NASM FINAL EXAM part 2 (only because site running slow) Flashcards
back extension
core strength
rotational chest pass
core power
medicine ball pull over throw
core power
reverse crunch
core strength
soccer throw
core power
prone iso-ab
core stabilization
cable rotations
core strength
core power intensity
sets for core power
Phase 5 - 2-3 sets, 8-12 reps, 0-2 exercises
sets for core strength
phase 2 - 2/0/2 medium tempo 0-60 rest 0-4 exercises 2-3 sets 8-12 reps
rotational chest pass, back leg pivots into
triple extension - hip, knee and ankle plantar flexion
distance outside base of support that person can go without losing control of center of gravity
limit of stability
body in equilibrium and stationary
static balance - no linear or angular movement
ability to move and change directions under various conditions without falling
dynamic balance (ex. running on sand)
2 leg stable, 1 leg stable, 2 leg unstable and
1 leg unstable
easy to hard, simple to complex stable to unstable, static to dynamic slow to fast 2 arms to 1, eyes open to closed known to unknown
proprioceptive challenged
floor beam 1/2 foam roll foam pad balance disk wobble/bosu
lunge to balance regression
step up to balance
no lower body joint movement in the stance leg and helps develops proper deceleration
balance stabilization
- improves reflex and joint stability
balance stabilization acute variables
1-4 exercises, 1-3 reps
12-20 reps or 6-10 single leg
4/2/1 tempo - slow
0-90 seconds rest
neuromuscular efficiency of the entire body
balance strength - bending knee or hip; dynamic control in mid range of motion with isometric at the end
acute variables for balance strength
0-4 exercises, 2-3 sets, 8-12 reps, medium tempo, 0-60 rest
involves a hop and hold landing -3-5 seconds
balance power - develops deceleration and move from dynamic state to a controlled stationary position, as well as high levels of eccentric strength, dynamic nm effic, and reactive joint stabilization
acute variables for balance power
1-2 exercises, 8-12 reps, 2-3 sets, controlled 3-5 sec hold
0-60s rest
s/l balance
balance stabilization
s/l squat
balance strength
multiplanar hop with stabilization
balance power - progress using frontal or transverse planes
single leg squat touchdown
balance strength
single leg rdl
balance strength
s/l balance reach
balance stabilization
s/l hip rotation
balance stabilization
multiplanar step up to balance
balance strength (progress with frontal and transverse planes)
s/l lift and chop
balance stabilization
s/l throw and catch
balance stabilization (progress with height, distance, velocity)
multiplanar lunge to balance
balance strength (regress step up to balance)
single leg box hop down
balance power
effects of joint dysfunction
leads to muscle inhibition - injury - swelling and then altered proprioception
quick, explosive concentric contraction with max force in minimal time; rate of force production improved
phases of plyo
eccentric (loading)
amortization (between)
concentric (unloading)
reactive stabilization is held for
3-5 seconds
little joint motion, establishes optimal landing mechanics, postural alignment and reactive neuromuscular efficiency
plyo stabilization
plyo stabilization exercises (adjust posture before repeating)
squat jump with stabilization
box jump with stabilization
box jump down with stabilization
multiplanar jump with stabilization
repeat tempo, as little time on ground as possible
plyo strength - more dynamic thru full ROM,
improve dynamic joint stabilization, eccentric strength, rate of force production, neurom effic of the HMS
plyo strength exercises
squat jump, tuck jump, butt kick, power step up
progress plyo by
increasing speed, remove landing hold, repeating temp with less time on the ground
as fast as possible, good biomechanics and technique needed; puts great demand on muscles,, bones, ligaments and tendons
plyo power - entire muscle action spectrum and contraction; improve rate of force production; ecc strength,, reactive strength, reactive joint stabilization, dynamic nm effic and optimal force
types of plyo power
ice skaters, s/l power step-up, proprioceptive plyometrics (progress by adding hand touch down)
for plyo, this is necessary
adquate core strength
to move with efficiency forces must be dampened, stabilized and accelerated
int. perf. paradigm
1 direction as fast as possible
frOnt side mechanics
triple flexion, hip knee ankle dOrsiflexion
Back Side Mechanics
Triple Extension - hip, knee and ankle
Ability to Accelerate, decelerate, stabilize and change direction quickly
Agility (A)
ex. agility ladder
ability to react and change body position with max rate of force production in all planes, all levels, just upper or just lower
youth saq provides exposure
to various nm and biomechanical demands and decreases risk of injury (like red light green light)
examples of SAQ
one ins, 2-ins, side shuffle, in-in-out, out -in-out, ali shuffle, box drill, t-drill, LEFT drill
cone step over for seniors
number of strides in given amount of time
stride rate
distance covered with each stride
stride length
sprint dynamics
foot ankle straight and dorsiflexed, knees straight, slight lean with acceleration, head in line with lphc; lphc in line with legs
saq for weight loss - goal
keep hr elevated to increase fat oxidation and calorie expenditure
saq for seniors
cone step-over, prevent age related decreases in bone density, coordination and ability, muscle power, aid in injury prevention and increase quality of life
which opt phases have a superset
2 and 5
what phases for bodyfat reduction
1 and 2
what phases to increase lbm
what phases for general sports enhancement
1, 2, 5
what phase uses higher reps, fewer sets and lower intensity
1rm/strength assessment
4 and 5
for hypertensive, phase 3 is
increased load and volume
phase 4 - rest also increases
hi volume / low intensity results in
increased muscle cross section area, improved lipids, and increased MET rate
low volume / high intensity results in
increased rate of force production
increased motor unit recruitment
increased motor unit synchronization
Human Movement System is made of
Nervous, Muscular and Skeletal
the communication center of the body
nervous system
central nervous system is made up of
brain and spinal cord - primary decision maker
peripheral nervous system is made of
nerves from CNS through body - carry out actions to effector sites
most basic unit of nervous system
neuron - communicates with muscular system
sensory neuron (affarent)
site to brain
from one neuron to another
motor neuron (efferent)
brain to site
contracts on bones to create joint movement
skeletal system
commands the skeletal system to move; works to move and stabilize
muscular system
provides leverage and support
bones - skeletal system provides shape, form and protects
agonists are
primary mover, usually larger
assist prime with movement and take over for a weak prime mover
opposing muscles of prime mover; decelerate movement agonist is producer
slow twitch
type 1
fast twitch
type 2 - larger
neuron cell body is made of
golgi complex, nucleus and mitochondria
cylindrical projection from cell body that transmits nervous impulses to other neurons
provides communication from brain and spinal cord to other parts
gathers information from other structures and transmits it back to neuron
internal and external obliques are examples of
force couples
functional unit of muscle
sarcomere (actin and myosin)