NBR 2 - Neuroanatomy No 1-55 Flashcards
For questions 1 to 4, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. dorsal longitudinal fasciculus B. lateral lemniscus C. medial lemniscus D. medial longitudinal fasciculus
- connection of posterior columns to thalamus
B. lateral lemniscus
For questions 1 to 4, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. dorsal longitudinal fasciculus B. lateral lemniscus C. medial lemniscus D. medial longitudinal fasciculus
- carries fibers involved with eye movements and has vestibular input
D. medial longitudinal fasciculus
For questions 1 to 4, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. dorsal longitudinal fasciculus B. lateral lemniscus C. medial lemniscus D. medial longitudinal fasciculus
- a part of the auditory pathway
B. lateral lemniscus
For questions 1 to 4, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. dorsal longitudinal fasciculus B. lateral lemniscus C. medial lemniscus D. medial longitudinal fasciculus
- connects the periventricular hypothalamus and mammillary bodies to the midbrain’s central gray matter
A. dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
- Stimulation of caudal regions of the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) produces
A. conjugate horizontal deviation of the eyes to the opposite side
B. conjugate horizontal deviation of the eyes to the same side
C. deviation of only the contralateral eye to the same side
D. deviation of only the ipsilateral eye to the opposite side
E. deviation of only the ipsilateral eye to the same side
B. conjugate horizontal deviation of the eyes to the same side
For questions 6 to 9, match the description with the eye movements.
A. conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. vertical eye movements
D. none of the above
- stimulation of the caudal PPRF
B. conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
For questions 6 to 9, match the description with the eye movements.
A. conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. vertical eye movements
D. none of the above
- stimulation of the rostral PPRF
C. vertical eye movements
For questions 6 to 9, match the description with the eye movements.
A. conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. vertical eye movements
D. none of the above
- stimulation of the superior colliculus
A. conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
For questions 6 to 9, match the description with the eye movements.
A. conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. vertical eye movements
D. none of the above
- stimulation of the middle frontal gyrus
A. conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
- Which of the following is true of the occipital eye field?
A. It is localized to a relatively small area.
B. It subserves pursuit eye movements that are largely voluntary.
C. Lesions in this area are associated with transient deviation of the eyes away from the side of the lesion.
D. The threshold for excitation in this area is lower than in the frontal eye fields.
E. With lesions in this area, the patient can direct the eyes to a particular location on command.
E. With lesions in this area, the patient can direct the eyes to a particular location on command.
11. The intracranial dura is innervated by I. cranial nerve V II. upper cervical spinal nerves III. cranial nerve X IV. cranial nerve VII A. I, II, III B. I, III C. II, IV D. IV E. all of the above
12. Descending fibers of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) arise from all of the following structures except the A. inferior colliculus B. Cajal's intersitial nucleus C. medial vestibular nucleus D. pontine reticular formation E. superior colliculus
A. inferior colliculus
13. Which structure does not pass through the orbital tendinous ring (Zinn's anulus)? A. frontal nerve B. superior division of III C. abducens nerve D. nasociliary nerve E. inferior division of III
A. frontal nerve
- All of the following can be seen in ulnar nerve entrapment at the wrist except
A. motor deficits in the adductor pollicis
B. motor deficits in the deep head of the flexor pollicis brevis
C. motor deficits in the third and fourth lumbricals
D. sensory deficits in the dorsum ofthe hand
E. sensory deficits in the palmar surface of the hypothenar eminence
D. sensory deficits in the dorsum ofthe hand
15. The thalamus is fed by (the) I. medial posterior choroidal artery II. anterior choroidal artery Ill. basilar artery branches IV. middle cerebral artery branches A. I, II, III B. I, III C. II, IV D. IV E. all of the above
16. The anterior choroidal artery supplies portions of each of the following structures except the A. amygdala B. globus pallid us C. hippocampus D. hypothalamus E. internal capsule
D. hypothalamus
For questions 17 to 21, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. central tegmental tract B. lamina terminalis C. medial forebrain bundle D. stria medullaris E. stria terminalis
- connects the amygdala to the hypothalamus
E. stria terminalis
For questions 17 to 21, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. central tegmental tract B. lamina terminalis C. medial forebrain bundle D. stria medullaris E. stria terminalis
- the closed rostral end of the neural tube
B. lamina terminalis
For questions 17 to 21, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. central tegmental tract B. lamina terminalis C. medial forebrain bundle D. stria medullaris E. stria terminalis
- connects the gustatory brainstem nucleus to the thalamus
A. central tegmental tract
For questions 17 to 21, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. central tegmental tract B. lamina terminalis C. medial forebrain bundle D. stria medullaris E. stria terminalis
- connects the septal area, hypothalamus, olfactory area, and anterior thalamus to the habenula
D. stria medullaris
For questions 17 to 21, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. central tegmental tract B. lamina terminalis C. medial forebrain bundle D. stria medullaris E. stria terminalis
- connects the septal area, hypothalamus, olfactory area, and hippocampus to the midbrain, pons, and medulla
C. medial forebrain bundle
- Efferent fibers from the dentate nuclei
A. are somatopically arranged in the thalamus with the head represented laterally and caudal body parts medially
B. influence activity of motor neurons in the contralateral cerebral cortex
C. leave the cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle
D. mainly terminate in the red nucleus
E. project to the ipsilateral ventral lateral thalamic nuclei
B. influence activity of motor neurons in the contralateral cerebral cortex
23. The pulvinar has well-defined projections to the I. occipital cortex II. parietal cortex III. temporal cortex IV. frontal cortex A. I, II, III B. I, III C. II, IV D. IV E. all of the above
- Each of the following is true of the fornix except
A. It is the main efferent fiber system of the hippocampus.
B. Postcommissural fibers of the fornix project to the mammillary bodies.
C. The columns of the fornix lie anterior to the anterior commmissure.
D. The body of the fornix runs to the rostral margin of the thalamus.
E. The fornical commissure (psalterium) is rostral to the anterior commissure.
C. The columns of the fornix lie anterior to the anterior commmissure.
25. The efferent projections of the arcuate nucleus are most closely associated with the A. mammillary bodies B. median eminence C. nucleus of the diagonal band D. posterior hypophysis E. supraoptic nucleus
B. median eminence
26. Regions of the striate cortex that do not contain ocular dominance columns are those representing the I. fovea II. blind spot of the retina III. macula IV. monocular temporal crescent of the visual field A. I, II, III B. I, III C. II, IV D. IV E. all ofthe above
- Each of the following is true of the supplemental motor cortex (Mil) except
A. Some of the neurons project directly to the spinal cord.
B. The body is soma topically represented.
C. The neurons in this area exhibit movement-related activity only if the motor task is performed with the contralateral limbs.
D. The threshold for stimulation is higher than for the primary motor cortex (MI).
E. Unilateral ablations produce no permanent deficit in the maintenance of posture or capacity for movement.
C. The neurons in this area exhibit movement-related activity only if the motor task is performed with the contralateral limbs.
- Each is true of dorsolateral fibers entering the dorsolateral spinal cord except
A. Root fibers of spinal ganglia separate into a medial and lateral bundle.
B. The central processes of each dorsal root ganglion divide into both ascending and descending branches.
C. The lateral bundle conveys impulses from free nerve endings.
D. The medial bundle consists of thinly myelinated or unmyelinated fibers, whereas the lateral bundle is thickly myelinated.
E. The medial bundle conveys impulses from Golgi tendon organs.
D. The medial bundle consists of thinly myelinated or unmyelinated fibers, whereas the lateral bundle is thickly myelinated.
29. Which of the following does the ulnar nerve innervate? I. pronator quadratus II. flexor pollicis longus III. opponens pollicis IV. adductor pollicis A. I, II, III B. I, III C. II, IV D. IV E. all of the above
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- anterior nuclear group
H. cingulate gyrus
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- lateral dorsal nucleus
H. cingulate gyrus
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- lateral geniculate nucleus
E. area 17
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- lateral posterior nucleus
D. areas 5, 7
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- medial geniculate nucleus
G. areas 41, 42
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- mediodorsal nucleus
I. prefrontal cortex
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- pulvinar
F. areas 18, 19
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- centromedian nucleus
C. striatum
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- ventral lateral nucleus
B. area 4
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- ventral posterolateral nucleus
A. areas 1, 2, 3
For questions 30 to 40, match the thalamic nucleus with the cortical area(s) to which it projects. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. areas 1, 2, 3 B. area 4 C. striatum D. areas 5, 7 E. area 17 F. areas 18, 19 G. areas 41, 42 H. cingulate gyrus I. prefrontal cortex
- ventral posteromedial nucleus
A. areas 1, 2, 3
For questions 41 to 43, match the description with the structure. A. supraopticohypophysial tract B. tuberoinfundibular tract C. both D. neither
- Efferent fibers project to the neurohypophysis.
A. supraopticohypophysial tract
For questions 41 to 43, match the description with the structure. A. supraopticohypophysial tract B. tuberoinfundibular tract C. both D. neither
- Efferent fibers project to the anterior pituitary.
D. neither
For questions 41 to 43, match the description with the structure. A. supraopticohypophysial tract B. tuberoinfundibular tract C. both D. neither
- Efferent fibers project to the hypophyseal portal vessels.
B. tuberoinfundibular tract
For questions 44 to 49, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. ansa lenticularis B. fasciculus retroflexus C. lenticular fasciculus (FF H2) D. postcommissural fornix E. precommissural fornix F. thalamic fasciculus (FF Hl)
- connects the globus pallidus interna to the thalamus (travels around the internal capsule)
A. ansa lenticularis
For questions 44 to 49, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. ansa lenticularis B. fasciculus retroflexus C. lenticular fasciculus (FF H2) D. postcommissural fornix E. precommissural fornix F. thalamic fasciculus (FF Hl)
- connects the globus pallid us interna to the thalamus (travels through the internal capsule)
C. lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
For questions 44 to 49, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. ansa lenticularis B. fasciculus retroflexus C. lenticular fasciculus (FF H2) D. postcommissural fornix E. precommissural fornix F. thalamic fasciculus (FF Hl)
- combination of the ansa lenticularis, lenticular fasciculus, and cerebellothalamic tract
F. thalamic fasciculus (FF Hl)
For questions 44 to 49, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. ansa lenticularis B. fasciculus retroflexus C. lenticular fasciculus (FF H2) D. postcommissural fornix E. precommissural fornix F. thalamic fasciculus (FF Hl)
- connects the habenula to the midbrain and interpeduncular nuclei
B. fasciculus retroflexus
For questions 44 to 49, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. ansa lenticularis B. fasciculus retroflexus C. lenticular fasciculus (FF H2) D. postcommissural fornix E. precommissural fornix F. thalamic fasciculus (FF Hl)
- connects the hippocampus to the septal nuclei
E. precommissural fornix
For questions 44 to 49, match the following structures with the description. Each response may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. ansa lenticularis B. fasciculus retroflexus C. lenticular fasciculus (FF H2) D. postcommissural fornix E. precommissural fornix F. thalamic fasciculus (FF Hl)
- connects the hippocampus to the hypothalamus, mammillary bodies, anterior thalamus, septal nuclei, and cingulate gyrus
D. postcommissural fornix
50. Which of the following structures is not present on a transverse section of the medulla taken at midolive? A. accessory cuneate nucleus B. dorsal nucleus of X C. nucleus ambiguus D. nucleus of the solitary tract c
50. Which of the following structures is not present on a transverse section of the medulla taken at midolive? A. accessory cuneate nucleus B. dorsal nucleus of X C. nucleus ambiguus D. nucleus of the solitary tract E. superior vestibular nucleus
51. Which ofthe following fiber tracts is not a part ofthe limbic system? A. diagonal band of Broca B. fornix C. mammillothalamic tract D. medial forebrain bundle E. thalamic fasciculus
E. thalamic fasciculus
- The secondary somatic sensory area (511) is located on the
A. medial surface of the superior frontal gyrus
B. medial surface of the superior parietal lobule
C. superior bank of the lateral sulcus
D. ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus
E. same area as the primary somatic sensory area
C. superior bank of the lateral sulcus
- Which of the following is not seen with a lesion of the facial nerve immediately distal to the·geniculate ganglion?
A. hyperacusis
B. impairment oflacrimation
C. impairment of salivary secretions
D. loss of taste in the anterior two thirds of the tongue
E. paralysis of ipsilateral facial muscles
B. impairment oflacrimation
54. The external urethral sphincter is innervated by A. parasympathetic pelvic nerves B. somatic pudendal nerves C. sympathetic hypogastric nerves D. A and B E. Bande
B. somatic pudendal nerves
- Regions of the brain devoid of a blood-brain barrier (circumventricular organs) include each of the following except
A. indusium griseum
B. median eminence
C. organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis
D. pineal gland
E. subfornicat organ
A. indusium griseum