80T-122 Flashcards
Emergency Low-Visibility Approach (ELVA)
An approach to an air-capable ship that is below approach minimums (200ft ceiling and 1/2 mile visibility)
An emergency procedure; shall not be attempted unless the aircraft does not have adequate fuel to divert to a Ground Control Approach (GCA) equipped airfield or CCA equipped aviation ship
Initial: 4 miles at 400ft and 70kts Missed Approach Point: 50ft and 100yds
Missed approach: 30* climbing turn to 400ft away from the ship
Control Area Definition
a circular airspace around an LPD/LHA/LHD with a radius of 50nm that extends upward from the surface to unlimited altitude and is under cognizance of HDC (helicopter direction center)/AOCC (Air operations control center) for TACC
Vertical Replenishment T Line
Clearance is ensured when the aircraft hovers with its rotor hub(s) on or aft of the line
Vertical Replenishment Ball and T Line
Appears when the T Line does not provide enough clearance for larger rotor aircraft (H53 and V22)
Wave Hazard Plot - Notes
Operating in white regions, or in seas below 8ft, does not eliminate the risk of water impacting the rotor system or washing over flight deck
Plots are based on steady speed, non-maneuvering conditions
Initiating turns and changes in ship speed can increase the regions of hazardous conditions
Radial arms = prevailing wave direction relative to ship’s heading
Circles = ship speed in 5kt increments
Initial Ship Aviation Team Training

Weapons/Chaff Hazards
All appropriate measures should be taken to preclude the firing of any weapon in the vicinity of the helicopter operating area when the aircraft is parked on deck or when flight operations are in progress.
Caution: when ship’s weapons firing is anticipated, the aircraft shall be positioned outside the weapons blast/concussion range. If this not possible, the aircraft should be secured as far as practicable from the firing mounts with its doors and hatches open
Smokelight Approach
Used as last resort when available equipment will not allow ELVA procedures to be used, or when the ship cannot be visually acquired using ELVA procedures
Both commanding officer and pilot must agree to attempt the procedure
Aircraft is positioned 2miles astern of ship, descending to 40ft and 40kts at pilot discretion. Ship personnel drop smoke/matrix lights every 15 seconds. Pilot is kept informed of interval and number of smokelights in the water.
Fleet Common
277.8 MHz
Offset Approach Diagram

HIFR winds
Winds 300-360* at 10-30kts
Class 2 Facility
Landing area with service facilities for the types of aircraft certified
Hovering Rotorcraft
Should be considered as ships not under command. Ships shall not pass within 500yds of a hovering rotorcraft
Radius of Action
As a general rule, the radius of action, all conditions being optimum, shall not exceed 45 percent of maximum range specified for each type of aircraft (maximum range = 120nm because of maximum datalink range at operational altitude limit of 13,000ft DA) Radius of action may be furthered reduced at night under EMCON or IMC for those aircraft with limited internal dead reckoning navigation systems
Advisory Control
Advisory controls consists of the monitoring of radar and radio channels in order to advise the pilot of other traffic and operational or hazardous areas. It shall be used where traffic density in an operating area requires a higher degree of control for safety of flight than normally required under VMC. Advisory control is normally limited to VMC operations and is recommended for all operations where positive control is not required.
Pilot Fatigue Vertrep
Day vertrep: 6-8 hours are generally accepted as an effective limit
Night vertrep: may be reduced to 2-3 hours
Boat SAR Requirements

PriFly Definition
the controlling agency on aviation ships, amphibious assault aviation ships, and air-capable ships that is responsible for ATC around the ship
Lateral Separation
- Aircraft operating less than 50 miles from the monitoring antenna shall be separated by a minimum of 3 miles
- Aircraft operating 50 miles or more from the monitoring antenna shall be separated by a minimum of 5 miles.
NVD Shipboard Friendly Definition
Lighting systems which are required to be seen by both the aided and unaided operators simultaneously and/or independently. Has spectral energy emitted in a controlled fashion to allow direct aided view/recognition without impacting the devices to the point that critical visual cues are washed out or obscured
Recovery Night and IMC
Ship steady on BRC by the time the aircraft is at 3nm on final, wind and ship dynamics within appropriate envelope
Rooster Tail
Aboard DDG 79 class ships, the ship wake extends above flight deck level at ship speeds greater than approximately 25 knots. During night launch/recovery operations, aft extended lineup lights may be obscured by large ship wake at ship speeds in excess of 25 knots. Pilots should exercise caution during launch/recovery with ship speeds greater than approximately 25 knots
Positive Control
Positive control is a form of ATC in which the controlling agency has radar and radio contact with the aircraft being controlled and published approach or departure procedures are complied with, or where specific assignments regarding heading and altitude are issued by the controller. While altitude separation is provided by pilots maintaining assigned altitude, lateral and time separation is the responsibility of the air controller. Speed changes may be directed by the air controller. Positive control shall be used under the following conditions:
- Ceiling less than 500ft
- Forward flight visibility less than 1 mile.
- All flight operations between 1/2 hour after sunset and 1/2 hour before sunrise except as modified by the OTC or the commanding officer.
When should flight operations be curtailed?
When the ship’s ability to rescue dutchged aircrew becomes degraded.
Heavy Weather Tiedown
required when an increase in aircraft security is required during high winds, heavy seas, or for prolonged periods of heavy maintenance
Class 3 Facility
Landing area for the types of aircraft certified; no service facilities
Base Recovery Course Definition
the ship’s magnetic heading for recovery
Vertical Replenishment Dash Line
Clearance is ensured when the aircraft hovers with the centerline of the aircraft aligned directly over the line
Alert 5
**is as fatiguing as actual flight and should normally be used only when launch is imminent

Helicopter In-Flight Refueling Marking
Clearance is ensured when the helicopter hovers oriented fore and aft with the hoist pointing over “H”
Visual Signals Between Ship and Rotorcraft Under EMCON or Lost Comms

Shipboard Landing Environment Definition
That phase of the approach, nominally from the Missed Approach Point (MAP) to flight deck landing during which the aircrew transitions from an instrument reference scan to a visual reference scan
Electronic Control
All helicopters shall be under positive communications control at sea unless otherwise directed. Pilots shall not shift frequencies without notifying and/or obtaining permission from the controlling agency: During extended flights, frequent radio checks shall be made and the pilot shall be informed of any changes such as:
- Deteriorating weather
- Loss of radar contact
- Alteration of the ship course or speed
- Bearing and range of aircraft to ship (pigeons)
Offset Approach Procedures
Warning: Shall be flown from the right seat only during day or night VMC only. Visual cues, especially over the deck, are inadequate from the left seat. For ships with double RAST rails, the aircraft should be landed in the PORT RSD or on a clear deck to ensure the landing fear will fit on the flight deck.
Recommended heading: 5* left of BRC at 1/4 mile; gradually increase left yaw to ensure aircraft heading is left of the port side of the ship superstructure. Recommended 25-40* once in a hover over the flight deck
Advanced Glideslope Indicator
Visual acquisition range is approximately 3 miles at night
Green 4.5* / Amber 1* / Red 4.5*
Light projected in a 40* azimuth
During aided operation flash rate will indicate whether above, below, or on glideslope (1.5 per second / 3.9 per second / steady)
Personnel Required to Straighten
6 = LSO, FDD, brakerider, chockmen/chainmen (2), and power cable tender
Wave Hazard Plot - Blue/Black Crosshatch
Blue = indicates ship pitch of 2 degrees or more
Black = indicates ship roll of 8 degrees or more
Lost Aircraft
Assumed when:
- Positive radar/IFF contact is not established and either:
a. A radio communications check or expected report is 30 minutes overdue
b. When aircraft is more than 30 minutes overdue for the briefed recovery time
Progressive Chaining
Progressive chains procedure: Chains shall be attached to both aircraft and deck padeyes with sufficient slack to allow the aircraft to be moved a short distance. Upon reaching chain limits, the aircraft will be chocked and additional chains led to the next padeyes. Initial chains will then be removed and the aircraft moved again when conditions permit. This procedure will be continued until the aircraftis properly secured inthe desired position
Search and Rescue Helicopter Equipment
- Operable hoist with rescue device
- Operable searchlight (for night SAR)
- Sufficient life rafts to support passenger rescue requirements
Night Vertrep
One or more of the following conditions shall exist prior to conducting night VERTREP to appropriately certified ships:
A natural horizon present
The drop/pickup zone of the ship to be worked clearly visible from the aircraft’s cockpit when over the drop/pickup zone of the transferring/receiving ship
*NATOPS says we need operational necessity
Personnel Required to Manually Maneuver Aircraft
19-23 personnel
a. FDD
b. LSO
c. Brakerider
d. Two SBOs, one on each side of aircraft
e. Two safety observers, one on each side of aircraft
f. Chock runners, one per side
g. Aircraft movers: 10-14 personnel - Pullers (6 personnel) - Pushers (4-8 personnel)
Alert 15

Levels of Operation
- Level I - IMC day/night operations
- Level II - VMC day/night operations
- Level III - VMC day only operations
NVD Compatible Definition
Lighting systems which are only required for the unaided operator and shall have no adverse effect on the operator equipped with ANVIS devices. System is virtually invisible to ANVIS devices.
Landing Lineup Line and Circle
Clearance is ensured when the aircraft lands with the main mounts, nosewheel, or forward skid cross tube within the landing circle
Close Radar Control Definition
The tactical control of aircraft by a designated control unit, whereby the aircraft receives orders affecting its movements. The pilot will not deviate from instructions unless given permission or unless unusual circumstances require immediate action for the safety of the flight. In either case, the pilot will inform the controller of the action taken. This type of control requires two-way radio communications and radar contact. The controller is responsible for the safety of the aircraft, and the pilot must be informed whenever the aircraft is not held on the radarscope for periods in excess of 1 minute or five sweeps of the radar and, as a result, is being dead reckoned. The ultimate safety of the aircraft is the primary responsibility of the pilot.
TACAN Requirement
For aircraft equipped with a TACAN, ship’s TACAN system shall be operable for all shipboard launches and recoveries in IMC.
Stabilized Glideslope Indicator
Visual acquisition range is approximately 3 miles at night
Green 1.5* / Amber 1* / Red 6.5*
Light projected in a 40* azimuth
Ride the amber red interface for a 3* glideslope
Class 5 Facility
VERTREP/hover area (high hover with a minimum of 15ft authorized) for types of aircraft certified
Corrosion Control
Air-capable ships should provide sheltered deck space for aircraft whenever possible
Aircraft in unsheltered stowage require 500 gallons daily
Aircraft in sheltered stowage require 100 gallons
Ship Certification Waivers
When operational necessity requires that an uncertified ship operate with aircraft, or that a currently certified ship operate with aircraft for which it is not normally certified (but whose operation can safely be conducted), COMUSFLTFORCOM/COMPACFLT are authorized to issue a ship certification waiver in accordance with OPNAVINST 3120.28. A ship certification waiver does not preclude the need for an aircraft airworthiness approval. If granted, the ship certification waiver enables the ship to conduct operations within known limitations and/or deficiencies. The waiver is issued by message containing the following information:
- Specific levels, classes, and types of aircraft
- Specific operating procedures
- Specific mission, geographic location, time, etc.
Shipboard Takeoff Environment Definition
That phase of the departure from an air capable ship, nominally from flight deck takeoff to a pre-briefed level-off altitude, of at least 150ft AGL, during which the aircrew transitions from a visual reference scan to an instrument reference scan. For departures from single-spot ships, the pilot at the controls (PAC) transitions from a visual reference scan to an instrument reference scan once a positive rate of climb is attained and obstruction clearance is assured.
Alpha Pattern
Flown at 80kts and 300ft AGL. Right hand turns, maintain heading so that firing bearind does NOT cross ship.
Class 6 Facility
HIFR facility capable of delivering a minimum of 50gallons of fuel per minute, at a pressure 20psi, to a height of 40ft above the water
Vertrep Patterns
Night Vertrep Pattern:
Ships Spacing - 300-500yds Relative Bearing between ships - 270-300* or 060-090*
Day Vertrep Pattern:
Ships Spacing - 300-1,000yds Relative Bearing between ships - 270-300* or 060-090*
Relative winds (both): Optimum - 270-330 or 030-090 Acceptable - 330-030
Alert 60

NVD Shipboard Covert Definition
Only required to be seen by the aided operator and cannot be detected by the unaided observer
Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel
AN/SPY-1B (High power) = 520ft minimum safe distance
AN/SPY-1B (Low power) = 50ft minimum safe distance
AN/SPG-62 (FCS Mk99) = 1950ft minimum safe distance
There is no hazard to personnel on the flight deck or on top of the helicopter when positioned on the flight deck
Class 1 Facility
Landing area with support (service and maintenance) facilities for the types of aircraft certified
Use of radalt for night or IMC flight operations overwater shall not be restricted by peacetime EMCON An overdue aircraft, unplanned PIM change, rapidly deteriorating weather, or other safety of flight justifies violation of the prescribed peacetime EMCON condition. The ship shall be prepared to operate radar, TACAN, and radios on short notice.
Permanent Tiedown
Required when not at flight quarters or when an aircraft is not scheduled or expected to be launched or respotted
Alert 30
***two aircraft detachments manning allows for unlimited alert 30 readiness. Daily and turnaround inspections will be required every 24 to 72 hours

Vertical Separation
- Helicopters shall be separated by 500ft
- N/A
- Helicopters shall be separated from fixed wing aircraft by 1000ft
Bingo Definition
An order to an aircraft to proceed immediately to divert field. Bearing, distance, and destination will be provided.
Also, a term used by pilots to denote the point at which fuel becomes critical and return is imperative.
Post Deployment Fly Off
Statistically proven to be more hazardous because of the psychological factors involved and, therefore, normally should not be conducted at night or under instrument flight conditions. Fly-off distances shall not exceed 75% of maximum range for that particular aircraft
Wave Hazard Plot - Red
Ship operations in the red regions present a significant risk of sea water impacting the engaged H60 rotor system. Contact between an engaged rotor system and the sea can result in catastrophic rotor damage and the loss of aircrew and flight deck personnel
Flight Deck Clothing

Four VERTREP/hover areas
Type 1 - Aircraft centerline over dashed line
Type 2 - Aircraft hovers with rotor hubs over or aft of T line
Special Type 2 - Aircraft hovers with main and tail rotor hubs over or aft of Ball and T
Type 3 - Aircraft hovers with main and tail rotor hubs between two T lines
Significant Wave Height Definition
The average height (trough to crest) of the one-third highest waves valid for the indicated period
Permissible Lighting Degradations - Unaided Operations
Night unaided VMC operations may be conducted in the event of a failure of not more than one of the lighting subsystems required for ship’s facility certification provided the following criteria are met:
- A visible horizon exists and is discernible by the aircraft commander in the shipboard landing/takeoff environment.
- The ships Commanding officer and embarked Air Detachment Officer in Charge (aircraft commander for non-embarked evolutions) concur that the failed lighting system is not critical to the scheduled mission.
NVD Compliant Definition
Components that are NVD compatible, NVD shipboard friendly, and noncompatible systems which are dimmed, baffled, or hidden from direct line of sight of the aided operator. An NVD compliant ship consisting of this lighting discipline can be used for aided and unaided operations so the ship’s mission is not compromised and the aided/unaided personnel can perform all their duties, tasks, and functions in a safe and efficient manner
Class 4 Facilty
VERTREP/hover area (minimum hover height of 5ft) for types of aircraft certified
Smokelight Considerations
Before resorting to a smokelight approach, consideration should be given to the following:
- Returning the aircraft to the ship early.
- Maneuvering the ship into an area of better visibility.
- Vectoring the aircraft to another available ship where visibility is better.
- Vectoring the aircraft to a suitable alternate airfield.
Control Zone Definition
A circular airspace with a radius of 5nm around the ship that extends upward from the surface to, and includes, 2500ft, unless otherwise specified for special operations, and which is under the cognizance of he air officer during VMC. The air officer/HCO/FDO/LSO. as appropriate, shall exercise control over aircraft arriving and departing and shall provide clearance over all aircraft entering
Lost Comms
Assumed when:
- A mode III code 7600 IFF return is detected or appropriate mode amplifies the situation
- A radar target is detected making 120* turns every 2 minutes
- A radio communication check or expected report is 15 minutes overdue
- The ship and helicopter do not make contact at the briefed recovery time
Free Deck Recovery Definition
Recovery of RAST equipped ship using the RSD without the use of the haul-down cable
Transfers Involving Submarines - Locations
Center of main deck (SSBN only): Submarine positions itself with relative winds from 320 to 350* at 15-20kts, and the helicopter takes position heading into the wind
Port sail plane/top (primary method for Attack Submarine Nuclear (SSN)): Submarine positions itself with relative winds from 010 to 040* at 15-20kts. The helicopter takes position on the submarine heading into the wind and conducts the transfer to either the port sail plane or the top of the sail.
Starboard sail plane: Submarine positions itself with relative winds from 160 to 200* at 15-20kts with a minimum wind speed of 10kts. Helicopter takes position off the submarine’s starboard side, maintaining station as necessary.
Class 6R Facility
HIFR facility capable of delivering a minimum of 25-49 gallons of fuel per minute, at a pressure 20psi, to a height of 40ft above the water
Initial Tiedown
Required for all aircraft prior to launch, upon recovery, immediately after an aircraft is respotted, or immediately preceding movement of an aircraft
Ship Squat
Hydrodynamic phenomenon which occurs when increased water flow causes pressure differentials to form near the stern, resulting in a decrease in aft freeboard as the ship accelerates. Can lower the freeboard by as much as 6 inches for every knot greater than 15kts in DDG51 class ships
Common Sources of Ship Turbulence
- Stack gases/wash
- Ship superstructure
- Deck protrusions
- Rotorwash caused by the takeoff and landing adjacent rotorcraft
Wave Hazard Plot - Yellow
Operations in the yellow region with aircraft and/or personnel on the flight deck require ship’s commanding officer approval based on the urgency of the operational requirement and shall use deliberate/time critical ORM Yellow regions indicate a hazard of 2 feet of water over the flight deck which may wash personnel overboard or damage aircraft
Transfers Involving Submarines - General
Transfers of personnel to and from submarines by helicopter are not a routine operation. A transfer should not be attempted in a sea state above 4. Night transfers to submarines shall not be attempted except in cases of operational necessity
Recovery Day VMC
Ship steady on BRC by the time the aircraft is at 1/4nm, wind and ship dynamics within appropriate envelope
Class 2A Facility
Landing area with limited service facilities for the types of aircraft certified
Required Lighting - Without a visible horizon…
an operable Horizon Reference System (HRS) (when installed) shall be utilized for single-spot ship operations. A visible horizon may be obtained through the use of NVDs and must be the same devices that would be used by the aircrew in flight
Permissible Lighting Degradations - Aided Operations
Aided operations may be conducted in the event of a failure of more than one of the lighting subsystems required for the ship’s facility certification provided all of the following criteria are met:
- A visible horizon exists and is discernible through NVDs by the aircraft commander in the shipboard landing/takeoff environment.
- The ships Commanding officer and embarked Air Detachment Officer in Charge (aircraft commander for non-embarked evolutions) concur that the failed lighting system is not critical to the scheduled mission.
- The following lighting subsytems remain operational and available:
a. Overhead/Forward Structure Floodlights
b. Deck Surface/Hangar Wash Floodlights
c. Associated Lighting Control Panels
d. Advanced Stabilized Glide Slope Indicator
e. Aviation Lighting System Control Panel Set
LPD Deck Layout

Emergency Categories
- Those that cause the aircraft to ditch/crash
- Those that require an immediate landing
- Those that require a precautionary shipboard landing
- Those that occur on the flight deck
Hangaring with Ordnance
Prior to hangaring, safety devices must be activated and safety pins put in place. A helicopter may be hangared in an alert condition with the torpedoes, marine markers, sonobuoys, and Cartridge−Actuated Devices (CADs) in place, but safety devices shall not be removed from launchers until the helicopter is ready for takeoff. AIRBOC chaff should be removed from the aircraft immediately upon final landing.
Air-Capable Ship Definition
All ships other than CV/CVN or LHA/LHD from which aircraft can take off, be recovered, or routinely receive and transfer logistic support.