Neonates Flashcards
Add in case of long line infection
Best antibiotic for Listeria infection
Causes platelet sequestration and high output cardiac failure secondary to AV shunting
First line anticonvulsant for neonates
Causes of conjugated newborn jaundice
Hepatitis Congenital infection Biliary atresia Cystic fibrosis Metabolic conditions Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency TPN Haemochromatosis
Presents early with cyanosis
Absence/hypoplasia of mitral valve and aortic root
Small LV and LA
Large RV and RA
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Presents in late childhood/teenage years with fatigue or palpitations
R to L shunt with cyanosis and polycythaemia
Characteristic multiple clicks in the left sternal border
Ebstein’s anomaly
Presents with hypotonia, bilateral talipes equinovarus and difficulty in sucking and swallowing; may have facial weakness and triangular shaped open mouth
Mothers may have facial weakness or grip myotonia
Congenital myotonic dystrophy
How many conditions does the bloodspot screening cover?
Precursor hormones to 11-beta-hydroxylase?
11-deoxycortisol and deoxycorticosterone
More common in Japanese
Insidious onset of tachypnoea, cyanosis, increasing respiratory distress, overextended chest, bronchi, coughing
Wilson-Mikity syndrome
Threshold of conjugated bilirubin to notify liver team
Features of foetal alcohol syndrome
IUGR Microcephaly Short palpebral fissures Ocular abnormalities Joint abnormalities
Presents in first few days of life with respiratory alkalosis (usually transient), then high ammonia with normal pH
Urea cycle defect
Commonest urea cycle defect
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
Clinical features of high ammonia?
Poor feeding Vomiting Lethargy Seizures Decreased consciousness
Smooth philtrum Smooth upper lip Microcephaly Maxillary hypoplasia Mid face hypoplasia
Foetal alcohol syndrome
What kind of sepsis are galactosaemia patients more at risk of?
E coli
Presents with murmur, cataracts and hepatosplenomegaly