Glut + post thigh Flashcards
Obturator internus m: OIIA?
O: Innter obturator membrane
I: Medial greater trochanter
I: Nerve to obturator internus
A: Lateral rotation, stabilizes thigh
Gemellus superior m: OIIA?
O: Ischial spine
I: Medial greater trochanter
I: Nerve to obturator internus
A: Lateral rotation, stabilizes thigh
Gemellus inferior m: OIIA?
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Medial greater trochanter
I: Nerve to quadratus femoris
A: Lateral rotation, stabilizes thigh
Piriformis m: OIIA?
O: lower sacrum
I: Medial greater trochanter
I: Nerve to piriformis
A: Lateral rotation, stabilizes thigh
What vessels come out above the piriformis? Below
Above: Superior gluteal n. or a.
Below: Inferior gluteal n. or a. + sciatic n.
Gluteus minimus m: OIIA?
O: Outer, superior ilium
I: Anterior greater trochanter
I: Superior gluteal n.
A: Abducts and medially rotates thigh; tilts pelvis while walking
Gluteus medius m: OIIA?
O: Outer ilium, below minimus’s origin
I: Anterior greater trochanter
I: Superior gluteal n.
A: Abducts and medially rotates thigh; tilts pelvis while walking
Quadratus femoris m: OIIA?
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Quadrate tubercle of femur (below lesser trochanter)
I: Nerve to quadratus femoris
A: Lateral rotation, stabilizes hip
Gluteus maximus m: OIIA?
O: Ilium, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
I: Gluteal tuberosity, IT tract
I: Inferior gluteal n.
A: Extends and laterally rotates hip; aids in knee extension via iliotibial tract
(kicks in while ascending stairs)
What is Driver’s thigh?
Neuralgia caused by pressure on the gluteal nerves
Tensor fascia lata m: OIIA?
O: Iliac crest
I: Iliotibial tract (ant surface of lateral condyle of femur, crosses knee joint)
I: Superior gluteal n.
A: Tenses a lotta fascia, maintains knee extension (assists gluteus maximus), some thigh abduction
What nerve roots make up the sciatic n.
L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
What are some consequences of cutting the sciatic nerve?
- Everything below the knee is paralyzed
- Sensation lost on lateral leg and both sides of the foot
What quadrant of the butt should injections be made so as to avoid the sciatic nerve?
Superolateral quadrant
What nn. make up the sciatic n?
Common peroneal n. and tibial n.
What is a more common cause of sciatica?
Prolapse of the disc at L4/L5
What n. provides sensation to back of thigh? What does it run next to?
- Posterior femoral cutaneous n.
- Runs next to sciatic n.
What travels through Alcock’s canal?
Pudendal n. and internal pudendal a.
(AKA pudendal canal)
What nerve roots make up the pudendal n?
S2, S3, S4 (keep the junk off the floor)
*What does the pudendal n. split into?
- Inferior rectal n.
- Dorsal nerve of the penis or clitoris
- Perineal n.
What is the function of the perineal n?
Supplies all mm. of the perineum and does some sensation
What artery runs with the pudendal n?
Internal pudendal a.
What is the course of the pudendal vessels, w/regard to the ligaments, as they enter the perineum?
(from medial view of inside hip)
- Course under the sacrospinous ligament
2. Course over the sacrotuberous ligament
What would you need to cut open to visualize Alcock’s canal?
Fascia of the obturator internus.
Biceps femoris, long head m: OIIA?
O: Ischial tuberosity (crosses hip joint)
I: Head of fibula mostly (crosses knee)
I: Sciatic n, tibial portion
A: Flexes knee, *extends hip. Some lateral rotation.
Biceps femoris, short head m: OIIA?
O: Middle 1/3 of linea aspera, lateral supracondylar ridge of femur
I: Head of fibula mostly (crosses knee)
I: Sciatic n., common peroneal division
A: Flexes knee. Some lateral rotation
Semimembranosus m: OIIA?
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Medial condyle of tibia
I: Sciatic n., tibial portion
A: Flexes knee, extends hip, medial rotation.
Semitendonosus m: OIIA?
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Upper medial shaft of tibia
I: Sciatic n., tibial portion
A: Flexes knee, extends hip, medial rotation.
How is the cruciate anastamosis helpful during a blockage?
If there’s a blockage b/w the femoral a. and external iliac a., blood can reach the popliteal artery by means of the anastomosis
What is the route of blood in the cruciate anastomosis?
Just remember FILM:
- First perforating of profunda femoris a.
- Inferior gluteal a.
- Lateral femoral circumflex a.
- Medial femoral circumflex a.
How do you see Tredelenburg’s sign?
What is causing it and what m. is primarily affected?
- Someone’s pelvis tilts towards unaffected side while ambulating
- Superior gluteal n. injury, primarily affecting the gluteus medius m.
What mm. are part of the hamgstrings group?
- Semitendonosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps femoris