nervous system Flashcards
50% of cells in nervous system
- excitable, neurotransmission
general function of nervous system
- detect + analyze sensory input
- coordination
- learning
- interacting with environment
brain + spinal cord
all nerves, motor/sensory info
pre-central gyrus
1* motor cortex
- limbs medial, face lateral
post-central gyrus
1* sensory cortex
- limbs medial, face lateral
association cortices
make up most of cortical mantle
- integrate between brain regions -> cognition
grey matter
cell bodies
white matter
myealinated nerve fibers
dorsal horn
ventral horn
dorsal root ganglion
sensory neuronal cell bodies (PNS to CNS)
receptive, conduct impulse to cell body
- mitochondria, SER, MTs, neurofilaments
- NO golgi
nucleus, golgi, RER
Nissl body: RER
- Nissl stain reacts with acids
conductive, sends impulses away from cell body
- mitochondria, MTs, and SER
in axons and dendrites
- anterograde: load and transport vesicles to axon terminals
- retrograde: reuptake and recycle NT material to cell body
transport of mitochondria, proteins, structural components
synaptic transmission
- vesicle loading near cell body
- vesicle transport w MT
- depolarization
- fusion/exocytosis
- NT binding
- Depolarization
non-conducting, but enhance transmission
- structural support
- provide nutrients for growth and maintenance
- immune function
- biochemical (regulate AP velocity)
heavy myelination
less leaky + energy consuming
- impulse propagation more efficient (nodes) and faster
- somatic motor neurons
- acute pain sensory neurons
moderate or un-myelinated
leak Na+ ions
- channels must open along entire length (inefficient)
- slow
- autonomic motor neurons
- chronic pain sensory neurons
multiple sclerosis
loss of myelin (autoimmune)
myelinating schwann cells
PNS, produce myelin sheath
unmyelinating schwann cells
PNS, axon maintenance and repair
- can have multiple nerve axons nearby
CNS, produce myelin
- can contact >60 axons
shield neurons from injury
- extend and retract processes to sites of injury
- stimulated by chemoattractants
protoplasmic and fibrous astrocytes
scavenge ions, supply nutrients to neurons
- contact blood vessels
- secrete factors with either barrier-promoting or barrier-disrupting properties (BBB)
brain homeostasis
capillary neural endothelium
ependymal cells
capillary neural endothelium
tight lining of blood vessels
- continuous tight junctions
- restrict large molecules
can pass: lipid-soluble, astrocyte processes, membrane-bound pumps for water-soluble molec (CSF)
ependymal cells
lining of brain
- synth + secrete CSF into ventricular system
- part of BBB
ventricular system
contains CSF
- 4 cavities
cerebrospinal fluid
liquid cushion, contains nutrients and NTs
- within 3rd and 4th ventricle, the choroid plexus prod CSF
- tight junctions between epithelial cells control fluid release
choroid plexus
produces CSF
- ependymal cells of 3rd + 4th ventricles and capillaries (tela choroidea)
- separates blood from CSF (BBB)
CSF circulation
- ions, water, organic molec filter out of CP capillaries into ISF, then into CP epithelium (active transport)
- CSF secreted into ventricles
dura mater (outside), arachnoid mater, subarachnoid space (CSF), pia mater