Glossary For Reserach Methods Flashcards
Define funding body
An organisation that provides funds for a particular purpose e.g. Research funds
Define research opportunity
The opportunity of research which can present itself at any time
Define informed consent
Permission granted in full knowledge of what the possible consequences could be
E.g. Patient gives it to a doctor before treatment
Define confidentiality
Spoken, written or acted in strict privacy, indicating confidence imparting private matters
Define methodology
A system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity
Define triangulation
Powerful technique that facilitates validation of data through cross verification from 2 or more sources
Define aim
A purpose or intention, a desired outcome
Define hypothesis
A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigations
Define operationalisation
Process of strictly defining variable into measurable factors
Define sampling
Statistical method of obtaining representative data or observations from a group
Define reliability
When a piece of research is repeated using identical methods and procedures, the results will be exactly the same
Define open ended question
Unstructured question in which there is no answer suggested and their answer has to be in his/ her own words
Define closed end question
A question format that limits respondents with a list of answer choices from which they must choose an answer
Define pilot study
A small study conducted in advance of a planned project, specifically to test/adjust the experiment before the final experiment
Define validity
When a piece of research produces a true or genuine picture of what something is really like, gets researchers closer to the truth
Define interpretivists
They seek to understand social actors meaning and they reject the idea of sociology as a science
Define positivists
They believe that society is made up of social facts’ that can be studied scientifically to discover laws of cause and effect
Define sample
A smaller group selected from the larger survey population to take part in a study
Define primary data
Information collected first hand by sociologists themselves for their own research purposes
Define secondary data
Information collected not by the sociologist themselves for their own research purposes, but by other people or organisations not always for sociological purposes
Define Quantitative data
Information in numerical form (percentages, tables, graphs)
Define qualitative data
Information, usually expressed in words, about people’s thoughts, feelings, motivations, attitude said and values
Define ethics
Issues of right or wrong; moral principles or guidelines