Navicular Flashcards
boat shaped concave proximal and convex distally articulates with talus and three cuneiforms sometimes articulates with cuboid rarely articulate calcaneus
Dorsal surface of navicular
oriented superomedially
rough for attachment of ligaments
Ligaments attached to dorsal navicular (7)
three dorsal cuneonavicular (to each cuneiform)
dorsal cuboideonavicular
dorsal talonavicular
calcaneonavicular portion of bifurcated ligament
tibionavicular portion of deltoid ligament
Plantar surface of navicular
continuous medially with navicular tuberosity
contains groove for tendon of tibialis posterior
Groove for tendon of tibialis posterior
separates navicular tuberosity from plantar surface
groove is for continuation of tendon of tibialis posterior beyond attachment to the tuberosity
tubercle on middle plantar surface is for attachment of…
spring ligament
Ligaments attached to plantar surface of navicular (5)
spring ligament (plantar calcaneonavicular)
plantar cuboideonavicular ligament
three plantar cuneonavicular ligaments (one to each cuneiform
Lateral surface of navicular
very narrow
more like edge than surface
Ligaments that attach to lateral surface of navicular (2)
lateral calcaneonavicular portion of bifurcated ligament
Interosseous cuboideonavicular ligament
Medial surface of navicular
contains tuberosity of variable size for tibialis posterior
If tuberosity on medial surface develops from secondary ossification center, it results in….
os tibialie (externum)
Ligament attached to medial navicular and medial cuneiform
medial cuneonavicular
Anterior surface of navicular
convex from side to side
large articular facet subdivided by two vertical crests/ridges into three articular areas for articulation with three cuneiforms
Medial facet of anterior navicular surface
largest facet
can be pear-shaped, triangular, or quadrilateral
Middle (intermediate) and lateral facets of anterior navicular
both triangular
Posterior surface of navicular
contains large oval/tear-shaped facet for articulation with talus