What is the 60-1 rule?
The rule is based on the small angle approximation (which states that for small angles, sin θ ≈ θ, where θ is in radians), along with the fact that one radian (which is about 57.3°) is close to 60°. In reality, a 1 mile in 60 error is 0.96°, and the rule becomes increasingly inaccurate for larger errors. But since even a skilled pilot cannot manually fly with better than about 2° accuracy, and winds are constantly varying, the rule remains useful for most realistic situations.
What is the maximum permissible variation between the two bearing indicators on a dual VOR system when checking one VOR system against another?
The maximum permissible variation between the two indicated bearings is 4 degrees.
How long does the touchdown zone lighting extend on a runway?
The system consists of steady-burning white lights which start 100 feet beyond the landing threshold and extend to 3,000 feet beyond the landing threshold or to the midpoint of the runway, whichever is less.
A VASI is good to what distance during the day/night? SM or NM?
These lights are visible from 3-5 miles during the day and up to 20 miles or more at night. The visual glide path of the VASI provides safe obstruction clearance within plus or minus 10 degrees of the extended runway centerline and to 4 NM from the runway threshold.
What is the reciprocal of 318°?
(+2,-2 method) 138°.
How do you calculate a VDP?
Calculate the VDP by dividing the MDA height above terrain by 300. Example, if the HAT or MDA is 600; 600/300 = 2 miles. The VDP is the point at which a three-degree glide slope from the threshold intersects the Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA).
You are flying a circling approach when you lose sight of the runway, how do you execute the missed approach?
Follow the missed approach procedure for the approach used. Make a climbing turn towards the landing runway, continue the turn until established on the missed approach course.
Is a stopway usable for take-off or taxi?
What does a flashing green light signal from a control tower mean?
Air – Return for Landing. Ground – Cleared for Taxi.
Bearing pointer moves from 5 degrees in front of the wing to 5 degrees behind the wing in 8 minutes, you are going 360 knots. How far from the station are you?
288NM. Distance to the station in NM= Minutes x Speed/Degrees. In this example, Distance = 8*360/10 OR 288 miles/n or another method is to use 2 simple formulas, Time in Seconds/Degrees of bearing change = Minutes to station. With minutes to station, simply multiply by GS (in miles per minutes) to equal distance. 480 (8 minutes)/10 degrees = 48 minutes from the station. 48 minutes x 6 (miles per minute) = 288.
How far apart do runways have to be to conduct simultaneous approaches to parallel runways?
An approach system permitting simultaneous ILS/MLS approaches to parallel runway with centerlines separated by 4,300 to 9,000 feet, and equipped with final monitor controllers. Simultaneous parallel ILS. MLS approaches require radar monitoring to ensure separation between aircraft on the adjacent parallel approach course.
Two aircraft are traveling in the same direction 50 miles apart. Aircraft in the lead is going .76 Mach, the aircraft in trail is going .86 Mach. When will the second aircraft catch the first aircraft?
50 minutes. At FL260 0.1 Mach = 1 mile per minute. At 50 miles apart, the faster aircraft will catch the slower aircraft in 50 minutes.
You are flying at 0.86 Mach, and you elect to slow down for operational purposes. Below what airspeed do you have to advise ATC? 0.85, 0.84, 0.83, 0.82.
Mach .82. Assuming FL360, 10 KIAS reduction in Mach is the equivalent of .82 Mach.
What color are IFR airports on Enroute Charts?
IFR airports are blue with tick marks (which designate the airport as Civilian as opposed to Military airports without tick marks) around the blue circle. VFR airports are green.
What is an MSA?
Minimum Safe Altitude depicted on an instrument approach chart and identified as the minimum safe altitude which provides 1000 feet of obstacle clearance within a 25 NM radius from the navigation facility upon which the MSA is predicated. This altitude is for EMERGENCY USE ONLY and does not guarantee navaid reception.
What is the maximum airspeed in class D airspace?
200 KIAS or below 2,500 feet above the surface within 4 nautical miles of the primary airport of a Class D airspace.
How do you identify a MOCA on an enroute chart?
MOCAs are printed with a “T” following the altitude.
Class “C” airspace description and limitation?
Surface to 4,000 AGL at an airport with an operating control tower. For VFR operations; 3 SM, cloud clearance of 500 below, 1000 above, and 2,000 horizontally, ceiling of 1000 feet, or Special VFR. Typically 5NM radius core with a possible 10NM shelf that extends from 1,299 feet to 4,000 feet. Outer area may contain 20 NM shelf. Two-way communications must be established before entry. MUST HAVE TRANSPONDER IN AND ABOVE
What does the “x” symbol on an enroute chart indicate?
A mileage beak or turning point.
What is calibrated airspeed?
Calibrated airspeed is the result of correcting IAS for error of the instrument and errors due to position or location of the installation.
What is the rate of descent necessary for a 3° ILS?
Example; 180kts GS, 180 x.5=900 fpm. OR 180/2 +zero = 90 +0 = 900 fpm.
What color and shape are compulsory checkpoints on an enroute chart?
Solid black and shaped as an equilateral triangle. Non-compulsory checkpoints are simply an outline of an equilateral triangle. A compulsory checkpoint with name and INS coordinates is a solid black equilateral triangle with a small white dot within the triangle.
What is an MORA?
Minimum Off-Route Altitude derived by Jeppesen. MORA provides known obstruction clearance 10 NM either side if a route centerline including a 10 NM radius beyond the radio fix reporting or mileage break defining the route segment.
How do you identify an MEA on an enroute chart?
MEAs are printed in red and simply show the MEA altitude along an airway.
You are entering a hold and your L/D max speed is above the max holding speed for FAR91. What speed do you hold at?
Max Hold Speed for FAR91 as long as it is 1.3 times VS.
What is the frequency range for a localizer?
The localizer transmitter operates on one of 40 ILS channels within the frequency range of 108.10 to 111.95 MHz.
How far away can a takeoff alternate be for an aircraft with two or more engines?
Aircraft having two engines. Not more than one hour from the departure airport at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine inoperative. Aircraft having three or more engines. Not more than two hours from the departure airport at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine inoperative.
What is equivalent airspeed?
EAS is the result of correcting CAS for compressibility effects. At high flight speeds, the stagnation pressure recovered in the pilot tube is not representative of the mainstream dynamic pressure due to a magnification by compressibility.
Convert Mach number to ground speed At FL260 Mach .08.
At FL260 Mach 0.8 = 480 knots. 480/60 = 8 miles per minute. 0.7 = 420 knots = 7 miles per minute. 0.6 = 360 knots = 6 miles per minute. 0.5 = 300 knots = 5 miles per minute.
Define MVA.
Minimum Vectoring Altitudes (MVA) are established for use by ATC when radar ATC is exercised. Each sector boundary is at least 3 miles from the obstruction determining the MVA. To avoid a large sector with an excessively high MVA due to an isolated prominent obstruction, the obstruction may be enclosed in a buffer area whose boundaries are at least 3 miles from the obstruction.
What is a MOCA?
Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude is the lowest published altitude in effect between radio fixes on VOR airways, off-airway routes or route segments which meet obstacle clearance requirements for the entire route segment and in the USA assures acceptable navigational signal coverage only within 22 nautical miles of a VOR.
Class “B” airspace description and limitations?
Surface to 7,000 feet or up to 12,500 feet surrounding the nation’s busiest airports. Clearance to enter is required. For VFR operations; 3 miles, Clear of Clouds and at least 1,000-foot ceilings, or Special VFR, Speed limit is 250 knots.
L/D Max= 240KIAS, Vflaps=205KIAS, Vs = 149KIAS. You get a holding clearance for 7000ft, at what speed do you hold?
230 KIAS (max holding speed between 6000 ft. and 14000 ft.) Ideally, an aircraft should fly in a holding pattern at a speed which minimizes fuel flow but within pattern at a speed which minimizes fuel flow but within the constraints of aircraft/company operational criteria and FAA established recommended guidelines. Without those constraints, the best profile to fly to minimize fuel flow would be at a speed slightly slower than the speed for minimum drag. In this case 230 KIAS.
You are executing a missed approach on Runway 09 and get cleared to hold south on the 180 degrees radial of the VOR on the field, at the 15 DME fix. What type entry?
Answer : Parallel Entry.
If on a 3-degree glide slope at 700 feet per minute, as headwind increases what correction must be made?
Reduce the rate of descent (due to slower ground speed).
What is the 60-1 rule?
The rule is based on the small angle approximation (which states that for small angles, sin θ ≈ θ, where θ is in radians), along with the fact that one radian (which is about 57.3°) is close to 60°. In reality, a 1 mile in 60 error is 0.96°, and the rule becomes increasingly inaccurate for larger errors. But since even a skilled pilot cannot manually fly with better than about 2° accuracy, and winds are constantly varying, the rule remains useful for most realistic situations.
Where is the FAF on an ILS?
By definition, the FAF on a precision approach is the point where the minimum glideslope intercept altitude intercepts the glide slope. It is designated on Government charts by the lightning bolt symbol for precision approaches; or when ATC directs a lower-than-published glideslope/path intercept altitude, it is the resultant actual point of the glideslope/path intercept.
What does a steady red light signal from a control tower mean?
Air – Give way to other aircraft, continue circling. Ground – Stop.
Up to what distance is a compass locator usable?
The transmitters have a power of less than 25 watts, a range of at least 15 miles and operate between 190 and 535 kHz.
What are standard takeoff minimums?
For aircraft having two engines or less- one statute mile visibility. For aircraft having more than two engines – ½ statute mile visibility.
What is an MEA?
MEA, or Minimum Enroute IFR Altitude, is the lowest published altitude between radio fixes that meets obstacle clearance requirements between those fixes and in many countries assures acceptable navigational signal coverage.
What is the frequency range for a VOR?
VORs operate within the 108.0 to 117.95 MHz.
Runway remaining centerline lighting system consists of.
Alternate red and white light from 3,000 feet to 1,000 feet, then red lights to the end.
What does EFIS stand for?
Electronic Flight Instrument System.
Are holding patterns drawn to scale on Approach charts?
Generally, no.
Name any 3 of the 12 keywords that must be part of the text after the location identifier in a NOTAM D.
What is indicated airspeed?
Indicated airspeed is the actual instrument indication for some given flight condition. Factors such as an altitude other than standard sea level, errors of the instrument and errors due to the installation, compressibility, etc., may create great variance between this instrument and actual flight speed.
The following reports should be made to ATC or FSS facilities without a specific ATC request…
Vacating any previously assigned altitude or flight level for a newly assigned altitude. Altitude change if operating on a clearance specifying VFR-on-top. When unable to climb/descend at a rate of a least 500 fpm. On missed approach. Change in airspeed by 5 percent or 10kts (whichever is greater) from filed. The time and altitude upon reaching a holding fix to which cleared. When leaving any assigned holding fix o point.
What does a flashing white light signal from a control tower mean?
Air – N/A Ground – Return to starting point.
Be able to compute descent rates, given speed in Mach numbers, distance, and altitude to lose.
To verify the airplane is on an approximate 3-degree glide-path, use a calculation of 300-foot-to-1-NM. The glide-path height above TDZE is calculated by multiplying the NM distance from the threshold by 300.
What is the proper procedure if the decision to go missed is made before reaching the MAP?
Obstacle protection for missed approach is predicated on the missed approach being initiated at the decision altitude/height (DA/H) or at the missed approach point and not lower than minimum descent altitude (MDA).
What are the rules related to MOAs?
MOAs are established for the purpose of separating certain non – hazardous military activities from IFR traffic may be cleared through the MOA if IFR separation can be provided by ATC. Otherwise, ATC reroutes traffic.
Where can you find a minimum crossing altitude on an enroute chart?
L MCAs are found underneath officially named intersections and may include direction for flights. Example; LOMAS MCA FL 60 SE indicates an MCA of 6,000 feet for SE bound flights only off an intersection name LOMAS.
You are on an ILS and the preceding aircraft reports a speed loss of 20kts. What do you do?
Discontinue the approach. The definition of severe wind shear is “a rapid change in wind direction or velocity cause airspeed changes greater than 15 knots.”
What speed should you use when diverting to an alternate?
14 CFR part 121 fuel requirements for domestic, flag, and supplemental: 3. Thereafter, to fly for 45 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption.
What does a flashing red light signal from a control tower mean?
Air – Airport unsafe, do not land. Ground – Taxi clear of runway in use.
Define Class B airspace?
Airspace from the surface to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nation’s busiest airports. The configuration of each Class B airspace area is individually tailored and consists of a surface area and two or more layers (think upside down wedding cakes), and is designed to contain all published instrument procedures once an aircraft enters the airspace. An ATC clearance is required for all aircraft to operate in the area.
A 747 is traveling at 120kts and is crossing the outer marker which is 5 miles away from the runway. A DC-9 is traveling at 150kts, and is 7 miles behind the B747. Where will the DC-9 be when the 747 lands?
5.75 miles behind the 747. The 747 will land in 2.5 minutes. The DC-9 is traveling at 2.5 miles/minute. In 2.5 minutes, the DC-9 will have traveled 6.25 miles. It was originally 12 miles from the runway, so it is now 5.75 miles from the runway, or .75 miles outside of the marker.
What is 1600RVR converted to statute miles?
¼ statute miles.
What does a steady Green light signal from a control tower mean?
Air – Cleared to land. Ground – Cleared for T/O.
You are at FL350 going Mach.84, 112 miles from XYZ VOR. You are cleared to cross 12 miles outside of XYZ at 10,000ft and 250 KIAS. IAS in the Descent at 300Kts when do you start down?
Use 3 miles per 1000 feet of altitude loss, and 1 mile for every 10 knots to slow the airplane. 3×25=75 miles, 50kts of airspeed loss will take 5 miles.75+5+12=92 DME from XYZ VOR.
You are at FL340, GS is 480kts, you are 96 DME from the VOR. At what Descent Rate would you use to cross a VOR at 10,000 ft?
You are going 8 miles a minute, you are 12 minutes from the VOR. 12 minutes to lose 24,000 ft = 2000 fpm.
What does a red and green light signal from a control tower mean?
Exercise Extreme Caution.
Class “D” airspace description and limitations?
Surface to 2,500 AGL surrounding an airport with an operating control tower. Normally circular area with a radius of 4NM. VFR operations; Visibility of 3NM, cloud clearance of 500 below, 1,000 above, and 2,000 horizontally ceiling of 1000 feet or special VFR. Two-way communication must be established before entry.
If ATC instructs you to turn immediately to a designated heading on takeoff, when do you turn?
When ATC issues a clearance or instruction, pilots are expected to execute its provision upon receipt.
How do you identify a MORA on an enroute chart?
MORAs are printed with an “a” following the altitude.
What is MSA?
Minimum Safe/Sector Altitudes (MSA) are published for emergency use on IAP charts. MSAs are in MSL and have a 25 NM radius: A single sector altitude is depicted on the plan view of approach charts. When necessary, the area may be further sectored into 4 separate MSAs. Sectors may be no less than 90 in spread. MSAs provide 1000 ft. clearance over all obstructions but do not assure acceptable navigation signal coverage.
A PAPI showing 4 white lights indicates the aircraft is high by more than x degrees?
3.5 degrees or more. 4 reds are lower than 2.5 degrees.
No alternate airport is required if for at least 1 hour before and 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival at the destination airport, the appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination of them, indicate – (1) The ceiling will be at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation; and (2) Visibility will be at least 3 miles.
2 rows of traverse light bars disposed symmetrically about the runway centerline describes which type of lighting?
A PAPI showing 4 white lights indicates the aircraft is high by more than x degrees?
3.5 degrees or more. 4 reds are lower than 2.5 degrees.
For a 3 degree descent, how do you determine distance and rate of descent?
Determine the distance to begin the descent by multiplying the altitude (in thousands) by 3. To determine the rate of descent, multiply ground speed by 5.
You are FL370 in cruise flight. The OAT increases 5°, and the headwind increases 5kts. What happens to your TAS and GS?
5 × 1.2 = 6kts. Gain in TAS, and GS increases by 1kt.
You are FL370 in cruise flight. The OAT increases 5°, and the headwind increases 5kts. What happens to your TAS and GS?
5 × 1.2 = 6kts. Gain in TAS, and GS increases by 1kt.
What is MDA?
Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) – the lowest altitude, expressed in feet above mean sea level, to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering in execution of a standard instrument approach procedure where no electronic glideslope is provided.
How often are NOTAMs issued?
The Notices to Airmen publication is issued every 28 days.
When is a takeoff alternate required under Part 121?
If the weather condition at the airport of takeoff is below the landing minimums in the certificate holder’s operations specifications for that airport, no person may dispatch or release an aircraft from that airport.
How do you find hours of operation of an airport?
Airport/Facility Directory (abbreviated A/FD).
You are on a 20 DME arc at 240kts GS. What will your lead radial be to intercept the final approach course? 1-4 radials, 5-8 radials, 9-12 radials.
5-8 Radials. The aircraft is moving at 4miles per minute (240 Knots), a standard rate turn (2 minutes/360 degrees) will take 30 seconds to complete, and the aircraft will travel 2 miles. Using the 60-to-1 guidelines, the aircraft will travel 6 radials in the 30-second turn to final.
The LOC inbound course is 360°, the final app fix is the XYZ VOR 090° radial at 20 DME. You are on the 288° bearing to the station, established on the LOC. How far is the Final App Fix?
6 miles. 60 to 1 Rule. 60 miles out, 1 Deg = 1 mile, 20 miles out, 1 Deg = 1/3 mile. Bearing difference is 18 Deg/3 = 6 miles.
What is MEA?
Minimum Enroute IF altitude (MEA) – The lowest published altitude between radio fixes which assures acceptable navigational signal coverage and meets obstacle clearance requirements between those fixes.
What airspeed do you hold when you are at 8000 ft.?
How is a grid MORA displayed on an enroute chat?
Grid MORAs are displayed in a light green (when less than 14,000 feet and maroon when above 14,000 feet), bolded san serif font on Enroute Charts in hundreds of feet. They provide 1,000 feet clearance of all terrain and man-made structures in area where the highest elevations are 5,000 feet MSL and 2,000-foot clearance in areas where the highest elevations are 5,001 feet MSL or higher.
You take position and hold on runway 9L in ATL. The published magnetic heading is 092 and your compass reads 088. The wind is 360 at 10. You are cleared for takeoff and told to fly runway heading. What heading do you fly?
- From FAR/AIM; RUNWAY HEADING – The magnetic direction that corresponds with the runway centerline extended not the painted runway number. When cleared to “fly or maintain the heading that corresponds with the extended centerline of the departure runway. Drift correction is not applied; e.g., Runway 4, actual magnetic heading of the runway centerline 044, fly 044.
Under what conditions will the ILS critical area be in effect?
Less than ceiling 800 feet and/or visibility 2 miles.
Describe 4 different types of Airport Beacons.
Beacons rotate clockwise from above and at approximately 12PM. On average, a pilot will see 24-30 flashes per minute. WHITE and GREEN- lighted land airport. 2 WHITE AND 1 GREEN – Military airport. GREEN, YELLOW, and WHITE –lighted HELIPORT. WHITE and YELLOW- lighted water airport.
Is the area before a displaced threshold usable for take-off or taxi?
Which color on a tricolor VASI indicates the aircraft is low?
The below glidepath indication is red, the above glidepath indication is amber, and on glideslope is green.
How can you determine whether a VOR has DME capability?
DME capability is indicated by a small “D” preceding the VOR frequency within a navaid identification box on any Jepp.
You are on the 090 degrees bearing to the station and are cleared to hold on the 060° bearing to the station. What is your initial heading outbound?
240 degrees without wind correction. Extend outbound leg so that inbound leg is 1 minute (assuming standard hold). Triple inbound wind correction on outbound leg and use standard rate turns.
What is the speed limit in class B airspace?
250 Knots.