Nasal/Oral Flashcards
Define the nasal vestibule.
Flared portion of the nose containing hair follicles
Define the respiratory region of the nose.
Largest part; contains the conchae
Define the olfactory region of the nose.
Superior portion of nose containing olfactory epithelium
What bones makeup the lateral wall of the nose?
Ant to post:
- Nasal bone
- Maxilla
- Lacrimal bone
- Ethmoid
- Inferior nasal concha
- Palatine bone (perpendicular plate)
- Sphenoid bone (med pterygoid plate)
What bones/cartilages makeup the nasal septum?
- Ethmoid (perpendicular plate; most sup)
- Vomer (inf)
- Cartilaginous septum
How does the nasal cavity communicate with the orbit?
Nasolacrinal duct
How does the nasal cavity communicate with the nasopharynx?
How does the nasal cavity communicate with the paranasal sinuses?
Meatal openings
How does the nasal cavity communicate with the anterior cranial fossa?
Cribriform plate and foramen cecum
How does the nasal cavity communicate with the pterygopalatine fossa?
Sphenopalatine foramen
How does the nasal cavity communicate with the oral cavity?
Incisive canal
What are the 4 sinuses of the head? (ant to post)
- Frontal (anteriorly, then)
- Ethmoidal (then)
- Sphenoidal (posterior)
- Maxillary (inf to ethmoidal sinus)
What is the name for the space beneath each concha?
What 3 main aa supply the nasal cavity?
Ophthalmic, maxillary, facial aa.
Which a. do anterior and posterior ethmoidal aa. branch from?
Ophthalmic a.
Which a. does sphenopalatine a. branch from?
Maxillary a.
Which a. does superior labial a. branch from?
Facial a.
What cranial n. supplies most of the nasal cavity
V1 and V2
What is the “principal resident” of the pterygopalatine fossa (PPF)?
Pterygopalatine ganglion
What’s running thru the roof of the PPF?
V2 thru foramen rotundum
What’s running thru the lateral wall of the PPF?
Maxillary a. thru pterygomaxillary fissure
What’s running thru the medial wall of the PPF?
Sphenopalatine a., lateral nasal n., nasopalatine n. run thru sphenopalatine foramen
What’s running thru the anterior wall of the PPF?
Infraorbital n. (V2) runs thru inferior orbital fissure
What’s running thru the posterior wall of the PPF?
N. and a. of the pterygoid canal run thru pterygoid canal
What’s running thru the floor of the PPF?
Greater and lesser palatine nn., descending palatine a. come thru palatine canal
What area of the mouth is b/w the lower lip and lower gum?
What makes up the floor of the oral cavity?
Mylohyoid m.
What makes up the roof of the oral cavity?
Hard and soft palate
What makes up the anterolateral border of the oral cavity?
Teeth w/gingiva and alveolar processes
What makes up the posterior wall of the oral cavity?
Palatoglossal fold (beginning of oropharynx)
What runs b/w down the midline of the maxilla’s palate?
Median palatine suture
What rubs b/w the maxilla and palatine bone?
Transverse palatine suture
Levator veli palatini: I & A?
O: Temporal bone (petrous portion)
I: Palatine aponeurosis
I: Vagus nerve
A: Elevates soft palate during swallowing
Tensor veli palatini: I & A?
O: Scaphoid fossa of medial pterygoid plate,
spine of sphenoid, pharyngotympanic (auditory, eustachian) tube
I: Palatine aponeurosis
I: Mandibular nerve (CN V3)
A: Tenses soft palate, opens pharyngotympanic (auditory, eustachian) tube during swallowing
and yawning
Palatoglossus: I & A?
O: Palatine aponeurosis of soft palate
I: Lateral aspect of tongue
I: Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus
A: Elevates posterior tongue, depresses palate
Palatopharyngeus: I & A?
O: Hard palate, superior palatine aponeurosis I: Lateral pharyngeal wall
I: Vagus nerve
A: Tenses soft palate; pulls walls of pharynx superiorly, anteriorly, and medially during swallowing
Musculus uvulae: I & A?
O: Nasal spine, palatine aponeurosis
I: Mucosa of uvula
I: Vagus nerve
A: Shortens, elevates, and retracts uvula
What aa. supply the hard palate?
Greater palatine a., septal branch of sphenopalatine a.
What aa. supply the soft palate?
Lesser palatine and ascending palatine aa.
Genioglossus: I & A?
O: Mental spine of mandible
I: Dorsum of tongue, hyoid bone
I: Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
A: Depresses and protrudes tongue
Hyoglossus: I & A?
O: Body and greater horn of hyoid bone
I: Lateral and inferior aspect of tongue
I: Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
A: Depresses and retracts tongue
Styloglossus: I & A?
O: Styloid process and stylohyoid ligament
I: Lateral and inferior aspect of tongue
I: Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
A: Retracts tongue and draws it up for swallowing
What do you call the line under the midline tongue’s floor that runs to the tip, from posterior gingival?
What are the fimbriated folds of the tongue?
Serpentine folds lateral to the lingual frenulum which overlie the lingual veins.
What are the sublingual folds of the tongue?
Cover the sublingual glands and the submandibular duct; contain the openings from the sublingual glands to the oral cavity.
What are the sublingual caruncle/papilla of the tongue?
Elevations on each side of the lingual frenulum, each contains the opening of the submandibular duct of that side
What important a. and n. run on either side of the hyoglossus m?
Lingual a–medially
Hypoglossal n–laterally
(Lingual n also runs laterally)
What a. and its main branches supply the tongue?
Lingual a
Important branches:
- Dorsal lingual, deep lingual, sublingual aa.
What does the frontal sinus drain into?
Middle meatus, as the semilunar hiatus
What do the ethmoidal air cells drain into?
Middle meatus or superior meatus
What does the sphenoid sinus drain into?
Sphenoethmoidal recess
What does the maxillary sinus drain into?
Goes through hiatus semilunaris (part of the middle meatus), drains into middle meatus
What does the nasolacrimal duct drain into?
Inferior meatus
What’s the superior part of the opening to the auditory tibe, sticking out?
Taurus tubarus
What’s Kesselbach’s area?
Located in the anterior part of the nasal septum, in a location where many of the arteries supplying the septum anastomose
What run through greater and lesser palatine fossa?
Greater and lesser palatine nerves