National Income Flashcards
A stock Concept which refers to the total value of assets in an economy at any given time
Wealth effect - effect on incomes or spending when asset values change
Refers to the amount of income earned during a period of time, flow concept
Circular flow of income
Households to firms- factors of production
Firms to households- goods and services
Injections - investment, government spending , exports
Withdrawals- savings, tax, imports
If injections> withdrawals the economy will grow
Causes of actual economic growth
Shift outwards in AD
Increase in consumption, government spending, investment, x-m
Increase in AS
Causes on increased potential economic growth
Discovery of new natural resources
Increased investment
Increased size of the labour force
Increased productivity
Constraints on economic growth
Labour market problems- shortage of skilled labour, fixes= increased immigration, high birth rates
Access to credit- if banks do not loan or interest rates are extremely high investment decreases
Deficiency in infrastructure-poor water, energy, transport, communication
External factors- global recession, fear of terrorism
Difference between positive and negative output gap
Positive is when economy is working above trend, this can come from people working extra hours, not possible in the long term
Negative is when economy is growing below trend, meaning there is spare capacity in the economy
Characteristics of a boom
High income, high consumption,higher tax revenue, falling unemployment, inflation due to outwards shift of AD
Characteristics of recession
Falling income and consumption, improvement in the balance of trade, rising unemployment, decreasing inflation, lower tax revenue
Benefits of economic growth
Consumers- increased income and wealth, people feel confident and can afford to save
Firms- increased profits
Government- as incomes are rising so does tax revenue, cooperation tax also rises due to increase profits
Current and future living standards- people are richer so feel better, consume more
Government spend more on increasing living standards for everyone
Negatives of economic growth
Income inequality
Opportunity cost- in the short term living standards could drop if resources are used in production of capital goods instead of consumer goods
Environmental problems- co2 emissions
Monopoly power- large firms take over smaller ones
Increased stress and social dislocation- working longer hours
Balance of payments - more imports, less likely to export
Injections into the economy
Goverment spending
Withdrawls from the economy
Circular flow of income
firms pay households for factors of production
Households give firms resoruces ( labour)
Households pay firms for goods and services
Firms give households goods and sevice
outwards shift of AD in classical LRAS
AD shift out causes an increase in price and output, this additional output leads to a positive output gap and over employment
over employment causes firms to bid wages up in order to attract the best workers increasing production costs causing SRAS to move inwards back to the original level of output just at an inflated price
outwards shift of AS in classical LRAS
equilibrium pint where AD = LRAS (vertical)
if LRAS shifts outwards price level decrease and output increases
classical economist prefer supply side policies over demand side policies
multiplier equation
1/MPW = multiplier
MPW + MPC = 1
what is the multiplier
is a factor that shows the change in GDP in comparison to an initial injection
marginal propensity to withdraw components
marginal propensity to tax, save, import
characteristics of a boom
real GDP is rising at a faster rate than the long run trend of economic growth
falling unemployment, rising real incomes, consumption, higher tax revenue
if boom is caused by AD high inflation as well
shortage of labour and raw materials as they are being used in production
characteristics of recession
2 quarters of negative economic growth
this fall in GDP can be associated with: falling real incomes and consumption, an improvement in the balance of trade, rising unemployment, decrease in inflation ( lack of AD), budget deficit due to lower tax revenues