Nebosh NGC1 Flashcards
What is a risk
The likelihood of potential harm from a hazard being realised
What is meant by the term health and safety audit?
H&S audit is a systematic critical examination of an organisations systems to determine the extent of compliance with health and safety regulations
What is RIDDOR
Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
What is LOLER ?
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
What is an incident
An incidence is an event that brings about loss
What is a near miss
An incident with the potential to cause harm but where there is no measurable loss
What is a dangerous occurrence
Significant events such as collapse of scaffold of 5m high or more or turn over of load bearing lift or hoist of more than7 m high
What is a risk assessment?
A careful examination of what in your work could cause harm to people to decide whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent them
What are the five steps to risk assessment
Identify hazards
Decide who might be harmed and why
Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution
Record your findings
Review your assessment and update if necessary
What is ERIC PD
Eliminate Reduce Isolate Control Ppe Discipline Hierarchy of hazard control.
When and why should you use ERIC PD
Used to remove or reduce hazards and risks and should be used during a risk assessment.
Eliminate …
Why are we doing the action is it necessary can an alternate less hazardous method be used instead
Can we reduce the action eg doing it less often, less people doing it, less hazardous equipment
Screen off affected area or action or move to a different location keep it away from other workers
Organizational or technical controls such as safe systems of work, procedures, training, supervision, ventilation, machine guards, safety devices and tools
Wearing suitable and well maintained protective wear gloves eye protection masks
Make sure all controls are monitored reviewed and enforced.
When give a prohibition notice
When a workplace activity involves or will involve the risk of serious personal injury
When does a prohibition notice take effect and require the activity to cease
Immediately or at a fixed date if immediately stopping us considered dangerous
What is a Hazard
Something that has potential to cause harm