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Pectoralis major (A)
Morph? ect..
- position - anterior side of upper body, on chest
- morphology - fan-shaped muscle
- origin
(1) - Clavicular part: anterior surface of medial half of clavicle
(2) - Sternocostal part: anterior surface of sternum, Costal cartilages of ribs 1-6
(3) - Abdominal part: Anterior layer of rectus sheat
(1) - Crest of greater tubercle of humerus (lat dorsi inserts inbetween pec major / teres major) - Describe the direction of fibres -
up - abdo part,
horiztonal -sternocostal part and
downwards - clavicular part - Actions - shoulder adduction / medial rotator [ Arm flexion (clavicular head), arm extension (sternocostal head)]
- functions of daily living -
- nerve supply - Lateral and medial pectoral nerves (C5-T1)
- contraction? -
Function of elbow joint?
Can change the height and length of the arm / position hand in space
[Superior rad / ulnar - Rotation allows effective positioning]
Key for functional tasks (e.g. eating, drinking)
o / I of sternocleomastiod?
Origin: Manbrium (sterno), medial portion of clavicle (cleo)
I: Mastiod process of temporal bone (Mastoid), superior nuchal line
nerve for trapezius
nerve for sternocleomastiod?
both accessory
Nerves / mucsles?
+ anterior interosseous nerve part of which nerve?
Deep branch of __ nerve?
There is the Anterior interoseous nerve which is the deep branch of the median nerve - supplies different muscles:
Abductor pollicis brevis
Opponens pollicis
Lumbricals: 1st & 2nd
± Flexor pollicis brevis (also innervated by ulnar nerve)
Deep branch radial nerve
Supinator Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor pollicis longus
relevance of carrying angle? (3)
Arms need to clear pelvis in gait
Allows greater ROM in flexion
Mechanical advantage for carrying heavy objects
ulnar / radial styloid processess
head of ulnar is where?e
by wrist !
extension at C spine?
- semispinalis capitus / cervius
- erectus spinae (same as lumbar / thoracic spine)
- levator scapulae (retreact / elevate scapular)
- trapezius (retreact / elevate scapular)
flexino at T spine?
Flexion: Rectus abdominus / int oblique / ext oblique / psoas major
Stretch superficialis / profondus?
Flexor digitorm superficalis - extend wrist + fingers [pressure on middle finger biases superficalis] - note FDS attaches to the middle phalanges of 2-5 mets
Flexor digitorum profundus - extend wrist + fingers [ pressure on end of finger biases prfondus] note this is where FDP attaches, the distal phalanges of the fingers 2-5
ROM C spine flex extend?
Flexion / extension: 130 in total, 100 from neurtral - chin to chest
Identify two ligaments associated with the joints of Thumb or fingers.
Metacarpophalangeal joints / Carpometacarpal strengthened by: collateral ligs and Palmer ligs
You collide in to ollie palmer - snaping his finger ligaments
attachments biceps / triceps
Morphology - Fusiform, 3 Heads (long head, medial head & lateral head)
O- Infraglenoid tubercle (Long Head)
Lateral side (lateral head), of posterior surface of humerus medial side (medial head) of posterior surface of humerus
I-Olecranon process
An infared beam of light shines on glencoe which prevents lattitude from happening in a medevil castle so ole has to cancel his ticket
Extension of elbow and shoulder
Nerve - Radial
Morphology - Fusiform, 2 Heads (short head and long head)
O- Supraglenoid tubercle (Long Head) Corocoid Process (Short head)
I-Radial Tuberosity
[+bicipital aponeurosis into deep fascia on medial part of forearm]
Super man jumps off glencoe and catches corona virus so jumps in a radioactive tube to get rid of it
Flexion of elbow and shoulder
Supinator of forearm
Nerve - Musculocutaneous
Route of musc / ax nerve?
see video
greater / lesser tubicle / intertubecular sulcus attachements?
Greater - other rotator cuff muscles
Lesser Tubercle: subscapularis
intertubercular sulcus: lat dorsi, pec majjor , biceps tendon is in this region
surface mark GH joint
coracoid process - lat third of clav then down
Then a laterally and then down 3cm
muscles for each shoulder movement??
Pectoralis major (A)
Deltoid (Anterior fibres) (A)
Biceps brachii (long head) (A)
Extension: Latissimus dorsi (A) Deltoid (posterior fibres) (A) Triceps (long head) (A) Teres major [Pec major]
Supraspinatus (A)
Deltoid (middle fibres) (A)
Pec Major
Lat dorsi
Teres major muscle
degrees ROM at elbow? / end feel
Fulcrum on lateral epicondyle, fixed arm towards shoulder
Flexion: 140°-160°
Extension: 0° (up to 10° hyperextension)
End feel
Flexion: soft (soft tissue bulk)
Extension: hard (olecranon in olecranon fossa)
Nerve pecs
pectoral nerve
pecs attachments
(1) - Clavicular part: anterior surface of medial half of clavicle
(2) - Sternocostal part: anterior surface of sternum, Costal cartilages of ribs 1-6
(3) - Abdominal part: Anterior layer of rectus sheat
(1) - Crest of greater tubercle of humerus (lat dorsi inserts inbetween pec major / teres major)
Test the end feel for flexion/extension/abduction and identify the limiting factors GH
Firm - ligaments - Transverse humeral ligament, coracohumeral lig, coracoacomial lig, inferior / mid / superior glenoidhueral ligaments
Coracobrachials actions?
GHJ flexion / adduction
End feel radial deviation?
Erectus spinae
- Large complex muscle
- Head down to sacrum
- Located on the posterior side of the trunk
Actions: EXTENSION of the spine, helps with side flexion / rotation
- Longissimus (middle) - level of transverse process - capitis / cervisis / Thoracis / Lumborum
- Ilieocostalis (lateral) - level of rib cage - cervisis, thoracis, Lumborum
- Spinalis (medial) - level of spinous process - capitis, cervisis, thoracis
(ie throaccic spine, cervial , lumbar..)
O: Sacrum, iliac crest, spinous process T11-L5
I: Ribs, all transverse processes, mastoid process (behind the ear)
Santa filling his sac full of rum (1) on the moons crest (2) when he spins around 11 Times (3) and Laughs 5 times (3) so much so that he falls off the moon into a restraunt, he orders ribs (4 ), meets a transexual (5) and maturbates (6) before ramming his nob in the door and breaking his spine (nerves)
Distal / inferior radio ulnar joint – classification, movements, ART, structures ect.. 4 points
- Classification - synovial pivot joint
- uni axial (one pair of movements)
- Articulating surfaces
- Concave ulnar notch
- Medial aspect of the distal end of the radius
- Include Triangular fibrocartilage complex [TFCC]
- Supination - palm up
- Pronation - palm down
Measuring ROM + degrees of wrist, positioning - end feel?
Flexion - 60-80 - Fulcrum on triquretum - moving hand on 5th met - firm end feel
Extension - 60-75 - Fulcrum on triquretum - moving hand on 5th met - firm end feel
Radial deviation / abduction - 15-25 - fulcrum on capiate / lateral epicondyle - moving arm on medial metacarpal
Ulnar deviation / adduction - 30-40
Supination - 90 - start in midprone (karate chop position) - pt to hold pen
Pronation - 90 - start in midprone - pt to hold pen
Nerve msucles median , radial, ulnar
Median Pronator teres
Pronator quadratus
Flexor carpi radialis
Flexor digitorum profundus to 2nd & 3rd fingers
Radial triceps anconeous, Brachioradialis
Ulnar flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum profundus, lumbrical muscles,
What is the root value of Sciatic nerve? Name the branches?
Tibial.. common peroneal..
Surface mark the joint line of wrist. Demonstrate a PAM of your choice at this joint.
- 55 secs
Demonstrate Longitudinal caudad/ lateral distraction at the GH joint.