Neisseria Flashcards
Neisseria are group of …..
Gram-negative cocci.
Arranged in pairs (. . . ……..).
Resemble ……. when viewed microscopically.
coffee beans
Two species, ………………. are strictly human pathogens.
N. gonorrhoeae , N.meningitidis
…… is essential for the growth and metabolism.
It affected by ….. and … ….
fatty acids.
proteins are present in the outer membrane: Virulence factors
(pilin protein) antigenic variation
Por proteins (protein I)
Opa proteins (opacity proteins II)
Rmp proteins (reduction-modifiable proteins III),
Lipooligosaccharide (LOS
protease (IgA cleaving) and beta-lactemase.
The major antigen in the outer membrane is…….. composed of ….. & …….. core similar to ……. activity.
lipooligosaccharide (LOS),
lipid A
LPS endotoxin
………. (responsible for gonorrhoae symptoms).
LOS stimulates inflammatory response & release of TNF
The infection in pregnant women can pass to their neonate during delivery causing ……..
eye infection (conjunctivitis).
Incubation period varies from……
2-14 days.
bacteria can spread into the ….. and ……… leading to……
fallopian tubes (salpingitis
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
This ocular infection in neonates known as ………….
ophthalmia neonatorum
Cultivation on rich selective media (………….. , which suppress the growth of contaminating organisms or…..,…which inhibit growth of organisms.
. modified Thayer-Martin medium)
non-selective media (blood, chocolate media)
……. is recommended for uncomplicated gonorrhea infections.
The application of …..eye ointments are routinely used on ophthalmia neonatorum case of newborns.
1% silver nitrate, 1% tetracycline, or 0.5% of erythromycin