Nervous System Flashcards
somesthetic receptor / somatosensory
a sensory end organ concerned with reception of stimuli producing one of the generalized sensations (such as temperature, pressure, position, or movement)
sensory information goes to _____ horn
posterior / dorsal
motor signal leaves from _____ horn
anterior / ventral
the journey of sensory information to brain
sensory information travels from receptors → sensory neurons (1st order neuron - from receptor to dorsal horn) → spinal cord or brainstem (2nd order neuron - to contralateral thalamus) → thalamus (3rd order neuron - from thalamus to sensory cortex) → sensory cortex
signals transmitted by receptors to brain in form of light, sound, tactile, thermal, pain, etc
how sensory information is organized, interpreted and consciously experienced
unconscious processing (sensation) occurs at ____ level
perception (conscious) occurs at the _____ level
meissner’s corpuscles
mechanoreceptors present in highly sensitive areas like fingertips, palms, soles, tongues, lips, and genital skin
- small receptive fields to allow two-point discrimination
- respond to low frequency stimuli (flutter)
pacinian corpuscles
- rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors for pressure and vibration
- get used to the sense and stop sending signals to perceive (ex - clothes on skin)
hair follicle receptors
rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors that respond to movement across surface of skin
merkel’s disks
slow adapting mechanoreceptors that respond to pressure and touch
ruffini’s corpuscles
slow adapting mechanoreceptors that respond to stretch found in dermis and joints
thermal receptors
free nerve endings that respond to temperature changes; divided in cold and warm slow adapting receptors (specific ones for each temp category)
- free nerve endings found in skin, muscle, joints, periosteum and visceral organs capsules
- respond to noxious chemicals, mechanical stimuli (stretch) and temperature