Digestive System Q4 Flashcards
Where is the greater and lesser omentum located?
Greater omentum extends off the greater curvature of the stomach and the lesser extends from the lesser curvature of the stomach to the liver.
What type of peritoneum does the omentum fall under?
What is the hole that connects the greater and lesser sacs and where is it located?
It is the omental bursa and located in the lesser omentum.
What are the three classes of organs and define them.
Intraperitoneal- Covered in peritoneum, associated with mesentery Primary retroperitoneal- Develops and stays behind the peritoneum Secondary retroperitoneal- originates within but emerges back into peritoneum.
What are some examples of organs that are intraperitoneal?
Stomach, jejunum, ileum, some of the duodenum, spleen, liver, gallbladder, vermiform appendix, some large intestine(transverse & sigmoid).
What are some examples of organs that are primary retroperitoneal?
Kidneys and suprarenal glands.
What are some examples of organs that are secondary retroperitoneal?
Duodenum(descending & horizontal), pancreas, colon(ascending & descending), rectum.
Review structures
Review the structures hepatogastric ligament, hepatoduodenal ligament and epiploic foramen.
What are the three structures making the portal triad? Where are they located?
Bile duct, portal vein, proper hepatic artery. Located just inferior to the liver.
ID structures.
What does the duodenum release and what are the substances used for?
What are the 4 parts and where are they located in relation to the peritoneum?
Bile for lipid digestion, bicarbonate for acid neutralization, and pancreatic enzymes for digestion all released from the ampulla of vater or major duodenal papilla.
Superior, descending, horizontal, and ascending. Desending and horizontal are secondary retroperitoneal and the superior and ascending are intraperitoneal.
What is the portal triad and what struture does it travel through?
It is the bile duct, portal vein, and proper hepatic artery that corse through the hepatoduodenal ligament.
Where does the majority of nutrient absorption take place?
Jejunum and illeum.
What part of the small intestine is located closer to the stomach and which part is located closer to the large intestine?
How can you tell them apart on the interior?
Jejunum is closer to the stomach and illeum is closer to the large intestine.
On the interior the jejunum has large circular folds and the illeum has peyers patches.