Nazism Flashcards
when did nazism grow?
where did the ideology come from?
came from a party who established the ideologies
National Socialist Germany workers already established by anton drexler but only became popular when Hitler came to lead in 1933 as sucessor and chancellor
where did the ideology come from?
came from a party who established the ideologies
National Socialist Germany workers already established by anton drexler but only became popular when Hitler came to lead in 1933 as sucessor and chancellor
a political idea with extreme racism nationalist party found in germany with prejudice and minority believing germany were superior
3 key pillars centered in the nazism belief?
Anti Semitism:
Anti communism:
prejudice, antagonism and discrimination against someone of a different race based on a belief that ones own is superior
hostility or prejudice against Jews
anti communism:
political and ideological opposition to ideas of communism
anti communism:
political and ideological opposition to ideas of communism
cause someone to be hostile and angry
why was the nazi party set?
nazi party set to counter and tackle the rise of communism
hitlers life before in power?
born in austria and joined the Austro-Hungarian army when ww1 erupted in Europe 1914 victim of a gas attack which temporarily blinded him and led him to be medically discharged off the army.angry at terms of tov and joined german workers group which would soon beocme the nazis when he came to lead replaced anton drexler
3 reasons why hitler didn’t like jews?
rejected from a predominately jewish art collge in vienna
blamed them for the triple alliances defat as 2 Jewish officials signed the armistice
ways hitler gathered great support from the nazi party after 1920s and the conflict caused?
hitler lead nazis through the munich putch in 1923 nazis rise againt weimar government using violence
reichtag fire-1933-comunists set fire on the german parliamemnt in berlin led friction between russia and germany-used this as excuses and his advantage to rid off enemies
led to ww2 as antagonised many powers in europe with tehir attemps to revsers tov rules.
how was hitler spread nazism?
a good orator and charismatic leader of the nazi party g gained support
how did nazism grow in 1920s?
hitler helped with the economic crisis/wall stree crash/hyperinfaltion
1st septembler 1939-2nd september 1945
28th july 1914-11th november 1918
4 yrs 3 months and 2 weeks
1st September 1939-2nd september 1945
6yrs and 1 day
when did hitler meet military advisers in secret and declares for gemrnay to posper needs their land of their neighbours?
5th november 1937
march 12th 1938:
germany march to austria unopposed announce their union with them even tho not allowed as tov prevented it.
sept 30th 1938=
britain and france sign muncih agreement wit germaby allowing then to control over sudentland -czechlovakia border
9th novemeber 1938
kritsallancht-night of broken glass
joseph goebeels anounce demonstration of jews
8000 jew places attcked,100 killed 20,000 arrested asnd sent to concentration camp
march 15th 1939=
invades czechlobakia
23rd august 1939-
molotov ribbbentrop pact
sept 1st 1939=
poland invasion using airforces and military bases fatsre tankes and powerful bases so spread fatser into blitzkreig
2 days after 3rd september britain declares war with them as traety w poland
The Anglo-Polish Agreement
alliance formalised in 1939 if any invasion of germnay between britain and poland
treaty of london
19th april 1839 between britain and belgium
reactions to hitler-1920s britain
didnt act
dispute w italy at time over military bakwaas
forces moved to mediteranean incase of italy start crap
little britain could do to top germnay
policy of appeasements negotiate rathe rthan violbce
lord lathian great politician didnt think germany breaking treaty of evrsiales whould merit to war
france reaction?
didnt act also between governments when germnay reoccpuied the fhinelnad
when f and b tried to appease musolini w offer of landin abby deeply unpopular -brought down government so couldnt bring germans down
force also moved tpo areas like tunisia nad alps
force near rhineland weaker
result of this:
hitler improved status
built more defences
thought of himslef as infaliable
formed rome berlin axis-1936 with italy
anti comintern pact with japan-1936 november
britain,france and belgium promised to protect eachother
britain strated rearming militray forces