Euthanasia Flashcards
sanctity of life
god created human life in his image
-suggest value and only he has right to end it
-adopted strongly by conservatives and protestants
-catholics would also argue natural law provides evidence for SOL
quotes for sanctity of life
thou shalt not murder- exodus
-your body temple of holy spirit- 1 corinthinans
-whoever sheds human blood- by humans shall their blood be shed for in the image of god has god made mankind - genesis 9
weak sanctity of life view
criticise strong view
-only one of many biblical themes
-jesus emphasis on compassion
-strong view allows suffering and not empathetic
-in some cases compassion for quality of life might outweigh SOL
argument against weak view of SOL
-bible has other themes but dont overrule SOL
-bible against killing
quality of life
-refers to how happy or unhappy life is
-valid consideration to euthanasia because life has to be of certain quality in order to be worth living
peter singer on quality of life
-believes quality of life important factor for euthanasia
-recommends non voluntary euthanasia for babies whose potential QOL is low
peter singers criteria for personhood
rationality and self consciousness
-separates humans and persons
-persons = rational beings
-not all humans are persons
-argues SOL of our species based on christian domination of european thought
-since christian theological tenants no longer accepted- we should re think christian ethical precepts
singer on why its not morally wrong to euthanise
-we thing of what we are depriving someone of when we think killing is wrong
-doesnt deprive then of anything that they are able to have a preference to not be deprived of
Archbishop anthony fisher and slipper slope argument
wherever euthanasia is legalised- its extended to more people
-in holland euthanasia was legalised for terminally ill but 10 years later legalised for babies with severe illness
fisher on euthanasia and QOL
-elderly and vulnerable people might be tempted to die because they feel like a burden
-western culture values beauty, success, productivity
-we might encourage people to feel like failures
alternative to euthanasia
-valid ethical approach would be changing society, not allowing euthanasia
-those who advocate for euthanasia think their compassionate
singer response to fisher
-people who receive euthanasia in oregon and white, educated and not elderly- doesnt target vulnerable people
-genetic screening and stats- euthanasia not more widespread
-fisher criticises allowing euthanasia in society which lacks proper support for vulnerable
freedom of people to make their own choices
-view that decision about whether life is valuable morally up to whose life it is
deontological approach of autonomy
nozick libertarian- thinks people have absolute right to do whatever they want as long as they dont harm other
-of person wants to die and receive help from others then its their right
criticism of nozicks deontological autonomy
people will choose euthanasia for short sighted reasons
-we can safely predict they will view life worth living and value overrides temporary violation of their autonomy