Neonatology Flashcards
Sig of delayed cord clamping
Decrease incidence of anemia
Essential NB care, prevent neonatal hypothermia, increase colonization of protective family bacteria
Uninterrupted skin to skin contact
Essential NB care, Prevents Hypothermia
Immediate Drying
Essential NB care, Within 1st hour prevents 19.1% of all neonatal deaths
Low BW
Very Low BW
Extremely Low BW
Late Preterm
Equal/>34 to >37 weeks
Very Preterm
Extremely Preterm
BW < 3rd percentile for calculated Gestational Age
IUGR: Fetus affected late gestation
IUGR: Fetus affected early gestation
Birthweight >90th percentile
Ideal time for NBS in preterm infants
5-7 days
M/C Cuase of Congenital Hypothyroid
Thyroid agenesis
CAH: Enzyme deficient in dec cortisol
21 hydroxylase
elevated in CAH
17 hydroxyprogesterone
Tx for CAH
Gluc (Hydrocort), Mineralcort, Sx, Prenatal Dexa
Galactosemia Type: Classic type, complete or near complete def
Galactosemia Type: Cataracts
Galactosemia Type: Enzyme deficiency limited to leukocytes and erythrocytes
GALE (Benign)
Tx for Galactosemia
Lactose free Milk
Oxidant substances -> Hemolytic anemia
Heinz Bodies
Enzyme Def in Phenylketonuria
Phenylalanine Hydroxylase
M/C common manifestation ok PKU
Developmental Delay
Musty odor urine
Enzyme deficient in MSUD
Branched chain alpha keto acid dehydrogenase
Tx of MSUD
Removal of branched chain AA in diet
Cheese like material that covers infant
Vernix Caseosa
Absent Moro, Abnormal crepitus around clavicle
Clavicular Fracture
Absent Moro, Arm abducted, Pronated, Internally rotated
Brachial plexopathy
Extend across sutures
Caput succedaneum