Neck - viscera Flashcards
Know the layers of cervical viscera, their anatomical relationships and fascial coverings•
All withing pretracheal fascia
Endocrine layer
Respiratrory layer
Alimentray layer
Know the digestive and respiratory pathways through the head and neck. –Where do these pathways cross?
OROPHARYNX- post edge of oral cavity and middle of pharynx cavity
•Layer 1: Endocrine layer– location and blood supply of the thyroid and parathyroid glands•
Thyroid- ductless hormone secreting
Location- largest endocrine. Lies over trachea
Isthmus over 2-3rd rings connects two lobes, may have . pyramidal lobe
Blood supply- superior thyroid a.-ECA, inferior thyroid a.-thyrocervical trunk, thyroid ima a. (10%) branch of brachioceplahlic or aorta arch
Thyroid vein drain into IJV
Superior and middle
Inferior thyroid v. drains to brachioceplahic v.
Innervation- regulated by pituitary gland (hypopheasal fossa) NO GVE!!!
Parathyroid- tiny gland posterior to thyroid
Layer 2: Respiratory layer- Larynx and Trachea
Larynx fx- 1-adducts vocal cords to provide air and increase intrathoracic pressure 2- route of air and food into appropirate passage ways (lungs and digestive)
3. voice production
Laryngeal cartilage-Thyroid cartilage
2 lamina fuse at an angle form the LARYNGEAL PROMINENCE- ADAM’S APPLE
inferior horns form synoical jt with cricoid cartilage
–Know the boundaries of each of the spaces within the larynx and be able to state the innervation of the mucosa lining each of these spaces–
name muscles that are capable of altering the tension and position of the vocal folds/ligaments–
Know the innervation & blood supply of these muscles.
What happens when either the external or recurrent laryngeal nerves are lost?•
Layer 3: Alimentary layer–Know the functions of the pharynx. Where does it begin? Where does it end? (with what structures is it continuous?)–
Know the six muscles (3 inner, 3 outer) forming the walls of the pharynx
What are the three parts of the pharynx? their boundaries, their relationships to each other and their relationships to other structures in the head & neck (middle ear, oral cavity, nasal cavity, larynx, esophagus, prevertebral muscles)–
Part 1 -boundaries, their relationships to each other and their relationships to other structures in the head & neck (middle ear, oral cavity, nasal cavity, larynx, esophagus, prevertebral muscles)
NASOPHARYNX- post edge of nasal cavity and beg of pharynx cavity
Part 2 -boundaries, their relationships to each other and their relationships to other structures in the head & neck (middle ear, oral cavity, nasal cavity, larynx, esophagus, prevertebral muscles)
Part 3 -boundaries, their relationships to each other and their relationships to other structures in the head & neck (middle ear, oral cavity, nasal cavity, larynx, esophagus, prevertebral muscles)