natural law Flashcards
what did aristotle think about telos
-tjhought telos found in rational beings, have unique in having ability to reason and reflect
-in excersising reason we are flourishing and achieving out telos
how did aquinas develop telos from aristotle
-as humans we have unique ability to reflect on our moral behaviour
-consider what we are doing is bad or not
synderesis rule
-do good and avoid evil main moral rule for humans
primary precepts
-preserving life
-live in ordered society
-worship god
secondary precepts
-more specific rules deduced from primary precepts
flexibility of primary and secondary precepts
-primary fixed- whats good for humans
-secondary may be flexible depending on how primary precepts applied to situation
four tiers of law
eternal law
-known as mind of god
-his knowledge of morals
-effects of eternal law moving all things towards purpose
-gods wisdom in his creation
-moral truths we cant fathom as humans
divine law
-law revealed by god through his commands and teachings
-ten commandments
-jesus teachings
-law rational
-however divine are reasonable to be revealed
natural law
-moral thinking we are all able to do
-all humans have capacity of to consider and work out moral rules for achieving purpose
-given capacity by god
human law
-human laws customs and practices of society
-government and societies
-relation between all heirachal with all relying on eternal law
summa theologica bound to secular rulers quote
-man bound to obey secular rules to extent that order of justice required
-if the command unjust things subject not obliged to follow
-ancient greek word meaning wisdom or intelligence
-used to refer to practical wisdom and moral decision making
Catholic Church with secondary precepts
-have fixed secondary precepts
-absolute rejection of contraception
secondary precepts for aquinas
-secondary precepts are possible applications rather than hard and fast rules
aristotle and int. on natural law
-aim of human beings eudaimonia
-unique telos of humans ability to reason
-virtue ethics argues we have to develop good character to enable us to fulfil out function and reach eudaimonia
-greek word translated to flourishing or fulfilment
John Finnis int. on natural law
-uses aristotles idea of phronesis to suggest there are certain basic goods of human good like knowledge, play , work
-from these more specific rules can be put forward
-even if we think we know consequences end should not justify means
arguments arguing natural law is helpful for moral decision making
-primary precepts not controversial, good valued in all societies
-primary precepts lead natural law to be absolutist, clear rules
-some flexibility unlike other absolutist theories, CC dont have flexibility
-leads to belief in certain right exist regardless of context, all seen of world peace
-affirms importance of reason
natural law not helpfull for decision making arguments
-primary precepts good but good different for everyone, secondary precepts differently applied
-absolutist to legalistic, medical issues and contraception,
-commits naturalistic fallacy attempts to define moral values in non moral terms,
-tension between accepting primary and secondary precepts
naturallistic fallacy
mistake of defining moral terms with reference to non moral natural terms
-observing what happens in world and assuming thats is what must happen
satres views on telos
satre and bad faith
-humans have tendency to deny our freedom and behave if we are mere objects
-cafe waiter playing a waiter
-his essence not fixed and can choose different employment
arguments for natural law is right to base ideas of right and wrong on telos
-if aquinas right, essential human nature, there really is good for all humans we should strive to
-while aquinas supports telos with reason
-divide command theory makes similar point via revelation, bible reveals plans and purposes god has for humans
divine command theory
-right and wrong are based on the revealed commands of god
arguments arguing natural law is wrong for basing ideas of right and wrong on telos
-aquinas wrong for assuming all humans have same purpose, priests celibate exempt from reproduction
-if god doesnt exist, difficult to argue objective human purpose
-evolution suggests that purpose not feature of world, something human beings project on to natural world
interior acts
-good act must have good motive
exterior acts
-good action must be viewed as good on outside
what must a good act have for aquinas
interior and exterior acts
double effect
-idea that if something good also produced a bad side effect, it is still ethically permissible as bad side effect not intended
self defense example for aquinas double effect
-if you were attacked and attacker was trying to kill you
-if you fight you defend yourself but attacker could die
-aquinas argues you are not guilty because its intention that matters
-if you intend good effect secondary bad effect doesnt matter
abortion scenario application of double effect
-woman told if she continues being pregnant her life at risk
-catholics believe operation to save moms life permitted
-doctor carrying out operation has intention of saving moms life and bad side effect baby dying
double effect good way of justifying moral action argument
-double effect has flexibility, in absolutist theory, action that has good and bad permitted provided good intention
-recognises real complex situations, Kant doesnt have answer to this, allows sufficient consequential thinking into natural law to solve some of these cases
double effect not good way of justifying moral actions arguments
-idea that bad effect permitted of not intention difficult to judge, impossible to judge intention of person, no external actions to show intention
-difficult to know how hard to press effect and which area it may cover, contraception to prevent HIV hard case in RCC
Stoicism and the orientation of creation
Zeno, Aurelius, world we live in ordered place
-god created it and left logos or divine reason
-divine spark in us each of us
-reasonable response of humans towards ordered universe to live ordered life of virtuous actions
apparent good
-action someone think sis good but isnt because they have reasoned incorrectly
real good
actions which are actually good and consistent with moral principles of natural law
there is orientation towards good in humans arguments
-stoicism and religious thinkers appeal to order in creation, paleys design argument
-right that we do want to live well and we naturally aim for goodness
-aquinas ideas on natural law give dignity to human beings and places faith in ability to reason
no orientation towards good arguments
-rejection of good rejection of teleological view of world, evolutionary views say world come by chance, dont have goal in mind Dawkins- blind watchmaker
-augustine- fallen and reason flawed, our will divided, aquinas places emphasis on image of god with gives us ratio
-aquinas places faith in reason but to optimistic
-real and apparent goods to naive, humans knowingly commit bad
-ability to reason to apply the primary precepts to situations or types of actions
-judgment we acquire is secondary precept
strength of natural law is telos based ethics
-telos based ethics empirical
-aristotle observed everything in nature has inclination to purpose
-biological fact that certain behaviours cause organism to flourish
-thus telos empirically verifiable
weakness modern science rejection of telos
-Francis Bacon- only material and efficient causation valid scientific concepts not formal and final causation
-aquinas and aristotle say unique essence gives us purpose
-science says atoms moving in fields of force
-if anything in human nature orients us towards behaving because of survival of the fittest
-telos not needed
evaluation defending telos
-science limited and cant tell us everything
-cant tell us why and about purpose
-success argument because science limited
-if purpose existed science couldnt prove it so cant deny it
evaluation critiquing telos
-dawkins said not valid to assume there is why
-what is colour of jealousy
-just because we ask about purpose doesnt mean there is
-burden of proof success argument
-those who claim purpose exists have burden of providing reason to think it exists
-science may explain why and even if they dont justnt justify non scientific telos
strength of natural law based on universal human nature
-primary precepts found in morality of all societies
-synderysis rule found in ancient schools
-suggests moral view influenced by universal human nature
-evidence we are all born with moral orientation towards telos foundation of natural law
weakness of natural law based on universal human nature
-if all humans born with primary precepts we would have moral agreement
-all have different moral beliefs
-social conditioning causes moral views- Freud
-Fletcher- no innate god given reason
-ethics must be based on faith- positivism
evaluation defending aquinas- human nature based ethics
-aquinas claim that human nature contains orientation towards good
-knows there are faults that result in us doing bad
-mistakes in conscientia, OS
-fact there is cross cultural moral views shows his theory correct
strength of natural law universal
-everyone born with ability to know and apply primary precepts
-gentiles who do not have law do by nature what law requires law written in hearts
-follow it even if your not christian
weakness of natural law being universal
-Js Mill- old testamant barbarous and only for barbarous people
-Freud- religious morality reflected ignorant days of human race
-medieval society needed strict rules for order
-socio economic changed
-primary precepts no longer useful
-society now relaxed
evaluation defending natural law not outdated
Conservative catholics argue natural law not outdated, important for society
-secular liberal western culture ethically retrograde because of no traditional morals
-self interest and materialism
strength of double effect helps resolve hard issues
-jesus commands more about having right moral intention and virtue
-double effect provides clarity and intention for following moral law
weakness double effect is unbiblical
-gods commands absolute and not dependent on someones intention
-distinction between intended effects of actions and foreseen effects, intention has no morally significance
evaluation defending natural law
-criticism unsucess because natural law different to bible
-divine law unflexible
-natural law more flexible because its in form of general primary precepts that require application and telos of natural law glorifying god- intention relevant