Neck Anatomy Q6 Flashcards
Where is the platysma muscle located?
Within the superficial cervical fascia. This is the outer layer of skin mainly fat.
ID fascia layers:
Red= Investing fascia
Purple= Muscular pretracheal faschia (covers Infrahyoid m.)
Blue= Visceral pretracheal fascia (covers thyroid)
Green= Buccopharyngeal fascia
Orange= Prevertebral fascia (covers deep cervical, levator scapulae, ant. middle and posterior scalene, and longus coli muscles)
ID area and why it is so critical.
Green= Retropharyngeal spce
Purple= Alar space
Red= Alar fascia
Yellow= Sympathetic trunk.
Critical because infection can enter spaces via oral cavity it can then spread to mediastinum.
ID structures:
Brown= carotid sheath
Blue= Internal jugular vein
Red= Common carotid artery
Yellow= Vagus n.
ID nerves:
Note, greater auricular, transverse cervical and supraclavicular are cutaneous.
Where is the carotid sinus and body found? What are their functions? Which nerve are they connected to?
Found at the bifurcation of internal and external carotid arteries. Carotid sinus resposible for baroreceptors. Carotid body is chemoreceptors such as O2, CO2, pH, and temp regulation. Connected to cranial nerver IX.
ID blood vessels of ECA:
What does the superior thyroid artery supply blood to?
Ant. strap muscles, thyroid cartilage, larynx, thyroid gland, sternocleidomastoid.
What does the asc. pharyngeal artery supply blood to?
Pharyngeal muscles, inner tympanic region, posterior meningeal artery.
What does the lingual artery supply blood to?
Oral cavity and floor, tongue, epiglottis, sublingual glands.
What does the facial artery supply blood to?
Superior facial muscles, infraorbital, superior and inferior labial, inferior alveolar, submental.
What does that occipital artery supply blood to?
Suboccipital muscles, dorsal muscles, skin and scalp.
What does the posterior auricular artery supply blood to?
Most inner/middle ear and posterolateral scalp.
ID branches of internal jugular vein:
Note, joins with subclavian to form brachiocephaic vein.
ID vessels of external jugular vein:
Note, joins into subclavian vein.