MOD3-Cranial nerve Flashcards
Foramen-Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
Functional Component- SA
Main target- Olfaction
Major branches- composed of flia olfactory, pass through plater to reach olfactory bulb, extension of brain
Distribution- smell from olfactory mucosa
CN I Olfactory
Foramen-Optic Canal of sphenoid bone Functional Component- SA Main target- Vision Assoc. ganglia- Retinal ganglion cells Major branches- axons travel away from retina toward brain in optic nerves. Fibers from nasal portions of retina (temporal visual fields) cross over side at the optic chiasm, near pituitary gland. Distribution- Vision from retina
CN II Optic
Foramen-Superior Orbital Fissure
Functional Component- GSE, GVEp
Main target- 4 extraocular mm, 2 intraocular mm.
Associated ganglia: Ciliary GVE
Major branches: NA
Distribution: GSE-move eyeball, GVE- Parasympathicic to ciliary m., lens accommadation, spincther pupillaie m.
CN III Oculomotor
Foramen-Superior Orbital Fissure Functional Component-GSE Main target-Superior Obligue m. Associated ganglia: NA Major branches-NA Distribution- GSE an extraocular m
CN IV Trochlear
CN V Trigeminal
Foramen- Superior orbital fissure Functional Component- GSE Main target- Lateral Rectus m. Associated ganglia: NA Major branches-NA Distribution- GSE an extraocular m
CN VI Abducens
Foramen- Internal acoustic meatus, stylomastoid foramen
Functional Component-SA, GSA, GSE, GVEp
Main target-mm. of facial experssion. all glands except parotid
Associated ganglia:
Geniculate (GSA, SA)
Pterygopalantine (GVEp),
Submandibular GVEp
Major Division- Great petrosal-GVEp,
Chora Tympani-GVEp, SA
Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Mandiublar, Cervical-GSE
Distribution-GSE- m. of facial expression
Glands- sublinua, submandibular, lacrimal, nose and palate-GVEp
Part of external audiotory meatus-GSA
taste from anter 2/3 of tongue and palate
CN VII Facial
Foramen-Internal acoustic meatus
Functional Component-SA
Main target- Hearing , equilibrium
Associated ganglia- Vestibular SA balance, Cochlear-hearing SA
Major Division- Vestibular nerve and Cochlear nerve
Distribution-Inner ear
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear
Foramen- Jugular foramen
Functional Component-SA, GSA, GSE, GVEp, GVA
Main target- stylopharyngeus m, oropharynx, parotid gland
Associated ganglia- OTIC ganglion (GVE)
Major branches: NA
Distributions-GSE-stylopharyngeus m.
GVE-parotid gland
GSA- external ear, post tongue
GVA-pharynx, carotid body/sinus (baroreceptor, chemoreceptors)
SA- taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue
CN IX Glossopharyngeal
Foramen- Jugular Foramen
Functional Component- SA, GSA, GSE, GVEp, GVA
Main target-mm of larynx, pharynx, palate, sensation of larynx & laryngopharynx, Parasympthetics to thorax and abdomen
Associate ganglia-NA
Major branches-Recurrent, superior laryngeal (internal and external), Pharnygeal
Distribution- GSE- mm of palate, larynx, pharynx
GVE-smooth mm of trachea, glands of pharynx.
GSA-parts of External acoustic meatus and cranial dura.
GVA- pharynx, larynx
SA-taste from epiglottis and parts of tongue
CN X Vagus
Foramen- Jugular Foramen Functional Component- GSE Main target- Trapezius, Sternocleidomastoid Associate ganglia-NA Major branches-NA Distribution-
CN XI Spinal Accessory
Foramen- Hypoglossal canal Functional Component- GSE Main target-mm. of tongue Associate ganglia-NA Major branches-NA Distribution- mm of tongue all, intrinsic and extrinsic
CN XII Hypoglossal
Foramen- Superior orbital fissure
Functional Component- GSA
Main target-Upper dermatome of face, orbit, nasal cavity
Associated ganglia: Trigeminal ganglion
Major branches-nasocilary, short ciliary front supraorbital, lacrimal.
Distribution- major sensory n. head..
CN V1 Ophthalmic
Foramen- Foramen rontundum
Functional Component-GSA
Main target- middle dermatome of face, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, palate
Associated ganglia: Trigeminal ganglion
Major branches-infraorbital, nasopalatine, greater/lesser palantine
Distribution- major sensory n. head.. V3 GSE
CN V2 Maxillary
Foramen-Foramen ovale
Functional Component-GSA, GSE
Main target-Lower dermatome of face, oral cavity, muscle of mastication
Associated ganglia:Trigeminal ganglion
Major branches-auriculotemporal, lingual, inf. alveolar, mental
Distribution- GSE an extraocular m
CN V3 Mandibular