Neoliberal / New Right Perspective Flashcards
What is the difference between the neoliberal and the new right?
New right - social theory
Neoliberalism- economic theory
What do the new right argue?
State cannot meet everyone’s needs
What did the new right believe individuals should do? And what is this called?
Individuals should meet their own needs
What is the free market?
- where the producer meets the consumer
- government doesn’t get involved
How did the NR think about the state? (What did the state own?)
State provides education
-state is not doing this or doing this very badly
What did the NR want to introduce?
They wanted to introduce a market in education
-so schools would act like businesses to attract ‘consumers’ (students)
Name 3 policies that marketisation would include?
- parentocracy
- pupil premium
- open enrolment
What is parentocracy?
- parents choose their child’s school
- league tables
- ofsted reports
What is the pupil premium?
each pupil is worth the ‘same amount’
What is open enrolment?
School can enroll as many students as they want
What did open enrolment mean for ‘good schools’?
School does well -> attract more pupils -> have more money -> attract better teachers + but better resources -> be more selective-> grades go up and cycle starts
What did open enrolment mean for ‘bad schools’?
-attract less pupils -> less money -> less quality teachers+resources -> results go down ->school closes down or goes out of business
How has marketisation affected w/c families? (Criticism)
The positive effects of marketisation in education are disputed
- selection by schools
- w/c parents are unable to use this system due to a lack of capital
How did the NL/NR get criticised about wanting to reduce state control over education?
- has seen LEA’s disappear
- but now the Secretary of State of education has even more power
How did the NL/NR view the curriculum? (Criticism)
Oppose multicultural education
- promote British culture
- arguably racist?