are cells of innate immunity and do not express highly variable and clonally distributed receptors for antigens.
two types of receptors—inhibitory and activating.
The inhibitory receptors recognize self class I MHC molecules, which are expressed on all healthy cells, whereas the acti- vating receptors recognize molecules that are expressed or upregulated on stressed or infected cells or cells with DNA damage.
What are antigen presenting cells of APc
What are dendritic cells
Cells with dendritic morphology (i.e., with fine dendritic cytoplasmic processes) occur as two functionally distinct types. Name them and how they function
Where are they both found?
One subset of DCs is called plasmacytoid DCs because of their resemblance to plasma cells. These cells are present in the blood and lymphoid organs, and are major sources of the antiviral cytokine type I interferon, produced in response to many viruses. True or false
Name some other APCs and their functions
• APCs capture microbes and other antigens, transport them to lymphoid organs, and display them for recognition by lymphocytes. The most efficient APCs are DCs, which are located in epithelia and most tissues true or false
cell types that are specialized to capture microbial antigens and display these to lymphocytes.
Foremost among these APCs are dendritic cells (DCs), the major cells for displaying protein antigens to naive T cells to initiate immune responses.
Dendritic cells (DCs), sometimes called interdigitat- ing DCs, express high levels of class II MHC and T cell costimulatory molecules and function to capture and present antigens to T cells. The second type of cells with dendritic morphology are follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). FDCs bear receptors for the Fc tails of IgG molecules and for complement proteins and hence effi- ciently trap antigens bound to antibodies and complement. These cells display antigens to activated B lymphocytes in lymphoid follicles and promote secondary antibody responses, but are not involved in capturing antigens for display to T cells.
DCs reside in and under epithe- lia, where they are strategically located to capture entering microbes; an example is the Langerhans cell of the epider- mis. DCs also are present in the T cell zones of lymphoid tissues, where they present antigens to T cells circulating through these tissues, and in the interstitium of many non- lymphoid organs, such as the heart and lungs, where they are poised to capture the antigens of any invading microbes.
follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) are located in the germinal centers of lymphoid follicles in the spleen and lymph nodes.
Macrophages ingest microbes and other particulate anti- gens and display peptides for recognition by T lympho- cytes. These T cells in turn activate the macrophages to kill the microbes, the central reaction of cell-mediated immu- nity. B cells present peptides to helper T cells and receive signals that stimulate antibody responses to protein antigens.
What cells are front liner effector cells,which cells are effector cells of humoral immunity and which are effector cells for cell mediated immunity
Macrophages, as described in Chapter 2, bind microbes that are coated with antibodies or complement and then phagocytose and destroy these microbes, thus serving as effector cells of humoral immunity. Macro- phages also respond to signals from helper T cells, which improves their ability to destroy phagocytosed microbes, thus serving as effector cells of cellular immunity. T lym- phocytes secrete cytokines that recruit and activate other leukocytes, such as neutrophils and eosinophils, and together these cell types function in defense against various pathogens. True or false
NK cells kill cells that are infected by some microbes or are stressed and damaged beyond repair. NK cells express inhibitory receptors that recognize MHC molecules that are normally expressed on healthy cells, and are thus prevented from killing normal cells.
True or false
NK cells are front-line effector cells in that they can rapidly react against “stressed” cells. Antibody-secreting plasma cells are the effector cells of humoral immunity. T lymphocytes, both CD4+ helper T cells and CD8+ CTLs, are effector cells of cell-mediated immunity.
The lymphoid tissues of the body are divided into ?
Give some examples of the types of lymphoid tissues
The cells of the immune system are organized in tissues. Some of these tissues are the sites of mature lymphocyte production (the generative lymphoid organs, the bone marrow and thymus), while others are the sites of immune responses (the peripheral lymphoid organs, including lymph nodes, spleen, and mucosal lymphoid tissues). True or false
genera- tive (primary) organs, where lymphocytes express antigen receptors and mature, and peripheral (secondary) lym- phoid organs, where adaptive immune responses develop.
The generative organs are the thymus and bone marrow, and the peripheral organs are the lymph nodes, spleen, and mucosal and cutaneous lymphoid tissues. Mature lympho- cytes recirculate through the peripheral organs, hunting for microbial antigens that they can respond to. An important characteristic of these organs is that T and B lymphocytes are anatomically organized in a manner that facilitates the adaptive immune response, a process that is described later
What is the The Early Innate Immune Response to Microbes as a normal immune response
The principal barriers between hosts and their environ- ment are the epithelia of the skin and the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Infectious microbes usually enter through these routes and attempt to colonize the hosts. The mechanisms of innate immunity operate at every step in a microbe’s attempt to invade. At the site of entry, epithelia serve as physical barriers to infections and eliminate microbes through production of peptide antibiotics and the actions of intraepithelial lymphocytes. If microbes are able to survive and traverse these epithelia, they encounter phagocytes, including neutrophils, which are rapidly recruited from the blood into tissues, and macrophages, which live in tissues under epithelia. The function of these phagocytic cells is to ingest microbes and destroy them by producing microbicidal substances. In response to recogni- tion of microbes, phagocytes, DCs, and many other cell types secrete proteins called cytokines (described later), which promote inflammation and microbial killing and enhance protective immune responses. Cells use several receptors to sense microbes; foremost among these are the Toll-like receptors (TLRs), so named because of homology with the Drosophila Toll protein, that recognize bacterial and viral components (Chapter 2). NK cells kill virus- infected cells and produce the macrophage-activating cyto- kine IFN-γ. If the microbes enter the blood, many plasma proteins, including the proteins of the complement system, recognize the microbes and are activated, and their
products kill microbes and coat (opsonize) the microbes for phagocytosis. In addition to combating infections, innate immune responses stimulate subsequent adaptive immu- nity, providing signals that are essential for initiating the responses of antigen-specific T and B lymphocytes.
In capture and display of microbial agents as a normal immune response what happens when microbes enter the epithelia
Microbes that enter through epithelia, along with their protein antigens, are captured by DCs that are resident in and under these epithelia. Antigen-bearing DCs then migrate to draining lymph nodes (Fig. 4–4). Protein anti- gens are proteolytically digested in the APCs to generate peptides that are displayed on the surface of the APCs bound to MHC molecules. Antigens in different cellular compartments are presented by different MHC molecules and are recognized by different subsets of T cells. Antigens that are ingested from the extracellular environment are processed in endosomal and lysosomal vesicles and then are displayed bound to class II MHC molecules. Because CD4 binds to class II MHC molecules, CD4+ helper T cells recognize class II–associated peptides. By contrast, anti- gens in the cytoplasm are displayed by class I MHC molecules and are recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, because CD8 binds to class I MHC. This segregation of different antigens is key to the specialized functions of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; as we discuss below, the two classes of T cells are designed to combat microbes that are located in different cellular compartments. Protein anti- gens, as well as polysaccharides and other nonprotein anti- gens, can also be recognized directly by B lymphocytes in the lymphoid follicles of the peripheral lymphoid organs. Before being recognized by B and T cells, the microbe elicits an innate immune response. This response activates APCs to express costimulatory molecules and secrete cyto- kines that stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of T lymphocytes. The principal costimulators for T cells are the B7 molecules (CD80 and CD86) that are expressed on APCs and recognized by the CD28 receptor on naive T cells. The innate immune response to some microbes and polysaccharides also results in the activation of comple- ment, generating cleavage products that enhance the proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocytes. Thus, antigen (signal 1 in Fig. 4–2) and molecules produced during innate immune responses (signal 2 in Fig. 4–2) func- tion cooperatively to activate antigen-specific lymphocytes. The requirement for microbe-triggered signal 2 ensures that the adaptive immune response is induced by microbes and not by harmless substances.
Explain Cell-Mediated Immunity:Activation of T Lymphocytes and Elimination of Cell-Associated Microbes
Although different cytokines have diverse actions and functions, they all share some common features. State them
Cytokines may be grouped into several classes on the basis of their biologic activities and functions. State those classes
Naive T lymphocytes are activated by antigen and costimulators in peripheral lymphoid organs, and prolifer- ate and differentiate into effector cells, most of which migrate to any site where the antigen (microbe) is present (Fig. 4–4). Upon activation, T lymphocytes secrete soluble proteins called cytokines, which function as growth and differentiation factors for lymphocytes and other cells, and mediate communications between leukocytes. Because of the important roles of cytokines in both beneficial immune responses and in inflammatory diseases, it is important to understand their properties and actions.
Cytokines are synthesized and secreted in response to external stimuli, which may be microbial products, antigen recognition, or other cytokines. Their secretion typically is transient and is controlled by transcription and post-translational mecha- nisms. The actions of cytokines may be autocrine (on the cell that produces the cytokine), paracrine (on adjacent cells), and, less commonly, endocrine (at a distance from the site of production) (Chapter 2). The effects of cytokines tend to be pleiotropic (one cytokine can have diverse biologic activities, often on many cell types) and redundant (mul- tiple cytokines may have the same activity). Molecularly defined cytokines are called interleukins, referring to their ability to mediate communications between leukocytes.
Cytokines involved in innate immunity and inflammation, the earliest host response to microbes and dead cells. The major cytokines in this group are TNF and interleukin-1 (IL-1) and a group of chemoattractant cyto- kines called chemokines. IL-12, IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-23, and several other cytokines also participate in the early innate immune response. Major sources of these cyto- kines are activated macrophages and DCs, as well as endothelial cells, lymphocytes, mast cells, and other cell types. These were described in Chapter 2.
• Cytokines that regulate lymphocyte responses and effector functions in adaptive immunity. Different cytokines are involved in the proliferation and differentiation of lym- phocytes (e.g., IL-2, IL-4), and in the activation of various effector cells (e.g., IFN-γ, which activates macrophages; IL-5, which activates eosinophils). The major sources of these cytokines are CD4+ helper T lymphocytes stimu- lated by antigens and costimulators. These cytokines are key participants in the induction and effector phases of adaptive cell-mediated immune responses (see later).
• Cytokines that stimulate hematopoiesis. Many of these are called colony-stimulating factors. They function to increase the output of leukocytes from the bone marrow and to thus replenish leukocytes that are consumed during immune and inflammatory reactions