Cervical spine Flashcards
How many vertebra in C spine? Name them all
C1 - C7, C1 = atlas, C2 = Axis
What are the special features of the vertebra in C - spine re: shape, group them + explain
C1 atlas - no spinous processes C2 axis - has Dens - bone that allows for movement C3 - C6 = 'typical vertebra' C7 is typical but just longer, C7 is not bifid C2-C7 are bifid : - short pedicles - transverse arch - transverse foramen
What is the joint at C1 / C2? What movements? What classification (type of joint)? Articulating surfaces?
- Atlando - axial joint - synovial ‘pivot joint’
- 1/3 of of rotation - approx 50 degrees left/right of c-spine at this joint
- small amount of lateral flexion and extension
- Comprised of 3 joints: one median atlantoaxial joint and two lateral atlantoaxial joints
- ART: medial part of atlas articulates with the dens of c2 (axis) and osteoligamentous ring (anterior arch of atlas [C1], transverse ligament of atlas)
Besides C1/C2 joint, what other joints are there in the c-spine?
What type?
Differences compared to lumbar?
Features of each / where are they situated??
- Atlando-occipital joint - nodding movements - flex / extend
- Intervertebral joints - symphesis joints - these move more than in the lumbar - anterior - have a disc
- Facet joints (zygapophyseal) - synovial plane joints, posterior, has loose capsule - facilitates movement
Ligaments of c spine
Big Al..
Big Al (1) is eating an apple (2) while doing a transatlantic (3) sailing trip using longitudinal (4) navigation provided by Flava Flav (5) yeee boi
- Alar ligament
- Apical ligament
- Transverse ligament
NB: the three above provide stabiltiy to the atalndo-axial jint - they limit excessive movement of the atlas on the axis, ie excessive flexion / extension - Anterior / posterior longitudinal ligament [ O: c spine, I = sacrum]
- Ligamentum flavum - between arches of vertebrae
Vertebral atery runs?
Through transverse foramen of c spine
Careful doing pams
Movements at C-spine + muscles used
- longus coli
- longus capitus
- sternocleiomastoid
- semispinalis capitus / cervius
- erectus spinae (same as lumbar / thoracic spine)
- levator scapulae (retreact / elevate scapular)
- trapezius (retreact / elevate scapular)
Side flexion:
- Scalenes
- Trapezius (retreact / elevate scapular)
- Levator scapulae (retreact / elevate scapular)
- sternocleiomastoid (ipsilateral)
- semi spinalis
- splendius
- sternocleiomastoid (contralateral)
What kind of spine is the cervial spine?
lordosis, secondary
what is c1’s function? / what is its name / what are its features?
Weight bearing of the skull, atlas
no spinous processes
ant / post arch
atlando-occipital joints: type? , articular surfaces, movements?
- condyloid joints
- ART: c1 (atlas) and occipdate (skull) and occipital condyles
- Felxion / extension - ‘nodding movements’
Where is the most mobile part of the spine?
breaking the cervical spine down into two segments, what are they ie name vertebra, what are the movements occuring there + how much?
Plus flex / extension above ‘upper part at atlando-occipital joint
upper c spine - c1-c2 1/3 rotation
lower c spine - c3 - c7 2/3 rotation, extension, side flexion
how do you measure ROM in c spine? (3)
goniometer, incolmeter, eye ball
Trapizeus - cat A
Morph, O (4) / I (3), actions, fibres?
Octopus on a Trapizeus..
Octopus is..
Morph - large trianglular
Upper fibres - down / lat
Middle fibres - horizontal
Lower fibres - superiorially, lat
- O - occipital proterbance, nuchal line, upper portion of ligamentum nuchae, spinous process C7-T12
- I - lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acrominon process, spine of scapular
Occtopus (1) is protecting (1) a new child (2) watching UP when a ligar noob tubes (3) his spine (4).. then latvian x 3 arrive plying the clave (1) rhythm to try and heal the spine (2) with music from runeScape (2) while doing acro yoga (3)
At C-spine: Cervical extension (when both sides contract), cervical side flexion (when one side contracts)
At shoulder girdle: Depression (lower), upward roation, elevation (upper), retraction (mid)
Motor: accessory nerve (CN XI)
Motor/Sensory: ventral rami of spinal nerves C3-C4 (via cervical plexus)
Sternocleomastiod - Cat A (clue for all are in name..+ one more)
Morph, O/I, actions, fibres?
Morph: large, thick, strap like muscle
Origin: Manbrium (sterno), medial portion of clavicle (cleo)
I: Mastiod process of temporal bone (Mastoid), superior nuchal line
Actions: contralateral cervical rotation, ipsolateral cervial side flexion, cervial flexion
i.e if left SCM contracts, it flexes the left side and rotates the right side
Levator scapulae - Cat B
O: Transverse proces - C1 - C4
I: Superior aspect of medial border of scapular
Actions: C spine extension / side flexion
Scapular elevation, retraction, upward rotation
located on the side of the neck
O: C2 - C7 transverse process
I: 1st / 2nd rib
Actions: lateral felxion on the side of neck, elevate 1st/ 2nd rib
Spinal nerves at c-spine?
Nerve roots:
- Anterior - motor fibres
- Posterior - sensory fibres
There are 8 nerve pairs from the brachial plexus - this leads on to the peripheral nerves ….
[Practical] Observation of the cervical spine - what are you looking for?, how would you do it, where would you stand in relation to pt?
- Muscle bulk
- Cardinal signs of inflamation: redness, heat, swelling (oedema), pain
- Scars
Front on: - Eye level
- Eye level
- Shoulder level (traps)
Side on:
- Jutting chin?
- where would the ear disect shoulders?
- how exaggerated / not exaggerated is the kyphosis?
- also have a look at the lordosis in the cervical spine
[Practical] Palpation C2-C7
- Find the atlando-ocipital joint
- Run thumb downwards.. can’t find c1 as there is NO spinous process
- The next boney thing is C2
- Thumb width C3 -thumb width C4 - ect.. ect..
- C6 ‘check’ will disapear on extnesion
- C7 is very prominent
[Practical] Palpate facet joints
Just go lateral from the spinous processes
[Practical] Movements at cervical spine - what are they / how many degrees of each and how you would measure them?
Tape measure / eye ball
Flexion / extension: 130 in total, 100 from neurtral - chin to chest
Extension: 30 from neutral
Side flexion: 45 - distance of ear to shoulder
Rotation: 80-90 (30 (1/3) comes from the atlano-axial joint at C-spine) - chin to shoulder, tape measure
[Practical] Do PAMs / PAIVMs - best method?
use thumbs to kind of support eachother side by side, ie back of each thumb facing eachother
Strength testing of trapezius
➢ put them into action and identify their contraction
➢ test them for strength [ isometric/ dynamic testing
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tfVeIhlY-o
- Upper - shoulder shrug with arms slightly abducted (lower contribution of rhomboids / levator scapulae) / or resist head side flexion
- Test general strength, pt in sitting, arms abducted 120 degrees and above head, push on pt’s elbows and ask pt to resist movement (bit of elevation + retraction)
- Middle - prone - pt lat rotate arm resist horiziontal extension (ie similar to retraction) while giving resistance
- Lower - same as above but resist diagonal extension
Strength testing of sternocleomastoid
➢ put them into action and identify their contraction
➢ test them for strength [ isometric/ dynamic testing
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYcxL-meyZM
- it does flexion, side felxion and rotation
- resist the nodding of the head forward keeping the chin pointed towards the ceiling
- resist the side flexion + rotation at the same time