NATOPS Flashcards
Primary Fuels
A fuel that the aircraft is authorized to use for continuous unrestricted operations.
JP-5, JP-8, F-24, and TS-1
DLQ Currency

Difference Between EGI 1 and EGI 2
EGI 2 provides pitch/roll/heading synchro data; along with attitude, heading, and velocity validity signals (heading and velocity data required for automatic approach)
EGI 1 only provides pitch/roll synchro data and attitude validity signals
EGI 2 is connected to GAS-1 and the FRPA (fixed reception pattern antenna), in case GAS-1 fails, through the data transfer interface unit
Aircraft Dimensions (Aircraft Overall; Rotors Turning)
64’ 10”
Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness
Inability of the tail rotor to provide sufficient force to maintain yaw controllability. Function of rotor rpm and tail rotor angle of attack.
Where to check for ice in subfreezing temperatures (precheck)
Fuel drains
Engine inlets
Rotor head and blades. tail rotor, flight controls
Fuel tank vents
Engine oil tank vents
Transmission vents
Battery vent
Pitot-static tubes and ports
Turbulent Air Penetration
Moderate Turbulence = limit airspeed to blade stall minus 15kts
Light Turbulence = limit airspeed to blade stall minus 10kts
Dual Concurrence Call Items
Fuel Selectors
Computer PWR Switches
EGI PWR Switches
Saltwater Power Deteroriation
TGT rise of 20* or more for constant torque = engine performance degradation and possible salt encrustation
TGT rise of 40* or more for a constant torque = may result in compressor stalls
Check windshield wipers. If you need to use them, engines are intaking a lot of saltwater. Take a lap out of the hover and drive clean air through the engines to assist with this situation.
Aircraft Dimensions (Tail Rotor Diameter)
Static rollover angle: 28* (will roll if tipped to this degree)
Critical rollover angle: 12* (maximum lateral slope that can be negotiated in a takeoff or landing)
Limiting vs. Limited
Limiting = Components trying to protect themselves, or physical limitations of the system. Automatic functions of the system. (ie. TGT limiting = begins to restrict fuel flow to prevent overtemp of the engine)
Limited = Chapter 4 limitations to prevent damage, extend life of components, etc. Manual functions of the pilot. (ie. Torque limited = pilot can continue to sit in the precautionary range, and the system will not stop them)
Types of LTE
AOA Reduction: winds 060-090*
Weather Vaning: winds 120-240*
Tail Rotor Vortex Ring State: winds 210-330*
Main Rotor Disc Vortex Interaction: winds 280-330*
- Lower collective to decrease torque and right yaw tendency
- Forward cyclic to increase airspeed, and if necessary, turn in direction of rotation.
- At very low speeds or hover, full left may arrest right yaw.
Instrument Takeoff
- Hover mode.
- Increase collective and maintain hover attitude, allow AFCS to maintain heading.
- Increase to climbout power. Passing through 20ft, push cyclic 5* nose down.
- Cross check instruments for acceleration and climb (500fpm)
Vortex Ring State
Measurable at descent rates greater than 700fpm and airspeeds between 0 - 20kias.
Worst at 1,500fpm and airspeeds between 5 - 10kias
May be encountered to quick stops or autorotations.
- Decrease collective pitch.
- Increase forward airspeed.
- Enter autorotation if altitude permits.
Types of Main Transmission Malfunctions
- Chip
Consider reducing load on module by putting PCL in IDLE for Input Chip or taking a generator down for Accessory Chip
- Lubrication
Steady, low pressure indicates a single pump failure.
Continually decreasing pressure indicates a leak. A complete loss of lubrication may result in tail rotor drive failure in as little as 8 minutes.
Precheck valves
Flow of fuel when precheck valve is in PRECHECK position indicates a shutoff system malfunction. As long as one precheck valve is operative, the aircraft can be refueled safely. If neither precheck valve will secure fuel flow, fueling should be continued only if necessary. If fueling is required, proceed with caution in order to prevent rupture of the main fuel tank.
Aircraft Dimensions (Pylon Flight Position)
53’ 3”
Descent velocities between 3,125 and 4,450fpm at 19,000lbs gross weight.
Rotor Disk Lift Ratios:
Prop- 30% (Usable lift)
Auto- 45% (Forward tilting force that creates both lift and pro-rotational force)
Stall- 25% (Drag)
Slow response in an auto can lead to Nr decay to unrecoverable levels in 2 seconds.
Comm Subsystem Backup Modes
- Single mission computer failure: no affect on ICS or radios
- 1553 databus failure: no affect on ICS and radios must be tuned via OCP/RCU
- AMC or OCP failure: ICS call available to all stations and radios are hardwired to pilot seats (1 - Pilot / 2 - Copilot)
- Battery mode: ICS PTT for pilots, ICS for aft stations and radio 1 is hardwired to pilot seat
Secondary Missions
Amphibious Warfare
Air Warfare
Health Services
Fleet Support
Intelligence Operations
Logistics Operations
Naval Special Warfare
Primary Missions
Command and Control
Non Combat Operations
Humidity and Density Altitude
10% increase in Humidity = 100ft of Density Altitude 100% humidity = +1,000ft DA
ECS TRQ and Fuel Consumption
ECS HOT = -5% TRQ per engine and +45lbs/hour each engine
ECS NORM = -4% TRQ per engine and +8lbs/hr each engine
ECS HIGH = -7% TRQ per engine and +45lbs/hr
Four Things Requiring Operational Necessity
- Night Vertrep
- Night HIFR
- Emergency Fuel
- Landing via one or two wheels
Types of High Side Failures
HMU: engine signals still remain valid
EDECU: erroneous engine signals, use Ng to diagnose because it is a signal that doesn’t come from the EDECU
Minimum Flight Crew Requirements
Non-tactical/familiarization flights= Two H2Ps, or one HAC and qualified observer
Functional check flights= One FCP, one qualified observer, and one aircrewman
Orientation flights= One HAC, one qualified observer, and one aircrewman
Utility missions (PAX, cargo, etc.) One HAC, one PQM, and one aircrewman
SAR missions= One HAC, one PQM, one MH-60R crewman, and one H60 search and rescue aircrewman
SUW/ASW missions= One HAC, one ATO, and one Sensor Operator
Gravity Refueling with engines or APU operating
Gravity fueling is not authorized with engines or APU operating. In addition to the hazard caused by the location of the tank openings relative to the engine exhaust, the rotors constantly build up a static electrical charge of 15,000 to 20,000 volts, creating an extremely dangerous spark potential.
Fuel Servicing Warning about flameouts
Flameouts may be encountered following nosedown ground operations in excess of 10 minutes when using JP-5, JP-8, or equivalent fuels
Aircraft Dimensions (Pylon Folded)
42’ 10”
Torque increase due to icing
Increase up to 14% each engine may be experienced due to ice buildup during normal operation of the blade de-ice system
Warning: Ice accumulation resulting a 20% torque increase indicates that normal autorotational rotor rpm may not be attainable should dual-engine failure occur
If JP-4/JET B is used, the following operation restrictions/considerations apply:
- All takeoffs shall stabilize in a hover with no fuel pressure cautions for aminimum of 10 seconds before commencing transition to forward flight
- Single-engine training is prohibited
- Operating characteristics may change. Lower operating temperatures, slower acceleration, and shorter range may be experienced.
- Due to vapor qualities of mixed JP-4/JET B, the next two refuelings with a primary fuel shall be treated as JP-4/JET B is in the tanks
Restricted Fuels
A fuel that imposes operational restrictions on the aircraft.
JET A1, JET A, JP-4, and JET B
AFCS Automatic Preflight Checks
- Weight on wheels
- Rotor brake on
- Engine torques below 10%
- Both EGI attitude valid
- SAS1 pushbutton engaged (after AFCC on for at least 20seconds)
Emergency Fuels
A fuel which may be used for a minimum time when no other primary or restricted fuel is available in case of emergency or operational necessity.
JP-800+100 AND F-27
Aircraft Dimensions (Main Rotor Diameter)
53’ 8”
Loss of Tail Rotor Authority
Power issue. High gross weight and/or DA. In extreme cases, main rotor speed will droop, leading to torque increase while power to the rotors decreasing rapidly. Eventually tail rotor will be unable to produce enough thrust and helicopter will SPIN TO THE RIGHT.
Unusual Attitude
Pitch >30* and Roll >60*
Three Steps for Every Sonar Malfunction
- Alert Crew
- Execute Reeling Machine Malfunction emergency procedure
- Complete Sonar Troubleshooting checklist