Neg Ch3 Flashcards
What is ZOPA?
Zone of possible agreements
Bargaining zone
Area where sellers reservation price and and buyers reservation price overlap
Bargaining surplus
Size of the ZOPA
What are the strategies for distributing the pie!?
Assess and improve BATNA set reservation point Research other party BATNA, res pt Set high aspirations Make first offer if you're prepared Re anchor if party opens first Plan concessions Support offer with facts Appeal to Norms of fairness Do not even split
Chilling effect
When an offer is made that is slightly lower than opponents reservation price
Graduated reduction in tension model
Parties avoid escalating conflict by reciprocity principle. Calls for one party to make concession and othe follows suit.
How to re anchor
Wasn’t to diminish the prominence of the counter party
Do not adjust your BATNA because of their offer
How to do concessions
Pattern, magnitude, timing of concessions. Those who make fewer, smaller concessions ale more pie. Start with small concessions then larger ones. Makes people feel grateful they’re working with you c
Making ones first and final offer
FTS face threat sensitivity
Face is the value people place in their reputation. Little FTS- thin skinned
Methods of fair division
Equality- equal shares
Equity- proportion to worth
Needs-welfare allocation
Social comparison
How we compare ourselves to others.
Upward-aspiring push harder
Downward-they’re worse so I’m not that bad
Similar-useful for accurate comparisons of your skills
Why compare yourself? 3
1) self improvement
2) self enhancement
3) accurate self evaluation
Equity principle formula
Outputs-a/ inputs-a = outputs-b/ inputs-b
If people feel there is inequality, how do they restore equity?
Alter the inputs Alter the outcomes Cognitively distort inputs or outcomes Leave the situation Cognitively distort inputs/outputs of partner Change object of comparison
Distortion of inequality with # of people
When inequality is spread over snore people the injustice seems greater than if one person.
How are egocentric created in regard to fairness?
Selective encoding of memory
Differential retrieval
Informational disparity
Selective encoding and memory
Person who learns the facts before knowing which side they on is not egocentric.
This is when we convince ourselves that our actions were more impactful than others. Thus we get more pie
Differential retrieval
It’s easier for us to know what we did than others because we were there and remember. We also positively correlate our work
Informational disparity
People aren’t aware of others contributions.
What are he wise pie slicing principles?
Consistency Simplicity Effectiveness Justifiability Consensus Generalizability Scarification
In variability across setting time and contacts
You should be able to explain the procedure in simple terms of how resources were allocated
Procedure should produce a clear decision
Should be justifiable
Group members should be able to agree upon the method of allocation
Procedure should be applicable to a wide variety of situations
Agreement should be agreeable to everyone to make sure that terms are followed.