What is a method of getting from one known point to some distant point known as?
Which type of navigation primarily deals with fixing the location of the platform to enable installed weapon systems to function against intended targets, prevent ownership loss to or interference with friendly weapon systems, and coordinate ownership weapon systems with those of other platforms to achieve maximum effect?
What is the estimating of the ship’s position between known navigational points or fixes?
Dead reckoning
Which branch of navigation is a ship’s position determined by referring to landmarks with known positions on the earth?
Which long-distance radio navigation system is used by ships at sea to obtain a position fix?
Long Range Aid to Navigation (LORAN)
Which type of navigation involves comparing the phase angles of two or more radio signals that are synchronized to a common time base?
Which type of navigation system continuously computes the latitude and longitude of the ship by sensing acceleration?
Ship’s Inertial Navigation System (SINS)
Which type of navigation system has a major security advantage over other types of navigation systems because it is completely independent of celestial, sight, and radio navigation aids?
Ship’s Inertial Navigation System (SINS)
What are used to measure changes in speed or direction along the axis in which they lie?
Which model of Ship’s Inertial Navigation Systems (SINSs) are installed or being installed on surface combatants as of the time of this publication?
Which artificial satellite allowed scientists to realize that navigation based on satellite signals was possible?
Sputnik I
Which year was the first satellite successfully launched?
Which altitude are Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS) satellites placed in a circular polar orbit?
500-700 nm
Approximately how many minutes does it take Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS) satellites to orbit?
Measurement of Doppler shift is complicated by the fact that satellite transmissions must pass through the earth’s upper atmosphere on their way from space to the receiver. Which layer contains electronically charged particles which cause refraction of these transmissions?