Natural Law Ethics Flashcards
A prominent medieval philosopher and theologian.
St. Thomas Aquinas
Developed the concept of Natural Law as a moral framework based on reason and nature.
St. Thomas Aquinas
is Divine Wisdom that directs all beings toward their end, God Himself.
Eternal law
It is the unchanging and eternal plan of God that encompasses the entire creation. This law is not something written or spoken; rather, it is the blueprint of the divine mind that directs everything in accordance with God’s wisdom.
Eternal law
refers to everything God decides from forever.
Eternal law
is a set of moral principles derived from human reason and reflecting the eternal law of God.
Natural law
It is universal, unchanging, oriented towards the common good, and provides a basis for evaluating the morality of human actions.
Natural law
“Natural law ethics” means
what is ethical is what the natural law says.
is the “ordinance of Divine Wisdom”, which is made known to us by reason and which requires the observance of the moral order.
Natural law
are human-made laws that oblige or specify an action that describes the establishment of specific rights for an individual or group.
Positive law
is a system of rules created by human authorities that should be in harmony with natural law principles.
Human law
is the set of moral principles revealed by God, often found in sacred scriptures, and meant to guide human conduct.
Divine law
God’s law for the whole creation, which we cannot fully grasp given our limitation.
eternal law
explained that the natural law is promulgated through the light of reason
St. Thomas
are those enacted by God or men.
Positive laws
is law “written in the hearts of men.”
Natural law
is an ordinance of reason promulgated for the common good by one
What is ethical according to the natural law ethics framework is that which the natural law commands us to do -
“do good, avoid evil.”