Nazi Germany Flashcards
Mein kampf
during his time in prison Hitler wrote a book
the munich putsch
on 8 november 1923 in a beer hall in munich where Gustav von Kahr, the head of the bavarian government was speaking and Hitler shot a bullet into the ceiling and announced that he was taking over bavaria and then march into the capital and take over the country. Locked Kahr and his companons into a small room. General Ludendorff a great german war hero walked in and said he supported hitler. Around munich hitler’s stormtroopers took control of government bildings
what went wrong with the munich putsch?
morning after kahr pretend to cooperate with hitler ans secretly made a phone call to the police resulting in a gun battle between nazis and police 16 nazis killed and hitler had a dislocated shoulder and was arrested and put on trial for treason.
Nazi key election results
july 1932: 230
november 1932:196
Why was hitler able to become chancellor in 1933?
- the impact of the depression
-germany still paying reparations
- 1929 depression hit USA. US recalled back germanies loans
- weimar politicians could not agree on how to fix problems
- hitler promised decisive action + getting rid of treaty of Versailles
Why was hitler able to become chancellor in 1933?
- the actions of a small group of weimar politicians
- after Jul 1932 elections Hitler demanded chancellor, Hindenburg refused Von Papen stayed.
- Von Papen called an election Hitler won however Hindenburg made von schleicher chancellor
- within month schleicher resigns Hindenburg meets with army leaders, politicians ect
- 30 jan 1933 Hitler becomes chancellor
Why was hitler able to become chancellor in 1933?
- Communist threat
- communist fought street battles with the poice
- bussiness owners and industrialists feared communism
Why was hitler able to become chancellor in 1933?
- Disillusionment with democracy
- 1930 Bruning followed tough economic policy so spd pulled out
- unemployment reached 6 mil
- divided reichstag
- since 1929 average German income fell by 40%
- Hindenburg had to use article 48 to pass laws
Why was hitler able to become chancellor in 1933?
- Nazi campaign methods
-modern and effective
- return to traditional values + blamed jews, communists, Treaty + weimar politicians
- used film, radio and mass rallies
- SA seemed disciplined
- stood for president in 1933 gained 13 mil votes (Hindenburg 19 mil)
Why was hitler able to become chancellor in 1933?
- Impact of the depression
- Nazi campaign methods
- Disolussionment with democracy
- communist threat
-actions of a small group of weimar politicians
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- no experience in government
the nazi inexperience actually became an asset - the experienced politicians were seen to be failing
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- a reputation for rowdy and undisciplined
the SA cultivated an image of order and discipline - they were confronted by communist and socialist groups on the streets and so violence could be seen as provoked, necassary, even admirable.
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- a leader who was not obviously “prime minister material”
a) They focosed on Hitlers core strengths, charisma, “understanding” Germans.
b) Hitler was appointed Chancellor, with von Papen as vice chancellor pulling strings in theory
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- expressed their contempt for democracy
The nazi’s in many peoples eyes were proved to be right they dispised democracy becuase democracy was useless
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- brilliant propaganda
Goebbels campaigns made sure that the Nazi image was widely seen and heard and this maximised vote in 1932 elections.
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- a young modern image
Hitler and the Nazi’s leaders were often a generation younger, than the other leaders - they were the people who had fought in the war, who had suffered the hyperinflation, and were viewed as the generation who would put things right. Hitler played on this with his use of modern technology- planes, newsreel, recorded speeches.
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- a young modern image
Hitler and the Nazi’s leaders were often a generation younger, than the other leaders - they were the people who had fought in the war, who had suffered the hyperinflation, and were viewed as the generation who would put things right. Hitler played on this with his use of modern technology- planes, newsreel, recorded speeches.
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- mass support among the elctorate
the nazi’s were able to win enough seats to be the largest party in the reichstag therefore couldn’t be ignored. Their support was sought out by conservatives who wanted to se them
How were the nazis able to destroy Weimar democracy between 1932 and 1933?
- commited followers
the nazi’s had a gard core of followers they could use for parades but also for violent attacks on opponents.
How did Hitler consolidate power in 1933?
- The reichstag fire
-27 feb 1933 Reichstag government building burned down
- communist threat Van der Lubbe
- historians suspicious of fires origins
- Hitler demanded special emergancy powers
- President Hindenburg decree for the protection of the people and the state
- frightened voters
- Stopped opponents political meetings
- Nazis arrested 4000 leading communists
How did Hitler consolidate power in 1933?
- The enabling act
- Hitler set on destroying constitution
- SA surrounded Reichstag to intimidate politicians
- needed 2/3 majority vote
- support of catholic centre party
- passed law by 441 to 84
- 23rd march 1933 Enabling act passed
- Hitler Now had the power to make laws without reichstag for 4 years
- reichstag only met 12 times between 1933 and 1939 4 laws passed
- alos in jul 1933 law for establishment of parties (nazi only political party)
How did Hitler consolidate power in 1933?
- the night of the long knives
SA (brown shirts) set up by Hitler in 1921 lead by Ernst Rohm. Useful in 1920’s to beat up communists but now had a reputation as thugs. The SA commander was becoming to powerful and popular. Hitler had to choose between the army and the SA. Hitler convinced people that Rohm was plotting treason.
29-30th June 1934 squads of ss broke into the homes of leading SA members. Rohm and 400 others murdered over weekend. Critics of Nazis such as chancellor von schleicher alos silenced. Afterwards SA never regained full power. Became a parliamentary organisation.
How did Hitler consolidate power in 1933?
- Death of president Hindenburg
Hindenburg died on 2nd of august 1934.
- Hitler decided that Germany no longer needed a president and made himself fuhrer
- 20th august whole of army swore oath of loyalty to hitler