Glossary For Education Flashcards
Define theory
A system of ideas intended to explain something, a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based
What is anarchy/Anomie
Absence of rules/laws/ values/ norms etc
Define culture
The learned shared behaviour of members of a society
What does socialisation mean
The process by which we learn the culture of a society
Define norm
Something that is usual, typical or standard
Define primary socialisation
Informal process through which you learn norms/attitudes/ values- early childhood process
Define secondary socialisation
Formal process through you learn the culture of society
Define socialisation agencies
People you interact with formally and informally who influence our behaviour
Define values
Beliefs that we have about what is important, both to us and to society as a whole
Define role
The way someone is expected to behave in a particular situation
Define status
The level of respect we are expected to give to a person playing a particular role
Define sanctions
Describe anything that encourages people to conform to norms
Define ascribed status
A status assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life, that cannot be changed through individual effort or achievement
Define achieved status
A status that is acquired as the result of personal accomplishment, serving as a reflection of ability and personal effort
Define social order
An arrangement of practices and behaviours on which society’s members base their daily lives
Define feral child
A neglected child who engages in lawless or anti social behaviour
Define social behaviour
How an individual or group acts or reacts to another individual, group or event
Define identity
What makes you who you are
Define subculture
A group of people within a society who share norms, values, beliefs and attitudes that are in some way different from the mainstream culture
Define inequality
Unequal access to opportunities and rewards in society, creating differences between us
Define feminism
A sociological perspective and political movement that focuses on women oppression and the struggle to end it
Define consensus
Society is based on agreement
Define conflict
Society is based on a conflict of interest
Define society
A generalise organised group of people (in a community)
Define symbolic interactionism
The theory that society is possible because of the shared meanings and social patterns created during social interactions
Define patriarchy
A society, system or group in which men dominate women and have the power and authority
Define diversity
A range of different things
Define ethnicity
Shared culture, which may include heritage, language, religion and more
Define functionalism
A theory that views society as a orderly and stable system with inter connected parts designed to meet the needs of individuals in a society
Define Marxism
The political and economic theories of Karl Marx, later developed by their followers to form the basis of communism
Define prejudice
A favourable or unfavourable preconceived feelings or opinion formed without knowledge, reason, or thought that prevents objective consideration of person, group or thing
Define discrimination
The unequal treatment of a person or group on the basis of their statuses
Define positive sanctions
A reward for conforming to established norms
Define negative sanctions
A punishment for breaking an established norm
Define institution
A custom or organisation that has long been held as an important feature of some group of society
Define structural approach
Individuals are entirely shaped by the structure of society
Define social action approach
Individuals have free will and choice
Define social solidarity
The social ties that bind a group of people together such as kinship , shared location and religion
Define collective conscience
The communal beliefs, morals and attitudes of a society
Define division of labour
Dividing up a job in order to speed up the process of a job
Define social beings
Everyone who goes through the socialisation process, becomes social beings
Define universal standards
Expectations of behaviour for individuals in a society that they have to follow
Define bourgeoisie
The class that owns the means of production
Define proletariat
The working class, wage earning labourers
Define exploitation
The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work
Define alienation
An individuals isolation from his or hers society, work and sense of self
Define socialism
A political and economic theory of social organisations which advocates that the means of production, distribution and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole
Define communism
An ideology or political theory that advocates collective ownership of resources and a classless society
Define means of production
The instrument ms and materials used to produce goods and services
Define trade unions
Organised association of workers in trade
Define ideology
A system of ideas and ideals especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy
Define hierarchy
The system of power distribution in which an individual or group resides within a culture, organisation or society
Define social stratification
A system of inequality based on ranking people or groups based on power, prestige and wealth
Define correspondence principles
Theory that posits a close relationship between social standings and the educational system
Define postmodernism
The belief that society is changing rapidly
Define fordism
The modern economic and social systems based on industrialised, standardised mass production and mass consumption
Define post fordism
Name given to the dominant system of economic production, consumption and associated socio-economic phenomena
Define tripartite system
Made up of 3 types of schools = grammar schools, technical colleges and secondary modern
Define grammar schools
A state secondary school to which pupils are admitted on the basis of ability
Define secondary modern schools
A secondary school of a kind offering a general education to children not selected for grammar or technical schools
Define technical colleges
A college of further education providing courses in a range of practical subjects
Define comprehensivisation
Nationalisation of comprehensive type schools
Define streaming
A system of grouping students in schools by ability for all subjects
Define privileged skill choosers
Mainly professional, m/c parents who use their economic and cultural capital to gain education for kids
Define disconnected local choosers
Mainly w/c parents who’s choices were restricted by their lack of economic and cultural capital
Define semi skilled choosers
Mainly w/c, but they are ambitious for their children
Define economic capital
Parents could afford to move children around the education system, having the money to give to your child’s education
Define cultural capital
Having the knowledge, attitudes, values, language, tastes and abilities that the m/c transmits to their children
Define sex-typing
The stereotypical categorisation of people due to the their gender (subject choices)
Define gender gap
A measurable difference between the behaviours of men and women
Define crisis of masculinity
Boys believing education is less important as less masculine jobs are available
Define feminisation of education
The increase of female teachers in primary schools, makes education appear feminine
Define laddish subcultures
W/c boys believing education isn’t for them so they rebel against normal beliefs of succeeding (paul Willis -190s)
Define gender vs. Sex
Sex is biological where as gender is socially constructed
Define gender identity
An individuals internal perception of their gender
Define gender routes
2 separate routes through education where girls and boys are separated through subject choices
Define gender subject images
Subjects are seen to either be masculine or feminine
Define gender role socialisation
Society’s concept of how men and women should behave- taught how to behave to suit your gender
Define gender domains
Parts of the education system (subjects or behaviours) that become apart of a gender group
Define gendered career opportunities
Certain careers are suited to either males of females
Define hegemony
The authority, dominance and influence of one group, nation or society over another group
Define heteronormativity
Beliefs that people fall into distinct and complementary genders with roles in life
Define surveillance
The act of observing an individual or group
Define subordinate
An individual or group that rank lower in a position
Define race
Category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that are obvious and considered important
Define ethnicity
Refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry and language
Define multi-culturalism
The preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society as a state or nation
Define racism
A set of attitudes, beliefs and practices that are used to justify the belief that one racial category somehow superior or inferior to others
Define prejudice
A feeling or opinion formed without knowledge, reason, or thought that prevents objective consideration of a person, group or thing
Define discrimination
The unequal treatment of a person or group in the basis of their status
Define institutional racism
Pattern of social institutions- such as government organisations, schools and courts of law that give negative treatment to a group of people based on their race
Define xenophobia
An illogical fear or even hatred for those from a different countries
Define nationalism
An extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries
Define jingoism
Extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy
Define ethnocentrism
Evaluation of other cultures according to pre conceptions originating in the standards and customs of ones own culture
Define labelling
To attach a meaning or definition to someone
Define research characteristics
Particular feature that makes it easy or difficult to investigate
Define self fulfilling prophecy
Prediction that comes true simply by virtue of it having been made
Define streaming
Separating children into different ability groups
Define educational triage
Sorting the attention that is given to students based on their educational achievement
Define pupil subculture
Group of pupils who share similar values and behaviour patterns
Define differentiation
Process of teachers categorising pupils according to how they perceive their ability, attitudes and or behaviour
Define polarisation
Process in which pupils respond to streaming by moving towards one of two opposite (pro/anti school)
Define pro-school subculture
Pupils placed in high streams tend to remain committed to the values of the schools
Define anti school subculture
Pupils placed in low streams tend to suffer a loss of self esteem = school has undermined their self worth
Define ingratiation
Being the teachers ‘pet’
Define ritualism
Going through the motions and staying out of trouble
Define retreatism
Day dreaming and mucking around
Define rebellion
Outright rejection of everything that school stands for
Define habitus
‘Dispositions’ or learned, taken for granted ways of thinking, being and acting that are shared by a particular social class
Define symbolic capital
M/c habitus is recognised and used in schools, giving m/c pupils symbolic capital
Define symbolic violence
School devalues w/c habitus and so w/c tastes are seen as tasteless and worthless, giving w/c pupils symbolic violence
Define Nike identities
Symbolic violence led w/c kids to seek alternative ways of creating self worth, status, and value and done so by creating a Nike identity by their clothing
Define unrealistic
Education is seen to w/c pupils as ‘not for us’ and university is an unrealistic option
Define undesirable
Higher education does not ‘suit’ w/c lifestyles
Define deferred gratification
Waiting a period of time in order to achieve due to the need to work hard
Define instant gratification
Receiving a reward or qualification straight away
Define fatalistic
‘Live for today’ attitude