Hemodynamic Disorders,thromboembolism,shock Flashcards


The health of cells and tissues depends on the circulation of blood, which delivers oxygen and nutrients and removes wastes generated by cellular metabolism. Under normal conditions, as blood passes through capillary beds, pro- teins in the plasma are retained within the vasculature and there is little net movement of water and electrolytes into the tissues. This balance is often disturbed by pathologic conditions that alter endothelial function, increase vascular pressure, or decrease plasma protein content, all of which promote edema—accumulation of fluid resulting from a net outward movement of water into extravascular spaces. Depending on its severity and location, edema may have minimal or profound effects. In the lower extremities, it may only make one’s shoes feel snugger after a long sed- entary day; in the lungs, however, edema fluid can fill alveoli, causing life-threatening hypoxia.
True or false

Define hemostasis ,inadequate hemostasis leads to? Define thrombosis,embolism and what they can cause

What is the pathology counterpart of hemostasis and what three things do they both involve


Hemostasis is the process of blood clotting that prevents excessive bleeding after blood vessel damage. Normal hemostasis comprises a series of regulated processes that maintain blood in a fluid, clot-free state in normal vessels while rapidly forming a localized hemostatic plug at the site of vascular injury.

IThe pathologic counterpart of hemostasis is thrombosis, the formation of blood clot (throm­ bus) within intact vessels. Both hemostasis and thrombosis involve three elements: the vascular wall, platelets, and the coagulation cascade.

Inadequate hemostasis may result in hemorrhage, which can compromise regional tissue perfusion and, if massive and rapid, may lead to hypotension, shock, and death.

Con- versely, inappropriate clotting (thrombosis) or migration of clots (embolism) can obstruct blood vessels, potentially causing ischemic cell death (infarction). Indeed, throm­ boembolism lies at the heart of three major causes of morbidity and death in developed countries: myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and cerebrovascular accident (stroke)

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Define hyperemia and congestion
What is the difference between the two

Give an example of congestion systemically and locally


Hyperemia and congestion both refer to an increase in blood volume within a tissue but they have different underlying mechanisms.

Hyperemia is an active process resulting from arteriolar dilation and increased blood inflow, as occurs at sites of inflammation or in exercising skeletal muscle.
Hyperemic tissues are redder than normal because of engorgement with oxygenated blood.

Congestion is a passive process resulting from impaired outflow of venous blood from a tissue. Congested tissues have an abnormal blue-red color (cyanosis) that stems from the accumulation of deoxygen- ated hemoglobin in the affected area. In long-standing chronic congestion, inadequate tissue perfusion and persis- tent hypoxia may lead to parenchymal cell death and sec- ondary tissue fibrosis,

Example:cardiac failure
Locally-as a consequence of an isolated venous obstruc- tion.

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What surfaces of hyperemic and congested tissues feel wet and ooze blood

, On microscopic examination acute and chronic pulmonary congestion is marked by?

On microscopic examination acute hepatic and chronic hepatic congestion is marked by?

The periportal hepatocytes, better oxygenated because of their proximity to hepatic arterioles, experience less severe hypoxia and may develop only reversible fatty change.true or false

B). In long-standing, severe hepatic congestion (most commonly associated with heart failure), hepatic fibro- sis (“cardiac cirrhosis”) can develop. Because the central portion of the hepatic lobule is the last to receive blood, centrilobular necrosis also can occur in any setting of reduced hepatic blood flow (including shock from any cause); there need not be previous hepatic congestion true or false


Cut surfaces

is marked by blood-engorged alveolar capillaries and variable degrees of alveolar septal edema and intra-alveolar hemorrhage.

In chronic pulmo- nary congestion, the septa become thickened and fibrotic, and the alveolar spaces contain numerous macrophages laden with hemosiderin (“heart failure cells”) derived from phago- cytosed red cells.

acute hepatic congestion, the central vein and sinusoids are distended with blood, and there may even be central hepatocyte dropout due to necrosis.

In chronic passive congestion of the liver, the Microscopic findings include centrilobular hepatocyte necrosis, hemorrhage, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages

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How much of lean body weight is water and how much of it is intracellular
Where is the rest found?
How much percentage is in blood plasma

Define edema

When the extra vascular fluid collects in the pleural cavity what is it called?
I’m the peritoneal cavity what?
In pericardial cavity what?
Define anasarca


Approximately 60% of lean body weight is water, two thirds of which is intracellular. Most of the remaining water is found in extracellular compartments in the form of interstitial fluid; only 5% of the body’s water is in blood plasma.

edema is an accumulation of inter- stitial fluid within tissues. Or Edema
• Edema is the result of the movement of fluid from the vasculature into the interstitial spaces;

Extravascular fluid can also collect in body cavities such as the pleural cavity (hydrotho­ rax), the pericardial cavity (hydropericardium), or the perito- neal cavity (hydroperitoneum, or ascites).

Anasarca is severe, generalized edema marked by profound swelling of sub- cutaneous tissues and accumulation of fluid in body cavities.

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Name five pathophysiological causes of edema and state two conditions under each that will cause those pathophysiologies


1.Increased Hydrostatic Pressure
a. Impaired Venous Return
Congestive heart failure Constrictive pericarditis
Ascites (liver cirrhosis)
Venous obstruction or compression
External pressure (e.g., mass)
Lower extremity inactivity with prolonged dependency
During pregnancy, the extra fluid in the body and the pressure from the growing uterus can cause swelling (or “edema”) in the ankles and feet.

b.Arteriolar Dilation
Neurohumoral dysregulation

2.Reduced Plasma Osmotic Pressure (Hypoproteinemia)
Protein-losing glomerulopathies (nephrotic syndrome) Liver cirrhosis (ascites)
Protein-losing gastroenteropathy

Decreased colloid osmotic pressure due to reduced
plasma albumin
• decreased synthesis (e.g., liver disease, protein
• increased loss (e.g., nephrotic syndrome)

6.ncreased hydrostatic pressure
(heart failure)

3.Lymphatic Obstruction
  1. Sodium Retention
    Excessive salt intake with renal insufficiency Increased tubular reabsorption of sodium
    Renal hypoperfusion
    Increased renin-angiotensin-aldosterone secretion
    Renal failure

5.increased vascular permeability (Inflammation)
Acute inflammation Chronic inflammation Angiogenesis

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Fluid movement is governed by two forces name them

What is the normal way hydro and osmo interact

What will cause movement of fluid into th interstitium and what will this cause?

How is excess edema fluid removed and how is it returned to the bloodstream

Define trans usage and exudate with respect to hydro and osmo pressure and specific gravity


Vascular hydrostatic pressure
Colloid osmotic pressure
(Produced by plasma proteins)

Normally, the outflow of fluid produced by hydrostatic pressure at the arteriolar end is neatly balanced by inflow due to the slightly elevated osmotic pressure at the venular end so there is only a small net outflow of fluid into the interstitial space and the fluid is drained by lymphatic vessels.

Either increased hydrostatic pressure or diminished colloid osmotic pressure causes increased movement of water into the interstitium .This in turn increases the tissue hydrostatic pressure, and eventually a new equilibrium is achieved.

Excess edema fluid is removed by lymphatic drainage and returned to the bloodstream by way of the thoracic duct

The edema fluid that accumulates owing to increased hydrostatic pressure or reduced intravascular colloid typi- cally is a protein-poor transudate; it has a specific gravity less than 1.012.

By contrast, because of increased vascular permeability, inflammatory edema fluid is a protein-rich exudate with a specific gravity usually greater than 1.020

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What will cause local increase in intra vascular pressure and give an example of this and an e ample of generalized increased intravasvular pressure which causes systemic edema

Explain how increased hydrostatic pressure causes edema in CCf(explain the normal before explaining what happens in CCf)

Because secondary hyperaldosteronism is a common feature of generalized edema, salt restriction, diuretics, and aldosterone antagonists also are of value in the manage- ment of generalized edema resulting from other causes. True or false


Local increases in intravascular pressure can result from impaired venous return—for example, a deep venous thrombosis in the lower extremity can cause edema restricted to the distal portion of the affected leg.

General­ ized increases in venous pressure, with resultant systemic edema, occur most commonly in congestive heart failure

Several factors increase venous hydrostatic pressure in patients with congestive heart failure .The reduced cardiac output leads to hypoperfusion or blood flow to of the kidneys, triggering the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis and inducing sodium and water retention (secondary hyperaldosteronism).
In patients with normal heart function, this adaptation increases cardiac filling and cardiac output, thereby improving renal perfusion or blood flow to kidneys . But the failing heart often cannot increase its cardiac output in response to the compensatory increases in blood volume. Instead, a vicious circle of fluid retention, increased venous hydro- static pressures, and worsening edema ensues.
Unless cardiac output is restored or renal water retention is reduced (e.g., by salt restriction or treatment with diuretics or aldosterone antagonists) this downward spiral contin- ues.

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Which protein accounts for almost half of plasma protein

What will cause reduced osmotic pressure which is a cause of edema

How is albumin lost in nephrotic syndrome
Which conditions will cause reduced albumin synthesis
How will low albumin levels cause edema

What causes a lymphatic obstruction and what will the obstruction lead to
How will lymphatic obstruction cause edema

the characteristic finely pitted appearance of the skin of the affected breast is called?


Under normal circumstances albumin accounts for almost half of the total plasma protein.

Low amounts of circulating albumin
Reduced synthesis of albumin

In nephrotic syndrome ,damaged glomerular capillaries become leaky, leading to the loss of albumin (and other plasma proteins) in the urine and the development of generalized edema.

Reduced albumin synthesis occurs in the setting of severe liver disease (e.g., cirrhosis) and protein malnutri- tion

low albumin levels leads to edema, reduced intravascular volume, renal hypoperfusion, and secondary hyperaldo- steronism. Unfortunately, increased salt and water reten- tion by the kidney not only fails to correct the plasma volume deficit but also makes the edema worse , since the primary defect—low serum protein—persists.

Inflammatory or neoplasticism conditions will cause the obstruction and it’ll in turn lead to
Impaired lymphatic drainage and consequent lymphedema usually result from a localized obstruction .Example:Infiltration and obstruction of superficial lymphat- ics by breast cancer may cause edema of the overlying skin;
peau d’orange (orange peel).

Lymph- edema also may occur as a complication of therapy. One relatively common setting for this clinical entity is in women with breast cancer who undergo axillary lymph node resection and/or irradiation, both of which can disrupt and obstruct lymphatic drainage, resulting in severe lymphedema of the arm.

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How will sodium and water retention cause edema

Which parts of the body is edema usually encountered in

Microscopically how is edema seen as

Subcutaneous edema usually accumulates where? What is dependent edema

How does pitting edema occur

How does edema due to renal dysfunction manifest?

With pulmonary edema, the lungs often are two to three times their normal weight, and sectioning reveals frothy, sometimes blood-tinged fluid consisting of a mixture of air, edema fluid, and extravasated red cells. Brain edema can be localized (e.g., due to abscess or tumor) or general- ized, depending on the nature and extent of the pathologic process or injury. With generalized edema, the sulci are nar- rowed while the gyri are swollen and flattened against the skull.true or false


Excessive retention of salt (and its obligate associated water) can lead to edema by increasing hydrostatic pres- sure (due to expansion of the intravascular volume) and. reducing plasma osmotic pressure.

in subcutaneous tissues, lungs, and brain.

, . shows clearing and separation of the extracel- lular matrix elements.

Subcutaneous edema can be diffuse but usually accu- mulates preferentially in parts of the body positioned the greatest distance below the heart where hydrostatic pres- sures are highest. Thus, edema typically is most pronounced in the legs with standing and the sacrum with recumbency, a relationship termed dependent edema.

Finger pressure over edematous subcutaneous tissue displaces the interstitial fluid, leaving a finger-shaped depression; this appearance is called pitting edema.

Edema due to renal dysfunction or nephrotic syndrome often manifests first in loose con- nective tissues (e.g., the eyelids, causing periorbital edema).

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What is the importance of recognizing subcutaneous edema,pulmonary edema and brain edema


vary, ranging from merely annoying to rapidly fatal. Subcutaneous edema is important to rec- ognize primarily because it signals potential underlying cardiac or renal disease; however, when significant, it also can impair wound healing or the clearance of infections.

Pulmonary edema is a common clinical problem that most frequently is seen in the setting of left ventricular failure but also may occur in renal failure, acute respiratory dis- tress syndrome (Chapter 11), and inflammatory and infec- tious disorders of the lung. It can cause death by interfering with normal ventilatory function; besides impeding oxygen diffusion, alveolar edema fluid also creates a favorable environment for infections.

Brain edema is life-threatening; if the swelling is severe, the brain can herniate (extrude) through the foramen magnum. With increased intracranial pressure, the brain stem vascular supply can be com- pressed. Either condition can cause death by injuring the medullary centers

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What are the steps of hemostasis

Define primary and secondary hemostasis


In the Endothelium there is usually a state of balance between the procoagulant and anticoagulant activities or factors in the endothelium but once theres something that triggers injured or actuvates the endothelialt cells the balance shifts towards the procoagulant activities causing these things
Normal endothelial cells show anticoagulant factors

Vascularinjurycausestransientarteriolarvasoconstriction through reflex neurogenic mechanisms, augmented by local secretion of endothelin (a potent endothelium- derived vasoconstrictor) This effect is fleet- ing, however, and bleeding would quickly resume if not for the activation of platelets and coagulation factors.
• Endothelial injury exposes highly thrombogenic suben- dothelial extracellular matrix (ECM), facilitating platelet adherence, activation, and aggregation. The formation of the initial platelet plug is called primary hemostasis

  • Endothelial injury also exposes tissue factor (also known as factor III or thromboplastin), a pro- coagulant glycoprotein synthesized by endothelial cells. Exposed tissue factor, acting in conjunction with factor VII is the major in vivo trigger of the coagula- tion cascade and its activation eventually culminates in the activation of thrombin,

Activated thrombin promotes the formation of an insolu- ble fibrin clot by cleaving fibrinogen; thrombin also is a potent activator of additional platelets, which serve to reinforce the hemostatic plug. This sequence, termed secondary hemostasis, results in the formation of a stable clot capable of preventing further hemorrhage

As bleeding is controlled, counterregulatory mecha- nisms (e.g., factors that produce fibrinolysis, such as tissue­type plasminogen activator) are set into motion to ensure that clot formation is limited to the site of injury

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Endothelial cells are central regulators of hemostasis; the balance between the anti- and prothrombotic activities of endo- thelium determines whether thrombus formation, propa- gation, or dissolution occurs. Normal endothelial cells express a variety of anticoagulant factors that inhibit platelet aggregation and coagulation and promote fibrinolysis; after injury or activation, however, this balance shifts, and endothelial cells acquire numerous procoagulant activities
True or false
Name four things that can activate endothelial cells



Besides trauma, endothelium can be activated by microbial pathogens, hemodynamic forces, P and a number of pro-inflammatory mediators

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Name and explain the anti thrombotic activities of the endothelium

State the functions of nitric oxide and prostaglandin I2 in antithrombin properties

How do heparin like molecules ,tissue factor pathway inhibitor and thrombomodulin inhibit coagulation

How does fibrinolysis occur


Antithrombotic Properties of Normal Endothelium
1.Inhibitory Effects on Platelets. Intact endothelium pre- vents platelets (and plasma coagulation factors) from engaging the highly thrombogenic subendothelial ECM. Nonactivated platelets do not adhere to normal endo- thelium; even with activated platelets, prostacyclin (i.e., prostaglandin I2 [PGI2]) and nitric oxide produced by endo- thelium impede their adhesion.

Both mediators also are potent vasodilators and inhibitors of platelet aggregation; their synthesis by endothelial cells is stimulated by a number of factors (e.g., thrombin, cytokines) produced during coagulation.

Endothelial cells also produce adeno- sine diphosphatase, which degrades adenosine diphos- phate (ADP) and further inhibits platelet aggregation

2.Inhibitory Effects on Coagulation Factors. These actions are mediated by factors expressed on endothelial surfaces, particularly heparin-like molecules, thrombomodulin, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor . The heparin­like molecules act indirectly: They are cofactors that greatly enhance the inactivation of thrombin (and other coagula- tion factors) by the plasma protein antithrombin III.

Throm­ bomodulin also acts indirectly: It binds to thrombin, thereby modifying the substrate specificity of thrombin, so that instead of cleaving fibrinogen, it instead cleaves and acti- vates protein C, an anticoagulant. Activated protein C inhibits clotting by cleaving and inactivating two proco- agulants, factor Va and factor VIIIa(5and 8a) it requires a cofactor, protein S, which is also synthesized by endothelial cells.

Finally, tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) directly inhibits tissue factor–factor VIIa complex and factor Xa.

Fibrinolysis. Endothelial cells synthesize tissue­type plas­minogen activator(tPA) a protease that cleaves plasminogen to plasmin; plasmin, in turn, cleaves fibrin to degrade thrombi.

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State and explain the prothrombin properties of an injured or activated endothelium


Activation of Platelets. Endothelial injury brings platelets into contact with the subendothelial ECM, which includes among its constituents von Willebrand factor (vWF), a large multimeric protein that is synthesized by EC. vWF is held fast to the ECM through interactions with collagen and also binds tightly to Gp1b, a glycoprotein found on the surface of platelets. These interactions allow vWF to act as a sort of molecular glue that binds platelets tightly to denuded vessel walls (Fig. 3–7).

Activation of Clotting Factors. In response to cytokines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor [TNF] or interleukin-1 [IL-1]) or certain bacterial products including endotoxin, endothelial cells produce tissue factor, the major in vivo activator of coagulation, and downregulate the expression of thrombo- modulin. Activated endothelial cells also bind coagulation factors IXa and Xa (see further on), which augments the catalytic activities of these factors.

AntifibrinolyticEffects. :Activatedendothelialcellssecrete plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAIs), which limit fibrinoly- sis and thereby favor thrombosis

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Endothelial cells stimulated by injury or inflammatory cytokines upregulate expression of procoagulant factors (e.g., tissue factor) that promote clotting, and downregu- late expression of anticoagulant factors.
True or false

What is the shape of platelets and how do they function

Platelet function depends on several integrin family glyco- protein receptors, a contractile cytoskeleton, and two types of cytoplasmic granules. State them

After vascular injury, platelets encounter ECM constituents (collagen is most important) and adhesive glycoproteins such as vWF. This sets in motion a series of events that lead to ?



Platelets are anucleate cell fragments shed into the blood- stream by marrow megakaryocytes. They play a critical role in normal hemostasis by forming a hemostatic plug that seals vascular defects, and by providing a surface that recruits and concentrates activated coagulation factors.

α granules, which express the adhesion molecule P-selectin on their membranes and contain

fibrinogen, fibronectin, factors V and VIII, platelet factor-4 (a heparin-binding chemokine), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)
• Densebodies(δgranules),whichcontainadeninenucleo- tides (ADP and ATP), ionized calcium, histamine, sero- tonin, and epinephrine

platelet adhesion, (2) platelet activation, and (3) plate- let aggregation

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What is hemorrhage,what increases the risk of hemorrhage ,

Name three other cases of hemorrhage


Hemorrhage, defined as the extravasation of blood from vessels,
The risk of hemorrhage (often after a seemingly insignificant injury) is increased in a wide variety of clinical disorders collectively called hemorrhagic diatheses. Trauma, atherosclerosis, or inflammatory or neoplastic erosion of a vessel wall also may lead to hemorrhage, which may be extensive if the affected vessel is a large vein or artery.

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State and explain four ways hemorrhage may manifest clinically

The clinical significance of any particular hemorrhage depends on?

Rapid loss of up to 20% of the blood volume, or slow losses of even larger amounts, may have little impact in healthy adults; greater losses, however, can cause hemor­ rhagic (hypovolemic) shock . True or false


Hemorrhage may be external or accumulate within a tissue as a hematoma, which ranges in significance from trivial (e.g., a bruise) to fatal (e.g., a massive retroperito- neal hematoma resulting from rupture of a dissecting aortic aneurysm) (Chapter 9).
Large bleeds into body cavities are given various names according to location—hemothorax, hemopericar­ dium, hemoperitoneum, or hemarthrosis (in joints). Exten- sive hemorrhages can occasionally result in jaundice from the massive breakdown of red cells and hemoglobin.
• Petechiae are minute (1 to 2 mm in diameter) hemor- rhages into skin, mucous membranes, or serosal sur- faces (Fig. 3–4, A); causes include low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia), defective platelet function, and loss of vascular wall support, as in vitamin C deficiency (Chapter 7).
• Purpura are slightly larger (3 to 5 mm) hemorrhages. Purpura can result from the same disorders that cause petechiae, as well as trauma, vascular inflammation (vasculitis), and increased vascular fragility.
• Ecchymoses are larger (1 to 2 cm) subcutaneous hemato- mas (colloquially called bruises). Extravasated red cells are phagocytosed and degraded by macrophages; the characteristic color changes of a bruise are due to the enzymatic conversion of hemoglobin (red­blue color) to bilirubin (blue-green color) and eventually hemosiderin (golden-brown)

the volume of blood lost and the rate of bleed- ing,site of hemorrhage(bleeding that would be trivial in the subcutaneous tissues can cause death if located in the brain


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What will cause iron deficiency and what won’t cause iron deficiency


Finally, chronic or recurrent external blood loss (e.g., due to peptic ulcer or menstrual bleeding) frequently culminates in iron deficiency anemia as a con- sequence of loss of iron in hemoglobin. By contrast, iron is efficiently recycled from phagocytosed red cells, so inter- nal bleeding (e.g., a hematoma) does not lead to iron deficiency.

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How does platelet adhesion help in clot formation

Deficiency in vWF results in which disease?
Deficiency in Gp1b results in which disease?

Endothelial injury exposes the underlying basement mem- brane ECM; platelets adhere to the ECM primarily through binding of platelet GpIb receptors to vWF.true or false


Platelet Adhesion
Platelet adhesion initiates clot formation and depends on vWF and platelet glycoprotein Gp1b. Under shear stress (e.g., in flowing blood), vWF (von Willebrand factor undergoes a conformational change, assuming an extended shape that allows it to bind simultaneously to collagen in the ECM and to platelet Gp1b (glycoprotein 1b).

The importance of this adhesive interac- tion is highlighted by genetic deficiencies of vWF and Gp1b, both of which result in bleeding disorders von Willebrand disease and Bernard-Soulier disease (a rare condition), respectively.

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How does platelet activation help in clotting


Platelet Activation
Platelet adhesion leads to an irreversible shape change and
secretion (release reaction) of both granule types—a process
termed platelet activation. Calcium and ADP released from
δ granules are especially important in subsequent events,
since calcium is required by several coagulation factors and
ADP is a potent activator of resting platelets. Activated
platelets also synthesize thromboxane A (TxA ) ,a prostaglandin that activates additional nearby plate- lets and that also has an important role in platelet aggrega- tion .During activation, platelets undergo a dramatic change in shape from smooth discs to spheres with numerous long, spiky membrane extensions, as well as more subtle changes in the make-up of their plasma membranes. The shape changes enhance subsequent aggre- gation and increase the surface area available for interac- tion with coagulation factors. The subtle membrane changes include an increase in the surface expression of negatively charged phospholipids, which provide binding sites for both calcium and coagulation factors, and a conformation change in platelet GpIIb/IIIa that permits it to bind fibrinogen.

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How does platelet aggregation help in clot formation

Which disease shows the importance of platelet aggregation

Concurrent activation of the coagulation cascade gener- ates thrombin, which stabilizes the platelet plug through two mechanisms. Explain those two mechanisms

State two functions of thrombin in inflammation

Red cells and leukocytes are also found in hemostatic plugs. Leukocytes adhere to platelets by means of P- selectin and to endothelium by various adhesion molecules ;they contribute to the inflammatory response that accompanies thrombosis. True or false

The GpIIb/IIIa receptors on activated platelets form bridg- ing crosslinks with fibrinogen, leading to platelet aggregation.
• Concomitant activation of thrombin promotes fibrin deposition, cementing the platelet plug in place.true or false


Platelet aggregation follows platelet adhesion and activa- tion, and is stimulated by some of the same factors that induce platelet activation, such as TxA2. Aggregation is promoted by bridging interactions between fibrinogen and GpIIb/IIIa receptors on adjacent platelets .

The importance of this interaction is emphasized by a rare inherited deficiency of GpIIb/IIIa (Glanzmann thrombas- thenia), which is associated with bleeding and an inability of platelets to aggregate.

Thrombinactivatesaplateletsurfacereceptor(protease- activated receptor [PAR]), which in concert with ADP and TxA2 further enhances platelet aggregation. Platelet contraction follows, creating an irreversibly fused mass of platelets that constitutes the definitive secondary hemo­ static plug.
• Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin (discussed shortly) within the vicinity of the plug, cementing the platelet plug in place.

Thrombin also promotes inflammation by stimulating neutrophil and monocyte adhesion and by generating chemotactic fibrin split products during fibrinogen cleavage.


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How do platelet endothelial interactions affect clot formation

The clinical utility of aspirin (an irreversible cyclooxygenase inhibitor) in lowering the risk of coronary thrombosis resides in its ability to do what?


The interplay of platelets and endothelium has a profound impact on clot formation. For example, prostaglandin PGI2 (synthesized by normal endothelium) is a vasodilator and inhibits platelet aggregation, whereas TxA2 (synthesized by activated platelets, as discussed above) is a potent vaso- constrictor. The balance between the opposing effects of PGI2 and TxA2 varies: In normal vessels, PGI2 effects domi- nate and platelet aggregation is prevented, whereas endo- thelial injury decreases PGI2 production and promotes platelet aggregation and TxA2 production.

To permanently block TxA2 production by platelets, which have no capacity for protein synthesis. Although endothelial PGI2 production is also inhibited by aspirin, endothelial cells can resynthesize cyclooxygenase, thereby overcoming the blockade. In a manner similar to that for PGI2, endothelium-derived nitric oxide also acts as a vaso- dilator and inhibitor of platelet aggregation

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What is coagulation cascade

Explain how it occurs

Blood coagulation is divided into two. State and explain em

Each reaction in the pathway depends on ?These components typically are assembled where? and are held together by what?.

the sequen- tial cascade of activation can be likened to a “dance” of complexes, with coagulation factors being passed succes- sively from one partner to the next. True or false


The coagulation cascade is a successive series of ampli- fying enzymatic reactions. Coagulation occurs via the sequential enzymatic conver- sion of a cascade of circulating and locally synthesized proteins.

Thrombin proteolyzes fibrinogen into fibrin monomers that
polymerize into an insoluble gel; this gel encases platelets and other circulating cells in the definitive secondary hemostatic plug. Fibrin polymers are stabilized by the cross-linking activity of factor XIIIa, which also is activated by thrombin.

Blood coagulation traditionally is divided into extrinsic and intrinsic pathways, converging at the activation of factor X .The extrinsic pathway was so desig- nated because it required the addition of an exogenous trigger (originally provided by tissue extracts); the intrinsic pathway only required exposing factor XII (Hageman factor) to a negatively charged surface (even glass suffices). The extrinsic pathway is the most physi- ologically relevant pathway for coagulation occurring after vascular damage; it is activated by tissue factor, a membrane-bound glycoprotein expressed at sites of injury.

the assembly of a complex composed of an enzyme (an activated coagula- tion factor), a substrate (a proenzyme form of the next coag- ulation factor in the series), and a cofactor (a reaction accelerator).

on a phospholipid surface (provided by endothelial cells or platelets)

interactions that depend on calcium ions (explaining why blood clotting is prevented. by calcium chelators)

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Clinical labs assess the function of the two arms of the pathway using two standard assays. State them and their uses

Once thrombin is formed, it not only catalyzes the final steps in the coagulation cascade, but also exerts a wide variety of effects on the local vasculature and inflammatory milieu; it even actively participates in limiting the extent of the hemostatic process true or false


Prothrombin time (PT) screens for the activity of the pro- teins in the extrinsic pathway (factors VII, X, II, V, and fibrinogen). PT is used to guide treatment of patients with vitamin K antagonists (e.g., coumadin)

Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) screens for the activity of the proteins in the intrinsic pathway (factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, II, and fibrinogen). The PTT is sensitive to the anticoagulant effects of heparin and is therefore used to monitor its efficacy.


Thrombin mediated effects occur usually thru?

PARs are present on a variety of cell types, including ?

How does thrombin activate PARs

Why must coagulation cascade be tightly regulated?

Name four ways clotting is controlled


thrombin- mediated effects occur through protease­activated receptors (PARs), (belong to a fam of seven spanning transmembrane proteins).

platelets, endothelium, monocytes, and T lymphocytes.

Thrombin activates PARs by clipping their extracellular domains, causing a conformational change that activates associated G proteins. Thus, PAR activation is a catalytic process

Once activated, the coagulation cascade must be tightly restricted to the site of injury to prevent inappropriate and potentially dangerous clotting elsewhere in the vascular tree.

Besides restricting factor activation to sites of exposed phospholipids, clotting also is controlled by three general categories of natural anticoagulants:antithrombins,protein C and S,tissue factor pathway inhibitor


 limiting enzymatic activation to phospholipid surfaces
provided by activated platelets or endothelium
 natural anticoagulants elaborated at sites of endothelial
injury or during activation of the coagulation cascade
 expression of thrombomodulin on normal endothelial cells, which binds thrombin and converts it into an
 activation of fibrinolytic pathways (e.g., by association
of tissue plasminogen activator with fibrin)


State five functions do thrombin the the coagulation cascade


Thrombin generates fibrin by cleaving fibrinogen, activates factor XIII (which is responsible for cross-linking fibrin into an insoluble clot), and also activates several other coagulation factors, thereby amplifying the coagulation cascade .Through protease-activated receptors (PARs), thrombin activates (1) platelet aggregation and TxA2 secretion; (2) endothelium, which responds by generating leukocyte adhesion mol- ecules and a variety of fibrinolytic (t-PA), vasoactive (NO, PGI2), or cytokine (PDGF) mediators; and (3) leukocytes, increasing their adhesion to activated endothelium. ECM, extracellular matrix; NO, nitric oxide; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor;


How do the three natural anti coagulants regulate clotting so the clots don’t go and form somewhere unwanted

How does fibrinolysis occur

Elevated levels of FSPs (most notably fibrin-derived D­dimers) can be used for diagnosing abnormal thrombotic states including dissemi- nated intravascular coagulation (DIC) (Chapter 11), deep venous thrombosis, or pulmonary thromboembolism true or false

What generates plasmin


Antithrombins (e.g., antithrombin III) inhibit the activity of thrombin and other serine proteases, namely factors IXa, Xa, XIa, and XIIa. Antithrombin III is activated by binding to heparin-like molecules on endothelial cells— hence the clinical utility of heparin administration to limit thrombosis

Protein C and protein S are two vitamin K–dependent proteins that act in a complex to proteolytically inacti- vate cofactors Va and VIIIa. Protein C activation by thrombomodulin was described earlier; protein S is a cofactor for protein C activity (Fig. 3–6).
• Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a protein secreted by endothelium (and other cell types) that inac- tivates factor Xa and tissue factor–factor VIIa complexes

Clotting also sets into motion a fibrinolytic cascade that mod- erates the ultimate size of the clot. Fibrinolysis is largely carried out by plasmin, which breaks down fibrin and inter- feres with its polymerization .The resulting fibrin split products (FSPs or fibrin degradation products) also can act as weak anticoagulants.

Plasmin is generated by proteolysis of plasminogen, an inactive plasma precursor, either by factor XII or by plas- minogen activators (Fig. 3–11). The most important of the plasminogen activators is tissue­type plasminogen activator (t­PA); t-PA is synthesized principally by endothelial cells and is most active when attached to fibrin. The affinity for fibrin largely confines t-PA fibrinolytic activity to sites of recent thrombosis. Urokinase­like plasminogen activator (u­ PA) is another plasminogen activator present in plasma and in various tissues; it can activate plasmin in the fluid phase. In addition, plasminogen can be cleaved to its active form by the bacterial product streptokinase, which is used clinically to lyse clots in some forms of thrombotic disease.


Why is plasmin generation restricted

Endothelial cells further modulate the coagulation– anticoagulation balance by releasing what? And what’s the function of what is released

At the final stage of coagulation, thrombin converts fibrin-
ogen into insoluble fibrin that contributes to formation of
the definitive hemostatic plug true or false


To prevent excess plasmin from lysing thrombi indiscriminately throughout the body, free plasmin rapidly complexes with circulating α2-antiplasmin and is inactivated

plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAIs); these block fibrinolysis and confer an overall procoagulation effect .PAI production is increased by inflammatory cytokines (in particular interferon-γ) and probably contributes to the intravascular thrombosis that accompanies severe inflammation.


What three primary abnormalities lead to the formation of thrombus (Virchow’s triad)

Endothelial injury is an important cause of thrombosis, particularly in the heart and the arteries, where high flow rates might otherwise impede clotting by preventing platelet adhesion or diluting coagulation factors. True or false

State some Examples of thrombosis related to endothelial damage

How does endothelial injury cause formation of thrombus

Endothelial dysfunction can be induced by?


1) endothelial injury, (2) stasis or turbulent blood flow, and (3) hyperco- agulability of the blood


the forma- tion of thrombi in the cardiac chambers after myocardial infarction, over ulcerated plaques in atherosclerotic arter- ies, or at sites of traumatic or inflammatory vascular injury (vasculitis).

Overt loss of endothelium exposes subendothe- lial ECM (leading to platelet adhesion), releases tissue factor, and reduces local production of PGI2 and plasmino- gen activators. Of note, however, endothelium need not be denuded or physically disrupted to contribute to the development of thrombosis; any perturbation in the dynamic balance of the prothrombotic and antithrombotic effects of endothelium can influence clotting locally. Thus, dysfunctional endothelium elaborates greater amounts of procoagulant factors (e.g., platelet adhesion molecules, tissue factor, PAI) and synthe- sizes lesser amounts of anticoagulant molecules (e.g., thrombomodulin, PGI2, t-PA).

Endothelial dysfunction can be induced by a variety of insults, including hypertension, turbulent blood flow, bacterial products, radiation injury, metabolic abnormalities such as homocystinuria and hypercholesterolemia, and toxins absorbed from cigarette smoke,inflammation


How does abnormal blood flow cause thrombus formation

Name some effects of stasis and turbulent flow

What causes stasis or turbulent blood flow ?


Turbulence contributes to arterial and cardiac thrombosis by causing endothelial injury or dysfunction, as well as by forming countercurrents and local pockets of stasis. Stasis is a major factor in the development of venous thrombi. Under conditions of normal laminar blood flow, platelets (and other blood cells) are found mainly in the center of the vessel lumen, separated from the endothelium by a slower-moving layer of plasma.

stasis and turbulent (chaotic) blood flow have the following deleteri- ous effects:
• Both promote endothelial cell activation and enhanced procoagulant activity, in part through flow-induced changes in endothelial gene expression.
• Stasis allows platelets and leukocytes to come into contact with the endothelium when the flow is sluggish.
• Stasisalsoslowsthewashoutofactivatedclottingfactors and impedes the inflow of clotting factor inhibitors.

due to
aneurysms, atherosclerotic plaque)


Hypercoagulability contributes infrequently to arterial or intracardiac thrombosis but is an important underlying risk factor for venous thrombosis. It is loosely defined as any alteration of the coagulation pathways that predis- poses affected persons to thrombosis, and can be divided into primary (genetic) and secondary (acquired) disorders
True or false

Give some causes of primary hypercoagubility disorders and secondary hypercoagubility disorders



Primary (inherited) hypercoagulability most often is caused by mutations in the factor V and prothrombin genes:
• Approximately 2% to 15% of whites carry a specific factor V mutation (called the Leiden mutation, after the Dutch city where it was first described). The mutation alters an amino acid residue in factor V and renders it resistant to protein C. Thus, an important antithrom- botic counter-regulatory mechanism is lost. Heterozy- gotes carry a 5-fold increased risk for venous thrombosis, with homozygotes having a 50-fold increased risk.
• A single-nucleotide substitution (G to A) in the 3′-untranslated region of the prothrombin gene is a fairly common allele (found in 1% to 2% of the general population). This variant results in increased prothrom- bin transcription and is associated with a nearly three- fold increased risk for venous thromboses.

Primary (Genetic)
Common (>1% of the Population)
Factor V mutation (G1691A mutation; factor V Leiden) Prothrombin mutation (G20210A variant)
5,10-Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (homozygous C677T
Increased levels of factor VIII, IX, or XI or fibrinogen
Antithrombin III deficiency
Protein C deficiency Protein S deficiency
Very Rare
Fibrinolysis defects
Homozygous homocystinuria (deficiency of cystathione β-synthetase)

Secondary causes: Secondary (acquired) hypercoagulability is seen in many settings (Table 3–2). In some situations (e.g., cardiac failure or trauma), stasis or vascular injury may be the most important factor. The hypercoagulability associated with oral contraceptive use and the hyperestrogenic state of pregnancy may be related to increased hepatic synthesis of coagulation factors and reduced synthesis of antithrombin III. In disseminated cancers, release of procoagulant tumor products (e.g., mucin from adenocarcinoma) predisposes to thrombosis. The hypercoagulability seen with advanc- ing age has been attributed to increased platelet aggrega- tion and reduced release of PGI2 from endothelium. Smoking and obesity promote hypercoagulability by unknown mechanisms.

Secondary (Acquired)
 High Risk for Thrombosis
 Prolonged bed rest or immobilization Myocardial infarction
Atrial fibrillation
Tissue injury (surgery, fracture, burn) 
Prosthetic cardiac valves
Disseminated intravascular coagulation Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Lower Risk for Thrombosis
Nephrotic syndrome
Hyperestrogenic states (pregnancy and postpartum) Oral contraceptive use
Sickle cell anemia

Arterial or cardiac thrombi typically arise at sites of endothe- lial injury or turbulence; venous thrombi characteristically occur at sites of stasis.
True or false

What is the difference between venous and arterial thrombus and what is an embolus

What are the lines of Zahn ,what do they represent and where are they found
Their presence is used to distinguish what from what?

What is a mural thrombi

Abnormal myocar- dial contraction (arrhythmias, dilated cardiomyopathy, or myocardial infarction) or endomyocardial injury (myocarditis, catheter trauma) promote cardiac mural thrombi (Fig. 3–13, A), while ulcerated atherosclerotic plaques and aneurysmal dilation promote aortic thrombosis true or false

What is an arterial thrombus and a venous thrombus


s. Thrombi are focally attached to the underlying vascular surface and tend to propagate toward the heart; thus, arterial thrombi grow in a retrograde direc- tion from the point of attachment, while venous thrombi extend in the direction of blood flow. The propagating portion of a thrombus tends to be poorly attached and therefore prone to fragmentation and migration through the blood as an embolus

Thrombi can have grossly (and microscopically) apparent laminations called lines of Zahn; these represent pale platelet and fibrin layers alternating with darker red cell–rich layers. Such lines are significant in that they are only found in thrombi that form in flowing blood; their presence can there- fore usually distinguish antemortem thrombosis from the bland nonlaminated clots that form in the postmortem state. Although thrombi formed in the “low-flow” venous system superficially resemble postmortem clots, careful evaluation generally reveals ill-defined laminations.

Thrombi occurring in heart chambers or in the aortic lumen are designated mural thrombi.

Arterial thrombi are typically relatively rich in platelets, as the processes underlying their development (e.g., endothelial injury) lead to platelet activation. Although usually superimposed on a ruptured atherosclerotic plaque, other vascular injuries (vasculitis, trauma) can also be causal. Venous thrombi (phlebothrombosis) frequently
propagate some distance toward the heart, forming a long cast within the vessel lumen that is prone to give rise to emboli.


An increase in the activity of coagulation factors is involved in the genesis of most venous thrombi, with platelet activation playing a secondary role. Because these thrombi form in the sluggish venous circulation, they tend to contain more enmeshed red cells, leading to the moniker red, or stasis, thrombi. The veins of the lower extremities are most commonly affected (90% of venous thromboses); however, venous thrombi also can occur in the upper extremities, periprostatic plexus, or ovarian and periuterine veins, and under special circumstances may be found in the dural sinuses, portal vein, or hepatic vein.
True or false

What are vegetations


Thrombi on heart valves are called vegetations. Bacterial or fungal blood-borne infections can cause valve damage, leading to the development of large thrombotic masses (infective endocarditis) (Chapter 10). Sterile vegetations also can develop on noninfected valves in hypercoagulable

states—the lesions of so-called nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (Chapter 10). Less commonly, sterile, verrucous endocarditis (Libman-Sacks endocarditis) can occur in the setting of systemic lupus erythematosus


What are the four fates of thrombi and explain em


Fate of the Thrombus
If a patient survives an initial thrombotic event, over the ensuing days to weeks the thrombus evolves through some combination of the following four processes:
• Propagation. The thrombus enlarges through the accre- tion of additional platelets and fibrin, increasing the odds of vascular occlusion or embolization.
• Embolization.Partorallofthethrombusisdislodgedand transported elsewhere in the vasculature.
• Dissolution.Ifathrombusisnewlyformed,activationof fibrinolytic factors may lead to its rapid shrinkage and complete dissolution. With older thrombi, extensive fibrin polymerization renders the thrombus substan- tially more resistant to plasmin-induced proteolysis, and lysis is ineffectual. This acquisition of resistance to lysis has clinical significance, as therapeutic administration of fibrinolytic agents (e.g., t-PA in the setting of acute coro- nary thrombosis) generally is not effective unless given within a few hours of thrombus formation.
• Organization and recanalization. Older thrombi become organized by the ingrowth of endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts into the fibrin-rich throm- bus (Fig. 3–14). In time, capillary channels are formed that—to a limited extent—create conduits along the length of the thrombus, thereby reestablishing the con- tinuity of the original lumen. Further recanalization can sometimes convert a thrombus into a vascularized mass of connective tissue that is eventually incorporated into the wall of the remodeled vessel. Occasionally, instead of organizing, the center of a thrombus undergoes enzy- matic digestion, presumably because of the release of lysosomal enzymes from entrapped leukocytes. If bacte- rial seeding occurs, the contents of degraded thrombi serve as an ideal culture medium, and the resulting infection may weaken the vessel wall, leading to forma- tion of a mycotic aneurysm


Thrombi are significant because they cause obstruction of arteries and veins and may give rise to emboli. Which effect is of greatest clinical importance depends on the site of thrombosis. Thus, while venous thrombi can cause conges- tion and edema in vascular beds distal to an obstruction, they are most worrisome because of their potential to embolize to the lungs and cause death. Conversely, while arterial thrombi can embolize and cause tissue infarction, their tendency to obstruct vessels (e.g., in coronary and cerebral vessels) is considerably more important.
True or false

Deep venous thromboses (“DVTs”) in the larger leg veins at or above the knee joint (e.g., popliteal, femoral, and iliac veins) are more serious because they are prone to embolize. Although such DVTs may cause local pain and edema, the venous obstruction often is circumvented by collateral channels. Consequently, DVTs are entirely asymptomatic in approximately 50% of patients and are recognized only after they have embolized to the lungs.
True or false

What are the predisposing factors of dvt




congestive heart failure, bed rest and immobilization; the latter two factors reduce the milking action of leg muscles and thus slow venous return. Trauma, surgery, and burns not only immobilize a patient but are also associated with vascular injury, procoagulant release, increased hepatic synthesis of coagulation factors, and reduced t-PA production. Many factors contribute to the thrombotic diathesis of pregnancy; besides the potential for amniotic fluid infusion into the circulation at the time of delivery, pressure produced by the enlarging fetus and uterus can produce stasis in the veins of the legs, and late pregnancy and the postpartum period are associated with hypercoagulability. Tumor- associated procoagulant release is largely responsible for the increased risk of thromboembolic phenomena seen in disseminated cancers, which is sometimes referred to as migratory thrombophlebitis due to its tendency to transiently involve several different venous beds, or as Trousseau syn­ drome, for Armand Trousseau, who both described the dis- order and suffered from it. Regardless of the specific clinical setting, the risk of DVT is increased in persons over age 50.


What is DIC


Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is the sudden or insidious onset of widespread thrombosis within the microcirculation. It may be seen in disorders ranging from obstetric complications to advanced malignancy. The thrombi are generally microscopic in size, yet so numerous as to often cause circulatory insufficiency, particularly in the brain, lungs, heart, and kidneys. To complicate matters, the widespread microvascular thrombosis consumes plate- lets and coagulation proteins (hence the synonym con­ sumption coagulopathy), and at the same time, fibrinolytic mechanisms are activated. Thus, an initially thrombotic disorder can evolve into a bleeding catastrophe. A point worthy of emphasis is that DIC is not a primary disease but rather a potential complication of numerous conditions associ­ ated with widespread activation of thrombin. I


What is an embolus
What is thromboembolism
Name some types of emboli

Where do emboli lodge

What is the primary consequence of systemic embolization

Pulmonary emboli derive primarily from lower-extremity deep vein thrombi; their effects depend mainly on the size of the embolus and the location in which it lodges. What are the consequences of pulmonary embolism?

plaques; whether an embolus causes tissue infarction depends on the site of embolization and the presence or absence of collateral circulation. True or false


An embolus is an intravascular solid, liquid, or gaseous mass that is carried by the blood to a site distant from its point of origin. Most are dislodged thrombi
The vast majority of emboli derive from a dislodged thrombus—hence the term thromboembolism. Less common types of emboli include fat droplets, bubbles of air or nitro- gen, atherosclerotic debris (cholesterol emboli), tumor frag- ments, bits of bone marrow, and amniotic fluid. I

emboli lodge in vessels too small to permit further passage, resulting in partial or complete vascular occlusion; depend- ing on the site of origin, emboli can lodge anywhere in the vascular tree.

The primary consequence of systemic embo- lization is ischemic necrosis (infarction) of downstream tissues, while embolization in the pulmonary circulation leads to hypoxia, hypotension, and right-sided heart failure.

Con- sequences may include right-sided heart failure, pulmo- nary hemorrhage, pulmonary infarction, or sudden death.



How does pulmonary thromboembolism occur

What are its major clinical and pathological features


Fragmented thrombi from DVTs are carried through progressively larger channels and usually pass through the right side of the heart before arresting in the pulmonary vasculature. Depending on size, a PE can occlude the main pulmonary artery, lodge at the bifurcation of the right and left pulmonary arteries (saddle embolus), or pass into the smaller, branching arterioles

Frequently, mul- tiple emboli occur, either sequentially or as a shower of smaller emboli from a single large thrombus; a patient who has had one pulmonary embolus is at increased risk for having more. Rarely, an embolus passes through an atrial or ven- tricular defect and enters the systemic circulation (paradoxi­ cal embolism).

Most pulmonary emboli (60% to 80%) are small and clinically silent. With time, they undergo organization and become incorporated into the vascular wall; in some cases, organization of thromboemboli leaves behind bridging fibrous webs.
• At the other end of the spectrum, a large embolus that blocks a major pulmonary artery can cause sudden death.
• Embolic obstruction of medium-sized arteries and sub- sequent rupture of capillaries rendered anoxic can cause pulmonary hemorrhage. Such embolization does not usually cause pulmonary infarction since the area also receives blood through an intact bronchial circulation (dual circulation). However, a similar embolus in the setting of left-sided cardiac failure (and diminished bronchial artery perfusion) can lead to a pulmonary infarct.
• Embolism to small end-arteriolar pulmonary branches usually causes infarction.
• Multiple emboli occurring over time can cause pulmo- nary hypertension and right ventricular failure (cor pulmonale).


Most systemic emboli (80%) arise from intracardiac mural thrombi; two thirds are associated with left ventricular infarcts and another 25% with dilated left atria (e.g., secondary to mitral valve disease). The remainder originate from aortic aneurysms, thrombi overlying ulcerated atherosclerotic plaques, fragmented valvular vegetations (Chapter 10), or the venous system (paradoxical emboli); 10% to 15% of systemic emboli are of unknown origin.
By contrast with venous emboli, which lodge primarily in the lung, arterial emboli can travel virtually anywhere; their final resting place understandably depends on their point of origin and the relative flow rates of blood to the downstream tissues. Common arteriolar embolization sites include the lower extremities (75%) and central nervous system (10%); intestines, kidneys, and spleen are less common targets. The consequences of embolization depend on the caliber of the occluded vessel, the collateral supply, and the affected tissue’s vulnerability to anoxia; arterial emboli often lodge in end arteries and cause infarction.

True or false




How does fat embolism occur
What are the clinical signs and symptoms of it

Onset of amniotic fluid embolism is characterized by

What is it’s underlying cause


Soft tissue crush injury or rupture of marrow vascular sinu- soids (long bone fracture) releases microscopic fat globules into the circulation. Fat and marrow emboli are common incidental findings after vigorous cardiopulmonary resus- citation but probably are of little clinical consequence. Simi- larily, although fat and marrow embolism occurs in some 90% of individuals with severe skeletal injuries (Fig. 3–16, A), less than 10% show any clinical findings. However, a minority of patients develop a symptomatic fat embolism syndrome characterized by pulmonary insufficiency, neurologic symptoms, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and a diffuse petechial rash, which is fatal in 10% of cases. Clinical signs and symp- toms appear 1 to 3 days after injury as the sudden onset of tachypnea, dyspnea, tachycardia, irritability, and restless- ness, which can progress rapidly to delirium or coma.
The pathogenesis of fat emboli syndrome involves both mechanical obstruction and biochemical injury. Fat micro- emboli occlude pulmonary and cerebral microvasculature, both directly and by triggering platelet aggregation. This deleterious effect is exacerbated by fatty acid release from lipid globules, which causes local toxic endothelial injury. Platelet activation and granulocyte recruitment (with free radical, protease, and eicosanoid release) (Chapter 2) com- plete the vascular assault.

deficit. Onset is characterized by sudden severedyspnea, cyanosis, and hypotensive shock, followed by seizures and coma. If the patient survives the initial crisis, pulmonary edema typically develops, along with (in about half the patients) disseminated intravascular coagulation secondary to release of thrombogenic sub- stances from amniotic fluid.
The underlying cause is entry of amniotic fluid (and its contents) into the maternal circulation via tears in the pla- cental membranes and/or uterine vein rupture. Histologic analysis reveals squamous cells shed from fetal skin, lanugo hair, fat from vernix caseosa, and mucin derived from the fetal respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts in the mater- nal pulmonary microcirculation Other find- ings include marked pulmonary edema, diffuse alveolar damage (Chapter 12), and systemic fibrin thrombi gener- ated by disseminated intravascular coagulation.


What causes air embolism

Define decompression sickness


Gas bubbles within the circulation can coalesce and obstruct vascular flow and cause distal ischemic injury. Thus, a small volume of air trapped in a coronary artery during bypass surgery or introduced into the cerebral arterial cir- culation by neurosurgery performed in an upright “sitting position” can occlude flow, with dire consequences. Small

venous gas emboli generally have no deleterious effects, but sufficient air can enter the pulmonary circulation inad- vertently during obstetric procedures or as a consequence of a chest wall injury to cause hypoxia, and very large venous emboli may arrest in the heart and cause death.
A particular form of gas embolism called decompression sickness is caused by sudden changes in atmospheric pres- sure. Thus, scuba divers, underwater construction workers, and persons in unpressurized aircraft who undergo rapid ascent are at risk. When air is breathed at high pressure (e.g., during a deep sea dive), increased amounts of gas (particularly nitrogen) become dissolved in the blood and tissues. If the diver then ascends (depressurizes) too rapidly, the nitrogen expands in the tissues and bubbles out of solution in the blood to form gas emboli, which cause tissue ischemia. Rapid formation of gas bubbles within skeletal muscles and supporting tissues in and about joints is responsible for the painful condition called “the bends” (so named in the 1880s because the afflicted person arches the back in a manner reminiscent of a then- popular women’s fashion pose called the Grecian bend). Gas bubbles in the pulmonary vasculature cause edema, hem- orrhages, and focal atelectasis or emphysema, leading to respiratory distress, the so-called chokes. A more chronic form of decompression sickness is called caisson disease (named for pressurized underwater vessels used during bridge construction) in which recurrent or persistent gas emboli in the bones lead to multifocal ischemic necrosis; the heads of the femurs, tibiae, and humeri are most com- monly affected.


What is an infarct and what is infarction

What are the causes of arterial thrombosis

Although venous throm- bosis can cause infarction, the more common outcome is simply congestion; typically, bypass channels rapidly open to provide sufficient outflow to restore the arterial inflow. Infarcts caused by venous thrombosis thus usually occur only in organs with a single efferent vein (e.g., testis or ovary).
True or false


An infarct is an area of ischemic necrosis caused by occlusion of the vascular supply to the affected tissue; the process by which such lesions form termed infarction, is a common and

Arterial thrombosis or arterial embolism underlies the vast majority of infarctions. Less common causes of arterial obstruction include vasospasm, expansion of an atheroma secondary to intraplaque hemorrhage, and extrinsic com- pression of a vessel, such as by tumor, a dissecting aortic aneurysm, or edema within a confined space (e.g., in ante­ rior tibial compartment syndrome). Other uncommon causes of tissue infarction include vessel twisting (e.g., in testicu- lar torsion or bowel volvulus), traumatic vascular rupture, and entrapment in a hernia sac.


Infarcts are classified on basis of what?

State five situations red infarcts occur in,as well as the other types of infarcts

How do septic infarcts occur

n most tissues, the main histologic finding associated with infarcts is ischemic coagulative necrosis (Chapter 1). An inflammatory response begins to develop along the margins of infarcts within a few hours and usually is well defined within 1 to 2 days. Eventually, inflammation is followed by repair, beginning in the preserved margins (Chapter 2). In some tissues, parenchymal regeneration can occur at the periphery of the infarct, where the underlying stromal archi- tecture has been spared. Most infarcts, however, are ulti- mately replaced by scar (Fig. 3–18). The brain is an exception to these generalizations: Ischemic tissue injury in the central nervous system results in liquefactive necrosis
True or false


Infarcts are classified on the basis of their color (reflecting the amount of hemorrhage) and the presence or absence of microbial infection. Thus, infarcts may be either red (hem- orrhagic) or white (anemic) and may be either septic or bland

Red infarcts (Fig. 3–17, A) occur (1) with venous occlu- sions (such as in ovarian torsion); (2) in loose tissues (e.g., lung) where blood can collect in infarcted zones; (3) in tissues with dual circulations such as lung and small intestine, where partial, inadequate perfusion by collateral arterial sup- plies is typical; (4) in previously congested tissues (as a con- sequence of sluggish venous outflow); and (5) when flow is reestablished after infarction has occurred (e.g., after angio- plasty of an arterial obstruction).
White infarcts occur with arterial occlusions in solid organs with end-arterial circulations (e.g., heart, spleen, and kidney), and where tissue density limits the seepage of blood from adjoining patent vascular beds (Fig. 3–17, B). Infarcts tend to be wedge-shaped, with the occluded vessel at the apex and the organ periphery forming the base (Fig. 3–17); when the base is a serosal surface, there is often an overlying fibrinous exudate. Lateral margins may be irregular, reflecting flow from adjacent vessels. The margins of acute infarcts typically are indistinct and slightly hemorrhagic; with time, the edges become better defined by a narrow rim of hyperemia attributable to inflammation.
Infarcts resulting from arterial occlusions in organs without a dual circulation typically become progressively paler and sharply defined with time (Fig. 3–17, B). By comparison, hemorrhagic infarcts are the rule in the lung and other spongy organs (Fig. 3–17, A). Extravasated red cells in hemorrhagic infarcts are phagocytosed by macrophages, and the heme iron is converted to intracellular hemosiderin. Small amounts

Chapter 1).
Septic infarctions occur when infected cardiac valve vegetations embolize, or when microbes seed necrotic tissue. In these cases the infarct is converted into an abscess, with a correspondingly greater inflammatory response


The effects of vascular occlusion range from inconsequential to tissue necrosis leading to organ dysfunction and sometimes death. The range of outcomes is influenced by four things name them

Name four factors that influence infarct development

How does the supply of the lungs and liver help them not to become an infarct


1) the anatomy of the vascular supply; (2) the time over which the occlusion develops; (3) the intrinsic vulnerability of the affected tissue to ischemic injury; and (4) the blood oxygen content.

Anatomy of the vascular supply. The presence or absence of an alternative blood supply is the most important factor in determining whether occlusion of an individual vessel causes damage. The dual supply of the lung by the pulmonary and bronchial arteries means that obstruction of the pulmonary arterioles does not cause lung infarction unless the bronchial circulation also is compromised. Similarly, the liver, which receives blood from the hepatic artery and the portal vein, and the hand and forearm, with its parallel radial and ulnar arterial supply, are resistant to infarction. By contrast, the kidney and the spleen both have end-arterial circulations, and arterial obstruction generally leads to infarction in these tissues.
• Rate of occlusion. Slowly developing occlusions are less likely to cause infarction because they allow time for the development of collateral blood supplies.
• Tissue vulnerability to ischemia. Neurons undergo irre- versible damage when deprived of their blood supply for only 3 to 4 minutes. Myocardial cells, although hardier than neurons, still die after only 20 to 30 minutes of ischemia. By contrast, fibroblasts within myocardium remain viable after many hours of ischemia.
• Hypoxemia. Understandably, abnormally low blood O2 content (regardless of cause) increases both the likeli- hood and extent of infarction.


What is a more frequent and less frequent cause of infarcts

Infarcts caused by venous occlusion or occurring in spongy tissues typically are hemorrhagic (red); those caused by arterial occlusion in compact tissues typically are pale (white). True or false

Whether or not vascular occlusion causes tissue infarc- tion is influenced by collateral blood supplies, the rate at which an obstruction develops, intrinsic tissue susceptibil- ity to ischemic injury, and blood oxygenation. True or false


Infarcts are areas of ischemic necrosis most commonly caused by arterial occlusion (typically due to thrombosis or embolization); venous outflow obstruction is a less frequent cause.


What is shock characterized by
What are the consequences of shock

Although shock initially is reversible, prolonged shock eventually leads to irreversible tissue injury that often proves fatal. True or false

The most common forms of shock are categorized into?
Explain em(pathogenic mechanism)

Define shock


Shock is the final common pathway for several potentially lethal events, including exsanguination, extensive trauma or burns, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and sepsis.

Regardless of cause, shock is characterized by systemic hypoperfusion of tissues; it can be caused by diminished cardiac output or by reduced effective circulating blood volume. The consequences are impaired tissue perfusion and cellular hypoxia.

Cardiogenic shock results from low cardiac output due to myocardial pump failure. It may be caused by intrinsic myo- cardial damage (infarction), ventricular arrhythmias, extrinsic compression (cardiac tamponade) (Chapter 10), or outflow obstruction (e.g., pulmonary embolism).(principal pathogenic mechanism)
• Hypovolemic shock results from low cardiac output due to loss of blood or plasma volume (e.g., due to hemor- rhage or fluid loss from severe burns).
• Septic shock results from arterial vasodilation and venous blood pooling that stems from the systemic immune response to microbial infection. endothelial activation/ injury; leukocyte-induced damage; disseminated intravascular coagulation; activation of cytokine cascades

• Shock is defined as a state of systemic tissue hypoperfu- sion due to reduced cardiac output and/or reduced effec- tive circulating blood volume.


Less commonly, shock can result from loss of vascular tone associated with anesthesia or secondary to a spinal cord injury (neurogenic shock). Anaphylactic shock results from systemic vasodilation and increased vascular perme- ability that is triggered by an immunoglobulin E–mediated hypersensitivity reaction
True or false

Give three clinical examples each of the types of shock



Cardiogenic:Myocardial infarction ,Ventricular rupture damage,Arrhythmia
Cardiac tamponade
Pulmonary embolism

Hypovolemic :Hemorrhage ,Fluid loss (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, burns, trauma)

Septic :Overwhelming microbial infections Endotoxic shock
Gram-positive septicemia
Fungal sepsis
Superantigens (e.g., toxic shock syndrome)


Despite medical advances over the past several decades, septic shock remains a daunting clinical problem. Septic shock kills 20% of its victims, accounts for over 200,000 deaths annually in the United States, and is the number one cause of mortality in intensive care units. The incidence is rising, ironically, in part because of improved life support for critically ill patients, as well as an increase in invasive procedures and the growing numbers of immunocompro- mised patients (due to chemotherapy, immunosuppres- sion, or HIV infection) true or false

What is the pathogenesis of septic shock

At present which bacteria constitute the most common cause of septic shock

Although it was for a time thought that infections had to be disseminated to cause septic shock, infections localized to a specific tissue can trigger sepsis, even without detectable spread to the bloodstream. True or false

The ability of diverse flora to precipitate septic shock is consistent with the idea that several different microbial constituents can initiate the process. Name six microbial constituents and how do they imitate the process

How can SIRS be triggered


septic shock, systemic arterial and venous dilation leads to tissue hypoperfusion, even though cardiac output is preserved or even initially increased. The decreased vas- cular tone is accompanied by widespread endothelial cell activation, often triggering a hypercoagulable state mani- festing as disseminated intravascular coagulation.

In addi- tion, septic shock is associated with perturbations of metabolism that directly suppress cell and tissue function. The net effect of these abnormalities is hypoperfusion and dys­function of multiple organs.

At present, gram-positive bacteria constitute the most common cause of septic shock, followed by gram-negative organisms and fungi.

Most notably, macro- phages, neutrophils, dendritic cells, endothelial cells, as well as soluble components of the innate immune system (e.g., complement) recognize and are activated by a variety of substances derived from microorganisms. Once activated, these cells and soluble factors initiate a number of inflammatory responses that interact in a complex, incompletely understood fashion to produce septic shock

As an aside, a similar widespread inflammatory response—the so-called systemic inflammatory response syn­ drome (SIRS)—can also be triggered in the absence of any apparent underlying infection; causes include extensive trauma or burns, pancreatitis, and diffuse ischemia.


What are the factors that contribute to the pathophysiology of septic shock

How do inflammatory mediators contribute to septic shock

• Inflammatory mediators:
Endothelial activation and injury:
Metabolic abnormalities.
Immune suppression. 

Cells of the innate immune system express receptors (e.g., Toll-like receptors [TLRs]) that recognize a host of microbe-derived substances containing so-called pathogen­associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Activation of pathogen recogni­ tion receptors by PAMPs triggers the innate immune responses that drive sepsis. Upon activation, the inflamma- tory cells produce TNF and IL-1 (and other cytokines), plus cytokine-like mediators such as high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1). Reactive oxygen species and lipid mediators such as prostaglandins and platelet- activating factor (PAF) also are elaborated (Chapter 2). These effector molecules activate endothelial cells, resulting in expression of adhesion molecules, a proco- agulant phenotype, and secondary waves of cytokine production. The complement cascade also is activated by microbial components, both directly and through the proteolytic activity of plasmin (Chapter 2), resulting in
the production of anaphylotoxins (C3a, C5a), chemo- taxic fragments (C5a), and opsonins (C3b), all of which can contribute to the pro-inflammatory state.


How does Endothelial cell activation and injury. Cause septic shock

Endothelial activa- tion by microbial constituents or inflammatory cell mediators has three major sequelae: name them


(1) thrombosis; (2) increased vascular permeability; and (3) vasodilation.
The derangement in coagulation is sufficient to produce the formidable complication of disseminated intravascular coagu­ lation in up to half of septic patients. Sepsis alters the expression of many factors ultimately favoring coagula- tion. Pro-inflammatory cytokines result in increased tissue factor production, while at the same time damp- ening fibrinolysis by increasing PAI expression. The production of other endothelial anticoagulant factors, such as tissue factor pathway inhibitor, thrombomo- dulin, and protein C, is also diminished. The procoagu- lant tendency is further enhanced by decreased blood flow within small vessels, which produces stasis and diminishes the washout of activated coagulation factors. Acting in concert, these effects promote the systemic deposition of fibrin-rich thrombi in small vessels, thus exacerbating tissue hypoperfusion. In full- blown disseminated intravascular coagulation, there is also consumption of clotting factors and platelets, leading to concomitant bleeding and hemorrhage (Chapter 11).
The pro­inflammatory state associated with sepsis leads to widespread vascular leakage and tissue edema, with deleteri­ ous effects on both nutrient delivery and waste removal. It appears that inflammatory cytokines loosen endothelial cell tight junctions by causing the adhesion molecule VE-cadherin to be displaced from the junctions. The altered junctions become leaky, resulting in the accumu- lation of protein-rich exudates and edema throughout the body.
Expression of vasoactive inflammatory mediators (e.g., C3a, C5a, PAF), together with increased NO pro- duction, leads to systemic relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, producing hypotension and further reductions in tissue perfusion.


How do Metabolic abnormalities. Cause septic shock


Septic patients exhibit insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. Cytokines such as TNF and IL-1, stress-induced hormones (such as glucagon, growth hormone, and glucocorticoid), and catechol- amines all drive gluconeogenesis. At the same time, the pro-inflammatory cytokines suppress insulin release while simultaneously promoting insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and other tissues. Hyperglycemia sup- presses neutrophil function—thereby decreasing bacte- ricidal activity—and causes increased adhesion molecule expression on endothelial cells. Although sepsis initially is associated with a surge in glucocorticoid production, this increase is frequently followed by adrenal insuffi- ciency and a relative glucocorticoid deficit. This effect may stem from depression of the synthetic capacity of adrenal glands or frank adrenal necrosis due to dissemi- nated intravascular coagulation (Waterhouse­Friderichsen syndrome)


How does immune suppression cause septic shock


The hyperinflammatory state initiated by sepsis can paradoxically lead to a state of immunosuppression. Proposed mechanisms include production of anti-inflammatory mediators (e.g., soluble TNF receptor and IL-1 receptor antagonist), and wide- spread apoptosis of lymphocytes in the spleen and lymph nodes, the cause of which is uncertain. It is still debated whether immunosuppressive mediators are deleterious or protective in sepsis.


How does organ dysfunction cause septic shock

Which things decrease delivery of oxygen and nutrients thereby contributing to organ dysfunction

Outcomes in patients with septic shock are difficult to predict; in general those with widespread infections and comorbid diseases have the highest mortality rates, but even young healthy individuals with virulent infections (e.g., meningococcal sepsis) can succumb within hours true or false

What is the standard of care for treatment of septic shock

An additional group of secreted bacterial proteins called superantigens also cause a syndrome similar to septic shock (e.g., toxic shock syndrome). How do they act?


Systemichypotension,increasedvas- cular permeability, tissue edema, and small vessel thrombosis all decrease the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and contribute to organ dysfunc- tion.

High levels of cytokines and secondary mediators can reduce myocardial contractility, thereby blunting cardiac output; increased vascular permeability and endothelial injury in the pulmonary circulation lead to the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Ultimately, these factors conspire to cause multior- gan failure, particularly of the kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart, culminating in death.

The standard of care remains treat- ment with appropriate antibiotics, intensive insulin therapy for hyperglycemia, fluid resuscitation to maintain systemic pressures,

Superantigens are polyclonal T-lymphocyte activators that induce T cells to release high levels of cytokines, which in turn results in a variety of clinical manifestations, ranging from a diffuse rash to vaso- dilation, hypotension, and death.


Shock is a progressive disorder that leads to death if the underlying problems are not corrected.
True or false
What’s re the exact mechanism of septic related death

Unless the insult is massive and rapidly lethal (e.g., exsanguina- tion from a ruptured aortic aneurysm), shock tends to evolve through three general (albeit somewhat artificial) stages. Name them and explain em


The exact mecha- nisms of sepsis-related death are still unclear; aside from increased lymphocyte and enterocyte apoptosis, cellular necrosis is minimal. Death typically follows the failure of multiple organs, which usually offer no morphological clues to explain their dysfunction.

An initial nonprogressive stage, during which reflex com- pensatory mechanisms are activated and vital organ perfusion is maintained
• A progressive stage, characterized by tissue hypoperfu- sion and onset of worsening circulatory and metabolic derangement, including acidosis
• An irreversible stage, in which cellular and tissue injury is so severe that even if the hemodynamic defects are corrected, survival is not possible


In the early nonprogressive phase of shock, various neurohumoral mechanisms help maintain cardiac output and blood pressure.
Name them and the effect they produce

Which vessels are less sensitive to sympathetic signals and maintain relatively normal caliber, blood flow, and oxygen delivery. Thus, blood is shunted away from the skin to the vital organs such as the heart and the brain.


These mechanisms include barorecep- tor reflexes, release of catecholamines and antidiuretic hormone, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldersterone axis, and generalized sympathetic stimulation. The net effect is tachycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction, and renal fluid conservation; cutaneous vasoconstriction causes the charac- teristic “shocky” skin coolness and pallor (notably, septic shock can initially cause cutaneous vasodilation, so the patient may present with warm, flushed skin).

Coronary and cerebral vessels


If the underlying causes are not corrected, shock passes imperceptibly to the progressive phase, which as noted is
characterized?. In the setting of persistent oxygen deficit, what is replaced by what ?how does The resultant metabolic lactic acidosis cause blood to pool ?
What is the effect of the blood pooling ?

With wide- spread tissue hypoxia, vital organs are affected and begin to fail. True or false

In the absence of appropriate intervention, the process does what?

Widespread cell injury is reflected in lysosomal enzyme leakage, further aggravating the shock state.
True or false

Myocardial contractile func- tion worsens, in part because of increased nitric oxide syn- thesis. The ischemic bowel may allow intestinal flora to enter the circulation, and thus bacteremic shock may be superimposed. Commonly, further progression to renal failure occurs as a consequence of ischemic injury of the kidney and despite the best therapeutic inter- ventions, the downward spiral frequently culminates in death. True or false


by widespread tissue hypoxia

intracellular aerobic respira- tion is replaced by anaerobic glycolysis with excessive pro- duction of lactic acid.

By lowering the tissue pH, this blunts the vasomotor response; arte- rioles dilate, and blood begins to pool in the microcircula- tion.

Peripheral pooling not only worsens the cardiac output but also puts endothelial cells at risk for the devel- opment of anoxic injury with subsequent DIC.

eventually enters an irreversible stage.


With the morphology, The cellular and tissue effects of shock are essentially those of hypoxic injury and are caused by a combina- tion of ?

Which organs are mostly involved tho any organ can be affected

Fibrin thrombi can form in any tissue but typically are most readily visualized where?

Adrenal cor- tical cell lipid depletion is akin to that seen in all forms of stress and reflects what?

How does shock lung occur?

Except for neuronal and cardiomyocyte loss, affected tissues can recover completely if the patient survives.true or false


of hypoperfusion and microvascular thrombosis.

Although any organ can be affected, brain, heart, kidneys, adrenals, and gastrointestinal tract are most commonly involved.

In the kidney glomeruli.

increased utilization of stored lipids for steroid synthesis.

While the lungs are resistant to hypoxic injury in hypovolemic shock occurring after hemorrhage, sepsis or trauma can precipitate diffuse alveolar damage leading to so-called shock lung.



The clinical manifestations of shock depend on the?

In hypovolemic and cardiogenic shock, patients exhibit ?

What about in septic shock?

The primary threat to life is the underlying initiating event (e.g., myocardial infarction, severe hemorrhage, bacterial infection). However, the cardiac, cerebral, and pulmonary changes rapidly aggra- vate the situation. If patients survive the initial period, worsening renal function can provoke a phase dominated by progressive oliguria, acidosis, and electrolyte imbalances.
Prognosis varies with the origin of shock and its dura- tion. Thus, more than 90% of young, otherwise healthy patients with hypovolemic shock survive with appropriate management
True or false


The precipi- tating insult.

hypotension, a weak rapid pulse, tach- ypnea, and cool, clammy, cyanotic skin.

in septic shock, the skin may be warm and flushed owing to peripheral vasodilation.



Shock of any form can lead to hypoxic tissue injury if not corrected.
• Septic shock is caused by the host response to bacterial or fungal infections; it is characterized by endothelial cell activation, vasodilation, edema, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and metabolic derangements.
True or false

