Need to memorize from each unit of Module 4 Flashcards
Gestational age range for changing from menstrual date to U/S date
< 9 weeks: >5 days
9-13 6/7 weeks: >7 days
14-15 6/7 weeks: >7 days
16-21 6/7 weeks: > 10 days
22-27 6/7 weeks: >14 days
28 weeks and beyond: 21 days
Pre-pregnancy body mass index < 18.5
Category: Underweight
Total pregnancy weight gain: 28-40 lbs
1st trimester weight gain: 5 lbs
2nd and 3rd trimester weight gain: 1lb/wk
Pre pregnancy body mass index 18.5-24.9
Category: Normal
Total pregnancy weight gain: 25-35 lbs
1st trimester weight gain: 2-5 lbs
2nd and 3rd trimester weight gain: 1
Pre pregnancy body mass index 25.0-29.9
Category: overweight
Total pregnancy weight gain: 15-25lbs
1st trimester weight gain: 0-2 lbs
2nd and 3rd trimester weight gain: 0.6 lbs
Pre pregnancy body mass index > 30
Category: Obese
Total pregnancy weight gain: 11-20
1st trimester weight gain: 0-1 lbs
2nd and 3rd trimester weight gain: 0.5 lbs
What are the pre pregnancy body mass indexes?
Underweight: <18.5
Normal 18.5-24.9
Overweight: 25.0-29.9
Obese: > 30
Abnormal Hemoglobin 2nd trimester
<11 g/dL
This is the lowest of all the trimesters
Abnormal Hematocrit 2nd trimester
< 32%
This is the lowest for all the trimesters
what does low cut off of GTT means
More false positives screens (so a screen looks abnormal but the patient doesn’t have GDM)
Few false negative screens (there are not many times that the screen looks fine but the person really has GDM and we missed it).
What does a higher GTT cut off mean?
Fewer false positive screens (there are not as many screens that look abnormal but the patient doesn’t really have GDM
More false negative screens (there are more screens that look fine but the person really has GDM and we missed it
How much will 300 mg regular RhoGAM protect against exposure
Up to 15 mL or Rh positive red blood cells.
How much RhoGAM given for bleeding after 12 weeks
50 mg
why do we order CBC in 2nd trimester
Point of maximum physiologic hemodilution in pregnancy
Fundal height 14 Week gestation in 2nd trimester
Height: Several fingerbreadths above the symphysis
Normal range: Symphysis + 2 fingerbreadths ato almost halfway between symphysis and umbilicus
Measurement method: palpation of fingerbreadths above symphysis
Fundal height 16 week gestation in 2nd trimester
Height: Midway between symphysis and umbilicus
Normal range: Midway between symphysis and umbilicus +/- 1 or 2 fingerbreadths
Measurement method: Palpation in relationship to symphysis and umbilicus
Fundal height 20 weeks gestation in 2nd trimester
Height: At level of umbilicus
Normal Range: Umbilicus +/- 1 or 2 fingerbreadths
Measurement method: Palpation in relation to umbilicus
Fundal height 22 weeks gestation in 2nd trimester
Height: 22 cm from symphysis to fundus
Normal range: +/- 2 cm of gestational age =20-24 cm
Measurement method: Tape measure from symphysis to fundus
Fundal height 24 weeks gestation in 2nd trimester
Height: 24 cm from symphysis to fundus
Normal range: +/- 2 cm of gestational age = 22-26 cm
Measurement method: Tape measure from symphysis to fundus
Fundal height 28 weeks gestation in 2nd trimester
Height: 28 cm from symphysis to fundus
Normal range: +j/- 2 cm of gestational age = 26-30 cm
Measurement method: Tape measure from symphysis to fundus
when can you hear fetal heartbeat with fetoscope
15-20 weeks
How does fetoscope work
nonelectronically and by conducting sound through the fetoscope via bone into the earpieces.
Avg gestational age for quickening
16–20 weeks
How is fetus measured in 2nd trimester
Biparietal diameter
Abdominal circumference
Femur length
Head Circumference
What is Amniocentesis test
Direct analysis of a sample of amniotic fluid
What conditions does Amniocentesis test for
Trisomy 13, 18, 21
Neural tube defects
What is the time frame for Amniocentesis test
15 weeks and later
Is Amniocentesis screening or diagnostic test
What is Quad screen (AKA second trimester screen)
Blood test for 4 analytes
What conditions does Quad screen test for
Trisomy 18, 21
Neural tube defect
What is the time frame for Quad screen
15-22 weeks (optimal 16-18 weeks)
is Quad screen diagnostic or screening test
What is integrated and sequential screens
Combines first trimester and second trimester screen
WHat conditions does integrated and sequential screens test for
Trisomy 13, 18, 21
Neural tube defects
Time frame for Integrated and sequential screens
First trimester portion (10-14 weeks)
2nd trimester portion (15-22 weeks)
Is integrated and sequential screens diagnostic or screening test
what is the first task if second trimester screen comes back positive
double check that the correct dates went to the lab
if dates are uncertain… a dating ultrasound before offering an amniocentesis
What does integrated screening consists of
- First trimester screen (nuchal translucency ultrasound + serum analytes)
- Second trimester Quad screen
When is integrated screening results received
Single result after Quad screen in 2nd trimester
What does Sequential screening consists of
- First trimester screen (nuchal translucency ultrasound + serum analytes)
When is Sequential screening results received
Initial results after first trimester portion: provides risk assessment to then determine if pt wants no more testing, planned second trimester screen, or diagnostic testing
Warning signs for second trimester pregnancy-specific complications
Uterine cramping or more than 4-6 contractions per hour
vaginal bleeding
leaking of fluid from vagina
absent fetal movement after quickening
Total pregnancy weight gain in underweight women
Total pregnancy weight gain in women 18.5-24.9 (normal)
Total pregnancy weight gain in overweight women
Total pregnancy weight gain in obese women
11-20 lbs