grounds itself on reason, and the wisdom of human experience
as a philosophical discipline solely relies on natural reason, logic and experience, especially in the justification and validation of certain theories and principles concerning good and bad.
relies primarily and mainly on supernatural reason, that is-divine revelation or divine authority.
grounds itself on religious teachings, the holy book and sacred writings.
is an integrated pattern of human knowledge, beliefs and behaviors. It is people’s way of life.
Culture consists of
material and non-material culture.
Physical objects that society produces such as tools or works of art
Material Culture
Non-Material Culture
Culture is not inherited. It is acquired through
enculturation, inculturation and acculturation
The process of learning the components of life – material and non-material in one’s culture.
Making the Gospel take roots in a culture and transforming the culture to Christianity
A process where people learn and adopt a new culture
__________ affects human behavior. Not all cultural practices are morally acceptable.
____________ also affects the way we evaluate and judge things/people.
According to the French philosopher _____________, “everything has been figured out, except how to live.”
Jean Paul Sartre
For______________, the concept of human dignity was associated with freedom and human abilities. It concerns the freewill of the human being which empowers him to make decisions. Because humans are free beings, violating this capacity for free decision-making violates human dignity
Aristotle and the Stoics; Ancient Period
the dignity of the human person was associated with the notion of being God’s creature. Since God as a Being is a Person, one who is most fully in being, the human being as a creature of God manifests this personhood.
Medieval Period
The concept of human dignity became associated with human rights. To be human means to possess certain rights and to violate these rights means to violate the very dignity of the person. A human right implies an entitlement, which suggests that one can pursue a moral claim on something.
Modern Period
“The experience of morality is part of every person’s life.”
Michael Moga, 1993
morality is understood as occupying just one area among the many diverse areas in human life.
Morality Position 1st Position
simply confined to a specific and limited area in human existence. Hence the rest of the other areas in human experience are not subject to ethics and morality.
1st Position
is quite the opposite of the first. This claims that practically all of human life is under the domain of morality. That morality is ever present and is necessary for man to be truly human.
2nd Position
contends that if we are to be fully human, we must somehow manage to maintain a sort of balance in all of these areas of our lives without neglecting any. We have to avoid to simply focus in one area and fail to give justice to the others.