Metatarsals Flashcards
Bases of metatarsal bones articulate with…
Distal row of tarsal bones
Bases of metatarsals 2-5 articulate with each other
Longitudinal curves of metatarsal shafts
convex dorsally
concave plantarly
Metatarsal heads
Plantar surface extends proximally further than dorsal
Transverse metatarsal ligament attaches to all 5 heads
First metatarsal
thickest, heaviest, strongest, shortest
Base of First Metatarsal
very broad
Posterior articular surface has concave reniform facet for medial cuneiform
Triangular w/three surfaces: inferior, medial, lateral
Tendons attached to First Metatarsal (2)
Tibialis anterior attaches to medial base
Peroneus longus attaches to lateral base
Both attach inferiorly near plantar surface
Ligaments attached to First Metatarsal (2)
Dorsal cuneometatarsal ligament on medial surface
Plantar cuneometatarsal ligament on lateral surface
Shaft of First Metatarsal
Very concave plantarly
Three surfaces: lateral, inferior, dorsomedial
medial head of first interosseous attaches to lateral shaft
Head of First Metatarsal
anterior (distal) surface continuous with plantar surface with facets for medial/lateral sesamoids
Median Crista
small ridge of bone separating sesamoid facets on plantar surface of first met head
First Met only: which is greater, the transverse diameter or the vertical diameter of the head
Transverse diameter is greater in first metatarsal
Vertical diameter is greater for all other toes
Second Metatarsal
extends more proximally
articulates with all three cuneiforms
Base of Second Metatarsal
wedge-shaped or pyramidal with apex directed plantarly
three borders: dorsal, lateral, medial
Facets for Cuneiforms
Posterior surface - triangular facet for intermediate
Medial surface - small oval facet for medial, with second facet occasionally
Lateral surface - two facets (dorsal/plantar) demarcated by ridge of bone - posterior facets for lateral
dorsal/plantar anterior facets of lateral base of second met articulate with
third metatarsal
Ligaments attached to dorsal surface of base of second metatarsal (4)
Dorsal intermetatarsal ligament to third metatarsal
Three dorsal cuneometatarsal ligaments to each cuneiform
Structures attached to plantar surface of base of second metatarsal (5)
Long plantar ligament Tibialis posterior Plantar cuneometatarsal ligament Plantar intermetatarsal ligament Adductor hallucis (oblique head)
Ligaments attached to lateral surface of base of second metatarsal (2)
Interosseous intermetatarsal ligament
Interosseous cuneometatarsal ligament
Ligament attached to medial surface of base of second metatarsal
Lisfranc’s ligament
Structures attached to shaft of second metatarsal (2)
lateral head of first dorsal interosseous on medial surface
Medial head of second dorsal interosseous on lateral surface
Head of second metatarsal
convex distally
articular surface diverges into lateral/medial condyles
What passes between medial/lateral condyles of second metatarsal head
flexor tendons